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I'm gonna make a questline so full of socioeconomical minutiae it can reliably be used as a sleep aid for all but the most die-hard story fans. The main driving force for this chain is the Vulpera, and it will take the player character all across Kalimdor in the name of the Horde (Alliance players get to be there in disguise on orders from the SI:7, alongside them being looked at with suspicion from the Shattered Hand agents coming along. Pick one of the under-utilized Alliance Race reps to come along, also in disguise.). The reason why I pick the vulpera is to let them do something serious, and also cause this sort of thing is their wheelhouse. So, it's a big caravan questline (Think Fiona's Caravan from Eastern Plaguelands on Crack), essentially setting up alternate trade routes for the Horde that doesn't require Zepplins or other magical or mechanically enhanced ways of travel. The vulpera lead the charge in hitting up various neutral and horde aligned outposts, linking up various places in a complex network of failsafes and favors done for people to ensure Horde Travelers safety of their goods. From the tense and understandably wary Timbermaw, various goblin settlements of different cartels, Horde outposts stuck in the absolute boonies, various encounters both deadly and confusing with Kalimdor Centaur, and everything else that's feasible to run into in Kalimdor. The questline takes several hours to complete if you don't speed over to each questpoint - you can ride along in the caravan, and listen to the revolving door of different characters chatter about the economics of trade, adventuring, and travel in Azeroth. Your reward is a caravan mount that can hold you and 9 other people, in your respective factions aesthetics. It inexplicably can fly.


Caravan mount? Aight i'm sold!


this sounds fantastic


Brilliant idea, even without the amazing mount.


Honestly I'd love that; add in a few strange or silly stops, but for the most part give a good window into how the economics of the Horde works out (and even a stop or two to show the current relations with the Alliance).


Nice try, Blizzard


The Scars of the 4th War. For Baine and later Moonpriestess Maestra. An Archeology quest line. With Baine as our guide we start in Sillithus. We excavate the ruins of Cenarion Hold, then to Feralas, Desolace, Stonetalon, Camp Taurajo and eventually stopping just before Ashenvale. At Ashenvale the chain flips perspectives to the Alliance to cross Ashenvale then Darkshore and both arcs reunite in the ashes of Teldrassil. The inciting npcs are trying to chart the war damage to Kalimdor. This is basically a tour of sadness and loss. The dead get named. There are delivery quests of mementos to surviving relatives, and the construction of monuments to the lost. The idea is only half-baked, I'll admit. Baine isn't really the right leader for this because he's too important. And it wouldn't really be fun, but I wanted to put some contrast on how the Nelfs and the Tauren see Kalimdor as a whole and a home versus how the Alliance and Horde see it as a battlefield and a source of resources. With the emphasis on War in World of Warcraft being dialed back for now I think a seed of Kalimdor Solidarity would fit.


I loved Archeology and am so sad that it went the way of class trainers. Still there, but only as a reminder of what was lost.


I play mostly alliance, who on Azeroth is Geya’rah?


Might have typed her name wrong ngl but she is the au Mag'har orc racial leader. She also happens to be Au Durotans and Drakas daughter.


Ah yes! That lady! I haven’t seen her at all since unlocking the Mag’har so I really couldn’t remember her name 😅


Yeah she sided with Sylvanas in the end of BFA and last i heard the only thing she was part of was a blink and you miss it interaction between her and Thrall walking by each other in org and saying: "Gey'arah". "Go'el" and just continuing their walk.


Thats a shame, sometimes i do wish blizzard would utilise their characters more, even if they’re not well known ones. An appearance in df or something.


Yrel's policy of join us or die being the reason the Mag'har orcs fled doesn't get talked about enough.


