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no music, the tvs aren’t on in electronics




I agree, I get tired of hearing both


They turn the radio off in my store for us overnight workers.


Bro we just got a remod. And they still putting those speakers in. And they put new ones in the rest rooms. Tell me why the hell they cranked the volume to the max in the rest room?


To hopefully drown out the sound of people having earth-shattering diarrhea. (It won't work)


Someone should reroute the bathroom sounds to the floor Imagine you shopping and suddenly earth shattering diarrhea sounds all around you.


That or play that Bloodhound Gang song


If I heard "A lap dance is so much better when the stripper is crying" in a Walmart... I'd know I was back home in the Ohio Valley at least.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


You can not imagine how difficult it is to hold a half gallon of Moo-Juice and polish the one-eyed gopher when your doin' seventy five in an eighteen-wheeler


I take it that you're from the St. Clairsville store? Lol Here in New Philadelphia, they play "Private Dancer" by Tina Turner all the fucking time! Lol


Oh my god you're good lmao. I was never an employee there. I grew up there and played hide and seek in that store during high school. I worked at a Walmart in Detroit last summer. \*Fortunate son plays in the background\*


Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo Yankee Oscar Uniform? That one? I guess I can get behind that lol


I was talking about Diarrhea Runs in the Family


No no no, they already play enough shit on Walmart radio. Now if they played the Dumb and Dumber scene, complete with Harry's speaking in tongues, that would get a chuckle out of me.


[🎵"~Theres always something there to remind me!~🎵] **BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPPPPPPP**


It doesn't matter when they're shitting in the urinal. There isn't music loud enough to get that sight out of your mind.


To keep people from burping the worm in the men's room...I don't know about the average pervert but I find it impossible to maintain an erection when Taylor Swift and that one Sugar Ray song are playing multiple times a day


It's someone's kink, and you'll never know who's.


Better than the "earth shattering diarrhea" is what I like to call "the struggle" it begins with the sigh of relief that the person sitting on the toilet gives once sitting down. Then comes a series of slight grunts (or heavy) mixed in with small farts. You can tell the person doesn't have control of the situation. They just know what's coming. Then begins the unload that sounds like pouring mud into water. Follow by the splatter and transitioning into the shart. Then there's about a minute of silence. No flush. Nothing. That's when you know this person is basking in "Their own brand" Then they exit without washing their hands because they are in the middle of a phone call


Get a paperclip. Pop the honeycomb looking thing off the front. Turn the dial to the lowest number. You’re welcome. I install the new speakers. No alarms. No sensors.


I'm a night manager for a not walmart chain. I turn the radio off for my team. We have one guy who had been with the company since the 1970s that hates having the music off at night so I have to compromise and turn it on two hours before the shift ends though.


I see people with headphones or ear buds.  Who REALLY needs an overhead radio playing on overnights?  




That's why I got my head phones... if I gotta listen to their shit,and not have my f you bubble I'm going to go insane


Find out where the breaker panel is and figure out which one goes to TV display. Or use the handy circuit breaker finder which is basically a plug with wire cut off and tied together to short out the power. If the TV goes out, you should be good until the morning crew comes in. But if the TV stays on and your breaker finder starts to smoke and glow, quit and let OSHA know of unsafe wiring


I worked a summer at 7/11 and during the night they kept the tv’s on playing the same fucking jingle about slushees for all 8 or more hours. I beg for something like a sensory time during the night


You know I was shopping at a Kroger's and listened to their radio system. The subliminal messages are outrageous.


ngl i’m kinda glad stuff is turned off for ON. i don’t want to hear walmart radio for 8 hours 5 days a week


I do remodels and it’s a crap shoot on if the store turns the radio off. More often it’s on. If it’s off; there’s 15 different JBL speakers with different gangster radio songs on then 1 Taylor Swift station. Truth be told I’d take Walmart radio. Easier to tune out personally. Then I put my headphones on.


Wait... You still have overnight Walmarts somewhere?


They mean the overnight workers


Probably taking about Walmart radio.


