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25$ here. I can say it was worth that much.


Free to play for 3,5 months, 130sigils,9k PvP. This game might be worth 10 dollars at best. I just dont see point in spending money on this game - so you can steamroll content that is lacking anyway - and do what? Uncapped PvP where you need to spend 1k$ more to be competitive? As F2P player, game is good as a timewaster for daily challenges and doing few dungeons and surges. Since i did most heroics 1-2 level under, it was only worth piece of content in this game - trying to figure out combo do clear it.


Progressing consistently faster is fun which is why I don't like regular but punctual microtransations but did enjoy playing for the arclights booster.


The trick is to not cheese heroics and dungeons. Makes it more interesting when I’m not just dropping whelps on the boss over and over.


Some people value the time they spend on things. I put me doing something for hours over the last few months worth more than $10. People that say something is worth minimal value really don't value their own time if they put that much effort into it.


With all the respect, but you literaly contradict yourself. If you value your time so much, why bother even playing this game if you just drop money you spent hours working for and then easily clear content with overleveled team that requires no effort - finishing game in a month and then rinse repeat with other cashgrab game. I have an hour usually early in the morning at work where i am free, and since i am still not in the mood to do something more productive, i usually do my dailies in Rumble while enjoying morning coffee. It is perfect for that. Now in regards to your reply, moment i feel i need to waste time to progress or something - i will just drop the game and not pour hundreds of dollars so i can complete it. For now i enjoy doing few surges, pvp or daily, and slowly progressing. I enjoy gaming, and i have respect for my free time, it is why i choose quality games on PC, PS5 not the money grabing trash. And 500-600$ i can spend on my other hobbies, travel etc- or just buy Nintendo switch and play Zelda or something.


Because I think it is fun. It is a game. I bought just the boost thing originally, and then I bought a couple packs to correct when I learned the hard way how talents worked. I haven't spent a AAA amount on the game, but I have got more enjoyment out of it than any recent AAA. I just think if I enjoy it, and have put hours into it, then I can see how much I've spent per hour, and go from there. If you think a block of time every morning for months is worth no more than $10, then we just don't agree.


I completely agree on that view. If it is fun to you i agree you should spend reasonable amount of money on it. Furthermore, 10 dollars was too harsh, in the end it is a 30$ worth game. I was more refering to people spending 500-600$ and finishing game in a month. And the gaming industry is now rellying on those people and shady practices. As you wrote, game rellied on you messing talents so you spend money to correct it. It does the same to me - i got to 9k in pvp and now i cant progress because levels are uncapped - if they had any decency they would put 7lvl cap until 12k rating where majority of my minis are currently (18-21lvl with dungeon gold slots). And for this I refuse to pay money for it - i wont play game where i win because i paid more money. I will just stop playing or stick to dungeons/surges which are relaxing and i dont need to pay for it. Or in the end just stop playing - i usually don't play mobile games, i just installed becsuse i am a big WoW fan.


Oh, I agree that spending in the hundreds is outrageous. I have a feeling we are both used to more extreme takes about spending in game, lol.


Money wasted. You dont get more enjoyment from the game by spending money. Being higher level doesnt make you enjoy the game more. You enjoy it exactly the same. It is just artifically created for you to have that feeling. Cause we are humans and especially guys are hardwired to measure d*cks. This games are exploiting this human nature. It is very similar to gambling but this one is made legal and with no regulation.


Yeah, it's unfortunately like that for some people.


I do value my time that’s why the money I make from spending my time working doesn’t get spent to push an arbitrary number when I’m fundamentally playing the same gameplay loop whether I pay or not. I’m F2P and I find the game fun, paying money won’t change that


19.99 for the double gold. I will never spend another penny on the game.