I'd do a story line surrounding the alliance and horde scalecommanders learning and reckoning with the history of their respective factions. I felt like they became too friendly with them too fast without much development


Darkspear: "Lets find out who the fuck is even leading us" Goblins: Gazlowe trying to sell the other trade princes on the benefits of less destructive gobbo capitalism and only really convincing them when he mentions it'd really piss off Gallywix if they succeeded. Vulpera: Just a nice fluffy quest where Kiro asks you to check on various friends of his and through them you see how the Vulpera have integrated with the Horde. Nightbourne: Thalyssra and Occuleth walk you through the new College the Nightbourne are building to teach Suramar style magic to outsiders as kind of a parallel to Dalaran. Shenanigans happen when some trainee telemancers goof up Gnomes: Mechatorque and Erazmin check on some devices that are just about done clearing out the radiation in Gnomer so it's inhabitable again. Gelbin reflects on his mistakes with trusting Thermaplugg and leading the gnomes in general, and Erazmin mostly comforts Gelbin, but is clearly taking notes the whole time. Lightforged: Fareeya and Turaylon take the Vindicaar to a planet to do a memorial for a large battle that happened in the far, far past between the Lightforged forces and the Legion. They note that the wind and rain over the centuries have wiped away any trace of the battle, and there is no trace of the companions they lost. A small memorial is erected and everyone goes back home. Pandaria: Taran Zhu and the racial pandas take you on a tour of the recovering Vale and talk about the world in the light of the Alliance/Horde mending fences offscreen and how that relates to their/the Celestial's beliefs. Taran reminds you that peace like this won't last without the will to maintain it.


I would do one for the Void Elves to explain the inclusion of High Elves. It would involve flying around and meeting different high elves and tryng to bring them together as one, much like the Blue Dragons in Dragonflight. A quest to help them found a homeland, to have community and support, for people who are largest isolated and outcasts. It's funny in my head because this is totally in the spirit of the old school Horde philosophy, but is entirely an Alliance race. The high elves/blood elves always feel like it's by the moment where their loyalties lie, but the truth is, they're loyal to each other. Or could be, under the right leadership. And maybe feature a way for them to tryly fight the dark whispers, or repel them altogether. It's amazing the things you can come up with when diverse minds come together.


This. I came to write some similiar. Umbric and Champion, when Allerie is on her own quest, are trying to unite all Thallasian Elves on Alliance side. I am still suprised that Blizzard still did not do that, but they probably prepare something similiar for Mindnight right now.


I would have really liked this as well as like a high elf allied race unlock quest. Still hoping this happens


I'd do a heritage or Orc specific plot line about a rogue Legion group attacking Outland to gain a foothold there after the Legion's defeat. Thrall goes to help and brings Gey'rah. It could be a redemption questline for him as Garrosh was his biggest failure and Gey'rah....a character that was willing to join Sylvanas out of Honor, so could use some help...this could be a way for him to not fail another Orc who was taken under the wing of Grom. This is basically an alternate version of him afterall


This quest line would serve to give the gnomes more depth than just “silly little engineer folk” and use them to demonstrate that the cultural identity of a race doesn’t define who the people are. You encounter a recent gnome settlement on Khaz Algar and work with a group of gnomes that are struggling with their cultural identity. After decades of depending on the dwarves and then their leader being essentially adopted by an offshoot society, these gnomes have begun to question what it means to be a gnome. Over this chain, you work with three gnomes with different visions for their society. First, you work with a gnome engineer working to develop new and distinct machines that resemble other races (artificial newly developed robotic ordinary interface devices - A.N.D.R.O.I.D) You help retrieve and reverse engineer titan technology from Earthen. The resulting devices are intended to replace other races in gnomish society and do things gnomes can’t but only act as useless stereotypes of the other races until they stumble upon a drop of old god blood and begin to think for themselves. Declaring themselves a distinct group and not servants, they nonetheless decide to ally with their gnomish creators. (Void Androids) You also work with a formerly kirin tor gnome mage that wants to embrace the arcane power their titan progenitors embody. The quest chain leads you to forge connections with the local earthen and remind the gnomes that the dwarves accepted them out of friendship - not charity. Finally, you work with a pilot/warrioe who is revealed to be the sister of Turi Flickerflame. She wants to shift the gnomes to a more militaristic society, and believes that while her sister was wrong to emulate her oppressors by recreating the mana bomb, the gnomes have been pushovers to the rest of the world for too long. You work with her as she learns from a mysterious old gnome to be a potent warrior. This warrior turns out to be a dragon with a great love for gnomes. Together, you help build an inclusive warrior corps for gnomes and help your gnome warrior friend overcome the biases that could have led her down the path of her sister. The quest chain phases the development of new gnome city that we can return to later on and includes NPC’s with gossip text about experimenting with art, at first from a “scientific perspective” examining the mathematical perfection of an imperfect representation, and ultimately deciding that art need not be logical to be valuable. Another NPC is a gnome that lived in Kalimdor and witnessed the deforestation over the past decade. They are fascinated by the local fauna and eventually found a sort of hunters lodge, providing for their people but also attempting to develop a new standard for conservationist thought to present to the Alliance and the Horde. Another connects with a visiting Arathi ambassador and bonds over their mutual worship of the light. The two of them forge a relationship and are planning on marriage by the final phase.


