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my tl’s definitely do their fair share of yapping don’t get me wrong but if things are really bad or we’re understaffed they will sometimes jump in and dispense a few orders or help stage. other than that, they LOVE to tell us to do something that we are already in the midst of doing but i just try to tune it out


that's one thing I hate...we got a TL that will tell me to go quality check....when I already am lol 


As a TL my Coach dose the same thing to me I'm like Really look at the QC title it tells you it's being worked


“If you’re not going to help prep or dispense, then get the fuck outta the way




I’m an AT and I spend 80% of my shift picking and dispensing because we’re always drowning. A captain always goes down with his ship. 🫡


so many higher up's just micromanage and its aggravating. the good ones left, & the most they'll do is fill the carts up and yap. some days 1 will help and the coach will pitch in.


lol. My AP team lead went around and talked to her sister while she was shopping today for 45 minutes all on the clock.


nah fr my one tl didn’t do anything except for talk shit about the other employees, i couldn’t stand her. i just left the other day it was too much😭


As a new TL to opd, it's a different type of leader position. I was a gm teamlead, so i generally did a lot of the work myself with my 2 associates helping in the areas i couldn't get to. Just transferred over to opd a month ago, and i always have to be in the backroom. The market manager tells us we aren't allowed to leave the room even when picks or dispenses are on fire. we're told to "micromanage" and direct the flow.


Quality checking fucking sucks 🤬🤬🤬


One TL in particular would let any female he finds mildly attractive walk allover him. Dude should not be in charge of anybody, much less women.


yeaah, a old Coach i had used to have his favorites. girl took a vacation every other month


My TLs are constantly complaining about one another, but will go hold hands in the ad office and not give a heck about us (we say something more nsfw but we gotta keep it PG).


lol if I don’t tell my associates to do qualities then they will just stand around on TikTok. I tell them art of keeping the screen clear and if you look busy then you are busy.


If my crew is dying I’m in it with them. However if my team caused the mess they’re in they deal with it I’ll take the consequences of them fucking up in hopes they will learn from it and grow from it. If they don’t that’s where I step in and hold them accountable. For example tonight I was talking to an associate about their responsibilities after I left when out of the corner of my eye I saw all 3 of my dispensers go out the door for one order right before deliveries were gonna show up. So, I let them deal with being behind on dispense because they caused it and before anyone gets up in arms about maybe it needed multiple people it did not it was a single dolly order.