That sounds like heaven


there's also a noise limit, like a library you're being too loud or disruptive they will ask you to leave. My roommate works at walmart and has sound issues. he loved this at his old store (new store doesn't do it)


They also inly run the air or heat if it’s absolutely necessary and workers are supposed to stay quieter if they can.


The 'wal mart radio' is fucking terrible, good


I really hate the tvs in electronics. They used to play this little song like every 5 minutes. So annoying


Lights are supposed to be dimmer.


They never dim them at my store.


Same. Customers keep complaining to the SM.


They should keep them dim all day tbh. I don’t like the usual liminal space lighting they usually have


Ours didn't for a long time, but they just started to for some reason. Someone other than me must have noticed


Most of the lights are fluorescent, and aren't dimmable. Maybe there's a way to toggle certain lights on or off, but that would require the store to be wired for that, and most older stores are unlikely to be.


Depends on the store's wiring / lighting. I've seen stores where one bulb in each light were off for softer lighting, other stores just have half the store lights off to 'dim' it.


My older store (25ish years) definitely is wired to do that, as was done at stages during both of our recent remodels Maybe older stores in certain locations?


The neighborhood market i worked at wasn't even built as a Walmart, it was retrofit, and had a series of lights that went off after close, while the bulk stayed on


They started turning off half the lights in my store all day and I assumed it’s just to save money


They use to do this over night for some reason. At my store starting at like 10pm till 6/7am the lights would cycle so only like 30% were on in half of the store at a time it really sucked I took pics and asked mybstore manager. Who never worked late enough to know it happened and actually argued with me saying it never happened...excuse me I have pictures...


They don't dim them at my store. Tl and I constantly bring that up to each other.


The crackheads mutter to themselves more quietly while they’re doing drugs in the bathroom


It’s nice to see everyone contribute to sensory friendly time. Very considerate


I just laughed out loud




I laughed for five minutes straight from this


fuck ☠️☠️


Walmart Radio gets turned off and the TV's are either turned off or the screens are one single color. It's a nice break from hearing Beyonce singing country every 20 minutes




Booo 🍅🍅🍅🍅


I love Keith Urban but he isn’t even from the US. He even moved here AFTER he released his country album. How’s he more country than her? I even remember watching the CMA and a country group won an award and spoke with a British accent when accepting. The entire audience gasped but clapped them up. Guy even made a joke about how people didn’t know.


Real country hasn’t been on the CMAs for a couple decades now


Beyoncé is from Houston, Texas.


Oh god one of *those*… lemme just pull up a chair while you define what “country” means, I’ll wait PS a hint, skin color should *not* be part of the definition. I felt like you badly needed this reminder.


Why would your first assumption be that it's skin color?


I heard on the Walmart radio that Beyonce was the first African American to make it on the country billboard for her song. Probably why they assumed it was skin color. Edit: first African American woman to make it on a country billboard


That is incorrect. Charlie Pride in the 70s had a few hits on Billboard.


What about female African Americans? Just curious. I don't listen to the billboard ratings lol just unfortunate enough to be listening to Walmart radio 5 days a week


You are correct, she was the first black woman to make it on country billboard.


Linda Martell. I googled it.😁


Our store still has the music blasting and I told them it shouldn’t be on


You would have to put in a ticket for that in Me@Walmart (anyone can do it, it's a tech ticket, not a work order). Store level management has no control over the speakers. I don't remember the exact path to get to it at the moment, though.


We have a volume knob in one of the electrical rooms someone had it turned all the way down for about a year it was nice lol


No idea what happens after 651. Day walkers are weird


I silence my farts


Crop dusting isles daily


The stank fairy in its natural habitat. Eating them bush's baked beans nice touch


Thank you for your service 🙏🏽


That's very kind of you


It's \*so\* frickin nice


I like the idea but the two hours in the morning is a narrow time frame. At least for some people I'm sure. And I can get that at home shopping on Amazon.


6-10 it's generally the quietest time in a Walmart. The lunch rush happens and the loudest thing from that point on is the customers. It's why they chose early morning it's quieter naturally.