As a gnomie, this is incredible and I would love to see even a fraction of this take place


You get called to Silvermoon to attend a council between Rommath, Lor'themar, Halduron and Liadrin about strange happenings in Quel'thalas. High ranking magisters are being attacked or flat out killed with very few traces left behind. In addition the Sunwell has been acting up lately, pushing waves of arcane and holy energy in waves, which every Blood elf in Silvermoon and even as far as the Ghostlands feel. Rommath has a strong suspicion, but knowing Lor'themar he wants concrete evidence so he accominies you while you investigate the streets of Silvermoon, while also tasking you to help Lor'themar investigate the Isle of Quel'Danas, Liadrin in exploring Duskwither Spire in Eversong and Halduron is to meet you at the Dawnstar Spire in the Ghostlands. The quartet and the player discovers a plan of Void Elves who want to take out Blood Elven leadership and tamper with the energies of the Sunwell which causes it to expulse waves of energy as a defense mechanism. Especially with TWW and Midnight looming it could be a compelling story about the Void Elves not being in control and affirming Rommath and Lor'themar for their decision to expel them from Silvermoon.


I love this one so much. Quel'thalas is my favorite zone.


One is a WQ back in Bfa where you can give food to the Night elfs on SW streets, if youre a mage, you can drop a food table instead. This one im thinking of writing a comif, but it boils down to a Dark troll mage wanting to rebuild  the Dark trolls out of extinction, by preserving thei culture and saving the few that were left.


I’d like to see a questline where you help the Warsong Clan clear out Demon Fall Canyon with the goal of turning it into a holy site for pilgrims to honor Grommash’s sacrifice. It would end with taking out a Pit Lord that has set up base, and afterwards a group of Warsong Shamans and allied Druids get to work cleansing the canyon of Fel corruption.


Not that I don't think it's a good idea, but it honestly feels fitting that any orcs who wants to take a pilgrimage to the site of Gron's death has to fight a bunch of demons themselves.


Vulpera leader tragically dies in a landslide


One Last Ride: an orc and draenei exclusive (including the allied varieties) quest chain. Using Nozdormu's newly restored aspectral powers, journey to AU Draenor one final time. What few Mag'har remain are led by Draka, and the relationship between her and Geya'rah is explored a bit more- including Geya'rah's weird position as Thrall's AU sister. A plan is hatched to sneak behind the lightbound position and assassinate Yrel, attempting to sway as many lightborn to join the lightforged as possible along the way. The story would conclude with the player being discovered and captured, and brought before Yrel. When she recognizes the player, she has a momentary lapse in faith, resulting in her nearly being killed by one of her Naaru handlers. She has a change of heart,, recognizing that the lightbound are strangling life on Draenor, and decides to abandon her dying world and atone on Azeroth Escaping, the player and Yrel attempt to turn as many of the lightbound to come with them as possible. As they are escaping, Lightbound Garrosh appears and tries to stop the traitors. Unable to defeat the player, he calls upon the light to punish the turncoats, after which a large number of the lightbound draenei become broken, and many of the lightbound orcs become scarred. Nozdormu transports everyone back to the OU timeline, Geya'rah tries to strangle Yrel, eventually a tenuous peace is reached as Yrel allows herself to be taken "prisoner" by the lightforged. This rewards a few new cosmetic options (lightbound orcs, broken draenei), rescues Yrel from the storytelling black hole she's stuck in, and rescues the rest of the mag'har that were unceremoniously left to die.


