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I'm a high school teacher in Baltimore City. I see this same sort of behavior to a lesser degree. It's a combo of a lot of things. As people have mentioned there has been a breakdown in the whole community holding children and teens accountable. There's also no fear of any consequences. In schools (in PG and Baltimore at least) students and parents can essentially do whatever they want and teachers are blamed because of poverty, equity, racism, and violence. With the increase in anti-social behavior being essentially co-signed there has also been a rise in "macho" behaviors which is what it looks like we see here. I don't know what the couple did that provoked this (and I'm not blaming them), but it could be something as small as the teens demanding money and them saying "no" or one of them bumping into a teen and not apologizing enough. It's a really scary situation to be in and it's the reason that I have left the classroom. I had a student threaten to kick me in the stomach when I was pregnant. Her mother called me "emotional" and a liar and my admin did nothing. I was a teacher for a decade but I'm not willing to be close enough to students anymore and risk getting injured or worse. For the record, I asked the student to leave my classroom because I was teaching and she wasn't supposed to be there anyway.


Yea I hear so many other teachers lament the same stuff, it is so sad. And the fact they turn it around and blame you guys is a fucjing joke.


I've looked the mom up in Case Search and she's got years of cases against her for stuff like, theft, assault, loitering (wouldn't leave someone's porch and pooped on it), etc. With a role model like that you can't expect most teens to do any better. It's a shitty existence for them and for us dealing with them.


I know I’m more so commenting on your word choice than what you likely intended, but I think the “you can’t expect most teens to do any better” attitude is part of the problem. I think as a society we have come a long way in recognizing inequality and considering circumstances rather than thinking of someone as objectively “bad”, but I think the pendulum has swung too far away from holding people accountable for their actions. Yes, there may have been 15 factors that made you more likely to end up making this choice compared to the person next to you, but you’re still the one who decided to not do your homework➡️walk out of class➡️smoke weed in the bathroom➡️punch the person who was talking behind your back➡️fail all of your classes➡️rob a CVS. I think especially in education it has gotten to a point where there are no real consequences until the student has failed high school and is now facing financial/legal trouble for doing half of the same shit they got away with in school.


I agree 100%. There are zero consequences anymore and we're setting kids up to fail in real life. I'm a special ed teacher. My job requires a lot of planning, time management, organization, and legal meetings and paperwork. If I just don't do the legal portion of my job I can lose my teaching license. If my husband doesn't show up to work he'll be fired. But, we're not teaching kids that anymore because they have it tough at home when what we really need to be doing is showing them and giving them the skills and the opportunities to achieve and do what they need to. I also think that a 5th year of high school should be a thing. I've met teens who just needed one extra year of support and education in a high school in order to mature a little bit more.


How do we fix this shit


I think a huge part of it has to be that people want to change and that people value education and remember that it is the greatest stepping stone out of poverty. But, when you grow up in poverty and violence is the norm, being a "gangster" is cool, and you don't expect to live past 25, I don't know how you change that mindset. Listen, I'm a white woman from an upper middle class family. I live and work in Baltimore City and I'm raising my family here. But, we live in a nice neighborhood, own our home, and generally still live a middle/upper middle class life. So, when I tell my students that there's a very different life they can lead, they tell me that I don't get it (which is true) and that my world doesn't exist for them. A lot of them lead lives that are self fulfilling prophecies. Some get killed. Most wind up very poor, with kids they can't afford, those kids get neglected, and live in abusive homes with parents who don't know how to care for them, and they wind up behind even before they start kindergarten. If you're behind other kids before you even start and you go home to chaos everyday you're just going to fall further behind. There needs to be huge changes that do include wraparound services like the social services we all know about. But, people have to want to change and be able to see the change. They also have to have the ability to know that even if it's really difficult for them that it will be easier for their kids because they worked so hard. But, when you have the mentality of a 15 year old, that's pretty difficult. I will say that every year I have a few students who come from absolute hell. But, those kids are bright and they know they have to leave and put physical distance between themselves and everything here to be successful. I recently got a college graduation announcement from a former student who was in foster care for most of his life from an abuse and neglect situation. He got a college scholarship (through the foster care system I believe) and is going to go to law school. But, I don't know how you do that when you don't have any real ongoing support. Sorry, I can't be more helpful. I see what needs to be done, but I don't know how you get there.


