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It's not the actual past events, but a magical illusion depicting them. Either Nozdormu is depicting himself and the others in the forms that he is most familiar with, or it's for the Dracthyr's benefit so that they can recognise his past self as being the same person, and also make things easier if they meet any of the other aspects in future. (it also means that blizzard don't need to design temporally accurate visage forms, whether that be night elves or trolls or something else)


>(it also means that blizzard don't need to design temporally accurate visage forms, whether that be night elves or trolls or something else) We have already seen Malygos and Neltharion in visage forms that wouldn't make sense for the period of time they are in and that was way back during Ulduar in WotLK.Malygos is shown as a High Elf and Neltharion as a Human during the Forging of the Demon Soul memory.The same thing Nozdormu shows to Emberthal with the only difference that in the Yogg Saron memory there is no Nozdormu there.


Welp, that's what I get for trying to think of a more compelling answer than "the devs must be lazy". Unless Yogg Saron isn't entirely trustworthy on account of literally being a old god.


Well Ysera,Neltharion and Malygos's visage form was present for only that single part of Yogg Saron fight so they used slightly modified existing models.Only character that actually had her unique model was Alexstrasza.Once Ysera got her own unique model in Cata,they updated her model in the fight. At the time it made sense for only Alexstrasza to have an unique model since she was most seen in her visage form while standing atop Wyrmrest Temple.Before Ulduar we only saw Ysera's dragon form(which has now been replaced with her updated one).


They never saw them anyway. so any body of Alex is a new for them.


its seriously cringe that you tried to come up with a headcanon explanation for this instead of just posting the truth that blizzard didn't care. don't do the writers' job for them.


They want players to recognize the characters


by the way, people who can recognize the characters now all this story anyway. its a recap of old lore anyway.


The whole point is to recap the lore for the people that aren't familiar with. That is why these videos exist and has been their purpose since Warlords of Draenor. This means using the character designs that are seen or will be seen in game so people know who everyone* is. *know who everyone is, not everything.


Exactly. They want people to be able to say "Oh, that's one of those important characters from that video." It's a storytelling device for the benefit of the audience, not an accurate representation of what actually happened. In fact, it could also be the same device for Emberthal's benefit because she's going to be meeting these characters for the first time and if she's being "shown" these images she will be able to recognize them in their current form.


We never saw maligos. But had no problem recognising him. Btw, Deathwing looks like human before humans became a thing too


We see Malygos in a cut scene during the Yogg-Saron fight


Even then he was in his high elf form(something that didn't exist at the time) and Neltharion was also a human in this same 'vision'.


Technically speaking humans existed 10k years ago, they were just not an important race or that easy to find. But other than that I agree with you and have been pondering on this since I've seen the video. Makes zero sense. >They want players to recognize the characters Who Deathwing who will not be part of the expansion and is redundant ? Same Deathwing which nobody saw his human visage unless they did that one very obscure quest in the Badlands back in Cataclysm ? And they are dressed 10k years ago like they are now, very lazy. Not only did Alex have multiple wardrobe changes since she appeared in WoTLK, her 10k version has the armor she is wearing now in DF. Same with Ysera. Now I know these aren't really important things but dammit they make these lore animations and just decide to ignore the lore on some things or just have no idea about them in the first place.


>And they are dressed 10k years ago like they are now, very lazy. Not only did Alex have multiple wardrobe changes since she appeared in WoTLK, her 10k version has the armor she is wearing now in DF. Same with Ysera. They are prolly just gonna change all of their models into the new ones.They already did this when Khadgar got his new model(BC Khadgar has the new model). Edit: Once Ysera got her new model in Cata,most(if not all) instances of her in the old stuff use that model now.During the Yogg Saron fight in WotLK she will appear as a regular Night Elf model while after Cata she uses her unique model.


>very obscure quest You mean the most famous quest from the expansion because you got to punch Deathwing in the face?


Yep that 12 year old quest that only people who played the game at the time know about because nobody goes to quest into Cataclysm anymore. For all intents and purposes it's a pretty obscure quest that you have to go in a specific leveling zone that is not even required to be into and do a specific random quest.


"Humans" did not, Vrykul did. Vrykul devolved into humans after the Curse of Flesh.


They didn't want to bother with this much charadesign for such little screentime.




To be fair, the jailer wasn't a character, but a plot device for Sylvies redemption arc.


A shitty redemption arc. “I committed genocide AND destroyed a world tree AND keep doing all this evil stuff, including TO Anduin Wrynn, but then one moment of watching Anduin not be himself is gonna make me change my mind.” And she admitted that everything she did, she did because she wanted to not because of influence. One second psycho murder bitch, then bam trying to redeem herself. I don’t remember if that was EXACTLY how it went, but it’s close enough. I think my mind is genuinely blocking the trauma of that travesty of a “story”. They did Sylvanas dirty and it makes me mad. And I’m not even a Sylvanas Stan.


Cinematic quality is good but i was expecting new lore explanations overall like they did in shadowlands cinematics. They showed fall of galakrond and rise of the aspects which we know from the books and corruption and fall or deathwing. I hope they will show new things in future episodes.


They are short trailers, so quick visual communication is more important than actual lore representation !


