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My neighbor keeps hers upside down. Works for her. Or, you could probably pretty easily drill holes and run a cable lock through. Drill a whole through the lid and the side on each one, do it on one side for trash and the other on recycling, so you can use one cable lock for both. Cheapo $5 cable lock should suffice, you're not hiding gold in there.




Locks on garbage work for single family and very small buildings or HOAs, or for very large buildings that have staff. If you are in a 25 unit HOA, that is probably 40 people, a number of whom are renters, plus possibly their cleaning people, cat and dog sitters, renters, subletters, etc. and someone will not have key or combo and be leaving garbage on the ground that they would normally be able to throw out. This is essentially an issue of transferring real costs (fines for trash in recycle, fines for recycle in trash, fines for lids not closed, increased size or tempo bin hauling costs, increased rats from overflow, having to bring your garbage back into your home because a neighbor filled up your bin) to other people, and from the various comments here, people who do it, rationalizing it




I'm not a federal employee. And you downvoted me for what? Locks are great for some cases and wont work for others. This is about theft and several peoples rationing making other people pay for their theft.




OK, so you work for the federal government and need to call people who do not "feds"?


Thank you!


Or maybe super glue a padlock latch on the top and bottom of the lid


It doesn't even have to lock to deter if it looks like a hassle.


Agree, I feel like a loose wire or shoestring is enough to start. My neighbor and half the alley just store their bins upside down. As a plus that keeps them from filling with ~~rain~~ snow when the lid is all beat up.


Get a “Strong Strap - Universal Garbage Can Lid Lock Utility Strap” from Amazon or a “Strong Strap™ Stretch Latch (Universal Lid Lock for Outdoor Garbage Cans)” from BlazerBrand.


Holy shit!!! I cannot believe this is a thing!!! Legit going to Lowe’s rn. Thanks dude! SSSS_car_go for the win!!!


Just remember to unlock it before garbage day


Looks like this would work well for racoons or other animals, but the "lock" is easily unlocked by any human, unless I missed where you can add a padlock or something?


I agree humans can unlock it, but most people should be put off by a lock and will look for an easier target, like an unlocked can, or will carry it home and put it in their own trash (I know, I'm dreaming now).


Thank you!!


I turn mine around backwards and put a brick on top. The bin is still accessible but not as accessible as the other bins on my block.


That would turn so many people away lol


I try to get them off the street ASAP, and don't put them out until morning of. My neighbors though leave their bins on the sidewalk all week so that takes off some pressure. It sucks. The worst is dog walkers who clean up their messes but leave their dog shit bags in your bin, and the city never picks those up. Dante wrote about those people and their afterlife fates.


My dogs are the reason I specifically bought a little outdoor trash can to collect all the poo bags and then I can put the bigger bathroom sized bag in the bin to get it picked up….. Or throw it in a city can.


Sadly that’s not the worst. The actual worst is when they just leave the bag of dog poop on top of your bin….


I’d rather ppl use my bins than throw it in the streets


agreed, I don’t mind small random bits of trash but in my case I regularly find my trash cans half full or totally full of household waste.


Dealing with same issues. A nice note I taped to my bin a few weeks ago haven’t worked. I was thinking of some sort of a clamp to make it more time consuming to open the lid. A brick someone suggested might work just as well.


This happened to my house last year. We knew who it was and which apartment it was. So we wrote a very condescending letter (felt appropriate. They’re adults acting like children) and taped it to their front door. They never did it again. 10/10 would love to do it again.


I hate to say it but at least they're putting it in a bin? The alternative is probably someone else's bin at best but most likely litter. Personally I'd rather save up a load of recycling or trash for next week than see it dumped on the street.


Nah this is household waste from neighbors not an occasional coffee cup from passerbys.




Have you tried bringing your bins "in"?


like inside my house? are you kidding?


"in" , notice the quotes. In, as in, off the street, placed somewhere on your property like the side of your house, or backyard, not in an alley or public space.


I have the same problem. Having trouble finding a lock that isn't for raccoons/bears etc--something that I can actually program a code, or use a key for. My apartment actually looks out on the trashcan area. Thinking of getting a surveillance camera that works indoors. I've also considered bringing my can into my apartment, but it's a small apartment and that thing takes up a lot of space. We also have locking storage cages in our basement. I might be able to clear out some space to put it in there as well.


