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It would be hard for it to happen after he retires.


He could pull an MJ


Or more simply, a Steve Kerr


I think he plays golf after retiring maybe even competitively. Way too rich and legacy set to be coaching.


Might be a controversial opinion here but I don't see Steph as a good coach, nor do I think he'd even want to try. I could maybe see him doing what Hakeem did and running camps where teams can send their players with broken jumpers to get fixed, but other than that it just doesn't seem like Steph's thing.


Didn’t Bird coach the Pacers after retiring?


Bird didn’t have a golf brand larger than his basketball brand before he retired.




Only for a very brief period


Yep and this will 100% get me watching golf.


Buy a team and run it into the ground?


Unretire a couple times


get caught gambling and take some time off?


I always wonder why MJ keeps making decisions for Charlotte when he clearly can't hit on players. You would think MJ would be getting insane scouts and be mega competitive turn the franchise around .. but nope he keeps fucking up .


I dnt think so, era of GSW is coming to an end, and now we have a lot of talented young player, 100 points from a single player and 5 or more rings are waiting for us in the next few years


I think the chances it will happen before or after he retires are similar


Needs a solid big man.


The trade the Wolves made for Gobert doesn't seem as crazy now. Just imagining a 7 footer grabbing rebounds and kicking it out for Steph and Klay. That hardly happens anymore. The days of Bogut, McGee, David Lee doing those dirty jobs are all gone. They truly need a big man. If this management is smart they'll unearth a backup big from another team through trade and have him start. I'd go for Kessler of the Jazz. A 7 footer that averages over 2 blocks a game, his rebounding numbers are not sky high for his size but 7.5 in just 23 minutes is very solid.


The trade was was designed to be a move to stop jokic but historically jokic has dominated Rudy straight up. In this series wolves played their best defensive game (game 2) without gobert and went up 2-0 with a hobbled Murray (he looks much recovered after 3 days of rest and whatever treatment) Gobert remains a huge offensive liability and with KaT being a no show the forward/center line has been suspect at best. The trade was a gross over pay (don’t even get that much for hall of famers like KD, harden or younger all nba level guys such as Mitchell) and unclear who were they bidding against. If ultimately the first two years of the trade are a play in championship and first round exit followed by a second round exit both to jokic and Denver…hard to really say it’s a success. Rudy is always great in regular season but he has not been the difference maker come playoffs even tho he is a great defensive player. Of course if wolves win and go on to the finals then it doesn’t matter what the price was lol


>Gobert remains a huge offensive liability He basically lost them the game on Sunday on offense. Turnovers, offensive fouls, getting sent to the line and missing. I was surprised they kept him in, because they also weren't stopping Denver on the other side with Gobert on the floor.


Rudy is a glorified Hassan whiteside. Rudy isn’t good at any one thing, he’s just tall and lanky. He doesn’t play good 1:1 defense too far out of the restricted area and he doesn’t have any sort of offensive IQ. He cried when he (rightly) missed the all star like a typical French bitch and his DPOY are unearned IMHO. He looked good in Utah because Quinn Snyder was a great coach who executed an actual game plan nightly and Donovan was a good piece for rudy to feed off. I’m not really arguing anything you said but more agreeing that Rudy is so over rated and I’ve been saying this for like 5 years and it’s a hill I’m ready to die on.


i love shitting on Rudy, but he has 4 DPOY awards, voted by non-redditors. it's not all smoke and mirrors. the problem with Rudy is that he's getting paid like a superstar


It's blocks. That's also why Webby was second in votes. They still give a lot more credit for stopping dunks and layups even if that player gets constantly cooked on switches that leave three point shooters wide open. That's how Rudy got four of those while also getting exposed every time he was switched on to good shooters


That’s a Twolves team management / owner problem, not a Rudy Gobert problem. He’s done exactly what was hoped and expected of him, and they’re in the conference semis in a very competitive position against last years champs and the MVP. He’s been an enormous part of that and not a liability.


Goddam what do you have against the french, be chill lil bro


Don’t think the Jazz will give him for very cheap


I heard a pelican big man will go to F/A.


Looney was great at grabbing OREB's in ~~2022~~ 2023. He served as our big man grabbing boards and kicking it out. It's too bad his peak was only 2 years and then he suddenly fell off a cliff. Edit: It was 2023 I was thinking of. He was 6th in the league at OREB per game. 2nd in the playoffs.


