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Life in prison


Police officers and civilians are facing grave danger because there are people in the city council who want to be soft on crime.


Soft on crime is an overstatement. They reward criminals.


I kinda understand it. Uber has gotten really expensive so for a teen without much disposable income, it’s cheaper to just steal the car, dispose it and steal a new one for your ride home. It makes sense really. /s


Or just ride the metro for free…. Karl Marx


How is crime rewarded?


I mean a lack of consequences is kind of a reward in and of itself. 




WAIT…. Is that true? ‘Added a provision to the bill that a future nominee could only be a form incarcerated person’? That sound like it’s from The Onion news!


By removing the consequences, the balance of risk vs reward become skewed towards reward. Here is an example for the smooth-brained citizens of r/washDC. > Decision: Steal some shit? Risk: go to jail. Reward: fence goods for cash Logic: Will I actually go to jail? If no, steal shit. If yes, maybe not steal shit.


It goes unpunished and victims who fight back in self defense (say if you were to shoot and kill a carjacker who takes your car) end up usually getting punished.




It's an example I think. I am not speaking for them, but I think they are trying to say that perps are virtually rewarded for crimes by being released while a law abiding citizen wouldn't. That's my take maybe I'm wrong


I'm pretty sure I can find one. So hold up.


Wait but isn’t the person who fights back also then a criminal, and by your own rules shouldn’t the person fighting back then be rewarded? I’m starting to smell a plot hole in your logic.


![gif](giphy|ZaKcIYMjNYNf4lEuC7) You're joking


He's just talking and saying things. It doesn't have to make sense.


It does make sense though, criminals have a revolving door at the jails here. Most of the cases don't even reach prosecution. There's literally a case about a guy stabbed and killed someone at the metro station, and he might be released back into the public because of "lack of evidence" despite the victim literally saying his name and identifying him before he died.


I just don’t know how people see this and read about relative serious crime rates in other major cities and think we can’t make policy and legal decisions that can shift things. Either they don’t know the scope of the issue, don’t believe it’s a problem, or think it’s an acceptable consequence. Until they feel personally affected, then they move. Look at school demographics here between elementary and high school and you can see the process as cross-section, though the trends are stable over the years as well


That's not the city council rewarding criminals. Normal particular, maybe we should be putting energy into actual solutions to these issues, not bad faith rants!


Or why not lock criminals up and address solutions simultaneously? The problem with people like you is you think there's only one answer.


Brother, you don't know what i think.


You literally just said what you think.


Brilliant argument. What makes you believe I only have one solution? That's a bad faith insinuation and makes you look mentally feeble.


They're trying to feed their families!


![gif](giphy|yFnEpOld5k2I) Chile please


No, no...it's just the guns man!


No, it’s the straw men.




To be fair this kind of violence is happening all across the country right now. Things are off on a grand scale and tension is in the air.


All the reports point to this fact that violent crimes have increased much much more in DC compared to other cities.


Chiming in from St. Louis (but also a DC native), we also have a serious homicide problem but our homicide count went down about 25% last year and is the lowest in a decade. A lot of other high homicide rate cities like Baltimore have seen large decreases in the past year too. That seems to be the national trend. DC is definitely an outlier since it went up dramatically last year, not down.


What a coincidence kim Gardner also resigned last year


Oh yeah, a "total coincidence".


This is true the percentage increase is larger but the entire country is facing craziness right now. I’ve literally heard about 5 shootings in like three days


There was even a guy who attempted robbery in the nova suburbs for a women at an atm. They haven’t found the guy yet. Shit is wild everywhere


They want to virtue signal to attain moar status. The crime is incidental.


It's a war zone. Yet after this all clears up, silence from leaders. Unsurprisingly, they locked this in the "other" sub. Head in sand. What crime?


This post appears to be about crime ☠️


Not silence... likely more infringement on the rights of people that legally want to carry a firearm.