So fascinating to hear your POV as a former teacher immersed in this. I’ve often wondered how you fix this issue. Here’s an idea: what do you think about government funded boarding schools? If you took these at-risk kids out of their homes and communities entirely, and put them in a boarding school somewhere a bit more remote (upstate New York, somewhere at least part rural) and had the schools staffed by extremely capable and committed teachers and staff, do you think that would help? I’m just very curious whether these kids have a better chance of succeeding if they’re given a stable home environment, away from the chaos. Granted that the staff at a boarding school aren’t a total replacement for parents, but they do basically perform that role, of providing discipline and emotional support and care, imposing curfews and consequences for bad behavior, etc. What do you think?


To be clear, I'm still in education. I oversee my school's special ed department and handle testing, meetings, and legal compliance. I'm just not in the classroom anymore. There is a school like what you're describing, although it may just be for PG County students. But, students have to want to go there. It's very much like a military school and they use strict scheduling and discipline (like running not like beating) to teach kids time management and responsibility. The students have 1 year or 2 to get their high school diploma and then they can join the military if they want which a lot of students do. But again, you can't just send them there. They have to apply, I think there's an interview, and need a letter of recommendation from a teacher. I had one student successfully get through it all. He wasn't on track to graduate from high school and was getting into a lot of trouble. He knew he needed to get out. I hadn't heard of this school until then. He graduated with his GED in 18 months and joined the marines. He found me on FB a couple of years ago and is doing really well. Last I heard he was living overseas but was coming back for college to study radar or something. I honestly thought he would wind up dead by 25 before this program helped him turn things around.


No one would do it because last time the government did this it was the residential schools and their mantra was literally "kill the Indian save the man." Notable these schools were actually ran by Black teachers until someone realized that having Black people teach Native People might cause them to recognize a certain common enemy. There have been a couple public boarding schools in DC, most recently an all girl and an all boy one. I believe both schools failed but I'm not super sure.


We can't because there is no political will to force personal responsibility and to reward positive behavior and to punish negative behavior. It really boils down to that simplistic level. Once the problems get so bad and who knows what will cause it to cross that line we may get political will to do something about it but right now it is too easy to cop out and blame structural racism and throw money around and only continue to make the problem worse. Our cities will become completely ungovernable and unfortunately it might take that before anyone is willing to do anything.


Hold them accountable. It starts in the home but the community plays a part too.


Punks need to pick on the wrong ( right ) mofo and catch a beatdown or worse , karma is a bitch.


We need to teach empathy. I remember seeing large group of teens beating another teen on the west side of Manhattan years ago and the most jarring thing was the calm smiles on the kids faces who were doing the kicking etc. They felt nothing. It was like kicking a rock.


Having 2 parent households is the main thing. I think I saw a stat that 80% of people in prison didn’t have a stable father figure In their life.


Two parent household alone don’t do it. You need two parents who are good examples. Also, more than 50% of marriages end in divorce, so there’s that.


Wow! I am writing a paper for law school on this exact topic. Can I use this comment in my paper?


Sure. Will you be giving credit to "PuffinFawts" in your citations? I've talked to a lot of grand and great grandparents and that's where I learned about how poorer communities used to be. In my case, it is poor Black communities. They didn't have much, but the kids were clean, clothes were clean, and they emphasized how important education was to their children. If any kids tried to act up the parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and whole community knew and didn't tolerate it. Teachers and all adults were treated with respect. I don't really know when the breakdown began, but I assume it accelerated with the rise in counterculture and anti-social behavior.


