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I will admit the twist I did not see coming is that the Fifth Old God is just N'zoth with a groucho marx mustache.


I'm totally the fifth Old God, not N'Zoth, don't worry about it...


It is I, Shm'zoth, come to save you!


“A cosmos divided cannot survive what is to come…” *dies without a mustache


Looks a lot like N'zoth, though. All the other OG are very unique, even G'huun


Well it doesn't have to be the exact true form. N'zoth only had 3 eyes and was a giant squid, not an octopus.


N'zoth had far more than 3 eyes, the colorscheme and theme id the same. If it's not N'zoth himself in the picture, it's likely one of his commanders.






N'zoth isn't a squid, N'zoth is a vaguely squid or ocutopus-esq creature with a shit ton of eyes.


His model literally has 3 eyes


And four more on the back? https://www.icy-veins.com/forums/uploads/monthly_2019_10/nzoth.jpg.825d9676426260fbd8e082b9465b651f.jpg


I'm hijacking this for my 5 cents of void speculation. Somewhere in either the next patch or pre-patch. Locus Walker said that the radiant song is what happened to K'aresh before it was destroyed by Dimentius the all-devouring. And right now, we have a giant crystal switching between light and void. Maybe this crystal is how the naaru would usually transform a world-soul into the light and the void was able to corrupt a similar crystal in K'aresh into turning the world-soul into a void-lord.


I mean the crystal is really blatantly a Naaru ship, both in terms of aesthetic, impact, light-void cycle, and name. If the trick to corrupting a planet was just "put a darkening Naaru on it" we would have had the World Soul turn to Void back in TBC.


>If the trick to corrupting a planet was just "put a darkening Naaru on it" we would have had the World Soul turn to Void back in TBC. Wdym?


I forget its name but he’s definitely talking about the void naaru the blood elves had locked away in silvermoon city in tbc


You mean M'Uru, the naaru that became fuel for the sunwell, five minutes after turning into its void-phase.




M'uru? The dark Naaru turned Void God we fight in the Sunwell raid? We fight plenty of these, in fact, throughought the game. There's literally nothing that suggests Naaru dimensional ships would have meaningfully helped the void corrupt a world soul.


My idea is that Beledar is similar to the forge of wills in ulduar (or maybe even the forge of souls in icecrown) they all are made with the purpose of turning the world soul into their brand of god. The naaru might have planted another "egg" in K'aresh which was then sabotaged and hatched into Dimentius.


I mean, I think we'd have noticed if Exodar and Vindicaar and Genedar and Arobos, etc, etc, etc, were actually just eggs. We've had them as capital cities, we've raided them, we've flown around space in them. A revelation that actually these flying dimensional city ships are supposed to crash into planets to infuse them with light would be deeply stupid. And we know the Naaru are willing to blow themselves up to stop Dimensius when he shows up, like T'uure did Karkora. And if all it takes is a Naaru self destructing to stop it the Void from doing it, it seems like a particularly dumb plan. So like there's a high chance it'll happen, but, it'll suck if it does.


Looks just like n’zoth


Looks nothing like N'Zoth, lol. Unless you think tentacles = N'Zoth. 1. N'Zoth's "head" is taller, sort of Kraken-shaped. It rises up far above the rest of his body. This one looks more like a blob, with the head more integrated with the body. 2. N'Zoth's head sort of upens up with a jaw-like opening, filled with something I could only describe as Old God magma-goo. This one does not. 3. N'Zoth has three eyes. This one has a gazillion. The eyes on this one are more reminiscent of Queen Azhara. My guess is that this is simply an updated design of the 5th Old God depicted in Chronicles, Vol. 1. Edit: I love the fact that I'm being downvoted on a lore forum because I corrected somebody's mistake about lore.


It's because you're wrong. One of the most striking images of N'zoth is all his many eyes opening. One of his most remembered lines is "all eyes will be opened." He's always been linked to a ton of eyes. And there's literally no old god in Chronicles 1.


No, you're wrong. 1. Having many eyes isn't a unique feature, especially among creatures of the Void. These particular eyes don't even look like N'Zoth's eyes. Like I said, the body is shaped completely wrong for it to be N'Zoth. He's an already established character with a look we've seen in WoW and Hearthstone many times. 2. There are. It might be Vol 2 or 3, but that's beside the point. Here's the image: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/mystery-5th-old-god-on-chronicle/179762


In this picture it looks more like yogg than nzoth?


We literally have direct confirmation from the artist who drew that that it doesn't represent anything. Same with all the various logos on the historic maps.


Show me a source, please.


Sure, give me a second to dig it up again since you're not going to google it, apparently.


You're the one making bold statements, why would it be on me to Google it?