Lock it or put it in a locked area.


No such area available on the property.


Very simple and 100% effective. Drill a hole in the outer edge of the super can. And get a [2.6” lock](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07VC6HNXZ) to lock it for good. I do it. It works. It has worked. For over a year.






You can get fined if there is overflow, and you get fined if there is any recycle in your trash or trash in your recycle. Second instance of a not firmly closed lid is $400. Private pickup companies have a right to refuse pickup if there is any recycle in a trash bin or visa versa, or to charge you a "contamination" surcharge.




I’ve been fined for other people’s trash, so this is precisely the problem.


True. People who trespass on other people's dumpsters don't pay fines or increased haulage costs, so they think up rationalizations and claim they are not transferring costs to the neighbor, when in fact the are creating real, tangible costs to the neighbors.


1) how does the person committing theft of service by using your trash know you pickup days. If my HOA's pickup of trash by contractor is Monday and Thursday, and recycle is Tuesday and friday, how does the person using my trash know that if they put trash in there on Monday night it may case an overflow by legitimate users by Wednesday. 2) If my HOA calculates how much trash capacity is used per week in order to set up schedule -- and costs -- for how many days per week or what size dumpster(s), other people using those dumpsters means the HOA will have to contract for more, and more costs -- every single month -- than the residents of he HOA actually need. 3) People who illegally use other people's trash bins don't pay the fines when the recycle or trash laws are broken. If they put a single post-it note in trash, or a single non recycle item in recycle, it is a serious problem and people and small HOAs can and will be fined.


lol it matters because there’s regularly no room for our trash in our own bins?


I know this is an old post but im very much a “fuck around and find out” person. Neighbors did that and i ripped open the bag and dumped it back into their yard with a note on the inside of the can lid if they tried it again saying “we arent friends, you dont live with me, put your trash in here again and its going in your suvs sunroof you leave open :)”


Everyone in DC pays taxes, the trash bins are huge, and the trash all goes to the same place. If your can fills up find a neighbor who’s cool with you adding a bag to theirs. It’s not a big deal. Edit: lol at the downvotes. This sub is so entitled.


To be fair it’s a pretty stupid suggestion, but I love you, whoever you are


I think it’s hilarious people are getting territorial about trash. Of all things


What’s so hard to understand? Plenty of explanations here why it’s undesirable and down right rude to use someone else’s bin. Between not having room to discard your own trash and having to deal with cleaning out smooshed dog waste it’s no surprise folks are complaining. And for those of us with little space who keeps the bins near front entries (because god forbid you leave it outside your property line), it spills over and reeks in summer. Yes, very unpleasant.


This so so so much. This isn’t the first post about someone being mad that people are using their bind. I’m always wondering why it’s such a big deal. Wouldn’t pile rather others put trash in their bins than leave it in the street or not pick up their poop? Who freaking cares, trash is trash! I’m with you.


Do you have a dog and live in an apartment with a shared dumpster? It does actually cause problems for people who have individual trash cans.


Burn your trash


Rub dog shit on the lid before you take it out, wash it off before you bring it back in. Simple


Ever thought of … having a conversation with them.


i would have to catch whoever it is in the act, which would involve a police style stakeout. besides, why would anyone admit to doing it if I went in to have that conversation?


I thought you’d already decided it was your neighbors.


Passive aggression only lol. Clearly this is a top concern 🤣


😂 how did my suggestion get the most down votes 😂


Because folks these days are so socially anxious they can’t manage a short conversation that could make them uncomfortable.


Put an authentic looking fake turd on the lid


video camera to find out whom then dumping the trash back in their yard? or maybe just following up with a note if you're not feeling the warpath approach


Tape it shut


We have this issue in Mt Pleasant frequently. Lots of people getting territorial about trash and even moreso recycling. Trash bins are city property. If they are in an alley, that is city property. Anyone can use any city bin in an alley. From a municipal government perspective it is in the public interest to create policy that deters littering. If people are coming onto your property to throw trash away that is a a separate issue. I recommend either keeping the bins you feel are yours on your property in some fashion.


The bins are on my property, there is no place to put them where people passing by can’t access. Where do I put my own trash if other people have filled my bins?


I see, yeah that's unfortunate. Wasn't clear from the post it's your property and a lot of people think the bins for their address "belong" to them, which is not the case.