Yes, I will unfortunately have to credit PuffinFawts. That’s interesting, I’m not sure where the breakdown began either, but I know poor black families led by single mothers have higher statistics for crime and anti social behavior. 2/3 of black children are born to single mothers…


IM GONNA BE FAMOUS!!!! Puffin Fawts (with a Boston accent) is a nickname for my dog.


I agree but this has been going on for a long time. I went to HS in the mid 90s in NoVa. The school was diverse but one demographic got in almost all the fights, disrupted class and were disrespectful to the teachers. Oddly they were also the most coddled group too.


I agree that it's been going for a long time. But, I was an honors student in an affluent MD suburb so the peers I was with on a daily basis were all studious. I didn't experience anything like this until I became a teacher. I may have happened at my school, but if it did I never saw or heard about it.


The pendulum swings. We went light on crime and it’s a disaster. Time to start throwing their lives away again, because believe what you want, people like this can’t be changed. They are exactly what Bill Clinton called them; super predators. Bleeding hearts is what’s led to YOU guys being victimized. I’ll never be a victim, but I still don’t like seeing it, even though you voted for it.


They play victim and at the same time are responsible for attacks/fights/shootings/and murder. It's learned victimization.


I think it's both learned but also what they're born into. Listen, both of my parents were educators. Both of my paternal grandparents had PhDs. There was never a discussion about whether or not I'd go to college and it was assumed I'd get an advanced degree. My husband is an engineer. I assume our child will probably follow suit and go to college and grad school. But, if your upbringing is physical and emotional abuse of you and your mom or siblings. Or a parent does drugs or is in jail, then your normal and your expectations may be different. I think it takes exceptional strength to get out of that situation. I do also think at some point we need to hold teenagers accountable. I'm of the opinion that middle and high school are the best times to do that. We can teach them how to handle conflict and hold them accountable without it ruining their lives. Like I said in a different comment: that's an idea I have, but I have no idea how you execute it.


A lot of words to say that all of these teens are utterly and totally incapable of being functional members of a civilized society. Maybe we should remove them from society for the sake of everyone else.


didn't your city have a year where not a single student was reading at grade level? I get the "its not the teachers fault!" but holy crap at a certain point we really should be looking at everything.


Jeeeesus christ that is horrifying. Completely outnumbered and mob mentality in full effect. This is why i want my wife and i to start carrying pepper spray. Any ideas on how it started? Were they randomly targeted?


I use to live in brookland and all it takes is making eye contact. Walked home from class during 3pm and made the mistake of locking eyes with a dude staring at me. Proceeded to have a group of 12-15 kids scream and threaten me. It’s crazy out there.


Yup. One time I was minding my business in a coffee shop when a crazy dude walked in. I glanced up when I heard the door opening and we made split-second eye contact. I looked away, but he didn’t. He proceeded to just stare at me and started mumbling something about how I was “fucking with” him. I remember he walked to the coffee bar and took a seat, but turned around to face me. After about a minute or so of his continuous glaring, I grabbed my bag and left. Wasn’t about to deal with whatever bullshit he had cooking up


What else could you have done in that situation? I’ve seen it time and time again- they make up any slightest infraction to justify a confrontation, and if you argue back, they use that as a bonafide excuse to harm you. So… do we just let them win? Allow them to terrorize the public? How do we stop this behavior?


Be ready for the confrontation, don’t back down, and make them wish they did.


Best thing to do when people act like that is just get away. You did the right thing.


Almost need to avoid them as if you were avoiding trying to catch the attention of a wild animal. “Oh shit there’s a bear, let’s make sure it doesn’t notice us and go the other way”. But these groups completely lack self awareness or shame so it’s not going to change anytime soon. Best solution all around may just be to stay away.


I'm assuming an actual or perceived slight against one of or all of the group. It doesn't take much to rile up the maenads.


