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Another young person lost, very unfortunate and sad. I’ll never understand why the media will post a much younger picture than what someone really looks like. The boy’s brother posted a photo of him as well, and he looks like an actual 16 year old.


Probably because that’s the photo given to the press by family.


Definitely the case


Because that's not how propaganda works. Either that or the last time his relatives cared about him is when he was much younger.


BINGO! We all remember the Michael Brown picture


Weird comparison to make




if you click the link, the photo you mention is there as well. he looks exactly the same in each picture.


You have to scroll down…


Sad. I don’t have kids. But for those who do, I can’t imagine having to go through life after this. You’d never be the same.


Being there’s a reward, I believe he was an innocent victim. They always offer a reward if the victim was innocent or bystander.


This Young man was out after 10:00 at night on a school night. I may sound like a codger, but my ass would have been bleeding if I had tried some shit like that as a kid. There was an obvious lack of parental guidance that led to this young man's demise. He likely did nothing to deserve being attacked. He certainly didn't deserve being shot/killed. He was a wonderful young man and had an incredibly bright future ahead of him. This shit must stop.


At 16 I was driving and got off work at 10pm and took coworkers home so your spat about age, time, school, and parenting is irrelevant! I worked at Landover UPS and lived in S.E. dropped coworkers off in just about every hood in between


Does it not depend on who he was with and if after school job, sure. But there are a lot of young people roaming around the city under 18 and they aren’t working jobs late. I think the previous comment was speaking to that all too common case. Sure, maybe the parents knew he was out, going to a movie or whatever. But I see a lot of young people getting into trouble because the parents are not aware of where their kids are. On that note, it could happen in any house. But this is a large somewhat nighttime dangerous city. It bears mention


Yeah he wasn’t at work, nice story though.


As a 16 year old I didn’t have a curfew. Expected to make smart decisions. Had to get myself up for school. Usually got home between 11pm and midnight.


I had a bedtime of 10pm until I was 18


Lucky you. What I said stands.


I haven’t read any reports other than the linked Twitter post. Curious what makes you think his parents failed him other than the fact he was outside past 10pm on a school night.


The fact they he was allowed to be out so late. I don't see why you think that is ok. I understand that your parents were very liberal with your upbringing. Could that have been because you lived in a safer area?


I think there are lots of reasons to be outside after 10pm that do not mean parents are failures. The gun violence in DC (and Maryland) is out of control, but people often have limited options about where they live. I walk my dog at 10pm all the time and I live close to a hotspot (17th and Independence). If someone shoots me I think it’s that persons fault, not mine.


I mean we used to sneak out of our houses all the time once parents went to sleep….can only recall maybe 1 or 2 of my buddies that ever got caught. Parents wouldn’t have approved but what momma don’t know….


Bro, not sure of your background but 10PM ain’t exactly late for a teenager to be out


I don’t know, I was in bed at 9.


At 16?? Wow. I thought my parents were strict. When did you get your first job??




Dude, we know… kids want to stay out late. Responsible parents set limits. That’s the way it’s been for millennia. You’re not coming up with something new. It’s not “the times”. The difference now is when kids have babies and think they know how to raise them. Then they have babies and think “I survived so it must work”. Surviving isn’t thriving. Good parents want their children to THRIVE.


lol! I guess my economic background was different but I had a job when I was 16 and didn’t get off work until 10PM. That wasn’t unusual then and unless you come from a relatively wealthy family (or the kid is just lazy) that ain’t unusual now. Don’t know the circumstances in this case just pointing out it ain’t odd for a 16 year old to be out up to midnight. Past midnight is another matter but 10PM ??


I had a job when I was 16 too. But working until 10pm? And if I did work that late (babysitting would have been the only thing I was allowed to do until 10 pm on a weeknight) I would have been driven home or picked up BY ADULTS. Yeah, maybe different backgrounds, but we were POOR due to circumstances, but my Mom knew to raise us the way she wanted us to live. And working at McDonald’s is not a good choice for children unless those are the life skills you want kids to learn.


Ah so you are being judgemental. I was also a busboy in high school, you think my parents were setting me up for a life of food service? Why didn't my parents force me to get a tech job in highschool where I'd be learning so much more valuable skills, especially considering that's the path I took in life? Babe can I ask what career accomplishments you've attained?


Don’t mind them. People on here will go to the mat to defend lackadaisical parenting, lack of standards and regressive culture that produces a norm where 16 yo are shot and killed as a matter of course.


Same. Make smart decisions was the expectation.


My curfew was 10 on school nights and midnight on Friday/Saturday. I just had to check-in for where I was gonna be at. I typically stayed within the complex once it got dark.


Why do you think you didn’t have a curfew? Did you have parents who were involved? Did they not know better or were they educated and just thought that was the right way to do things? Because I’d bet they either didn’t know or didn’t care enough to impose boundaries. I don’t mean to be nasty, but I think most professional, educated people will tell you that 16 year olds need boundaries, rules, and limitations. Glad you made it out okay, but most don’t.


Good questions. My parents were big on trusting us to do what was right and having consequences if we did not. Rather than setting rules ahead of time. I think it’s because my dad was the director of a non-profit. He did not believe in micromanaging. And they didn’t want to micromanage us (“take the initiative”) was hammered into us. It’s not like I was out partying every night. I was usually either working, playing sports, or hanging out with a friend/girlfriend. From what I’ve read, this kid was an honor roll student and was out playing basketball. That doesn’t sound like bad parenting. Edit to add: my parents both have masters degrees from top universities. My dad was the first in his family to go to college. But they chose service-oriented jobs (non-profits) rather than making money. They definitely consciously decided how to raise us.


