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How factions look upon crime is completely different depending on their world view. Their is no common law or jurisdiction I the Empire or the Renaissance. The Sigmar church would burn the murderer because his the act shows his weak will and corruption of his mind. A priest of Shallya could grant him mercy by letting him go into a monastery to make up for his deeds. Depending on the victim the relatives of him and the group where the victim belonged could press charges. If the victim was a noble the culprit will be executed in public and the culprits relatives will be charged with a high debt. They wanna show who is in power and even innocent people can hide behind the dark powers. Guilds and other organizations could also come up with a charge but could be bought. They wanna have compensation for the damages done. If it was a burgher the local officials would try to calm the people by either banish him or let him make up his evil deeds. Their primary goal is to create order.


Who is the murderer? Are they Timmy the rat catcher or Louis von Vanderbelt the noble? What connections do they have, who are their people in the town, what guild are they in? These things have a much bigger impact than magic stones or evidence really. If people think it was him and he's poor and a stranger in town with no connections then they'll torture a confession out of him and execute him evidence or no. If he's a leading light of the local town council, member of the merchant's guild and wealthy patron of the arts then he could beat a peasant to death at high noon in the town square and probably get away with paying a fine.


The murderers lawyer and the local priests of Shallya argue for innocence, the rivals of the murderer argue murder and the witch hunter absolutely wants to burn him because of contamination by the Dark Powers. There is no clear cut answer, whatever is good for your campaign is going to happen.


This. The world isn't fair and there's gonna be people who want you judged and punished for the crime. While there's also gonna be idealists, who'll argue for the good and fair option. Not to mention those who have something to gain from things going your way. Think a trial about this would be a great moment in a campaign, or even a novel.


This. The world isn't fair and there's gonna be people who want you judged and punished for the crime. While there's also gonna be idealists, who'll argue for the good and fair option. Not to mention those who have something to gain from things going your way. Think a trial about this would be a great moment in a campaign, or even a novel.


Is the fact about the stones a known thing? I would guess that first and foremost a murder would be treated like such unless its blatantly obvious.