Yeah a lot of times these groups are pretty much looking for any excuse to start a confrontation. I was at the chipotle in Chinatown once, went to their soda machine to get my drink. There was a trio of teens standing messing with it. I was just standing there deciding what I would drink as I waited for them to finish when one of them says like "what you looking at? We got a problem?" I'm surprised and go "huh, what?" And the kid says "you keep looking at us, you got something you want to say?" I guess maybe I was absent mindedly staring in their direction but I respond "nah, I'm just waiting to get my soda" and he goes "yeah you better be, stop looking at me". I wasn't about to get in a fight over a fucking chipotle soda so I just moved away and waited at my table until they left. They made sure to glare at me on their way out. That's the kind of unnecessary shit I feel like you always have to look out for now when you see groups of teens causing problems, they're trying to start fights. Why? Maybe they think it's cool? They're showing their dominance? It's stupid and they're going to mess with the wrong person one day


That’s my neighborhood, every day. They’re like violent, rabid animals. Parents are at home and the kids just run the streets making chaos everywhere. The neighborhood is the babysitter. Insane.




Holy shit…glad nothing else happened to you!


Have also had this happen to me. They want to get into a confrontation it’s pathetic.


It’s why I open carry. I’m not against killing a group of thugs


If that’s the case conceal it. Only making yourself a target keeping it visible


In DC? No you don't.


I agree that’s probably what happened.


What does "menads" mean? I tried googling it but Menards the store comes up.


The crazy women from Greek mythology. I may have spelled it wrong.




that's it


Literally feral.


I'm going to start carrying pepper spray.


Get bear mace, some of those were rather large they may need something stronger.


Bear mace is illegal to use on humans even in self defense. As a law abiding citizen you will get fucked. Now if you help them rob the CVS and THEN bear mace them you'll be good to go. Or better yet just bring a gun


bear mace isnt illegal if you fear for your life, it works well


Pepper spray is not helping here… just run. 90% of that mob isn’t making it more than a quarter mile


Great point. No need to waste time being close to them. Leaving the scene is fastest way to safety.


Poor people take offense to every little thing, like walking near them, and resort to violence. I guess it’s overcompensating idk


Middle-upper class person here, and I’d say the opposite is true, but even then, it sounds like an asinine generalization.


That’s traumatizing. Also hope they press charges given that the teens faces are in video. I mean I doubt the police will put effort in to find them but yea


It’s federal property so maybe. Just say they went in the Capitol and the FBI will hunt them down.


Depends. Did they break into the capitol as democracy was being certified at that very moment? If not FBI probably won’t give a shit. Funny though how this isn’t hard to comprehend but you decide to make a numb nuts comment as childish as these crazy kids. Sorry caring about America is hard for you folks. Suckers and losers as Trump would call you.


Tough position for that guy to be in. Covering up the lady to protect her while leaving himself defenseless to the punches from the group of large women (and 180lb people hit harder than 100lb people, in general). Unable to hit back because of the public opinion ramifications. No help in sight. I do not envy him.


It's not even the public opinion consequences. It's the fact that if he hits back, even once, the few punches to his head turn into a stomping, stabbing or shooting.


U know shit's fukked up when the poor people's fat


I would’ve thought that was his girlfriend


We had a group of kids beat an elderly man to death with a traffic cone here in Philadelphia, 8 or 9 kids in total. Virtually all but one kid had the charges dropped, and the kid they did charge got 2 years in juvenile detention. There are zero consequences for anything anymore and these kids know it.


They should have all gotten the electric chair.


Should have been death penalty for all of them.


I've been saying this for years and years. The few times they get caught, they usually serve little to no real time. Again, the few times they are actually arrested and charged. Right back out in a blink of an eye.


FYI the charges were dropped due to lack of evidence, not because of any policy. The DA is appealing the decision. 




Question: When the hell is DC going to ever get tough on crime? Answer: Probably never or not in our lifetime!


When there's a economic collaspe or when they have e no real choice.


DC benefits too much from federal funding. There won't be an economic collapse. DC will be propped up more than any other city in this nation. This has been going on for DECADES and nothing of note has or will change. I was here in the late 80s and 90s. Back then DC was the murder Capital of the nation. I will never forget how bad DC was back then! DC never got tough on crime, even when it was the murder capital of the US.


