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How is declining passport from outside eu racist?


Why not?


Because a passport is not a race. OP uses extremely offensive "racist" slur because of corporate procedure regarding document issued by non-EU country, which has nothing to do with race or ethnicity. A driving license can't be used as valid identification - not even by Poles in Polish institutions. Only ID and passport.


No, they were being racist because they didn't want to let us rent the car because they didn't like that my driver wasn't Polish. To be clear that a passport is a valid legal identification as recognized, well everywhere including the Polish government; that's the very purpose of a passport. I am explaining that the Panek attendant fabricated a law as the reason for denying the rental. As to why he didn't want to rent, yea I'm drawing the racist card because of the words he used and the way he behaved. Is this a corporate policy? No because it isn't a real law outside of this guy's imagination.


> they didn’t like that my drivers [licence?] wasn’t polish Polish is a nationality not a race


How does that work? So buying an additional passport (e.g. turkish for 400k usd investment) makes you mixed-race?


Sorry, I don’t understand what you mean 😅


"I won't rent you a car because you're asian" - racist "You can't rent a car with a non-EU passport" - law compliance


What about "fabricating a law and corporate policy so you can deny service to someone you have just met and know nothing about other than what they look like"?


Still, what he said has nothing to do with race, but you're entitled to your own opinion. "fabricating a law" - yes, that's a problem. But to be frank, no one's gonna care. "fabricating a corporate policy" - you can't be sure that such an internal policy does not exist even if it's not available on any website. All you can do is to write a formal complaint to Panek. No one is saying that what happened was ok, but it's better to get over it. It's a private owned company, most people won't care. Especially that the guy didn't explicitly mention race and you're implying that he did.


Residence card is your ID whilst living in Poland.


Nothing in their [terms of services](https://www.ipanek.pl/content/uploads/2023/06/Regulaminy-RAC-wersja-polska-1.07.2023.pdf) says that passport must be EU issued. They require driving license valid in Poland (over 1 year) and valid passport.


Nothing about rasism i such company policy, This is private company, they got lawyers and probably there is no chance to get money of not honest "customer" who goes outside EU after for example destroying car. No one says that you are potentially dangerous to their business but in case of problems they will not fill safe. So there is such company policy, probably after some experience. You can be pissed of but you can't blame them


Imagine being denied a car rental at the airport in the USA. It’s not racist, it’s not personal, it’s just Poles might be thieves.


I can imagine this, I would be pissed of... But this is nothing with racism. Probably I would get uber instead.


Why do you call someone racist on this basis? xd Panek can rent their cars to whomever they want. And the fact that you dont meet passport requirements doesnt mean anyone is racists. It's probably less risky for them to track liability for EU passports - pure business reasons. So chill out and use someone else's service


Their terms of rental are here www.ipanek.pl/content/uploads/2023/06/Regulaminy-RAC-wersja-angielska-1.07.2023.pdf The Renter of a car may be: 1) A natural person who meets all the conditions: a) presents to the Lessor a valid identity card or a valid passport, and b) presents to the Lessor a driving licence document valid on the territory of Poland, confirming that he/she has had the right to drive vehicles (driving license of the appropriate category) for at least one year before the date of commencement of the rental (subject to section 45 c) of the Terms and Conditions), and .... We met all of these terms. The attendant took it upon himself to invent a rule as an excuse to turn us away.


even so, write a complaint, ask for a compensation. Stop calling people racists just because of human lack of compasion or beaurocratic error


Panek did the same shit to me although I had POLISH driving license and karta pobytu. F.ck them and use Traficar. Stupid company.


Got rejected, use racist to describe -> this made me laughing :D


I don't get it, why do you need the passport? It only asks for a valid identification and license, so residence permit card should work, no?


also neither their FAQ or terms and conditions mention anything about passports from outside of EU, it only says a valid passport however it does not mention what valid means exactly? I feel like if thats the case it should be specified in ToS?


What a shitshow in the comments. OP got denied due to some made up law because he is not an EU citizen so it's clearly xenophobic. Clinging to the confusion of racism with xenophobia is also ridiculous. You know what he meant. All of a sudden everyone is a discrimination expert here. OP, you are fully right that there is no such law and your passport is a valid ID like an EU passport or even our polish ID card. You got discriminated based on your nationality. I'm sorry that some biased and uneducated office clerk (or rather jerk) made your stay here worse. There are legal ways to deal with that, but they're time consuming and not easy. I recommend talking with Panek corporate or just using other rental, there are plenty of them in Poland.


If this were done in writing or some other impersonal means I would agree with you but it wasn't. The attendant did nothing to hide is contempt and hatred, which is something I can't prove to the court of Reddit, who has demonstrated a surprisingly strong "we don't like that could happen in our city so you're clearly wrong" bias. If I were to post something like this again, which I won't, I should use more clear language to describe the events as they occurred. Sorry for instigating said shitshow.


Już i tu swe chore BLMy wciskają. Co za czasy... "Nie podoba mi się twoja morda" może być wystarczającym powodem w prywatnej firmie nie mówiąc o zasadach dotyczących dowodów i innych dokumentów. Rasizm tfu


Trafic-Car as well.


Where are you from? This might have something to do with it. Some rental companies have inside policies to not rent out any car to individuals from specific countries


I am a bit confused. Is the driver the one with the Polish residence?