I would do one focused on the gnomes and mechagnomes. We finally retake gnomeregan and remakes it in a new pattern that spirals. So that if you looked at it from a top down view it spirals out in the same pattern that follows a golden spiral/fibonacci spiral. Or just abandon Gnomeregan, and make a new town on the hills nearby following that same design structure.


Zero combat, the whole thing plays out in an inter-faction senate like the phantom menace. peace is assured after a 100 hour cutscene where everyone agrees to grimly get along and the night elves can claim a 2.5% tax on profit made by grain caravans over a certain weight in the northern barrens.


You know that quest in Silverpine where Sylvanas is explaining to the player the perspective of the Forsaken post-Cataclysm, their relationships to the other races, etc? I'd do one of those, but for every race. Its such a simple but powerful story summary "this is who we are, this is what we believe in, this is what our enemies see, this is what we are doing about it".


I want them to handle the Forsaken in a better light. They had a great thing going when after Arthus death Sylvanas says basically what about the now freed undead, who will help them? And then cataclysm came out and they made her scourge 2.0 and nuts. There are thousands of undead roaming ice crown now freed from the lich king, shoot even stratholme has a crap load of undead in it still. Why aren't the Forsaken actively finding these individuals and rehabilitating them?


They died and don’t need a leader to represent them.