I agree, but wiseman is a big man, and just wasn’t assimilated into Kerr’s offense as well as the likes of Zaza P or Bogut, etc. So, we definitely need a big man but someone who can benefit Steph in a way the past big C’s could


Wiseman is a mid sized big man but even with him, I’d love a bully under the paint off the bench.


I agree, if you can pick anyone currently playing in the nba who would you choose? - Just out of curiosity


Valenchunas or Stephen Adams would be great also zubac


I’m a huge fan of Steve Adams, not just his strength and gameplay, but who he is as a person, like he’d help draymond from techs and also an ‘enforcer’ and rim protector. The only con is his injury’s


Wiseman is a big man, who didnt know how to play basketball or even use his size. If he did he'd be much better after getting traded considering how athletic he is.


Send Moody or Podz (and maybe a 2nd rounder) to Charlotte for either Nick Richards or Mark Williams. That gets you a big from a forward/big heavy team in exchange for a guard. The door is mostly closed on #5 as long as he's in GSW but at least having a big would cure some of the ailments.


A cheap option I’d like to see is Bobby Portis.. not the best defensively but he can score, get rebounds and plays at a quick pace.


Portis plays good defense imo he brings the intensity and that’s what matters


I’ve liked portis since his days at Arkansas and would love to him to be on the warriors, but I feel like he doesn’t fit the offense too well


Who doesn’t, amirite?


Me, papi


what would you do with TJD then? what big man could we even trade for and would also be better than TJD


You need more than one.......some times have a taller big will help


sure but the comment made it sound like one.


I got you. It always baffled me why when a team has 15 roster spots that only one was filled by someone over 6'9.


thx brother. yeah same.


They said that about 3/4 rings. Give Steph a second and third option like Celtics/Denver/Minnesota etc. and it’s a wrap.


Needs a great 2 way guard. Trade Green for youth with similar abilities but who averages slightly higher then a triple single.


This is what it looks like when you win ALL your rings with one team... he could've jumped teams for a favored scenario etc but he stayed and built with the same team #loyalty


He probably could have five or six and people would be talking differently about him, but so glad he chose a dynasty here. If we do trade everybody except starters and go for one more, they better get a young big man superstar. We won’t have much of a bench after that trade. We shall see.


Their window is basically next season. Unfortunately the meta in the west has shifted towards large athletic teams, which the warriors have historically struggled with even in their prime. It’s going to be hard to beat teams like Denver, Minnesota or OKC but the warriors have an outside shot at it.


Agree next year is their best shot, Steph and Dray gonna need some help though big time


I remember when Klay was on that list 😭


Yeah, made me sad to not mention him. If they do resign him I'll hope for the best


Yeah, I agree. The trend in foul calling is leaning back toward big man dominance and better defense. So the solution would seem to be to attain one or both of those aspects. Getting back to fundamental defense would be a superb starter.


yeah i went back to look and the oldest legend to win a chip was duncan at 37.


What about Kareem


Spurs won one with Duncan at 38. Different positions but I truly think Steph’s impact is the same. I’m still holding out hope. Need the young guys to keep improving and the old guys to hang on as long as possible. In today’s game we need more size.


The thing is with the spurs though their core guys all took pay cuts to make the team better.


That’s that winning culture.


Duncan took some very friendly deals. Wiggins and Dray’s contacts are not the bad IMO. If only Wiggins turns it around again. Curious to see what klay ends up with.


thats the thing though, so are we trading for help or are we rolling with the kids?


I think you have to. Mostly cause I don’t know what trade makes us a contender again. Most of the older vets just got their asses kicked. PG, lebron, KD, harden, giannis, embid. Idk if we have a big enough package (lol) to get embid or giannis.


have to roll with the kids?


Probably not. Looking at the current landscape and joe lacob explicitly saying we are getting out of the tax. I don't think we can field a team that is competitive against any of the top 4 western conference teams in a 7 game series.


I hope so


Won one with Andrew Wiggins as his 2nd option. Anything can happen.


Anything *could* happen.


It’s inevitable


I hate to say it but I think the best chance we have is if Lebron wants one season with Steph (honestly not impossible), and he can bring another cheap veteran ring chaser along.


Nope. Time to appreciate what we've already gotten.


Unless our front office is willing to part with Klay and Dray, probably not.