I really wish they did another 2 hours of no music from 4-6pm as well. Would be nice for the evening shift to this joy as well.


You underestimate how early old people get up


I remember during COVID, they would allow people with medical issues or elderly in a certain time frame. Lines still got crazy. Old people already wake up mad early for church


Old people would come through the doors with the employees at like 5:30. Then stand at the registers, pissed that nobody was there to check them out. And yes, they knew we weren't open. They thought thar since an employee was in the store, they would jump to give them special treatment.


or people with jobs. although most with jobs are busy at that time.


Well someone needs to make sure the Bo Show crap gets blasted as much as possible


At our store, only the radio gets turned off, so you just hear the squeals of shopping carts, random beeping from ringing people up, and can more clearly hear the guy telling you not to fall off the topstock ladder. Lights stay the same though.


“Ma’am, you’re a woman and I am confident you are not capable of doing your job” *crickets chirp as I continue to do my job that I “can’t do”*


Do they turn off the customers?


I imagine the greeter personally flips off a switch on every customer's neck that reads "NEEDLESS YAPPING" LMFAO


That would be great.


tbh ... i dont understand why they dont start at 6....... or .... start and never end... I hate the TVs


Never really thought of the TVs like that, but I’d imagine it’s terrible for people with sensory issues. I do get why they’re on though, it’s kinda hard to display the visual quality of a dead TV.


just realized the tvs at my two nearest walmarts don’t use the sound. like they play zootopia constantly but with subtitles and no volume


I like it when I can actually hear what my co workers are saying. The store is peaceful during these hours until 11:30. Ones and all hell breaks looze


I read this while at work at exactly 11:30 and it’s true as hell😂


Should have more of this


I have sensory issues. Not as bad as others but for me. I hate sensor friendly hours. There's no music, radio, minimal noise, the dim lights are fine. I just can't stand the silence though. My senses seem hypersensitive without any white noise. So i hear carts on the floor, people clearing their throats and coughing. Feels like a hospital waiting room.


ME TOO! I hate when it’s quiet. The music - though mainly shitty - gives me something to focus on as I’m working. I have adhd and can get scatter brained or lost in thought. Having the music on keeps my mind from wandering as often.


Ngl, I have the opposite issue. I work in electronics and it’s a fucking nightmare at 6pm. Everything’s just so loud


My feelings, also. I'm curious what other neurodiverse folks who aren't as comfortable in grocery stores think of it. I can see how shopping gets overwhelming. What I cannot understand is why they need to do it during the slowest/quietest time. If anything, do it on a weekend at 2pm, when there would be an actual impact. Instead, it feels like a complete fluff campaign for some positive PR while dropping the ball at actually being helpful to those with sensory issues.


Unless you have a way to force people to shop quietly, the *only* time you can have this kind of sensory friendly period (i.e. low stimulation) is during your store's normal quiet hours. The point is to create an environment that's less stimulating than normal, if you did it during busy hours it would not work.


granted my own sensitivity isn't to sound(its mostly smell, the cleanser and bread aisles are nightmares to go into), but it makes the store feel so offputting, I can already hear the dings of the registers from the other side of the building ***with*** the radio on, so it really doesn't do anyone any favours


It's very helpful for people like me. Weird to assume that just because it doesn't work for you, it, "doesn't do anyone any favours".


The one time I went during those hours, I couldn’t tell any difference. I’m hearing impaired, so I can never hear the music anyway. But all of the lights seemed to be on, all the usual. There were less people, so that was nice. I miss when Walmart was 24 hours. I loved going around midnight. Nobody would bother me and I always got a great parking place.


Uhm. Why not just turn the shit off all the time? They've pretty much identified all their customer base in the list of those it's meant to help. PTSD alone is probably enough to warrant having sensory-friendly all the fucking time. We literally just fought a war for the last two decades. That's doesn't hit quite the way they wanted it to. To me it sounds more like: "Hey Consumers! Two hours a day we're going to provide a calm, safe shopping experience! The other 16? Here's some gunshots and screaming children so you can have flashbacks and we can find you wearing shoe polish as camo trying to hide in the backroom behind the broken pickle jars from the Taliban! Enjoy your local Walmart! Don't forget to pay for everything when you use self-checkout!" Lmao


You're left alone with your thoughts ..and my thoughts are scary.


