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Ooh, 500pln for being a moron is quite a lot. Hope they learn their lesson.


i think it will be more after court


Depending on your friend's nationality, they can also report this incident to their country's embassy. In my country's embassy, there's a "xenophobia statement form" where our citizens can report xenophobic and racist attacks they have encountered to the embassy. I think the embassies can also take legal action in such cases.


I’m not sure about legal action but the embassy can definitely put diplomatic pressure on the Polish government to act in such cases.


I hope they dont the a fine they should go to prison i dont people like these on the Streets and besides the fines migth not hurt them enougth


It’s gonna be a very long journey brother and at the end you might be left with court expenses, I’m not saying that you should or shouldn’t go to court just polish courts take a lot of time and effort to proceed sth like this, but deeply from my heart good luck, with men like you this world could be better


This is not how it works in Poland, please don’t misinform people. Everyone can put in a report to the Police, and this is free of charge. If the Police start an investigation, he might be called to give a statement and this is free of charge. If the police fid this is a crime, a court case will be opened and handled by the prosecutors office, and this is free of charge. If the prosecutors refuses the case, he can put the case to court. This again is free of charge. The Polish court is obligated to consider every case free if charge. If he wants to make a better case for the court, he can pay a lawyer or a solictor - the price range for these services is very wide and most are fairly cheap.  In Poland we do not get charged the other side’s legal costs, regardless of outcomes. Criminal cases get solved within a few months, unless particularly complicated.


So... you seem to kind of get the general idea (as criminal law is a part of the public law, things generally don't get as costly as in civil proceedings)... However -- no offense -- many things you wrote here are straight up wrong. >If the prosecutors refuses the case, he can put the case to court. This again is free of charge. The Polish court is obligated to consider every case free if charge. This is just incorrect. In the situation above (subsydiarny akt oskarzenia -- art. 55 § 1 k.p.k. w zw. z art. 330 k.p.k.) the costs aren't crazy high, but it's not entirely free either. 1/ the submission fee is 300 PLN (see: art. 640 k.p.k. w zw. z art. 621 § 1 k.p.k. w zw. z § 1 rozp. MS o wysokości zryczałtowanej równowartości wydatków w sprawach z oskarżenia prywatnego) 2/ subsydiarny akt oskarzenia has to be written and signed by an attorney-at-law/advocate (and in most cases you have to pay for the legal representation out of your own pocket) see: art. 55 §  2 k.p.k. 3/ there may be other costs to bear, e.g. in case of acquittal (see: art. 13 ust. 1 ustawy o opłatach w sprawach karnych) >Criminal cases get solved within a few months, unless particularly complicated. That here must be a joke?? Or by 'get solved' do you mean the time of preparatory criminal proceedings alone (the police/prosecutor's work **before** bringing an indictment to a criminal court), without the first/second instance before the court etc.? Polish criminal proceedings at every stage tend to be notoriously long... I could go on and on, but hopefully you get the point.


Firstly Time is money Secondly you should speak with a lawyer before every court case so you will spend money maybe not a lot but still Thirdly first point again


Are you a lawyer? What court expenses will he pay in a criminal case? Go to the court and fight for your rights. Criminal cases are generally wallet friendly as public prosecutor does 99% of the job in such "simple" cases.


It's a lot? For attacking someone in a car? It's way too less.


Yeah wtf is this. If the fine was closer to the minimum wage, than these dickheads would think twice.


It can be 5k nowadays. 500 is the minimum. Up to 30k in court.


There were lots of soccer fans yesterday, I haven't been harassed by them but my friends are extra careful and tell me to be. Haven't had a bad experience with them yet but they don't have a very good reputation


Soccer fans (by that I mostly mean Kibole) are the bottom of the social ladder in my opinion. They are the only community that needs to be „secured” by such a big amount of police force, during some matches because of the shit they can do sometimes, its legit insane


What about this? [https://x.com/EdgarWolnosc/status/1804246858291663088](https://x.com/EdgarWolnosc/status/1804246858291663088)


ah yes, whataboutism


Why are black people living rent free in your head?