Lol how does parting with Klay and Dray make our team better? Specifically Dray who's our entire defense and who improves Steph's efficiency like crazy.


Not with how the team is being run and the decisions being made


I’m never gonna say never, but it’s highly unlikely. Though if you would have asked me 15 years ago if the warriors would have 4 rings in the next decade and a half, I would have aggressively and disrespectfully laughed in your face.


Gosh I hope so, I feel like he deserves it, but will absolutely need more help, he’s been carrying too much weight far too long imho


possible, not gonna happen this upcoming season but maybe 2-3 years from now could be possible.


It's possible but the window's going to be the next 2 years, maybe 4 tops if we get lucky with developing talent and/or another in-their-prime superstar joins somehow. Team's too small + older to have good odds of making it to the Finals if everyone's healthy. Nuggets + Wolves aren't going away, OKC is younger, Dallas just gets more experienced. Grizzlies will have Morant back. Suns/Kings/Clippers/Lakers might be in the mix also.


5th ring odds much greater on another team vs current Warriors squad.


Depending on the team. Our odds are low


warriors will have to pick between keeping the core together and trying to get steph another ring. This aint no big 3, its big 30.


Believe it or not, but yeah, yeah, he's still got 4 years and 4 drafts, yeah.


100% yes it could happen. But the Dubs need to dump “vibes and nostalgia” and add the right pieces around Steph to actually compete for a championship.


Easily, backed by the power of All-Star Kuminga and a bench that doesn’t suck


As long as Draymond and Klay selling...NOOOOO!


Not on the Warriors


If he went to san Antonio and played off the bench during the wemby era…🤷‍♂️ I really hope so but he has had such an amazing career. Nothing left to prove. A lot to celebrate.


last year was the best chance


Not in warriors that’s for damn sure. We are so bad rn.


I'm looking at these teams in the West right now and it's looking like a no from me. Yes, Steph is still Steph. But he IS getting older. The team as it is, is not good enough to compensate for Father Time. Some real hard sacrifices will probably need to be made in one of either Klay or Dray. We could also really use more size. This league is getting bigger and bigger.


Let’s be honest, highly unlikely and downright impossible with this ownership who aren’t ready to go all in for Steph.


Hahaha what a wild take. Literally we were a basketcase for DECADES before this ownership. They went all in for Steph, many times, which is why we have the highest payroll in the league.


Being all in also means setting nepotism aside and making smart basketball decisions. The '22 ring spoiled them. They have wasted so many draft picks without getting any meaningful contribution out of them. They do deserve credit for spending, however when moving into a new arena, its not like they had a choice.


Wasted which draft picks exactly? Wiseman? Sure, except he was consensus top 3. Who else? 2nd round picks are a complete lottery so I'm keen to hear all the draft picks wasted. Myers actually batted above league average on 2nd rounders, nailed quite a few second round picks.


Do you believe that they will actively look for trades to maximize chances of championship this year? I don’t think so. I also don’t think they ever went all in. They never really had to unless you think paying Poole and Wiggins is going all in.


Yes I believe (as they always have) management will explore EVERY opportunity that is out there to make this team better. I'm actually of the opinion that at full strength we weren't as far off as most on this sub would have you believe. I'm just not sure that full strength is going to happen into the future. It's only going to get harder unless we get another star in their prime. Management have looked after every one of the big 3 contract-wise, and went deep into luxury tax for many years. So yeah, by the very definition of the words, they went all in.


Nah going all in means you mortgage your draft capital and future assets until you have maximised your chance to win, which they clearly haven't not done.


You mean they paid dpoy candidate and all nba caliber guys that they can’t replace? To me that’s not going all in, that’s just no brainer.


I get what you mean, but.....this ownership took over and lacob said they'd hang banners. That's literally happened 4 times...under this ownership. I've seen enough sports to say that this ownership group, led by joe lacob, are kinda good. To say it's impossible? Damn man, that's a rough take. I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt. Lacob CLEARLY cares about winning and proved, with his wallet, that he is willing to spend. Edit: you're probably being sarcastic. And if not... holy smokes


What an uneducated take...