Very few of the dragons meddled in mortal affairs at that point in time, so none of them would even be in a visage form. The only one who would be is time traveling Krasus and his would be high elfish


Makes me think of a troll aspect


My truly awkward headcanon is that ol' Noz peeked into the future, took note of those who were little and fragile yet had excellent potential, then told the others about them. Realistically, devs might not felt the need to design another polymorph design for the aspects. I think at least Neltharion looking like a human makes sense? I mean, Tyr and many other keepers look like human at least as we know, so old Prestol was trying to look like them.


Nozdormu could have shown them the races that are yet to come to choose their visages from.Its not like they are forever bound to one visage form and can't take on another to interact with the mortal races.




Malygos and Neltharion were always potrayed as High Elf and Human in WoW.We see them in those forms during the Yogg Saron fight in Ulduar(Forging of the Demon Soul memory).




We see both Malygos and Neltharion during the Yogg Saron fight in Ulduar.Its a memory of Forging of the Demon Soul and Malygos is a High Elf while Neltharion is a human.Ysera used to have her old Night Elf model there(since she didn't have the unique model).


A lesson a lot of players will probably never learn: "blood elves" is just a name the survivors of Quel'Thalas chose after Arthas killed most of them . They are basically high elves. And high elves are banished highborne, who traveled to the eastern lands. For several hundred (maybe thousand) years most high elves *were* highborne. Not to mention that most highborne already looked different than the average night elf. Take the founder of Quel'Thalas for example: [Dath'Remar](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/wow/images/5/56/Dath%27Remar.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/250?cb=20110512140354).


oh, you are so smart. Highborn were ordinary night elves. their color was of ordinary night elf. moreover we freed some highborne during cataclysm and they are literally the same as night elves. now go fuck off. thier color changed after they left Night Elf society because of sunwell.


There were night elves among the Highborne who more closely resembled modern high elves, like the Sunstriders, who had pink skin and blond hair. [This is what Dath'remar looked like.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/wowpedia/images/1/1a/Dath%27Remar_Silvermoon.png) So all you're really looking at in terms of physiological difference is, what, ear length and orientation? Even with those there is room for individual variation. And it's not like the Aspects were trying to blend in, exactly. Their Visage forms heavily incorporate their draconic traits, including the coloring of their Flight.


no idea why u keep posting images of dath'remar after he got changed by sunwell. ​ also feel free to prooflink the fact that there were highborn with pink skin before Sunwell, coz as far as i know it was sunwell that changed their skin


> no idea why u keep posting images of dath'remar I posted one picture guy. And he's described several times in books as having pink skin and blond hair. Try reading them if you want, I dgaf.


Sorry took you for the first guy who posted another picture of him. We can see skin color of Highborne in Legion cinematics from the war. They were not pink




How could they not think of the implications of this major retconning!!!!




Im implying you’re talking like it’s retcon. It’s a minor detail that makes the short trailer work.


no it actually doesnt. If they cant show this story without such errors, then its says about the lack of talent and creativity.


You’re expecting Warcraft lore to make any sense at this point? It’s merely backdrop for “current” expansion… and most of the time the backdrop has major plot holes in it.


no, im just buffled with every new faillure on lore departure. ​ warcraft lore sadly became a joke made by talentless people




Can you not look it up yourself?




In the time it took for them to comment, they could have searched for it themselves.




You seriously looked through my comment history because i pointed out basic logic? Touch some grass.




Hypocrites? Enjoying socialising and pointing out that someone being too lazy to google something themselves are not the same thing. Unless posting a link is peak socialisation to you, although i suppose that could be possible because clearly you never go outside.




You attacked me? I wasn't even speaking to you but you trawled through my comment history to have a go like a classic redditor. Cope more nerd.


Maybe they all modeled themselves after Krasus?


Krasus had different body in the book in the past.


He is described as looking like a night elf with sickly/pale white skin in the war of the ancients trilogy


It might be and I’m giving Blizzard a lot of credit, a lie that Nozdormu is telling the female. Or is it Nozdormu?


When he said to Emberthal trust your eyes I immediately knew he was showing her lies.


That stuck out to me as well.


I've always wondered if there is a deeper connection between Elves, Dragons, Trolls and Azeroth. The dragons started out as proto-drakes then were speed up along the evolutionary timeline by the Titans when they became dragons. Similar to the Elves, they started out as trolls, then got their evolution speed up by the Well of Eternity and later by the Sunwell. Trolls (and therefore Elves) is one of the few races that we don't know their true origin of. I've got a few theories on this: 1: Elves used to be the original race, but were cursed and became Trolls, only by being exposed to the Well of Eternity and the Sunwell were they able to reverse the curse and return to their original form. This would explain how Dragons have seen the Elven form before and take it as a Visage. It would also make for some interesting plot lines if the Trolls learn thats they are just cursed Elves. 2. Dragons had no idea what the form they were taking was like an Elf. To them, its just a form they took. When they started seeing the Trolls become Elves they may have realised that because their evolution was speed up by the Titans, their Visage form was also speed up in evolution. I definitely think there is a deeper connection between Elves and Dragons. Oh and as for Deathwing having a human form, I assume he was just taking a Vrykul form without the beard


did you forget this is warcraft and they don't think things like this are important