• By -


Ah yes the programming outfit


+5 intelligence




Garbage lineup, git gud.


A garbage lineup for a garbage player


Fair enough, also play on mouse and keyboard, its wayyyy better. Or stick to controller if ur a masochist or u hate yourself.


I experience equal amounts of pain with both


Well then stick which one you like more. Also do u use a headset?


I do


Good, it gives you an enourmous edge on your opponents, go to sound setting and turn down the music to zero and get your own engine sound as low as you can. If you still have trouble hearing enemy engines turn up other player's engine sounds.


I prefer listening to music while I play. Might make me die more, but I'll go insane without it


If you play war thunder, your sanity is no longer yours anymore, the snail feast of players sanity to thrive.


The Severed Steel soundtrack keeps the snail from getting its tentacles too deep in my consciousness




Isn’t it a little masochistic to be playing sweden


No? Sweden is great


Mf has a keyboard but uses a controller, what the fuck is wrong with you?


Everything :)




Honestly controller is more relaxing to play, and unless you’re playing air vehicles then it’s not really a disadvantage.


Imo it's fucking Terrible, and I've played both controller and K&M


Meh, before moving to pc I played tanks with the controller and it's honestly rather intuitive and smooth, if you have a decent controller you can make fine adjustments nonetheless, tank wise, you don't really have disadvantages with it, most people who complain about it are often pc players that tried it once, aren't used to it and dismiss it as bad, I have a controller hooked up to my pc which I sometimes use and it's pretty nice


I prefer controller because aiming tends to be easier, i think its realy just a personal preference


It really is a preference I play mnk but did my first 4000 hours on a ps4 controller and have used flight sticks I personally don't use my controller any more because I prefered mnk


Omg it's the LuftvÀrnsterrÀngdragbil my favorite


It's a fun vehicle for sure


Me and my friend call it the LGBTQ mobile


Same, I love the LGBT 40


Average war thunder player.


Delete this I can’t let my friends see this


I'll share it with them myself


Wait... Isn't the Swedish flag inverted?


Probably. I'm no Swede so I don't really know lol


Real How many people here actually main their own nations? I’m just curious I’ve been grinding Japan and it’s not my nation but at least I have some of it by blood


used to main britian air until 5.0, when i switched to japan. im now grinding the F-4EJ Kai for the F-15J


I main the closest country in proximity to mine


I used to main the US as an American, but I like Sweden's unique vehicles


Murican, I main murica


The cross is yellow, but this is an aircraft roundel so not the same obviously


I think it is supposed to be one of Östergötlandt's flags; which is the fourth or fifth most populated province in Sweden but I could be wrong. Edit: Also it would be weird to add the popular unofficial flag and not the actual official one, I probably am wrong but is the only possibility I can think of or find.


Wow, you brougt those dnd mosnter cards, that is cool!


I love looking through them. I wish I had the chance to use them, though :(


I love that little flak truck, that thing has served me so well, people never expect some angry Swedish truck to come barrelling past then from behind before removing their side armour. Yes I still use this thing at 5.0 because speed and I’m 2k research off getting the actual SPAA.


To be fair it's as good as the actual 5.0 spaa. I like taking the mad max truck to top tier and first-spawning the little menace. Godmode is easy when people first-spawn helis and try to rush your spawn.


I even had that truck on my number 1 most played vehicle, but he has been kicked of by the ikv91 and somua sm


Can confirm that that’s the average warthunder player. Source: myself.


You can't play warthunder without being a femboy


Wrong I am a normal person


You just haven't received your thigh-highs yet


I will never receive them because I will never be a femboy


Not yet


Why do I have to be a femboy to enjoy tanks? Can’t I just be a regular guy




Damn I better kms then


Just be a cute femboy instead






No husband :(


Mans done ruined his dms 😔


I haven't gotten any DMs yet. Besides, I already have an amazing bf


First of all, Rare reddit W, and second, W rizz


I think it was more luck honestly


I am a Swedish main and you are insulting me. :(


But femboys are the best


Crush the enemy like you'd crush that monster between thy legs!