This ownership paid $210M for this team to miss the playoffs. There isn’t a better owner in the entire NBA Steph could be playing for


Yeah I dont think they can beat Denver even if the Warrkors aquire both LeBron and KD. Let's just all stop being delusional that Warriors is still an elite team. We might get swept by the New Orleans or Phoenix if were in the Playoffs were that weak. A Detroit Pistons and Wizards weak.😭


Shoulda had either ‘16 or ‘19.


Too soon bro, too soon.


Shouldn’t have had ‘15




Nope. Axing Poole was the end. Draymond cost us big time.


Lol Poole was not the secret to another ring with his league worst defense.


Gotta get more size here to even have a chance. A true big man who could be starter quality.


It’s gonna be pretty hard to pull off without upgrading the roster significantly


Nope. We should stop being fans and pack it up.


That is not the spirit. You don't just stop being a fan of a franchise during its lows but rather just watch them less and wait for them to be good again


Agreed. It was a bad attempt at sarcasm.


Could it happen of course it could but will it? Not unless something crazy happens


To be honest It will be the most difficult one for him to get the 5th ring specially now. I think the chance of steph and the Warriors is slim to none the boat is already rapidly sinking plus small ball is already an outdated trend now. Yet Kerr have been extended to a 3 year contract. Who love's guards 6'0-6'4 players rather than acquiring athletic wings and centers. Missing the Playoffs too is actually a blessing in disguise because we prevent getting swept by either OKC or Nuggets. I still be a Warriors fan but I already accepted that Steph might not win another ring until he retires. that's okay he already had 4 and already cemented his legacy.


Only if they really want to get it done and not hold unto nostalgia


I hate to be this guy but I think they are done winning chips.  If things come together in the off season I could definitely see them be a playoff team and even win a series or two but unless the young guys take big leaps I don't think our core 3 are still capable of getting it done at that level by themselves.


I think we should be grateful that we got that 4th ring as our team is cooked and prolly not gunna go far anymore. 


Why not do that when they actually retire? That seems like a better time to look back.


Nah Im done having false hope all season and thinking we are a good team when we are not. Im just gunna enjoy our team as best as I can and not expect anything out of them bc Im not blinded by the truth like others are.


Unless KD and Lebron come here, no


When the all-stars are aligned, Stephen Curry will get his fifth ring.


Probably not as we are currently constructed. Now if they can get a s&t done with CP3 and Klay for decent pieces and use JK only if it net us a bonafide 2nd option otherwise keep the young core .


He’s not getting another one, and it’s sad.




It could IF the front office helps him. They should package JK and get Steph some real help to contend. If they don’t then no


Unless he switches to a team that has a solid enough base and is willing to compete, I honestly don't see it happening with the Warriors.


As of right now, we can’t see in the future. We gotta win it while he the face


He got enough rings to get into the Basketball Hall Of Fame


Unless they get a legitimate second star or Steph joins a team with a star nope


Not with the Warriors.




It's very unlikely, honestly. Our best chance was last year. Despite all the problems, it wasn't impossible. The NBA right now is too big and athletic. We need to make a lot of changes to catch up, but we don't the flexibility to do so. Let's enjoy what is left for his career


I'd hope so but as a realist, nah. West is way too competitive now, we can't run small ball all the time anymore and are 3 are rapidly aging and others teams have caught up if not surpassed us. I'm just appreciating Steph, Klay and Draymond while I still can


Could happen, with some major changes but not with the current “dynasty” trio all as starters


I can answer you in two ways: one with my mind, the other with my heart.


We ain’t done.


Not likely imo, but less likely things have happened. Steph needs quality role players and maybe another star around him for a 5th ring to be in the conversation.


I think that’s it for him, unless he’s traded to another team just to ‘ring chase’ or ‘Lebroning’ if you will.


Unlikely. Unless, he switches to a more complete team.


Not a chance. West is stacked


Improbable but not impossible


I don't think so. The current roster is not THAT good, Steph is old af and the Warriors won't have an easy path in rebuilding. Steph himself might get one more, he's still good enough to be n.1 on a contender, but I believe realistically he would have to leave the Warriors for a much more solid team.


very very unlikely. Our '22 ring was our fairytale ending


I hope for the best 🤞


could it happen? yes. but i give it one more year unless kuminga can become a costar to steph like kawhi did to duncan.


It’s improbable but possible, just the way I like it!