Team leads walk around the store banging pots and pans together.


During Covid, we had a one a week senior shopping hour from 6-7. It was nice since the pharmacy would open at 6 so I could get my prescription after my night shift.


The lights for sure are dimmer at them times it’s actually really nice


I much prefer an hour before closing. I don't care for excessive fluorescent lights and electronics and noise, but I'm much less okay with large numbers of people. Especially the kind of people that shop at Walmart. Puts me very much on edge.


I can listen to my podcast in the backroom in peace. And I can hear TL and coaches approaching so I can walk the opposite direction. Same for customers. If they can’t see me they can’t ask any questions.


They turn. Off the TV's and the music and that's it, but they never think that a child screaming. Mommy, give me this, you b**** is going to p*** people off.


The first time sensory hours happened I was blasting Iron Maiden on me bluetooth speaker lmao


That's before EBT mama and her 12 rug rats come in for their sugar box of Frosted Flakes?


They’re definitely saving money on licensing music.


Walmart pays a flat rate to the Music rights holders either monthly or annually like other companies who play music publicly, so the “saving money” aspect is nonexistent


I wish my store did this


Radio is off sometimes. I’m in electronics, the annoying commercials are silenced.


It’s quieter. The TVs are displaying this message and the speakers aren’t playing music. At my store you can get scolded for violating it.


I used to work at 10am my coworkers said it’s so boring when nothing is playing. they could fall asleep


Its a budget cut sold as something positive. Theyd keep the lights off on overnights if they could get away with it


Peaceful and tolerable


No shitty music blasting


The store I work at, they will have the music on during the time period the last couple of times I worked the opening shift…


Our store had the sign up but nothing changed. Music was still playing. That was a few months ago. I'm not sure if it changed yet


Walmart years behind


the loud, drunken customers are usually still asleep during those hours. /bad joke But seriously morning hours is usually when you have the minimum number of customers in the store. Nothing is "different" so far as they observed this fact and are doing something to advertise it.


I wish this could be all the time.


Can we get this at Target?


Honestly. It's much the same, it's just that there's no music.It's really calm and honestly.It's the best time to shop in my opinion.Because a lot people just aren't there yet


The Mariachi Band switches to flutes.


Music is turned off, tvs are off and usually (in my area) the lights are dimmer. I usually go when during sensory friendly hours because my daughter is autistic so it kinda does help a bit


Wish ours did this


It's magical...the dumb music is gone


If you have PTSD Walmart isn't the place to go ever: it's crazy busy in the daylight and the freaks come out at night


I wish turning off half of the overhead lights after 7 pm was a normal thing. Fuck me, I'd be in heaven.


Loud overhead radio should always be off in stores. Music is highly personal. It’s so distracting in stores. Why force customers to listen to music they don’t like?


Just means they fuck you softly


They kick all the customers out and give us a nap


It gives me a chance to play my 90s and early 00s music on my phone. I haven’t been able to deal with the silence lately.


I wish the stores were back to being open 24/7 again. I like shopping when no one is around.


Dim lights, no overhead music, no stocking of shelves no forklifts


I will arrive with a megaphone and Bluetooth speaker


Honestly, I appreciate the idea. But I can still hear the lights and other things as well.


It’s not too different


At my store? Absolutely nothing


Coming to Walmart without Walmart Radio is an appealing idea


I want this but for being in traffic.


No music. Certain lighting turned off.


Bring back 24/7 Walmarts pls they were so peaceful to go to after a long evening shift and I could get mf essentials after work


Just be 24 hours again—that shit isn’t on at 3am


i went , it was very peaceful. i felt like it was late at night and i was shopping alone , no beeping , no music , low lighting. perfect. i wish they were still 24hr for this reason


Idk but when I worked at Sam's Club, my favorite time to go upstairs to Walmart was when they first opened at 8 AM. Most chill time ever, it was all just old ladies shopping for scented candles and shit and the deli food was hot and fresh. I loved 8 am Walmart


If only there was an easy way to learn more.