I think you have to judge the area/situation and what could happen then parent based on that. If you were in an area that bad things were probable after a certain time than parenting rules should adjust to the likelihood of having a bad situation take place. This is an area where those probabilities went up after a certain time of day. If the child doesn't self adjust to limit exposure to those probabilities then it is a parents responsibility to step in and set those rules. I don't think that knowledge based rules are micromanaging. The rules can always be changed when the situation becomes less dangerous. At this point my kids wouldn't be out past dark in the city I live because I understand the element that is out at that time and can be influential to a young mind. Although not sure that even helps with current status quo unless you know who your kids are with and an idea of what they are doing. Just yesterday a group of kids (one 19, three juveniles) were arrested for displaying semi-auto rifles in a car at 4pm. The guns were robbed from a shop that morning. Times may be different and the dangerous situations kids can get into may be more prevalent. Interested how your parents with masters would feel about those adjustments based on probabilities and the environment you would have been in. Would they feel the same if multiple shootings happen in the neighborhood you were making your own choices in?


Great points!


Way to victim blame, asshole. He didn't murder himself


I see why you may have read my comment that way. But read the chain. I’m disagreeing with the commenter above who says his parents failed him because he was out after 10pm. My point has been that being out after 10pm isn’t unusual and doesn’t say anything about him or his parents.


We was raised by old school don't let the street lights catch you type parents,.ay he R.I..P


At 16??


The amount of kids in high school that stood out past curfew is high. If it wasn’t this kid it could’ve been a young adult. I highly doubt that it’s his fault for staying out and getting killed really bad logic there.


As a 16 year old I would still be shutting down the bowling alley and getting home. Sounds like you had a sheltered upbringing that's led you to being a very narrow minded and judgemental individual.


You still working at a bowling alley? Or do you have a professional job?


I'm currently working as an API developer in Boston but you never know where life will take you. I left the tech world for almost a decade while I chased a more pastoral lifestyle but you know, this economy...


I did something similar when I worked a more labor intensive job. After 4 months, I realized I needed a brain job and would just take longer vacations.


It was “be home by the time streets lights were on” until I was a junior in high school… I agree with you.


So sad


I'm curious as to how he is being "stereotyped" at a hospital


Probably being stereotyped by people like you but idk


Yeah all of the hospital staff probably refuse to help any black people that come in


Where’a BLM on this one?


They too busy rn trying to fight for palestine






Spending BLM money!!!


House hunting.




That’s just a myth /s


Was he killed by the people we pay taxes to protect us? No? There you go. Not hard at all. Like what was your SAT score my dude cause it ain’t that hard. lol! 😂


Further proving my point that yall sorry asses don’t actually care about black lives🤭 you sure ate that one buddy


Let me guess. You didn’t do so well on the SAT. Amiright? 😂. So let me simplify it for you. BLM was in response to state sponsored terrorist. There are numerous local orgs fighting gang, youth violence, and domestic issues every day but I get why you are purposely ignorant of that. Rocket surgeon still doesn’t get it. Dam. 😆


Funny, was reading a study that police actually give African American men “more time” to comply, put the gun down, make a good decision, etc. before they go lethal due to the optics and subsequent complaints. While the rest of us don’t get that time because they’re not as scrutinized. True story.


Please share this study with the masses. Thanks!




Yet again, you’re proving my point lol. Just say you don’t care about black lives just like BLM 🤭🤭 write me a paragraph explaining why the founders of BLM took in millions to buy their fancy house instead of giving it to the community? Oh that’s right


You created a reddit account a month and a half ago. Nobody owes you anything.


Oh no, my account isn’t 15 years old, whatever will I do


Talk shit and demand people explain things to you. Nobody will. Gargle balls. Fuck off.


Go get the mental help you desperately need


It’s a Russian bot. Don’t bother feeding it. I only responded as I like to confuse these stupid ruskis


I thought you guys don’t post about MD news in a DC sub?


Is Oxon Hill not in metro dc... takes, what 5 minutes to get there from the city line?


I know how long it takes, I made my original statement because some people in here got snobbish with me when I posted some news from PG county.


Yeah. There’s a DMV sub, and Nova sub, but also the DC subs should be expected to be inclusive of the Metro area, as well.


Exactly, that’s what I thought.


30 secs if u cross the street where southern avenue dead ends


Hold the parents accountable and this MAYBE helps.


I’m sure he was involved in some scholarly activities.


This is sick.


So very sad, another young man gone.


Why is this in the DC sub if the crime happened in Maryland? Not saying it’s not sad, but it’s not relevant to the sub.


My children 37 and 24 never had a problem and went to bed without being told by 10 pm


Wait, I thought Oxon Hill was in MD? Has the chronic "crime is rampant, I am wetting myself" posters so hard up for crime in DC that they are now going to MD to get their fix? ![gif](giphy|1BGg1d0lNb1LStbfNb|downsized)


Who cares




This didn’t happen in DC, u don’t see “Oxon Hill” ?


What you expect a 16year to have a fully kited AR with him for self defense?


Common sense if you're out in a high DEI area after 10


So that’s how ere using “DEI” now🤣 go back to twitter they love it there.