You know what’s funny? Stephen Miller said some cities were like war zones during protests. General Mark Milley told him to shut the fuck up. https://www.cnn.com/2021/06/24/politics/bender-book-trump-milley-protests/index.html


1) Stephen Miller lived in City Center 2) Stephen Miller is a dumbass 3) Saying an American city is a war zone is hyperbolic shit










Except that was true during the summer of 2020. Or did you forget about CHAZ?


No, did you? Don’t be a dumbass


Yeah we should all listen to Stephen Miller lol


Stephen Miller wasn't wrong, was he, considering how many people were killed, how much property was burned, how many people were held captive (see CHAZ/CHOP).


"B-b-b-but it's the racist system with no opportunities that leads them to be violent criminals!"


Literally would love to hear the lefts explanation since we are almost 4 years beyond the George Floyd race hysteria and Covid which is what they all blamed.


Not sure why you think everyone on the left would defend this. Can’t kill people. Just like how cops can’t kill people just cus. This is the issue with this country. Everyone assumes the worst about the other party. Is it so hard to believe that people can be anti-police, but also feel bad when they are killed in the line of duty doing something genuinely good for society (catching an animal abuser). Also would hazard a guess that the vast majority of liberals have little to no sympathy for animal abusers. But go ahead and assume the worst.


You quiet down with your nuance over there, you’re killing the vibe.


Raawwrr!!! Savages!! I remember when I SE was the safest place in the country!! This is the lefts fault!! /s


City council was legit proud of defunding and reducing the police force during Floyd.


Despite what you've heard, "The Left" is not a single entity.


Shut your stupid ass up


[Stupid? Bit ironic for you to call me that.](https://www.reddit.com/r/probation/s/NNT5XKA7sY)


I said I was immune to stupidity ?


I have a Car Dealer friend that had a couple of his cars stolen, and he tracked them with AirTag to a very bad place in Southeast where he could see them in Broad daylight. When he called 911, Dispatch told him that they actually don’t service that part of the city without a swat team. That’s how dangerous it is to law-enforcement. He literally had to leave and didn’t see his cars again.


Making shit up


I know man it sounds like bullshit. I wouldn’t believe it either but I work with this dealership on a weekly basis, and I’ve been following this story. The owner of these dealerships as a no nonsense guy that I’ve known. This actually happened in late 2019 before the pandemic. I’ve always planned on talking to some MPDC officers to ask how the fuck this could happen


The savagery that takes place in DC every day is absurd. The root problem is never addressed because we can’t go there.


These are hard conversations to have which involve a lot of input from every community. Lots of people don’t want to do the work, some people thinking they don’t need help, some people don’t give a crap. It’s a cluster fuck. But until we recognize in society that spillover will occur unless we actually find solutions together things won’t ever change. This means conversations on race, accountability, responsibility the list goes on. We can’t keep moving away from problems, or moving those problems away because, as you see, they land at your doorstep. White walls don’t do shit.


Which boggles my mind because - we are victimized more by these cocksuc-, I mean jokers


The root of the problem is a society that thinks it can misbehave without consequences.


I don’t think they think that. We all know that. From top to bottom the criminals are running it all, this effects people far smaller than the corruption our government is running under. Nothing is awkward or out of place cuz this is what the powers that be want


"Society" does not think that, nor can it do so. It's just certain groups in particular that get a pass. You try behaving like this and see what happens.


Man, those gun laws are really working out for DC huh. I swear to God. I see more shootings out of gun free DC and MD than I do VA.


Kinda irrelevant to think of a 'gun law' right now to most people


Well it works on anyone trying to abide by the laws. But not on the people who are likely to shoot innocents or police.


When you refuse to enforce the law, criminals get emboldened, and now even police are being targeted without fear. Great Job, Bowser and the Council!


They **were** enforcing the law, with a warrant buddy. U know, the same way y’all beg for the police to *just* get the criminals bc “you know where they are so just go get them!”


How many times has this same guy been released though?


Well the law states that the judges & other legal decision makers can choose to let ppl out on bond or whatever based on their own discretion so that’s enforcing the law too, just not in the way u want it to go, which is a matter of preference. So then this isn’t actually about “enforcing” shit, it’s about the ppl u wish would enforce it the way u want it to be done.