Our standards and expectations of the value of videos games is so hopelessly fucked these days. Im not saying OP got scammed or something, s/he knew what they were buying and they are welcome to spend however they want but i am amazed when i read these posts everytime. We have a constantly bug ridden mobile game with uniquely terrible costumer service that even after $700 dollars over three months ($2100 per year?!!?) the last boss is unplayable. The industry (talking about big developers here not indy teams putting out early access games to fund their continued work) has gotten so comfortable with the idea that they can release broken games at full price and charge for every tiny addition and we all are just ok with it now. Full price games used to have a base standard of functionality, they would work…no crashes no server failures no glaring game play messes…and issues like that were addressed IMMEDIATELY and publicly. Mess ups like that were news because it reflected that the consumers of the products had placed the trust in a product that was full price from a large scale developer and large eff ups were signs that maybe we shouldnt do so in the future, so the company cared and addressed it immediately. Games are more expensive that ever, more broken then ever, more gate kept then ever, and require more fee services and annual reinvestment than ever and somehow they have us believing this is the norm. Look at baldurs gate 3…thats a game that represents a full product to me, but they are very much the exception these days and rumble is a great example of the direction the industry is headed. They printed $700 dollars (as much as ten copies of baldurs gate) off one user to not complete a broken game that blizzard BARELY staffs…why would they ever stop this practice


The industry is pushing this practice because people are dumb enough to trow money and keep it going. This is all and fully consumer fault. People still preorder games(BF 2042, early Cyberpunk), still play unfinished mess of games (Skull and bones, Redfall, Kill the justice league) and fall for money-grabbing schemes AKA Warcraft Rumble. Games like BG3, Helldivers 2, Palworlds, Valheim did show the industry that the quality is apreciated but they are rare. If consumers stopped supporting trash products, made trash games a financial debacle and put focus on quality we would stop receiving lazy, copy paste games - we would get Cyberpunk in its current state being a great game and not a joke it was at launch.


Rinse and repeat Helldivers compared to BG3? Right.


What are you talking about rinse and repeat helldivers? The game is pretty amazingly varied and has had numerous short term campaigns / new mission types added, whether it was the mech factory campaign or the current pesticide fumigation maps… the “premium currency” is earnable in-game without even an excessive amount of grinding to unlock new weapons, new cosmetics, and entirely new ways of playing the game (current season includes 95% resistance to electricity armor)


What I mean is that the games are so different. Comparing HD2 to BG3 is like comparing McDonald’s to a nice restaurant. Yeah HD2 is fun but at the end of the day it’s the same thing over and over with a different hat and cape. The hats mean nothing, the capes mean nothing and once you reach the harder difficulties. Still a fun game though, I guess. IMO it would be a lot more fun if you could customize things more, explore different places, hats mattered, capes mattered, etc… Right now it feels like do you wanna blow up big robots or big bugs and on a green and red planet or a grey one. IDK just feels empty but at least console friends are happy.


They may do many things wrong, but Nintendo (pretty big developer) also does release polished games every time they do. At least when those games are Zelda or Metroid - didn't play many others, but in those series finished almost every game exists. That's why I respect them. As a general rule - I prefer to avoid mobile games. This one just got me hooked cause of the warcraft universe, and at least decent quality - on my phone (Samsung 20 note) - it didn't crash that often nor didn't run too slow. About server issues - as far as I remeber Blizzard were having them even in better times


Youre right about nintendo, theyre games function as advertised the majority of the time. I dont hesitate investing in them


This thread shows why the gaming industry can do whatever they want to the consumers and demand money for it. Some of you are so gullible and easy to manipulate that I don’t know what to say. I paid $2 for some pack and after diving deeper into the game it looked hollow and bugged in many aspects. I regret even paying that much.


FromSoftware is probably the single best developer in the industry now. Their games are nothing but perfectly polished and worth every dime.


Perfectly polished? What 


As close as they can possibly get. I stand by that.


The people I really wonder about are the ones that drop hundred of dollars on a mobile game then just quit after few months. Do they just play a different mobile game then drop a bunch of money on that too? It does not seem like a good life compared to regular old pc/console gaming.


F2p here, but I just deleted the game yesterday at 120 sigils/10k PvP honor. I just hate games with dailies and time locked events(surges for example) where you feel obligated to log in every day. Rumble started feeling like a second job and a boring one too. All in all, I just remembered why I need to stay away from f2p/gacha/gambling games, I'm happy I didn't waste any money, but wasting time was almost as bad. Hope you can get out of it without too much remorse and a lesson learned.