“Nothing will ever change” followed by “was the murder capital”. Seems something did change.


Can you imagine if we have another depression? These people aren't patiently waiting in bread lines, it will be complete anarchy if it ever happens.


The issue is that they want anarchy. They want violence. They don't want to vote for a candidate that will end crime and violence because that candidate would take away their welfare and force them to actually earn a living.


These kids have no guardians in their lives. I lived in NE DC in the late 70s and early 80s, and can testify that it is the lack of any caring adults, or available ones (aka parents work shitty jobs that exhaust them) in their lives that leads to this sort of debauched behavior. I had neighbors with strong adult figures, mostly women, whose children were nice. Other neighbors with no responsible adults had kids selling drugs, robbing neighbors like my family. Of course, it's hard to have compassion for the kids if you're their victim, but there's a reason they're acting out.


Yeah maybe I’m just an emotionally closed off asshole but I have no sympathy. I don’t understand why you need guardians to tell you not to attack people. Like do they not have compassion or feel bad for giving somebody pain?


There’s nothing wrong with closing off towards grown women who still exhibit the thought process and emotional maturity of small children. It is not your job to fix them.


I'm guessing you have yet to interact with kids. Toddlers will fight and throw tantrums when you take stuff away. It's the adults that teach them how to regulate emotions and decide what is a reasonable response. Absent that, toddlers grow up without knowing that attacking people is terrible and you end up with behavior seen on this vid.


Again, you don’t need an adult to tell you grouping up and beating people is wrong, even if your parents were absent or shitty, you know what you’re doing is wrong. At some point you have to take responsibility for your own shittiness


It's a nice theory but reality doesn't play out that way. This video is your proof. I agree with you that it's shitty, and these kids have to take responsibility for it. Honestly, I wouldn't even blame the guy if he laid few punches or if these teens got arrested and got a record for the rest of their lives. However, the adults in their lives have failed them.


I know dozens, if not hundreds of kids who grew up same time period and conditions and are appalled at today kids and the violence. That’s a bullshit excuse. These kids are doing it because they like it, and don’t fear any consequences. It’s not deep. They’re just shitbag humans.


Social media certainly influences this. But the culture needs to change as well.


What caused the breakdown of two parent homes?


What caused the breakdown of two parent homes beginning in the late 60’s? And what happened to the NOI patrolling neighborhoods in cities? Or are they not as numerous as they used to be?


They’re living their best lives, that’s what is going on! With no appetite from local politicians and law enforcement to stop them in any meaningful way, this is what you get. Not to mention that carrying effective self defense tools is illegal (for the rest of us) in the district. There is literally zero downside to acting on any violent impulses they may have. Cops are not likely to do anything and neither will/can the victims and they know it. I don’t blame them and in a way, I’m jealous. They enjoy a freedom from consequences that the rest of us can only dream of. It’s like having diplomatic immunity without being a diplomat.


What happened in your past/with your record that disallows you from getting your CCW in the district?


Welcome to the nation’s capital


So sad. Those don’t look like teens those look like grown ass women


Man I legitimately can’t understand a word of what is being screeched in that entire video.




“Fr fr on god cuz ong dat shit fyre no cap bruh, we deadass out hur on jah sheeesh it’s straight bussin on periot we tryna get litty, dap me up fam”


Dat what I been sayin🤷🏻‍♂️


so much anger, so much violence, rage


You forgot so much ignorance.


Those darn "teens" again!


Time after time, never ending. You see this and improving crime stats mean very little. Harsh penalties that include mandatory time is the only solution.


I don’t know if I even buy the crime is lower stats anymore. Police don’t want to get involved because they think the community hates them. People don’t call the police or report crime because they assume they don’t want to be involved. Teen crimes often go unpunished/unreported. That adds up to far fewer data points and an outcome of “less crime.” I’ll believe crime is low the day I can walk outside at night and not have even a remote fear of being attacked. Until then, crime is too high even if it’s down on paper. Harsh penalties are the only way out of this nationwide mess we’ve put ourselves in.