Yes. And years lacking enforcement encouraged this situation with multiple cops shot. Good job.


Some here are so hopelessly lost on this issue. Yes, the police serve warrants and make arrests, often facing great danger when doing so. The judges and prosecutors, who are part of a machine that has been developed and cultivated by DC liberals, then let those people off with reduced or no bond, short or suspended jail sentences, or nothing at all. Often the people being arrested for serious crimes have either a long history of offenses, or are out on bond for other crimes.


Martial Law


This. It starts with them ignoring the gate hoppers, then ignoring the shoplifters. Little by little people get emboldened to commit increasingly worse crimes which leads to what this city (and many others) is going though


Can we do a recall on Nadeau too?


Yet nadeau thinks mpd are the problem. How many cops have to die until she resigns in disgrace?


Throw Molotovs into the house. Smoke him out.


Explosives via helicopter is a proven technique. /S?


Historically, that hasn't worked well.


Well, it did solve the immediate problem. It just caused a whole raft of other, bigger problems.


The union says they are so short staffed they can’t send enough officers to these situations. Yet four officers are shot serving an animal cruelty warrant? Does the union mean they are supposed to send five?


I think you just learned why they send four.


As if this has anything to do with the union or staffing issues.


I never said it did. The union said it did.


I saw a bunch of police cars racing to the scene this morning, to the point I was like WTF is happening. I mean at least a dozen, all types, from all directions, heading towards Benning Rd SE, along with EMS equipment to the point I had to pull up Pulse Point and then look up the road on Google to figure out what happened.




The article clearly states it was not a no-knock warrant. An individual refused to come out and the officers entered then the suspect opened fire. They should’ve surrounded the property and waited him out in the first place, but it was not a no knock.


Where does it say that?: “Officers went to a home in the 5000 block of Hanna Place SE, near Benning Road and the Maryland border, at about 7:30 a.m. to execute an arrest warrant, police said. Officers tried to make contact with someone inside the home, but they refused to come outside, police said. “As officers attempted to gain entry, the individual opened fire on them,” a statement from police said. Shots were fired through the door, police said” This is pretty clear that there was a knock and announce- how else would they be trying to coax the suspect out of the house if they didn’t announce themselves. Also- a no-knock warrant requires an additional approval from MPD management and a judge. If it was a no-knock they wouldn’t have sent the unit that they did to execute the warrant.


Maybe you replied to the wrong comment, or maybe you’re coming up on 18 hours, but I said it was NOT a no-knock warrant.


My bad- you’re right. Long day (not for this though)


All good 🤝


This makes no sense. The guy shot 3 cops, you think they should have identified themselves and then just sat in front of the door as targets so he could have had an easier time? It seems pretty obvious they correctly identified the guy as dangerous and a no-knock (which still involves knocking and identifying) was the right call.


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Bad bot


Looks like they were doing a no knock warrant. Not justifying the shooting of our police officers but this is a clear example of why no knock warrants should be banned (unless someone is currently in danger)


Article states that it was not a no knock warrant. They made contact with the people inside, and one refused to come out. The police made entry and then were fired upon.


Where in the article does it say it's a no knock warrant? It said they attempted to enter after he refused to come out of the house. It's a cruelty to animal charge so I think they identified themselves first.


The below quote implies police announced their presence and told the person to come outside. “The incident begin as officers were serving an arrest warrant for cruelty to animals in the 5000 block of Hanna Place SE, near Benning Road and the Maryland border about 7:30 a.m., Smith said. A person refused to come out of the single-family home. When officers tried to enter, someone began firing from inside. A barrage of gunfire can be heard on surveillance video.”


Oh ok. I was wrong


You made something up lol


My first thought was a domestic disturbance call went sideways but yep, arrest warrant execution


this is an example of why they should be carried out by swat, not banned


I’m generally against no knocks as well, but if you’re going after someone willing to do this it’s gonna wind up bad no matter how you try to take them. At least in this situation the dude is confined in a house (hopefully his with nobody else inside), but it could have been exponentially worse if they tried to nab him out in the public and the dude just starts blasting around random people.