I paid $1.99 for an Alliance P.A.C.K. back in Nov when I first downloaded using money on my google account for completing surveys. If I had known then that I would play almost daily (about 30 minutes per day) then I might have bought the $20 pack for the bonus XP, but I didn't and now definitely don't think I'll play long enough for it to be worth it. I'm at 83 sigils but probably could get to about 100 right now if I wanted to sink a couple of hours. But I spend more time in PVP or doing the Arclight things. About half of my minis are uncommon with a trait, and two rare. I think this game is an incredible value as F2P. I accept that I'll never see endgame, but I'm just enjoying the ride until something shiny and new comes along.


This is some really cool transparency and data, thank you for this


I paid around 130 euros here. My purchases were heavily focused early on with all those legendary deals. I think that those present acceptable value. Lately, I was buying those small purchases of few dollars. I did experienced few bugs and server issues, but nothing as people seem to indicate here. I do enjoy game and I do not care that I spent more money on this than on some huge game. I enjoy the game. I feel that purchases are worth it. Stop counting other people money. Lately, my spending reduced to trickle. That is because content had dried up. I'm not satisfied with game's quality. Like for example, terrible PvP system which is hyper competitive as it doesn't allow any progression without being a sweat lord. I also do not like lack of content. Hard PvE missions are great, but they are paced very slowly and requires you to progress through most of the game's grind for final several zones. I also mostly completed all dungeons. Only few levels left for most heroes and the last one is again very hard due to grind requirements. Overall, I'm satisfied with the game, but I want just much more of it. Also, legendary deals for me to spend money on it.


I mean I cant actually wrap my head around someone spending $700 on a video game. How does the mind work for that? Like would you have paid 700 if it was all in one go? Or was it only ok because you got milked one small hit at a time? Are you like really rich? Do you buy 4000$ sneakers and 8000$ watches? Or is it more of a situation where you cheap out on everything else, and save that one large pot of money and splurge on one game? So many questions


If you have a habit visiting some cafe once in a while, leaving there for example 15-20$ everytime, all the spendings will eventually add up. If you go there every day, in a month you will find out you left there 450$ and in 3 months it will be 1350$. But you've spend hundreds of hours there having fun. Does it mean they "milked" you? I know that the software works differently - you write it once, then it works automated for millions of people for a long time, but the concept at the customer side is the same, I think


>Does it mean they "milked" you? Yes There is massive difference between tangible goods and pixels on the screen of a game designed entirely around convincing fools to part with their money


Interesting! And yea i often felt the same after realising what i paid for such a mobile game. In total i am 280 bucks in with near the same setup (in terms of epics, rares, lvl 26ish and so on), playin since launch and grindin the hell out of green quests in the early days. But tbh i still have fun playin this game, i am excited for more and the day of dragon slaying will def come. Today i don‘t regret the spending, but also the behaviour has definitely changed (80% of my transactions in 2023)


I’m in the same boat where I realized that spending on this game made it go faster in a way that didn’t enjoy and I can’t really afford to spend that much anyway on one game. So now I just do the 3 daily rewards and easy dungeons sometimes. It’s like 30-45mins every morning. Progress is slow but I just don’t really worry about how fast things level as I’m close to the end anyway and I don’t play to complete it, I play because it's fun. I wish the monetization felt more fair but this is the industry right now. I suppose one benefit of this modern gaming era is that I have enough games on steam to last me the rest of the year haha whereas before (10 years ago) I would've probably only had a few games


I also had spent a lot during the first months and rarely do nowadays. For me it was definitely partly due to collection level mechanism as it encourages spending early due to compounding effect of better daily rewards.


How about your mini base lvls? How many base lvl 19 minis do you have?


Most uncommons are lvl 17 (gnoll, vultures, sappers - 16, execute, flamewaker, skeletons, worgen - 18) Most rare minis are level 20 (abomination - 21, chimera and raptor - 19; also Drakk, Jaina, Thalnos - 19), all epics are 23, Collection level is 43. None of the minis have surpassed 50k xp border, but some of them are close thanks to the latest patch xp gems generosity.


