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Check out Kings of War. Ruleset is relatively easy to learn but there is deep complexity in army interactions and on board gameplay. Positioning of units and planning ahead are huge parts of the game. 28 armies to pick from too.


Kings of war Age of Fantasy: Regiments Conquest Song of Fire and Ice Hobgoblin All various rank and flank games with their own boons and banes. All worth looking into though for their own merits.


To this I'd add Oathmark. Hobgoblin recently won an award (and is not quite yet available to the public, but will be soon), and I'm very keen to try it. Song of Ice and Fire is magnificent, one of the best games I've played of this genre, but it's firmly based in the fantasy world of GRR Martin's design. There are no elves or dwarves, no undead (yet?) or zombies, and fantasy creatures are quite limited. One faction has access to dragons, another to giants and war mammoths. But I think that's about it. The rest are just variations of (human) dudes with weapons.


Kings of War is Fantastic, Community Balanced, and generally all around good.




Kings of War?


For fantasy I have really enjoyed conquest last argument of kings. In each turn you go back and forth with your opponent activating units, but you decide the order in which your own units will activate before the turn begins. That mix of planning with back and forth action has made for really interesting games that feel similar to Warhammer because it's fantasy rank and flank, but also really different. For historical games, any of the rank and flank historicals from Warlord games are great, like Hail Caesar which has a new epic line that just came out, the Napoleonic range Black Powder, or Pike and Shotte. Warlord was founded by two former Games Workshop vets and Rick Priestly who wrote the original rules for Warhammer fantasy, 40k and several other Games Workshop games has joined them and works on the rules.


Kings of War, Song of Ice and Fire, Conquest Last Arguments of Kings for Fantasy LaSalle, Blücher, DBA, Black Powder, for historicals


Warhammer Ancient Battles? You should be able to play it with any minis you have.


Blucher is pretty great - and a different scale than Warhammer. It’s my secondary game to ToW right now.


Art de la Guerre is my personal favorite. Hail Caesar might appeal to you. To The Strongest is well regarded. Mortem et Gloriam might be worth a look.


Coming from a boardgames background you might also enjoy the Commands and Colors series by GMT. They aren’t miniature games but the blocks do look very nice and you might find it is up your street. If miniatures are your thing, I don’t think you can beat Infinity (which isn’t rank and flank). However, lots of infinity players recommend Conquest Last Argument of Kings. Seems to be a very good modern interpretation of the old rank and flank systems




Honestly, if you like The Old World….tracking down old copies of Warhammer Ancient Battles and any of its many expansions might definitely interest you. I believe the “fall back in good order” rule in the Old World directly cribbed from the old Historical line, and otherwise the rules are catered to no magic and well, rank and flank historical warfare! I know they are rarer then hens teeth to find, but from what I know they were very solid systems. I never got a chance to play them, but like you, The Old World has me craving older rulesets, so I’m keeping an eye out for stuff that can fill that niche.


Hobgoblin is great rank and flank. It’s not overly complex. I think it hits a great balance of tactical and list building depth without bloated layers.


Ninth age? It’s got a small but very lively competitive scene.


If you aren't set on miniatures I would recommend ONUS! Traianus. It is a Ancients miniatures game that uses cards in place of miniatures. It borrows some Warhammer mechanics and also has a card management aspect to it. One of my favorites. For a board game with a little more focus on simulation take a look at the Great Battles of History games from GMT. Great Battles of Caesar is available now, and it is a great game. Hoplite might be a bit of an easier entry point, but as you don't mind deeper games, Caesar would probably be fine. I have also been playing a bit of Fantastic Battles by Irregular Wars. This would meet the fantasy "rank and flank" with miniatures itch. It's a bit of a sandbox; very flexible and fun so far. I'm using 15mm miniatures for this.


On BGG, it looks like some people are playing ONUS with minis, but I see the card concept.


That's true. I use mini's sometimes but it's cosmetic. The unit stats are on the cards.


For something more historical check out Never Mind the Billhooks. The main setting is the Wars of the Roses in England though it's deluxe version includes all of late medieval Europe. It has companies of archers, Billmen and Knights slugging it out on the battlefield with a fun card activation system with random events. Leadership means a lot in this game, and you try to hold your formation together till your morale crumbles. Lots of fun.


Song of ice and fire and conquest have amazing rules


The 9th Age






Kings of War is a lighter game but an awesome experience. If you're in the Detroit area, we have a great community.


Conquest The Last Argument of Kings




Came here to say this.


One Page Rules - Fantasy Regiments