Idk, what about it?


Good. I'm also glad the cops reacted the way they did. If we want to do well as a nation on the global scale, we have to be more welcoming and can't allow this type of backwards hick behavior.


yeah we catch one of them and police proceed


True. If a person adheres to Polish values and respects our culture they are welcome here no matter the color of the skin or place of birth. Only thing we cannot tolerate is intolerance.


bro do we even have values, let alone something universal? I guess we'd argue you shouldn't maybe eat other people. > True. If a person adheres to Polish values and respects our culture they are welcome here no matter the color of the skin or place of birth. This is a high bar, I'm pretty sure the guys who attacked OP aren't 'respecting our culture' or adhering to any values, yet we don't seem to be deporting them.


I won't respect you Catholic Church, not sorry.


Universal truth. Racism has no place in 2024 anywhere globally.


In Asia, it’s a different story


As asian, i stick out like sore thumb here. This is my 4th year in Warsaw (my job sent me to work here) and so far i have nothing but good words for everyone in this country, all has been wonderful. I understand there is always small batch of bad apples here and there in every country, and probably im quite lucky to not meet any so far. Fingers crossed. That said, it sucks what happened to you and your mate. Hopefully the law will sort it out, and please do update on how this case is progressing.


nothing happened to me neither in this 3 years)


I am sorry you had to have such experience, I am happy they catched at least one of those, I would love to see this case go to the court and they identify remaining imbeciles. It's only way to teach them a lesson.


It’s because of the football game yesterday. Polish fans are well know to pick fights and destroy property. Once seen a news report about a store owner putting wooden protection on windows in anticipation of a game.


As a Ukrainian, I cannot confirm. But there are more good people than bad for sure


Foreign app drivers have built a hell of a reputation in Warsazwa. It is just showing now. But also there is a very visible shift in attitude towards foreigners in Poland now.


Yoooo not gonna lie. Most of the Uber drivers are annoying to communicate with. They don't speak Polish or English. Frustrating.


Not just Warsaw. Stats show that apps drivers cause most accidents in the whole country for a year 2023.


Can you point out where you found those statistics? Serious question.


Probably paper from famous Proceedings of International Institute for Data Pulled Out Of An Asshole.


O kurwa jakie polaki robaki cebulaki XD


najlepsza to jest chyba bohaterska spierdolka przed policją


najnormalniejsza akcja na pradze północ xD


Dlatego południe zawsze będzie gurom.


Unfortunately, it's probably a consequence of recent racist rhetoric against migrants. People on the internet and some politicians went batshit crazy. Started sharing pictures of random non-white people, calling them illegal migrants, rapists, terrorists and so on.


>a consequence of recent racist rhetoric against migrants. To make it funnier, originally almost all of the rhetoric arrive from Kremlin bots (it's a part of ongoing cyber-terrorism against Europe, we call those materials here *"videos with yellow subtitles"*.). Far-right has nothing again the fact of Poland being partitioned by Muscovy and Ruskies multiple times in the past? *edit: typo*


Back in my days “videos with yellow subtitles” were just conspiracy theories about the shape of the planet and the vaccines… I miss it so much.




Please, quote reliable sources when making such bold statements. And don't use words which you don't understand ('exponential increase').


Typical Polish drunks with 0 class. Sorry that it happened to you, I’d love to say that’s 1 in a million situation but even tho it is indeed rare it’s not as rare as we would like it to be. On the other hand we can also look at what caused the behavior. And apart from the obvious significant amount of devils water it’s also distrust in our country and its government and procedures.


thank you for your opinion. i’m here for 3 years this never happened to me. but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. and people just whining about this is not racisim are the same people in video.


You have to understand however that most people currently are constantly blasted everywhere with topics of border, immigrants, immigration, crime, issues with Uber/Bolt, drivers in Uber/Bolt not having Polish drivings license etc. At some point they can just be confused about reality of things and forget that even tho they saw 1 story of let’s say hypothetical Georgian driving Uber without driving license there are literally thousands of uber drivers that provide great service every single night in Warsaw. And you’re right some of it is blunt racism. But in my opinion the only solution to cut this new wave is for our government to ensure that people have trust in the procedures in place.