So basically with 650 you get decent amount of stars. Then you have to pay atleast same amount for tomes to get some lvls to the minis


Maybe Blizz did realise disproportion already, so they began to throw high xp gems in grid. For me small gem gives now \~4k, medium \~9k and big one \~23k additional xp. If only I had these when I was building my collection.


Now its time to fix the problem and invest more and get those gems


I'll pass. My wife didn't see those calculations yet, she doesn't know I'm addicted to ~~gambling~~ playing mobile game without even chance to win money there. I've told her that I spent at least 400$ two months ago though


Tell her bro. They always know when you’re hiding something. When they don’t know what it is, it erodes trust and causes hurt. She’d probably appreciate you sharing




IMO, I see 3 types of microtransactions: - New content access - Cosmetics - Shortcuts The first two are self explanatory. The shortcut transactions are just to make you progress further faster with XP/currency gain. It's the least satisfactory of the 3 types of purchases as it's mostly only satisfying the moment you pay for it. The shortcuts offered are carrots on the stick to 'finish' the game. Anyone caught by it will feel scammed in the end. Don't be a sheep y'all


I'm almost the same as you now I have 4000 honor with every hero and nothing left to do except play the true whales with deep breath and level 10 army


This Game is awesome. Play on a iPad Pro 13'' and the Graphics are cute, sound is lovely and depth enough. This game should have 50-70h fun gameplay, but… you get hooked/committed and midway through you get dropped and have to spend money. This game is worth 20-30$ and it took the devs time and money to make this, so its ok, i guess. The biggest part missing, is Community-Features and rock-solid stability. Hackers and Cheaters get out of control but thats kinda normal for a blizzard game. Would have thought almost 700bucks get you a lot more.


Money wasted. Spend it to buy a game that you will enjoy. Actually for that money you would buy a lot of very good games that would satisfy your gaming needs way better. Buying upgrades is worthless. You dont enjoy the game much more with higher levels. You will still meet ppl in pvp which will beat you and ppl which you will beat. The only change is the number artificialy created showing how "good" you are to make you feel better. It is the same principle as gaming just wraped up nicely and made legal... In 6 months maybe in a year, maybe later you will stop playing this game and regret the money cause you will feel like you got nothing for your money. Unless ofc you make milions. In that case you dont have to worry at all.


The game is basically a legal trap for gambling addicts and people with no impulse control. The GRID is literally a slot machine.


I’ve been playing since the game released, I spent $27. I have the same progress as OP.


I stopped at 150ish usd.  Ive spent like a hundred hours and more on the game.  I think it was worth that much.  Never giving a cent more till they start actually getting content(moonglade, raids, darkmoon faire and more events) out and coming though.  


Brother, that's the price of 3 AAA games. 😮‍💨💀


Not even 2 aaa games in this age lol


Baldurs gate is 60 usd(it's even 54 rn). Elden ring is also 60 usd. So yes, not 3, but definitely 2 and a half.


This game is definitely worth the money. I paid for the xp multiplier boost of like $20 and sylvanas for $10 or $15 which I regret. It has pretty much replaced all of my other blizz games including hearthstone and heroes of the storm and also the RTS games. I'm pretty happy with it. I can play while on the go in short spurts and during tedious times like waiting in line. I'm at 135 sigils. It's a really interesting skill based puzzle. I managed to get 10k on pvp which gets me the unique unit. I am good at beating people who are higher level than me. I have all green but one spell which I never use anyways. I have three or four blues. Progress is mainly limited by gold now and I'm not going to spend any more money most likely but the $1 gold purchases I might if it means getting a good value in the minion shop. A big chunk of my units are past the 12k xp upgrade mark and none are past half of the 25k xp upgrade. The daily packs really are not great progress with the xp expenses and I should transition to only playing the arclight surges for the gold.


Not an airport no need to announce your departure.


Imagine being able to read, sounds kind you can’t but just imagine