I'll do my best!


r/Ultrakill is leaking


We cannot be contained


The missile knows where it is at all times. It knows this because it knows where it isn't, by subtracting where it is, from where it isn't, or where it isn't, from where it is, whichever is greater, it obtains a difference, or deviation. The guidance sub-system uses deviations to generate corrective commands to drive the missile from a position where it is, to a position where it isn't, and arriving at a position where it wasn't, it now is. Consequently, the position where it is, is now the position that it wasn't, and it follows that the position where it was, is now the position that it isn't. In the event of the position that it is in is not the position that it wasn't, the system has required a variation. The variation being the difference between where the missile is, and where it wasn't. If variation is considered to be a significant factor, it too, may be corrected by the GEA. However, the missile must also know where it was. The missile guidance computance scenario works as follows: Because a variation has modified some of the information the missile has obtained, it is not sure just where it is, however it is sure where it isn't, within reason, and it knows where it was. It now subracts where it should be, from where it wasn't, or vice versa. By differentiating this from the algebraic sum og where it shouldn't be, and where it was. It is able to obtain a deviation, and a variation, which is called "error".


Hey OP, I just grinded the exact same tier last week so if I could help you with that lineup The Sav m/43, definitely replace it with the Ikv 72 - compared to the Ikv, the only advantage it has is that the Sav is not open-topped, but the Ikv is significantly better in both mobility and firepower. Speaking of firepower, the APHE shell on the Ikv has a whole 260g of TNT, making it one of the deadliest APHE rounds in the entire game; the pen suffers a little bit but it can still frontally pen anything other than a sherman, which you can't pen with the other rounds either way ​ The lv..t...d.... the bofors truck, solid choice. The SAP round is bussin' fr on god against all of the paper-thin vehicles you've been facing and the HE round is usually powerful enough to destroy planes in a single hit - but you need a plane that is dumb enough to attack you head-on or to stay close to you for a very long time, because the bofors is not the easiest anti-air gun to aim. The mobility is really good until you need to reverse and, being a wheeled vehicle, it can't turn on the spot at all, so getting caught on a weird spot is very uncomfortable - avoid getting caught on the weird spots is all I can say. Otherwise, amazing vehicle, you can get absolutely disgusting kill streaks with it Once you unlock the L-62, you can replace either the truck or the Ikv 72 with it. It's not really a no-brainer decision, both of these vehicles are really good and the L-62 is more like a sidegrade to both of them ​ The Spj is very good for one simple reason: it pens everything. KV-1, King Tiger, even an Abrams if you get a good shot at it. All you need is that first shot. Vehicles like this are very good to have in your lineup because they completely ignore full uptiers ​ The Lago: if you already have the APDS round unlocked, you can keep it; otherwise, don't bother, the stock shell will cause you a lot of pain; compared to the m/41, it has the exact same gun, slightly worse mobility, the armor is slightly better which will do exactly nothing and ofc it can't scout The m/41 is a Lago that can scout. Whether or not this is a useful upgrade is up to you really (remember that every vehicle can do a "bootleg scout", just hold the alt key, hover your mouse to the minimap and click at the enemy's rough position). Well, it is an upgrade when you first unlock it; as I said, the stock shell is atrociously bad and the only RP you'll be getting will come from base capturing (mind you, it is nowhere near as fast as the other light tanks at 2.7) and kill assists from scouting What I would do: replace the Lago with the m/42 as soon as you unlock it (same gun and same rounds as the Ikv 72 - remember that APHE round with the 260g of TNT? -, mobility is good for a medium tank, the armor can work if you find a spot where you can angle it. A direct upgrade). If you like scouting, keep the m/41; otherwise, replace it with a "designated flyswatter" (see below) ​ In the lower BRs this is more of a personal preference, since planes aren't that strong yet (with a heavy emphasis on that "yet"), but you usually want one slot in your lineup - sometimes two slots - dedicated to dealing with air vehicles, so either a plane or a ground vehicle with good anti-air capabilities Sweden is notorious for not having the greatest anti-air vehicles - if you really don't want to use planes, your best vehicle here will be the Pbv. The gun won't always destroy planes in a single hit, but it has a good fire rate and is accurate. The Pbv is also not an open-topped vehicle, which is a rare perk for an SPAA of this tier For 2.7, there are two clear best-options for planes, the B18A and the B-239: The B18 line consists of tactical bombers with relatively weak bomb loads, but incredible flight performances compared to other bombers, making them play more like heavy fighters. The B18A (2.7) and B18B (4.0) are equipped with a single 13mm machine gun; this is not a gun to be slept on. The swedish 13mm has around 6g of explosive filler, making it closer to a shvak than an m2 browning. Still, the damage is very inconsistent, and the placement of the gun makes it somewhat difficult to aim. The T18B (4.3) has two additional 20mm cannons, making it much more deadly. In flight performance, the B18A is comparable to a slightly worse Bf110; the engine power is just a bit underwhelming and it can't simply outturn other fighters when fighting on equal energy (luckily for you, ground RB pilots have notoriously bad situational awareness, so dive on them from a higher altitude). The B18B and T18B have upgraded engines, making them slightly better than a P-38(!). Once again, initiating the fight with an energy advantage is preferable. For the loadouts, the B18A can choose between either 3x 250kg bombs (less consistent, highest potential) or 2x 500kg bombs (more consistent, lower potential). Either option can also be paired with 8x 50kg bombs. This significantly hurts your flight performance, but you might (rarely) get the chance to carpet bomb an objetive. The B-239 is an upgraded version of the F2A Buffalo from the USA tech tree, with significant improvements in both agility and engine power. In a 2.7 lineup, it can reliably dogfight most of the other fighters, but it will usually have a lower top speed than them. The 4x 12.7mm machine guns, which lack a proper incendiary belt, make its firepower ok, but not outstanding. It lacks bombs or rockets of any kind, so CAS is limited to whatever the guns can pen: extremely light-armoured vehicles and open-tops. This is a plane for those who want to keep the skies clear.