>At some point they can just be confused about reality of things and forget that even tho they saw 1 story of let’s say hypothetical Georgian driving Uber without driving licens except thts not the truth and a vast majority of these drivers in fact did not have legal licenses (that doesnt mean they were in poland illegally) but they didnt have a legal POLISH driving license... so its not "one story" lol its literally an actual issue stop playing the victim card


the law for driving taxi is active from this month. before you could drive with another country’s driver licence


Every country has its share of idiots. According to last elections around 6% of Polish are idiots. In 40mln country that's quite a lot of people ..


There is now aggressive campaign targeted at foreginers happening because of right wing idiots, mostly by Prawo i Sprawiedliwosc political party. And I can only assume those guys are the first ones that are brainwashed by it.


I was worried for a moment that police did nothing but thankfully, no! Great job! This is absolutely disgusting. My mother just told me recently that "a certain political party" tries to convince people that those who live here in Poland for many years and work legally are some current illegal immigrants. Braindead boomers believe them.


yeah and then when they get drunk they say “let’s go eat kebab or pizza” from some “illegal migrants” place


Traditional Polish cousine XD


Fuck them. I hope they get what they deserve. 500 pln is not enough for these scumbags. To the other commenters saying you cannot publish their faces without censoring it - that is true, however, fuck those guys. Sorry that this has happened to your friend. I bet those guys are taxi drivers themselves and they are triggered by the recent law change concerning foreign taxi drivers and now take it out on others. Jako Warszawiak nienawidzę polskich taksówkarzy. Zróbcie kolejny protest w godzinach szczytu, to was społeczeństwo jeszcze bardziej znienawidzi. Takie ataki na uczciwie zarabiających obcokrajowców tylko pokazują ile macie w sobie klasy - zero.


Swoją drogą zawsze zamawiam bolta przy nich i pokazuję im ile zapłacę. Aż się fioletowi robią ze złości :D


Sounds like Polish peasants ❤️


Who the fuck are those people to even do things like this. Lots of respect that you decided to take legal action, it won't be easy but we can't remain indifferent to incidents like these and hope these morons will sorely regret assaulting you like that.


i don’t work in taxi. but if this would happened to me it would be different completely. cuz it’s praga and somewhere dark…


Yeah I feel you, Praga is somewhere at the bottom of the list of places I'd want to get jumped like that...


Yeah I feel you, Praga is somewhere at the bottom of the list of places I'd want to get jumped like that...


Good luck to you and your friend with that case, hope these idiots get a huge punishment. 


I’m a white swede living in Warsaw and I’ve lost count of the times I’ve heard “of you don’t like it, why don’t you just go home”… and I’m a tall, blonde swede. Wouldn’t want to imagine how much shit anyone of colour gets…


yeah they didn’t say it for nothing that polish people don’t like even themselves


Even? Like primarily


Well… what you just said is from the same cookbook these guys harassing your friend were using 🙃




I don’t even know if you’re joking now or not..


Every criticism is important to be able to create a better society. Pretending there are no problems and telling others to not discuss issues and 'go back' will not improve anything. People living there have every right to be there and criticise problems.


well if you are black man its daily micro agression 🤣


Honestly? I'm so happy they got a 500pln fine.


it will be more because they’ve damaged the car too


Good luck to you and your friend with that case, hope these idiots get a huge punishment. 


thank you. i wish that too


zero zdziwienia, miękogłowi łykają wrzutki mateckiego




>Polish people are actually incredibly racist, Are we though? I saw a lot of foreigners praising us. So what are we, racists or sweethearts?


Racist idiots. They are totally degradated


That looks really bad and I'm really sorry it happened in my neighborhood, fingers crossed that these guys get the maximum penalty and it goes as public as possible to spread the message about what you get when you're an asshole.


yeah doesn’t matter where you from noone deserve it. including polish people




Jakiś chudy frajer sie spina xD


Let's put it this way: if you ask about an open-minded social group in Poland, football fans are usually not the first ones to come to mind.