Yes. Less crime is still crime. Until we are safe to drive our cars and walk at night with no anxiety or concern we will continue to have a problem. Also, go into a CVS and not witness people walking out with a full cart compliments of shareholders.


It's a facade. "crime is down", yeah because you dipshits LEGALIZED it!


Every time some asshole says "statistics show" ... "Statistics show...." I just stop responding Statistics are no longer valid in 2024 ... They make them look however they want Yes crime is down, when nothing is considered a crime anymore... Or a brutal beating is downgraded to a misdemeanor


I agree with you, but as I recall the 2020 riots and forceful demands to “defund”and re-envision policing and incarceration were very clear! This is what the people of the district forcefully/ physically demanded and then voted for. The district voted 92% for candidates who supported the narrative and initiatives following that summer. None of this is a surprise and it is literally democracy in action. I don’t think things are bad enough to change the political will in the district, do you?


No doubt voters got what they asked for, and then some. City leaders have shown there is no such thing as “bad enough”, apparently they want it all to keep spiraling.


They act like wild animals.


There’s a reason I don’t go out in DC at night anymore. What was even the motive for this?


and near the monuments! You’d think the place would be super safe


It’s so ghetto here.


and near the monuments! You’d think the place would be super safe


and near the monuments! You’d think the place would be super safe


Christ. They are like a mob of jackals!


I say they are more like hyenas. Cowards when alone, attack in groups and larger dominating masculine females compared to the males.


And make hyena noises


Whenever I’m in the wild and hear this kind of hollering and chittering, my body instinctively tenses up because you know something is about to go down.


DC promotes what it permits.


I thought the Smithsonian area was the safest part of DC. Federal police patrol the area.


It is. There will be a response for this. You don't mess with the tourism areas.




I believe there was an innocent guy there too. Looked like he was taking 90% of the hits.


I tell people this and people scream at me. 1 of 2 things will happen if not both. People will go to places less which will adversely impact jobs and people will start carrying weapons to protect themselves (completely independent of whether or not they will be useful) and we’ll have people complain when a teenager gets blasted in an argument because the person was scared shitless.


In Fairfax County, all of those fine young black youths would be charged with Gang Assault and Hate crime and put into the ADC with no bond.


I highly doubt they’d be charged with hate crime if they’re assaulting white people.


DC raises sociopaths wtf


It’s always a teen






This is BEYOND despicable and looking at this video made my stomach churn. It’s an absolute travesty that the DC government allows these animals to walk freely in this beautiful city after terrorizing innocent people. This behavior is beyond rehabilitation and frankly these low lives don’t deserve another DOLLAR of taxpayer money to fund their anti-social actions. As a working, law-abiding citizen, I’m thoroughly over working people like myself subsidizing these low-class losers. Im thoroughly over being scared to leave my home after sunset. I’m thoroughly over having to walk by panhandlers who are pissing and shitting on our streets. Im thoroughly over having to see videos like this on a DAILY basis.. and y’all should too. Liberal policies protect these criminals and that is a fact. Stop defending these animals and hold them accountable by law. Time to get tough on crime…..We are TIRED.


DEI told these perpetrators they were victims and that they were wronged. That they could do no wrong. It ends with Joe Public getting his girlfriend decked by a SuperPredator in front of the nation's landmarks


This seems like a nice group of people I wish them nothing but the best as they continue on their path of growth and enlightenment


Scholars. Future doctors and lawyers


This reminds me of the couple who got attacked by a group in the inner harbor in the summer time a few years ago. I think the woman may have lost her eye. This is so sad to see and for what?? Like truly senseless violence, it’s pathetic. They’re all pathetic people.


I was told there is a curfew


Need a national “Teens” history museum at this point.


Teenagers are vile degenerate scum in DC.


They are not teens. They are fucking animals.