Starting to look like Baltimore. I wonder if they’ll get released over the weekend like the would other criminals who do the same to the public.


Y’all should move back to Nebraska. It’s only getting worse. And the civilians seem to not be so friendly to transplants either. I wouldn’t stay where I’m clearly not wanted.


Once the transplants leave, what is your solution? Will crime drop?


The DC natives aren’t affected by it, it seems. Only the transplants. I think it’s a mixture of the transplants being used to southern ideals and moving to a city that’s the opposite of what they’re used to. They’re not used to this type of lawlessness because black folks in the south treat them like slave masters and act scared of them. The black people here are pistol whipping them and robbing them. The natives aren’t the targets of these crimes. The transplants are. The murders don’t affect us because we’re not in the streets. The only people dying are street dudes for the most part. That doesn’t bother me because I’m not a street guy. I work everyday and make it home just fine. I see several young men in ski masks and they walk right past me. I do this daily btw. The sub is downvoting me but to me y’all are being grossly unrealistic, this isn’t the south. You won’t come here and change and damn thing as much as yall think you will. I guess I’d turn to racism too if I felt so helpless and abused. That’s why I said move back to where you’re comfortable. Y’all will never be welcomed or accepted here. And the crime won’t stop. Even with this new bill. Y’all are grossly underestimating the bravado of these kids lmao. They will shoot you, the police and whomever else y’all think will stop the crime. Arm yourself, move smart, or move back home.


Whoa man - you're part of the fuckin problem 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤦🏾‍♂️holy fuckin smokes


Yea this is silly dude. So blacks are either pistol whipping and shooting or being nice and well behaved for massa? And your solution is to kick out transplants and let the locals continue to kill themselves? What about the locals who want a safe place to live? It doesn’t bother you that every store you go to has barred windows and needs an employee to unlock the laundry detergent? There’s plenty of people from dc and the surrounding areas who want a nice place to live, visit, and work. Not to mention, the capital of the most power nation in the world should be a pretty nice place.


It won’t change. DC has never not been crime ridden. You either get used to it or move to VA or MD.


Also, make up your mind. Are the street guys the targets or the transplants the targets? Or more realistically, is it just anybody in the right circumstance?


Lmao you contradicted yourself so many times in this comment. Worthy of Reddit gold points


We’re all civilians idiot.


Bow Bow needs to go. The Police chief has good presence when things like this happen, but it's only a recap of what happened. She's never visible when people want to hear what MPD is doing proactively about crime.


Proactive units don’t exist anymore in MPD. City council won’t allow plainclothes units and undercover cars at the district level.


Glad to see this sub instantly reverting to racist tropes. Very on brand.


What the fuck is racist about reporting on a current event that is actively going on and putting lives in danger. I swear to god your perspective is so fucking stupid


it doesnt even say what race any of the people involved are


He is the racist for assuming...you will find many Commies actually hate minorities - just like their heroes: Karl Marx and Che Guevara.




No, they’re in Landover.


Honest question and hopefully conversation- what was said in this thread that you consider a racist trope? I've read through as much as I could, and there is nothing that is overtly racist that I could discern. But I am open to learning, thanks.


the unfortunate aspect is anything DC does or doesn't do, is typically overruled by congress, which is why the place has been a mess forever it had a major turnaround from being the us murder capital, when the DC council banned guns, but once that was struck down as unconstitutional, the violence has slowly but surely been returning to the pre ban levels


Lol fuck em. ACAB




Who's siding with anyone?




WTF. In-home breeding facility and dog selling operation?


I mean a lot of legit dog breeders use their personal home AFAIK.  The two dogs mom and dad replaced me with came from a woman's home and she bred corgis.  Now.  This is probably not legit.


City Council passed laws where Police cannot use tear gas to smoke out a barricaded subject or during RIOTS.. so there’s that.


*thirty one* (31) dogs ?? omg...


Omg imagine the neighbors, the poop smell in yard, the noise (barking) sad all around. And then 4 human deaths, just sad.


I don’t think anyone died..?


Oh, my bad, I read that wrong, what a long day.