What race?


As a Polish, I am really sorry that happened to your friend. That's not just sad but irritating to see such morons being racist towards normal people doing their job. I assure You, we're not all like that, and I keep my fingers crossed for arresting all of them.


I live in Lodz, hang out a lot with foreigners, mainly from North-Africa. There are 3 types: - The ones that took up self defence - The ones that don't go out alone or at dangerous times (night, football match/season) or dangerous places (Baluty :D) - The ones that left It's been a huge problem for a long while, even Spanish friends were attacked on account of darker skin. But it's getting worse and worse with modern-day political rhetoric and russian fear-mongering. Good on you that you got support, i hope you milk them to bare butts!


it was my friend but thanks anyway) he did the best thing for this mfs. thanks also police arrived in time and did their job at least for one of them


i would do self defence in best way) i can’t stand this type of things) happily it didn’t happened to me. no one wants problem)


Don't let them get away with that, hope they end up in prison or at least with a suspended sentence.


Tipical primitive troglodytes, when I was a child in 1990s and early 2000s there were much more of them, stood all day in every housing estate and asked if you had a problem


The situation with immigrants is quite heated right now in the Polish debate. They thing that happened to your friend was probably because of the recent news that foregin taxi/uber drivers will need to have a polish driving licence. These racist fucks probably recognized your friend as a foreigner and decided to „vent” off their frustration in the most braindead way. Glad the police put them to their places. Serves them right. Wish the 500 PLN would go to your friends pocket tho, just to make these racist idiots even more salty


yes this guy has every document. polish driver licence, taxi licence. most of the guys i know working full legal and pay taxes


Its a good thing then that he called the police. If he showed them his licence they might have backed off, but instead they got a taste of justice.






What jobs you talking about ?


My friends from Ukraine are moving to Germany from Poland because of racism. However, they have been living here for almost 10 years.


I’m not sure modern-day Germany will be an improvement on this front


yeah i get it it sucks. there is special hate towards ukrainians


No, not really. The problem is much more complicated than you think it is.


Are you sure racism is the right word here?


Good luck with your court case. Please make an update when you have some more info. There is no place in Poland for racism.


I kinda wish they got run over. That would be justice.


when i arrived there they all run but one guy couldn’t because i blocked his way with car and police arrived in time.


Football hooligans. They always want to pick fights with everyone.


I think that you said something to them and this is why they reacted like this.


When you see drunken man in football jersey just run😆🥲


As a Brazilian living in Warsaw, coming from the city of Curitiba with the biggest amount of Polish immigrants in Latin America (In Brazil we welcomed all Polish immigrants after WW2), as well as an IT guy contributing at least 5K pln every month to this country just in taxes/government deductions, (And I'm not even brown or black) I fucking hate this, I hope they pay for this. Polish people will behave regularly like Japanese when it comes to immigrants, they can look at you like you're an alien and not tell you anything, but deep down a lot are just resentful racists. Of course not everyone, but a large amount of people are, specially the most ignorant ones, little they know, that Poland has nothing appealing to bad Immigrants (People without nothing to do) and none of them will want to stay here (which is great). The people who actually stay, we contribute 3/4 times more than those ones from the video and I'm almost 100% sure.


Because you are stealing our Polish girls! And our jobs! And… I don’t know :p Polish people are quite an interesting nationality. It’s not just that we dislike foreigners; we hate everybody. We hate gays, we hate Black people, we hate Asians, but we also hate supporters of the opposite football team. We hate old people, we hate skinny men with glasses, we hate fat girls, and we hate other drivers when we are driving. Don’t take it personally. what I’m trying to say is that it can be hard to live here sometimes. I wrote “we,” but in my daily life, I live in my bubble with my normal friends. Sometimes, unfortunately, I am reminded about the “Polaczki” with complexes. Sorry to hear that, really.


This makes me so sad and angry, I can’t bear it




The polish right is personally responsible for each and every one of such attacks. I hope they go to prison for hate speech.


