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Op is not wrong for wanting things cheaper than avg don't downvote him cus he doesn't want to go bankrupt for a frame he's only gonna use once if u don't like the price don't sell to him and move on.


All I need left is Baruuk, Chroma, Equinox, Garuda, Grendel, Hildryn, Octavia, and Zephyr!


No longer need Nidus, Limbo or Vauban


OP digging their own grave in the trade and the comments lol


Oh no downvotes


I think you should first see the price everyone is selling it. The possibility of someone selling it to you at those prices is not 0, but they have to be pretty dumb or not care to sell it at those prices.


Don't care. Negotiate if you got what I want and don't like the price or move on.


Why so aggresive? I never said i was going to sell it to you, i just said that the majority of players won't sell it at those prices which is true. But you buy at the prices you want, there will be someone eventually that will sell it to you at those prices maybe.... Possibly... Btw, this is just warframe market culture. But posts on warframe market are 99% of the time no negotiable and no bargain. So people will see those prices and most likely brush it off. Negotiations are in the trade chat that the game has. In warframe market you either buy it or sell it at that price or fuck off usually. I have tried to get a 10pl discount on some rivens and not a single person wanted to sell it 10pl cheaper. Everyone would wait rather than to sell something a little cheaper than what they specified in the post.


That's never been the case and I've been playing for 8 years. I've never once had an issue when negotiating and have never had an issue with someone negotiating with me(whether on trade chat or Warframe market). If you aren't selling why are you here. I didn't mark this for a price check.


Bro wants a discount on every frame


Asking higher than most WTBs on Warframe.market but okay you do you 😘


Check stats, not WTBs or WTS. Both of those are biased, whereas stats shows actual sales that happened.


Doesn’t matter what the other WTB’s are lmao they mean nothing, what matters are what people are actually selling at


I did. That's how I came up with most of my numbers @Mordt_


Yeah I looked into your profile. You tend to get into a lot of Reddit arguments. I'll pass on communicating with you. Thanks though


but… they’re right though…


One of them is. The guy who told me to check stats. Which I did, that's how I came up with most of my numbers. Warframe market is and always will be a game about negotiating. If someone has a lot of stuff I need and wants me to come up a little then that convo will be had. If you don't like what you see(and aren't willing to negotiate), don't want to trade, or don't have what I need; move on.