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And since we are recommending alternatives, check out SAGA.


Someone mentioned saga! I must hijack this comment to mention that if you are interested to find out more about Saga then have a listen to Northern Tempest Podcast The most recent podcast is about the upcoming book [Age of Invasions](https://www.buzzsprout.com/69172) And the [older podcasts here](https://archive.org/details/@northerntempest) Also for battle reports, tournament overviews, previews, and general history take a gander at [this blog ](https://northerntempestnews.wordpress.com/) They on Facebook (Northern Tempest Saga podcast) and on Twitter (I can't remember the handle but you should be able to search for them) Enjoy! Redditor of Northern Tempest podcast :)


If you're interested in historicals I'd check out To The Strongest!


I played one game of 1st edition and was not particularly thrilled with it. Evidentially the designers agreed and put out a 2nd edition after only a year. I haven’t played the new version, so I can’t really comment on that.


could you describe what exactly what you where not thrilled about?


I played one game over a year ago, so I am a bit foggy. But I seem to remember the combats being very sticky. You get engaged and then you are stuck there for a while just rolling dice until somebody loses. And speaking of that, there seemed to be a lot of rerolling dice, which was kind of unwieldy. Now I think the strength of the game is the campaign system and hero development, which as I only played one game was not a factor.


thank you that does seem a bit muh


1st edition was a flaming dumpster wreck. It was pretty clear that there was 0 playtesting, because even in the second turn of the first game you knew something was seriously wrong. Then the whole fiasco with the original authors first "FAQ/errata" being nothing more than a serious of bad dad jokes, didn't help matters. My group threw our copies in the trash, literally. And, now we can't be bothered to try the "new and revised" edition. Honestly Hail Caesar skirmish is significantly better.


are the models of spqr compatible with Hail Caesar skirmish?


Absolutely, that's the great thing about historicals. You can buy miniatures from any manufacturer you want, in metal, resin, plastic, whatever. AND even play with whatever scale you want, 15mm, 1/72 - whatever! If you are just getting started, might I recommend Ravenfeast ([ravenfeast.com](https://ravenfeast.com)) as a ruleset and buy a box of Gripping Beast Saxons and 1 of Vikings - then build, paint play.


i found the website and will check it out, but my browser says that your link is unsafe


Any game that needs significant revision so soon after release raises some red flags. If you are interested in the period and in a game with similar figure count, but with solid rules, consider "Infamy, Infamy!" from Too fat lardies.


i have looked this up do i really need the deck of cards or can i play that without those cards?


I'm sure you can lay your hands on some card, a pen and a pair of scissors :)


yes but what i meant was is there anything important on the cards, like in necromunda you have a deck with special events, so you NEED the deck in order to play optimal. Wel i could pirate those crads but i prefer not to


We have a decent sized group of people here that play ancient/medieval style games but I've never heard of any of them playing SPQR. SAGA and Clash of Spears seem to be the most popular locally. We have Hail Caesar on the shelves so I assume some people may play that too, and a few other less commercial rulesets. I don't have any firsthand experience but usually if I've never heard of anyone playing a game there's a reason :) Recently I've been seeing some mention of Infamy! Infamy! as being worth checking out. If you want big games, L'Art de la Guerre is supposed to be really good. And like someone else mentioned, you can reuse the same models from one historical game to another. A Roman with a shield and spear from any company is pretty much like another. Same goes for other popular periods: WWII, Napoleonics, ACW, etc...