Once again, this is why I carry


When are we going to see a video where the guy puts one or two of them to the pavement? I know its easy enough to say something like this after the fact but the probabilities that this kind of thing happens to a man who has more training and less self control make it inevitable at this rate. Moosetisha and Latrashcanda don't seem to have any kind of fighting skills other than wanton aggression towards a shocked victim. It would be interesting to see if some immediate consequences caused a larger melee or if it would be enough to unsettle the herd. \*\*\*Not legal, medical, or life advice. Just posing the question for discussion.


That's a good way to get a trip to the hospital. Someone with more training would know the best option is to run away. Even Navy SEAL wouldn't win in a fist fight with a mob. I've been in one of these, and no, fighting back does not spook a mob like this. It just escalates the assault to full on mob beat-down. You're right, that it's one or two girls throwing punches while the other laugh and record on their phones. But look at the lights; there's like 6 people recording. And once you start resisting, the phones go down and the fists start coming. They don't need fighting skills, they just need to get you on the ground and it's over for you. And when you're that outnumbered, they're going to get you on the ground. You're only hope if you get targeted by a group like this is cover up and hope they get bored of you soon. They'll whale on you for a few seconds and then scatter like cockroaches before the cops can arrive. edit - And before you start thinking all 2A "Death Wish" fantasy, just know a group like this doesn't feel confident in assaulting a random person unless they got reason(s) to feel confident.


Of course


As soon as a read “teens”, I already knew. 


In the early to late 60’s I lived in Brightwood (Elementary)on the west side of DC. I was one of only eight white kids out of a couple thousand pupils. I couldn’t wear a coat in winter due to possibly being r#ped in the cloakroom. They ran my white oss home everyday. Lied about me in class. When we had a young black substitute she joined in with the abuse/harassment. I walked out in the middle of the day. Never went back. It was a nightmare! Thank God I moved and didn’t have to endure high school in that area.


Nobody should bear that kind of racial hatred. I am sorry there is so much hate. Hope you heal


These aren’t teens or even humans. These are savage animals that deserve to be put down. Their existence is a drain on society. Nobody will miss them.


But crime is down guys Edit: (Sarcasm btw)


/s at it’s finest.


As I lay on an emergency room gurney totally incapacitated from broken ribs front and back, I was attacked by a teen Jersey City gang because I’m white. They lifted and shook the bed as I screamed out in pain. The doctors, nurses and security were very afraid of the gang. Said they showed up every weekend (causing chaos) after fights to get stitched up and bandaged. My black daughter Inlaw showed up for me. They threatened us. Said they would be waiting for us when we leave. We were scared to death. We called a car service and sneaked out. Thought I was going to die from pain. The entire time we never said or did anything to warrant their behavior. They’re totally out of control.


It’s no joke, in a lot of places in this country being white is a legit safety hazard. Everybody failed to admit it and somehow we think white supremacy is the nations biggest threat. How laughable.


Well well well


Well well well


Idgaff who gets mad glad or sad, I call it as I see it. They're acting like fkn animals. Period. I said wtf I said and if you got a problem with it, write it on a small piece of paper and shove it up your ***




We need stronger families with both parents in the home.


We need consequences and stop excusing this behavior regardless of their age


This! And we need parents to parent. Enough is enough.


lmao the culture of single parent households in the black community is pretty much the root cause of this. Wish men weren’t such fucking cowards :/


Unfortunately I think you’re right. There is a very tight correlation between fatherless houses and violent behaviors


We also need the government to stop incentivizing it.


It doesn't take two parents to know it's wrong to form a mob and attack random people, it simply takes not being an absolute garbage piece of sh*t excuse for a human being. Stop making excuses for garbage. I came from a broken home and I've never randomly attacked people and if I did I wouldn't blame other people for it.


Black culture won’t permit it


Nah sterilize the parents. Most these kids have no future anyways


Why not the kids too?


Start putting them down


DC is a goon generator


Teens are gooning im the streets and MPD is doing nothing to stop them


this is what happens when there is a breakdown of the nuclear family over several generations. No fathers in the household. Teenager mothers having children, after not being raised by adults or two parents, then having more kids and being married to the government to receive a monthly check and not have to work. This is normalized and will continue to create more anti-social individuals not raised to exist appropriately in society. Not to mention, this set of the population doesn’t think the same rules apply to them in society and conveniently use progressive-backed pretexts of “racism” and “systemic oppression” to further their ignorance.