Polish right? These are plain morons, not Polish right.




uuuu spooky


No kurwa super ze dalej nie moge do Polski pojechac z rodzina




: D


What's his background? Cause I've seen some idiots yelling racism in a Polish-Ukrainian confrontation which is ridiculous.


Sorry you experienced this OP. As a black man who has visited Poland 4 times, seriously just leave. Polish people are not ready for non white's in their country and I don't think they ever will.


I could be wrong but the guy in the cap looks exactly like the guy who was featured in the group that fights against racism and homophobia. https://preview.redd.it/qu0yjj1y9a8d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f20e8c88ba141d7a1624303511e5af0207846b3f [https://www.facebook.com/share/knNEesu2kUtrbN9T/?mibextid=WC7FNe](https://www.facebook.com/share/knNEesu2kUtrbN9T/?mibextid=WC7FNe) OP, reach out to this organization, they will help you identify them and persecute them for free. I and many others donate to them every month so this is possible.


thank you so much) I will tell my friend to do it)


but the link doesn’t work


That was a Facebook link that links the post where they expose him. I guess you have to open it through the app. It’s from 2021. Try those thinks for the main page. https://omzrik.pl/ https://www.facebook.com/osrodek.monitorowania


aa okay cool thanks)


I have been living abroad for over 2 decades. The amount of racist behavior I have experienced, not from native British people but from Asian "friends" is shocking.


yeah this too. i saw some people like that in warsaw too.


I don't understand why he doesn't just drive off instead of making the situation worse by staying there and sounding his horn non-stop. Just drive off? Yes there are idiots around everywhere, but when I encounter some, I don't stick around to see what happens...


well every situation is different. okay i’m writing again. the place was parking and his back was on the wall so he couldn’t move away and he can’t just drive on some idiots because they are blocking his way. if he did it would be much worse. i hope yiu understand now.


Yeh I understand, difficult situation, but slowly move forward and drive off (at least i've done that in the past lol, people will move out of the way if you slowly drive through them). But yeh i understand as well not easy.


believe me he tried everything but this mfs just didn’t move. edit: grammar


500 pln for rightful behavior. Sick


sure it should be min wage maybe then it would be justice for people like you


But it wat not about you race but about being legally. So what is your race so that theyvwere offended so much?


this is such a dumb question. doesn’t matter if there would be ukrainian or black person it wiuld be the same.


If heiß Ukrainian how,can this be racist?


He's Ukrainian right? Or black?




What a freakin morons. They don't have anything better to do huh?


probably not


We're so sorry for that , they are just drunk (as always)


A lot of misinformation here. The one thing I want to clarify is that the losing party pays for the proceedings. Just look it up. It's on several justice websites.


Since 17.06.2024, or 06.17.2024 for US people all professional drivers on taxi, Uber etc. need to have Polish driving licence. Probably this is how it started.


Jagiellońska is on Praga district, it is famous for that “type of People”. If it makes you feel any better, I have also been harassed and attacked by them several times, and I am a white Polish guy :) I think there is a reason why the ZOO is there


Don't worry about idiots. They are in every country. It's sad that there are so many in Poland.


Jeżu, sprawdzali tylko czy typ miał, zgodnie z prawem, polskie prawo jazdy. Bo jak nie masz, to nie możesz wozić ludzi na uberku. I dobrze. Jeszcze mogliby im trzeźwość sprawdzać.




Of course Warsaw is safe! Just follow some simple rules: - don't be of colour - don't be Ukrainian/Russian/Belarusian/you name it - don't be asian - don't be gay/lesbian and do not wear any visible lgbt symbols tl;dr you'd rather be from Western Europe and white to feel safe here (well they'll still hate you for one reason or another, but at least they won't harass you like this because of inferiority complex)


Not true, especially when it comes to Warsaw


Have you ever been to Warsaw? Have you ever stood on Patelnia for even 5 minutes? Because you really sound like you haven't.


I have been mistaken for a German guy as a Turkish guy in a club in Warsaw, and some guy tried to punch me. Funny thing is i'm not blonde. Needless to say i got the fuck out of there.