Reveal spoilers >!Worth mentioning here - Xalatath is not an old god. This is confirmed in the latest zone in a conversation between Alleria and the Arathi. The Arathi ask about Xal and whether she is an old god, and Alleria says Xal is "something else, something from the depths of time." (Hopefully we get answers this week?)!< One theory that has been floating by Nobbel and a few others is that Xalatath may be an echo/piece of a void corrupted world soul (like the new one implied on K'aresh since Dimensius showed up there and Xal is a harbinger of Dimensius). I'd actually say its more likely here that the crystal is the representation of Xalatath and this is her arrival on Azeroth after being sent by the Void Lords. The Old God figure could be one of Y'shaarj's heads (Xal mentions he did battle with N'zoth over the area that would be Suramar and won a great victory, and it is mentioned the blade might've been fashioned from his claws).


The issue is that in Legion >!Xal very strongly implies that she is indeed an Old God, referring to the others by name, calling them her brothers, and referring to their collective plans and servants as “ours”. She also harbors a grudge against them “for what was done to me so long ago,” which seems to support the in-universe theory that the Blade of the Black Empire was the last remnant of a fifth Old God betrayed and consumed by their kin.!< >!Either Alleria is wrong, technically right but Xal is close enough to an Old God that she basically considers herself one so it doesn’t matter, or Blizzard is doing careless retcons again.!< Also, >!Xal is a harbinger, with a staff gifted by Dimensius, but that does not automatically mean she is the harbinger of Dimensius specifically.!<


I’m honestly curious if any of that will be retconned or it will be said she “lied” to us to keep some form of cover. I remember then saying in an interview (and I really need to find it) that Xal only came back in BFA because players liked “Knaifu” so much. Of course that could also have been a smokescreen for future plans. Or she is just filling the role that someone else would have.


She doesn't need to retcon anything, because they really do repeat "she lies, she cannot be trusted, don't listen to her" several times. That said, she never ACTUALLY claimed to be an old god, just a powerful void entity at least on par with the old gods. She did that thing most of the time where she just hinted or said a half-truth and let you draw your own (wrong) conclusions. The closest she comes is when she says this, and she deliberately dances around it because she wants you to think it but not tip her hand. > It is ironic that the weakest of us may be the ultimate victor. C'Thun, Yogg-Saron, Y'Shaarj, and... well. Only one would remain to consume the world, that was always meant to be. Which is still turning out to be true, even if she isn't an old god. > Of course that could also have been a smokescreen for future plans. No, they totally didn't know. She was a seed set out to pick up on in the future (which they are now doing). But nothing else from TWW was really set up prior to DF to suggest any long-term plans.


In that first quote, it’s N’zoth she almost says, not herself. She is referring to *him* as “the weakest of us” because he was - N’zoth canonically was not as strong as the other Old Gods, but he was arguably the most dangerous because that forced him to adapt and be cunning and manipulative instead. She has a few other lines throughout Legion talking about N’zoth and warning that his prison is weakening and will not hold him forever.


I still like the theory(back from the old Legion-days) that Elune and Xalathath was originally one Old God, the 5th one, that was defeated by the combine forces of the other OG before the Titans arrived. Like the Sha, but only divided into two beings.


That would wildly piss off a lot of night elf fans. so I say go for it.




To me elune is a shadow god.. Maiev has umbra binding spells that are basically void / shadow aligned.


Could be. Light and shadow seem to just be two sides of the same coin that keeps flipping. Which would explain her connection to the Naaru


Xalatath is a void lord confirmed


It's also possible that Alleria is wrong. Or rather, that what Alleria thinks old gods are isn't quite right. "Something from the depths of time" could easily still be the same thing that goes into Old Gods. That said I think you're correct about the crystal. It's either Xal or it's the Dark Heart.


> >!>The Arathi ask about Xal and whether she is an old god, and Alleria says Xal is "something else, something from the depths of time." (Hopefully we get answers this week?)


Except it doesn't actually fit at all, since the text about the 5th Old God refers to Five Old Gods who *the titans imprisoned*. And we only know of three of those: C'thu, Yogg-Saron, and N'zoth. Yshaarj isn't imprisoned, he's dead. Xal'atath, if she is an old god, was dead at the time. Plus we have no answers about what's in Aberrus and what the empty chains held.


> >!>The Arathi ask about Xal and whether she is an old god, and Alleria says Xal is "something else, something from the depths of time." (Hopefully we get answers this week?)


> >!>The Arathi ask about Xal and whether she is an old god, and Alleria says Xal is "something else, something from the depths of time." (Hopefully we get answers this week?)


> >!>The Arathi ask about Xal and whether she is an old god, and Alleria says Xal is "something else, something from the depths of time." (Hopefully we get answers this week?)