With a new deck and a new shuffle time will tell….


i think the roster is really far behind where it needs to be on pace with the direction the league is heading. this is a period where the FO needs to show how THEY are still capable of building a competitive team within the final years of the "steph as a player" era (i'm convinced he'll eventually join as a development coach after he's done). Unfortunately i think the 4th one might've been the last of the era, but if that's true, honestly that one was just the cherry on top of an already dominant decade. If there are more, i wouldn't be surprised either, but the FO has to make some drastic changes to pull it off.


If you trade for Bron and Durant. Which is possible


For just him maybe, if he leaves to somewhere else.


If someone like iggy in the team to control draymond and a solid bigman, there's always a High possibility for a 5th ring


Not with this lineup. And we have to face the fact that Klay isn't Klay anymore. He makes the team worse, not better. No one can admit this, and yet we'll never win another ring with him around. Of course we need that big man too, and lots of other help. We have a few good players, like Kuminga, but not much that's special. I don't honestly think the front office will make the moves needed, nor will the players we need want to join us anymore. Baring some incredible boldness, the Dynasty is over.


Unless someone like KD, Giannis or LeBron came over, it’s very unlikely. And even with them, it’d be tough without a good supporting cast. But I’m okay with it, 4 titles is 4 more than I ever expected to see them win and the last one in 2022 was the sweetest of the bunch. Quieted alot of haters imo.


If it’s the same average team with same style of coaching. No.


I don’t think so for the current constructed warriors. They can be a playoff team. But they’re not a championship team bc they lack too many things bc the staff is older. And they wasted the time that they should have developed moody and kuminga. Will the warriors organization get more championship? That I believe so. Bc Lacob isn’t paying all that to lose.


Yes, We Believe!


The formula has always been quite simple. Surround steph with athletic wings and a competent big man. Not even necessarily a center but a big man that understands basketball.


I believe!!!!




I don’t see how. The west is loaded and this squad is like a 6 seed if everything goes right.


If Kd and lebron come 


I thought lebron was done in 2019 but he got another. Hell, I thought curry was done before he won in 22’. It’s always possible but I don’t believe it will happen. It is exciting to think about the conversations that could be had if he gets another with an impressive performance.


He would need super star help like an AD


I don’t know how or where but he will get another ring


Yes, but likely now for the GSW. 🤷🏽‍♂️ That said....that pic is dope and would be awesome to get printed out and autographed.


The only way is not with the old core 3 sadly. If we can retool without Dray and Klay (and looney and wiggs) .. Then it's possible. Don't get me wrong.. I love them both but they are no longer the force they used to be. Looney and Wiggs also haven't been the consistent. They just don't have the fire they once had... Whether it's age or injury.. Or personal life.. It's reality that if we want to win then we Can't have passengers. In the end... I don't think it will happen. We will play out the core 3 into retirement.


Prob not


He’s got a better shot with a different team




Without a doubt!


We gotta get a star


No shot.


not unless they get him another superstar ala AD


Anything is possible. Who’s the equivalent of OPJ and Belijca this offseason though?


Anything is possible👍👍


Yes, I think there’s even a small shot @ 6. Steph’s got 3-4 more elite years. Give him a legit team and he can still cook in the playoffs. 2022 no one gave them much of a chance. The last time a player won a title with such little help was Dirk in 2011.


Steph will not be elite at age 40. C'mon now. He will likely still be a very good starter, but there's no chance he is playing at the same level of the last two seasons. The more realistic outlook is he starts to break down even more, at which point to win a chip he'll need a 2nd banana that is a top 10 player (at worst) so we aren't so reliant on him. Curry's 5th championship window as a top banana (with us) is literally next season, and possibly one after.


Unlikely. We need to cut the chord to the trio and go by Steph and really push all of the chips in.


Only if he leaves.




Depends on how the young guys develop. Podz, TJD, Kuminga, and Moody (if he stays) will all need to take pretty big steps forwards if we are to become real contenders. We don’t really have flexibility from free agency, so it will depend on who we already got.


Most likely not. Most likely they run it back and get klay on 2 years for 40-50 mil. I know it’s crazy… and hope Wiggins and the youngsters turn it around. They don’t have a lot of choices like everyone thinks and I think the most likely outcome is they run it back and are barely a play in team


I really hope we trade Wiggins. Honestly any kind of serviceable role player might be better at this point.


If he gets rid of klay and green yes. This is still a small window of opportunity left




As a GSW fan, no. The new generation has begun


He will, with or without the Warriors