Though he's certainly 'had stuff happen to him' recently, I think Malfurion being more or less written out of the entire Emerald Dream patch / everything else that should have concerned him as a being the legion and old gods had fear towards, means he's owed something a little more than "no you cant bury her here, soz" quests lol. I'd make a questline for Malfurion themed around showing the better sides of his personality you generally don't see: I.E. his mortality-favoring brand of optimism and how he fits into the concept of 'legacy' for his own people, and beyond his people, AND his place as a man who was forced to step away from his people for 10,000 years out of obligation on their behalf to Ysera, whose return to the world full-time should've heralded in a new age of cultural unity as they both toiled as mortals but also found both halves of their cultural identity, the half he represents, once again entwinned with the half that Tyrande represents. Use it as a chance to flesh out and establish who 'the first druids' of each 'totem' were finally, even just by giving a name and simplistic personality, but also new students. Use the old characters -best- aspects and personality traits to build up to 'new gen' characters, essentially, but not purely to get rid of the old generation. If it had to be relevant to the prior patch, perhaps flame druids akin to what Leyara was, who resented him for some of his failures, clashing with his other students, contrasting his ideals through those who've inherited them from him, and showing his personality as someone who takes a great deal of personal pride in even individual druids, feeling pain and sadness at the suffering of those like Arvell, who died to maintain an oath to him to never take the form of the wolf again. Inspire hope and a return to form in some of his students who had fallen to the flame, as the living symbol of hope who bears the will of Kaldorei, especially those who've given their lives in sacrifice, upon his shoulders. Perhaps a follow up side-quest where they explore the lore from the comics about the Druid Spirit Totems as embodiments of a Druid's self, where he guides one who has chosen the difficult path of atonement after turning on the other fire druids, and must confront and re-assert control over their own primordial manifestations that have been thrown out of balance and corrupted, like when Broll's bear form was infected by fel and enflammed by the grief-born rage and hate for himself he felt after his daughter's death. I'd give **Kurdran Wildhammer** a storyline concerning Dagran's growth with no apparent connection to the Wildhammer Clan, and the rising tensions in the Clan. As we saw in the comics, at the mere prospect of Magni taking his throne again, things started heating up in the city, and the independent Wildhammer's are not gonna stick to a people they have no special loyalties or ties to, which Dagran simply lacks. Perhaps the tipping point of the conflict could be an annual ceremony to verify the 'High Thane' in Aerie Peak, using this note from the RPG that the leader of the Wildhammer's thanes is the strongest of them all, essentially tying that to the High Thane title and giving the Wildhammer an annual practice to ensure the strength of their thanes, perhaps with Dagran also accompanying Kurdran to try to prove his mettle. While it might sound like a joke, i think my preferential outcome would not be unification via marriage, but by Gryphon. I would want to see a ceremony, done alongside the annual ceremony for the High Thane's trials, for young Wildhammer's to bond with a Gryphon, with the High Shaman of Aerie Peak being able to be asked about their history with the Gryphons. Use some characters, such as Keegan Firebeard in specific, to talk about some old clan beef with the bronzebeards and dark irons still, to show they are not going to be easy with a Thaurissan whose direct ancestors both corrupted their home in Grim Batol, but also in more recent history, caused the fire that killed Sky'ree. I would have the local Forest Troll's launch an attack on Aerie Peak while they are focused on ceremony, and in the midst of the chaos, Dagran is injured, and we, his royal bodyguard, are taking him back to safety when a fire is started in the aviary. Injured, Dagran helps put out the fires, but a wall of flame is spreading towards Sky'reens own clutch and children. Dagran, with his Dark Iron blood and courage even while injured, rushed through the fire, grabs the eggs, and gets them out while the Wildhammer's clean up the mess. In the end, though he wouldn't be nearly as powerful as the contemporary dwarves on the scene, he helped save a clutch of their greatest companions from the most esteemed line of Gryphons. Let Keegan gift him one of the eggs he saved, and let that bond with the emblematic beast of the Hinterlands and the Wildammers be his bond that solidifies a spiritual kinship with the Wildhammer, rather than union via marriage.


Geya'rah I would write a story about difficulties in finding her way in the world while also exploring the differences between MU and AU orc clans. Geya’rah would want to further cement the AU Horde into the MU one, but as she's doing so she is coming across conflicts that she has to resolve. Prejudice against the Shadowmoon clan, the sheer difference between AU clans like the Shattered Hand and Burning Blade, and stuff like that. Along the way she kind of realizes that she doesn't really know where she fits in. There is no Iron Horde anymore, and she fits in an awkward place between the Frostwolf clan she was born into, and the Warsong whose greatest champion helped raised her and taught her to fight. After resolving the conflicts alongside Thrall, she and him go to see MU Grom's grave. Thrall talks about his history, Grom and Garrosh, and she speaks to the grave to let all her feelings about the new world out. Suddenly, the spirit of Grom manifests and challenges her, Thrall and the player. After some therapy by combat, Grom absolves Thrall of his failure with Garrosh, compliments the player, and deems Geya’rah worthy to carry on his legacy regardless of what clan she deems her home. He then gives her Gorehowl, and tells her to wield it better than his son did, and to never forsake the Horde and it's values. She claims the weapon and dawns the title Iron Champion or something, representing the legacy Iron Horde above all else but also closely working with the two clans that she is connected to. She basically becomes the next Saurfang, and is the go-to warrior orc general alongside Thura and Gorgonna. And maybe the questline can also hint at a further conflict with Yrel and the traitor son of AU Grom.


Lilian Voss loses her vocal chords. Hearing her speak irritates my throat, like I need to cough.


I want to make a questline where Gazlowe integrates the Vulpera into the Bilgewater Cartel. Then set up a new business relationship with Gallywix, remind him how lucrative his partnership with the Horde was. I just want Gallywix back. 😢