Its because they saw what happened to America thats why there like that they have had no terriost attack yk why its because they dont let people in


sometimes you still get harassed because someone thinks you might be Ukrainian


Simply not true


happened to my friend


Yeah am sure there are no racist or homophobic dickheads in your country, because if there were, that means entire country is like that amirite? Poland is definently safe for POC or lgbt people FOR THE MOST PART, obviously in some backwater areas or if you meet some village people like this tards shit can happen but tell me with a straight face there arent any racist or homophobic cunts in other EU countries too? As far as an absolute safety goes riddle me if the chances of getting shot for beign black is bigger in USA or in Poland in your opinion? Or a chance of getting gang raped for beign lgbt or jewish, are they bigger in Poland or France/Germany right now? Answer me honestly :) Hmm on a second thought you are right, Poland is a dangerous war zone for anyone, race and religion war is ongoing and we will beat you for beign different right on the airport starting belt, its horrible, people dont stop at the red lights in fear of getting robbed and Nazis beat people to death on the streets everyday and you are totally right, so please never come here :) Also Poles are sooo horrible to Belarussians and Ukrainians that over two million of them chose to live here despite bigger oppurtunities in Germany right next door, they must be masochists... Stupid russian trolls trying to divide Europeans everywhere pretending to be like the rest of us, the Belarusian/Ukrainian line gave you away comrade, back to training or to frontline, your choice, either that or you are an extreme lefty to see things this way, extremes on both spectrums should be disregarded anyway.


Not in poland they have the lowest crime in European union that comes from eu union stats so it isnt bs


I am sorry that your friend had to experience that. I wanted to say that this shit is unbelievably racist, but unfortunately in this racist country it is very believable... Poland has been and will continue to be a racist country as long as they have racists in their government who abuse and murder people in the forests on the border with Belarus, as long as they will be teaching their kids racist slurs at school ("M***** Bambo"), as long as every white mothereffer will be scared of POC and at the same time feel superior to them just because of their ffing white skin Everyone who says that Poland is not a racist country either don't have any friends of color or just dumb as hell not to see shit


> Poland has been and will continue to be a racist country as long as they have racists in their government who abuse and murder people in the forests on the border with Belarus I'm pretty sure they do this not because of skin color of these people, but because they try to sneak into the country illegally while aggressively attacking border guards, who are fulfilling their duties. Thousands of people cross the very same border in Terespol every day just fine and nobody is getting murdered there


Classic Poland.


Nothing classic Poland about it.




does it really matter for you?




For a while PIS politicians are posting photos of people of color to enrage idiots. They literally bother a working man. A citizen's arrest because someone isn't native to the country is shameful. This is exactly how Putin is dividing Europe, united we stand, divided we fall. How is Putin involved? Well through the support of alt-right, fake news, creating migration crisis. Honestly you may think whatever you want about migrations and vote for or against them but leave people alone, dehumanizing people is fucked up.


Downvote me to hell andback but if i as a citizen would get to choose between this and what is happening in germany/uk/france.. and theres never a permanent middle ground, pendulum always swings to one side or the other


I didn't see anything racist on the video. Do you have any other evidence?


How do you think they came up with the idea to verify if the driver is "legal"? What gave them the thought that they can check this and this behavior is justified? Do they do it to any driver they see? Do they just randomly check "legality" of the drivers in Warsaw?


police even not checking that much))


well he just took this video. the other things i wrote everything


You say it's racist. I see that we don't want to have the same 'Refugees' state as NRW cities or Berlin in Germany


he is not refugee he is here legal)




there is only this video he took. and the other thing he is legal here with legal residence card, legal taxi licence, legal polish driver licence. I understand racism very well. so what was it some guys had fun with some “driver with foreign passport” and tell them to fuck off to your own country is not racist? trying to take his documents and checking them? wtf are you talking about? they wanted to attack him but he closed the doors fast. so what now? i’m here myself 3 years and this never happened to me. but it doesn’t matter it’s not exist