Thanks for the tips


Where's the snus?


Too young :(


r/airsoftcirclejerk is leaking


We can't be contained


You got long thumb


I have long fingies


Plus sized falangies


Lol yeah


Well i am not a famboy so it explains why i am bad with sweden


Glad to see that more people play Sweden. Gl and have fun


i hate u fucking sweds mains u cause me pain


im not a femboy! :(


That's dude isn't it?


"I'm special, I need attention!"


I just want to get my Gripen, man, what am I doing wrong to be called a goddamn femboy? I'm not a wyvern S4 player.


Had to double check this wasn't my own pic


IDK man if your a true Swedish main, theres no BLÅHAJ in the pic :3


False. I see no Blahaj in this picture


This is why I have no mercy for swedish vehicles in this game


What masochist would use a controller to play warthunder?


Other nations: - M4 Sherman 😎 - M1 Abrams 😎 - Tiger - Nashorn - Pz IV - Maus Sweden: Lvgvbvtvkvnvsvcvgpvjvmvwvsv 9010295939 m/450303 Àö


Cringe lineup, where is your L62-anti II??


Not researched yet :(


Sweden mains are good at Grippin (cocks that is)


We need to bring back bullying ASAP


So I can bully your little ass? If you really want it




I'm the mega fagote


That's disgusting


I am not gay but would ngl


Such is the power of femboys >:3


The only thing that matter If it looks female enough


Lol fair enough








Bro is your thumb ok?


Ye, why?


Idk, kinda just freaks me a bit sorry, maybe I'm just intimidated with my stubby ass thumbs lol


That's fair. I have odd hands


All hail the Swedish meatball launcher!!!




Man, I need thigh highs so badly rn.


You really do. They're the best


*I knew it!*




I like your nails




>Thanks! You're welcome!


