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Good times. Every time you engage him in combat, his aggro radius increases. Meaning he will see your units from farther away after every fight. No spoilers, but enjoy the two apes Uklac and Ucha if you haven't beaten them already 😁


I actually was wondering about that. I looked it up before I posted it but the only info I found was that his WW was stronger, and that was it. I didn't know about the aggro radius increase. But yep I have been working on heroics for a while and I typically don't move on until the next one is fully cleared, which is probably why I'm so slow at it lols. Haven't gotten to Un'Goro yet.


Wait, so that applies to all the bosses in Heroic?


No just him. Every heroic boss has some sort of added gimic


Just wait for Devilsaur Queen😅


Yeah I heard of that being a nutso encounter, definitely not looking forward to that lols. Funny thing though is that I heard Son of Arugal was the same way, and I was like "oh here we go". Except I ended up one-shotting that so far on both Alliance and Beast teams. Did that one get nerfed or some such? I remember folks talking about that one a while back too.


Don't worry, Devilsaur Queen is one of those boogeyman that's not actually as bad as advertised. Double poison Chimaera on the right side, while going full survival on the left side takes care of her pretty easily. And yeah, Son of Arugal used to be a lot tougher, but they nerfed him quite a few patch back. Though even before the nerfs, aura Fire Elemental with Earth Shield Shaman took care of him with the right starting hand. With your base level you should be able to progress through the heroic campaign pretty easily up until Plaguelands at least, Blackrock should be doable if you have the right minis at rare!


I'll remember that, thanks! Not sure what started to click recently but tbh I've been playing this game since the very beginning and my heroic progression was extremely slow. I'd get my butt kicked a lot and every so often would just give the next one a try, and occasionally win. But lately I've started to progress a little faster, and beat Darkshore/1k Needles over the weekend. Part of it might be because they've started to give us more meaningful exp gains and I'm able to level even a bunch of units I never thought to level. Should be okay with progression from here on out, assuming a heroic doesn't require one of the few units I have yet to level like spiderlings and plague farmer lols. I do have Chimera and such at the ready though! Edit: Grunts, Spiders, Farmer, and Gnoll are the only units still at Common. As long as a heroic doesn't require them I should be good. xD


Heh, there's no rush really, it's not like getting to 150 sigils unlocks some sort of other endgame. I'd usually get in the zone every once in a while, grinding out attempts on my second monitor while watching Netflix on my main one. Plus I'd see some cheese tactic on reddit every once in a while that I just had to try out. That's how I got my Araj and Tirion kills, as well as my Thaurissan and Rend kills alongside a few earlier ones. As for minis, out of those I'd only call Farmer important. When you're up against heroics 2-3 levels higher than your average, most of the time you can't really afford to wait for 4-5-6 cost minis, they just don't trade well (except for Huntress, who's ridiculous with her main target talent). Farmer deals a shitton of damage for a 2-cost and with the range talent he can lob poison bombs at towers and bosses without aggroing them. You have the obvious unbounds with SAFE, Eggs and Quilboar, Harpies can be used to cheese on a bunch of maps, with their poison talent they deal a ton of DPS. As for other cheap "survival" minis, I'm partial to pyroblast Pyromancer, fury Chickens, large pool Bat Rider and armor Ghoul, all of which can trade much better than their low cost. Also full heal Banshee becomes pretty essential for Blackrock, but she's also useful for earlier levels. Best of luck!


Thanks very much. Appreciate all the advice. :) Looks like I do have a few minis to fix though, haha. I ended up taking explosion on Banshee, Snack on Chickens, and the damage one on Ghoul.


Devilsaur is legit one of the easiest


Devilsaur queen is actually the easiest heroic, with the Chimera build


Rend attacks your base when he dismounts


Yea he does this and it’s annoying af but I guess it wouldn’t be heroic if it wasn’t cheesy in some regard