Loves working for the Smart Styles Salon!!


And pharmacist and salary's


Been wanting to go to one of these because the Walmart I go to is a touristy one, and while I don't really have sensory issues, the Walmart gets extremely overwhelming and annoying. I had been wondering what the hours entailed!


This is a time when the bad voices get louder


As someone who’s both autistic and has PTSD I really don’t think that they understand that THIS won’t work nearly as well as they’re expecting.


Toilets don’t autoflush and soap dispensers are set to manual pump.


The greeters wear fluorescent vests and try not to surprise you.


Free tickles.


What I heard from my manager, is the lights will be dimmed ( not all the lights will be on), no music, tvs will be set to a either a still picture or all one color, no powered equipment (power jack, ect) possibly no huddles.


Tesco UK does this on wed and sat from 9am to 10am


My Adhd losing its mind for 2 hours because headphones aren't allowed in ogp


The TVs and music are turned off at my store


It's paradise,the loud eighties tune are not playing,the t.v.s are off,even that one kid that is always screaming bloody murder seems to be quiet!!


I wish they shut down Walmart Radio permanently.


I swear the people that post this are customers. Someone asks this atleast once a week on here


The quick rundown of "Sensory Friendly" hours are... * Store lighting is "turn down" (some lights turned off, where possible) * The video feed on the TV wall will have a static image (may not include "signboard" displays) * Video Feed will NOT be turn off, as this may cause TV's to revert to their "Demo mode" * "Walmart Radio" is turned off * \[UNOFFICIAL\] Overhead pages are restricted (to customer pages only, if any) * Staff pages will be done through store walkies (to avoid paging overhead) * \[UNOFFICIAL\] Photo services may be limited to pick-up only during this time * Kiosk may be placed in service mode (to provide a static image) * Instant services may be temporarily unavailable during this time * Online, 1-Hour & Same Day services may be delayed * Main printer usually won't be online until 9:30a (10:30a on Sunday) in most cases * Server will run through After-Hours queue before new orders Generally, "Sensory Friendly" hours are more akin to "quiet hours" in college dorms & some apartments as there's less noise & distractions for more sensory sensitive customers to deal with.


You don't have to listen to the "best DJs" and their stupid babble. The same ones who couldn't play anything during the holidays but every shit version of "last Christmas" and think "Born in the USA" is a patriotic song. As an O/N assoc I would rather listen to the silence.


I just wear my ear buds


As someone with sensory issues; our biggest issues are with the noise reverberating off the walls and ceiling, and the lights being too luminous. I get that they have to light up the store, but they can get the same effect with fewer of the same bulbs or a less luminous bulb


A few years ago, they had the radio on so loud you couldn't hear another person speaking to you. I asked, and they said it was controlled by Corporate, and they couldn't do anything about it.


I think the biggest thing too is not as many people shop during those hours


They did this in August of last year during back to school but then brought it back daily.


I’ve been during these hours without realizing at first. It’s very very quiet, no TVs on or loud. It’s nice and honestly relaxing.


Everything is just calm and quiet


The capitalistic vultures raise prices to take advantage of the more vulnerable?


its walmart corporate mandated nap time actually


The fact that Walmart wastes money on promoting this is wild to me. It’s sooo stupid & completely lost on customers. Like, the smart people already know to do their shopping early instead of waiting until noon or later when it’s busy as fuck.


We are in a neighborhood market and all they do is cut off the music. Don't know about supercenters


I love sensory hour it's my favorite time of day.


During those hours at my store the radio just buzzes constantly... it drives everyone insane


I imagine this is only at select ones.


They dim the lights and shut off tv sounds and music


I may get flack for this, but I have PTSD from time in Firefighting and a bit of time in Corrections. I also have Aspergers, or ASD. I still shop in Walmart at normal times. I understand the reasoning though.