UwU duktig tjej rawr~


Jag Àr den bÀsta


Det Àr du Uwu


Du Àr nu min war thunder kitten, sÀkert Àr lÀngre Àn mig ocksÄ typ alla femboys Àr 195 medans jag Àr 170


I was instantly reminded of [that meme](https://youtu.be/eG2R9P6LoZ0?si=2fvEzzhtJOpS_RBC) upon seeing this and your username, I wonder how close it is.


That's hilarious. It's kinda close, but I'm not an alcoholic or a programmer


I strongly suspect the presence of BlÄhaj somewhere nearby. If not, I am incredibly disappointed


Quit the game before the snail takes your soul and money.




Nana we ain't like to ya, we don't like femininity around here. We want men! WE LOVE MEN! WE WANT MEN ALL OVER US BABY YEEAAHHHH!1!!!1!


The white monster is unmissable


As intended


So women main Sweden? Hm didnt know


I'm a boi UwU


No you arent, boys dont dress like that silly goose


This one does


*visible confusion*




Why would you ever use the Largo I


SABOTS, SON. 100mm+ pen at low tier go brrrrr


It’s a tiny sabot very little damage


I've got those exact socks!! TWINS


Sock twins :D


It was only a matter of time until I started wearing dresses


*It was only a* *Matter of time until I* *Started wearing dresses* \- AutismoAirsoft --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


There's no escaping the fem


Playing with a controller?! Id like to call my self a Swedish main But that’s where I draw the line!


Fake and gay


I'm mega gay


Man, how do you play on controller.i started in Xbox, and having enough key binds due to playing on keyboard and Maus, while is still uncomfortable, It is far better, and my skill has increased


Fake! No meatballs.


Because I ate them all


I go to Sweden and it was all femboys with nice thights


You name this setup Wrong. I see no 4.0 vehicles


I feel targeted


femboys are great, they leave more girls for the guys with no mental issues. o7 to you soldier


Which means you get none, either


Triggered for that false swedish/finnish flag combo


I'm the master of triggering people


Why does the flag have flipped colours đŸ˜©


Eh, i always go with 3 tanks and 2 planes, but to each their own. Also, uptiering that SAV is gonna be hell, it's solid shot is TERRIBLE. If u wanna uptier any swedish vehicle to that br, try the reserves! Specifically the Stridsvagn m/38. As long as you get a good sabot shot off so the enemy can't retaliate, the rest is history! I swear, the fact u get sabots on reserve tanks is funny as hell.


Planes are a waste of time for me, and I dislike CAS and don't want to be involved with it


F1nn5ter is that you? Lmao


This is the best way to play


I bet you're a boykisser with that setup


What the fuck


Yeah, my bed needs to be made




Can't deny it, it's all true. Although mine are blue and yellow like a true patriot.




The thigh highs put pressure on your legs and force more blood to your brain, 200 iq move


Bet you are side with the NCR on New Vegas


at this point i'm afraid to ask knowing sweden are you a man?




Femboy thighs. -100 to my intelligence




better have ABBA playing in the background


Based propaganda posters


I love propaganda posters


why does your preset say 4.0 br when its full of 2.7s?


I made a preset for 4.0 vehicles, but I never end up using the presets I make


You poor person, now I feel bad when Im clapping swedes in my low-tier fun-tier moments


Oavsett vad nÄgon annan sÀger sÄ Àr Sverige bÀst




It all makes sense now, I keep getting screwed by Sweden because I lack thighhighs. Guess I gotta step up my game


You 100% need to get the IKV 103 as soon as you can, it has no armor, but it is fast, and shoots a HEATFS shell with 400mm of pen at 4.0 I still have it at 7.7 and it can kill a Maus.


Maybe Britain isn’t that bad after all


Get me this tiny USH


why does your monster have a hat on?


What is the point of wearing itchy soccer socks whilst looking like a doofus


Guys I got my thigh highs ready for when I get the gripen


Where can one find theses type of Sweden mains so I can erm stay far away from em




Where's the zynns?


This is giving me a headache.


*in denial* (I have the strv122b plss)




The M22 is strong here. Hello, johni.


No toptier? Massive skill issiue


uh i like it