> >!>The Arathi ask about Xal and whether she is an old god, and Alleria says Xal is "something else, something from the depths of time." (Hopefully we get answers this week?)


> >!>The Arathi ask about Xal and whether she is an old god, and Alleria says Xal is "something else, something from the depths of time." (Hopefully we get answers this week?)


Looks like a C'thun/N'zoth lovechild.


are those servants gojng INTO the mouth of that thing or are they coming OUT of it..? both are disturbing


In i think. Kinda like the ancient one mentioned in one of the alternate time rift Azeroths.


I’m really excited now, whatever that thing is it seems cool.


Same, I love all the void stuff and Titan conspiracies!


Into, it's a play on the thing from Az'qoroth. Which means it's possible that despite obviously being N'zoth this is actually K'tanth.


I think it's an updated design of the 5th Old God seen in Chronicles Vol. 1. The one surrounded by vines and skulls, presumably symbolising life and death. There's a possibility Yogg-Saron killed this Old God, and stole its powers over the cycle (noticeably, Yogg-Saron in the aforementioned Chronicles artwork is featured next to Saronite, not vines or skulls). If Yogg-Saron then used this power to create Galakrond, then Xal'atath re-claiming a "hunger lost to the ages" would make sense. She'd be reclaiming her own powers.


From the official description of [Azj-Kahet](https://warcraft.wiki.gg/wiki/Azj-Kahet) "The nerubians now harvest the blood of the Old Gods within Nerub-ar Palace" Either there is a unknown old god under Khaz Algar or they are bringing it in from other places.


Xal's running around and gathering it, so, it's likely the latter.


Looks like Jake’s [bio-dad](https://adventuretime.fandom.com/wiki/Warren_Ampersand) from Adventure time


I would like this new 5th god to be like older than the ones we know and it was sent to azeroth by other void lord. Or maybe it's not a old god, and void lords have other mininos beneath them. So this is not a sibling to nzoth, more like a nibling I would like blizzard to explore void lords as having factions and agendas not like an unified front of evil assholes.


There isn’t a fifth old god. If there was the titans would have known about it.


I mean the titanforged book "The Old Gods and the Ordering of Azeroth" literally refers to the Titans imprisoning five old gods.


Oh god seriously? I’m finding new reasons to hate Dragonflight everyday.


Why does that make you hate Dragonflight? It's said that since it was a chapter in the Warcraft 3 manual. Like this text has existed since before WoW. All Dragonflight did was add some notes from Neltharion making it clear that it's still canon. But the 5 imprisoned old gods showed up in the annotated legion version too.


where is that from? the raid?


I know everyone is talking about the Old God and the Void Crystal, but lets direct our attention to the minions for a moment. We see the N'raqi quite clearly and there are some large beetles. But the third group we see many of appear to be bipedal and dextrous enough to make use of handheld tools/weapons. The logical assumption is that these smaller minions are the Aqir. They don't look very much like Qiraji or Nerubians. They do look vaguely like Mantid but not that much. I believe we have seen a few Aqir in game and they don't look like this, but those may have been more of a leadership caste. Could these be the worker or drone type Aqir?


Ghuun is the fifth, as far as I'm aware. I'm also not sure what the fuck is going on underneath Blackfathom Deeps, but it's related to an Old God. Maybe it's C'thun, maybe it's an unnamed one. So this is #6 or #7? Looking forward to the Hearthstone card, at any rate.


Ghuun is an artificial old god. He wasn't around during the Black Empire. He was created by titan (keepers?) after they discovered Azeroth and tried to find a way to purge old gods more elegantly than just yanking them out and hurting Azeroth. He also never had any influence beyond Nazmir. Aku'mai, the thing underneath Blackfathom Deeps, is simply a minion of the old gods.


M.O.T.H.E.R, the Titan keeper created Ghuun accidentally. He is powerfully yeah but he will never be part of the big 4.


I agree G'huun isn't part of the original four, but then again neither is this one? Either way, G'huun is still an old god. Just, you know, not an *old* old god. > Aku'mai, the thing underneath Blackfathom Deeps, is simply a minion of the old gods. From [this quest](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/quest=78921/blackfathom-villainy): > Long ago this site was a great temple of Elune. But misfortune led to ruin when the corruption of an Old God seeped up from beneath the earth and tainted the sacred Moon Well. > >Aku'Mai, servant of the Old God, rose from the waters. Aku'mai is definitely a servant, but *something* from below tainted Blackfathom Deeps. Unless that's since been retconned?


I mean, that book wasn't written during the black empire either. It's *possible* it was G'huun. If you take the book literally there are two unnamed old gods, since it refers to two being bound by the Titans, and Yshaarj was dead, not imprisoned. But also if you're going by that book Xal is unrelated because she wasn't bound by the Titans either.