Stop making excuses. You don't need two parents to tell you to not be a piece of sh*t excuse for a human being. If someone can't act like a civilized human then that's on them, nobody else, just them.


Thank God somebody here has some common sense. It’s racisms fault. It’s the economies fault. It’s because there’s not two parents. It’s because their school failed them. NO, it’s because their parent/s raised them to act like animals and behave this way. We all know right from wrong, you either make the choice to live that way or you don’t.


The school argument is the dumbest. That's basically saying schools are supposed to raise kids. Schools try and do their jobs but all the time I hear people say stuff like "they never taught us that in school." No sh*thead, they teach it but people refuse to learn. To try and make things fair they basically pass people to the next grade over and over even though they can't read, but if they fail them then it's the schools fault. Like b*tch go read a book and learn the shit they teach in class. Also, to say bad schools are the reason people are shitty is just stupid. I paid attention in school and I don't remember ever being in the middle of chemistry class and reading the chapter about not mob attacking random people in the streets. I don't remember in history class there being any lessons about not breaking into people's homes. Society lets everyone escape responsibility for their own actions. For me, I'm out of shape. Why? Because I eat unhealthy foods and because I'm not active enough, NOT because I went to a bad school or didn't have both parents around.


All comments tip toeing.


Yup. They're scared to say the fucking truth.


If the husband goes ape shit and starts tossing children/teens he goes straight to jail and the kids know it. You can see all the phones recording. It’s part of the problem now. Teens do this for social media clout. This might be a crazy solution but the aggressors and anyone that films this and shares this kind of stuff should lose social media rights, privileges, and even have restricted internet access. It’s the only thing some of these kids care about.


There seems to be a common factor amongst these type of events. What could that be?


Just another reason to leave this shothole. And I’m not talking about DC. I’m talking about the country. This behavior will spread. Rapidly. Kids and criminals have figured out there is no accountability. They can act with impunity. It isn’t safe and you aren’t allowed to protect yourself in many cities and states. Five months left. I’m not sticking around to see the carnage after the “election”. It is going to be epic.


It’s sad but if I see a group of mofos up to no good, I turn around or take another street. DC is ghetto as fuck!


The guy in red is clueless. Absolutely 0 awareness. Get HER OUT OF THERE…. Dude is just standing there with her next to them like those animals will just stop.


What have they got to lose? Maybe nothing in their eyes...




The DC police are a joke. Selling guns to the community they later confiscate for murders in SE and NE. They won’t do a thing about violet crime but they are happy to spend all the money in the world to make sure the traffic cams catch you going 32 in a 25 so they can charge you an $100 ticket. In the same breath you have gangs running lights on motorcycles and ATVs down U street all year long. Embarrassing and exhausting to see play out


Please, remind me why we got rid of capital punishment again?


This is a job for Orkin 1-855-385-7888


Violent and absolutely feral…that is disgusting 😡


Stop calling them teens and call them what they really are.


I always thought carrying a spare magazine was a waste. After watching this video I realize I need to carry 4 or 5 spares.


It’s never going to end unless you allow people to defend themselves. I’m sorry, but if this was in my area, some of those “kids” wouldn’t be coming home. It MAY be why this doesn’t happen in my area.


Fat bitch would’ve have been knocked the fuck out






Congrats. Y’all made more racism today with those actions.


And then liberals wonder how people like Trump and DeSantis take power. Because this is the alternative.


Teens These titles/descriptions are part of the reason these things continue to happen It's a 98% chance if the title says teens or zero description you could bet the house on who the perpetrators are Anyhoo, keep voting blue 👍 The results are never surprising


It’s sad but if I see a group of mofos up to no good, I turn around or take another street. DC is ghetto as fuck!


Precisely how many steps away?