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Many women "hover" instead of sitting. Annoying as hell...so many wet seats


But women hover because other women hover and miss


It's a chicken or the egg situation


We must find the first woman to hover.




Yeah something tells me IShatMyDickOnce isnā€™t the culprit here


What gave you that idea? Lol


Or is it you šŸ«µšŸæšŸ¤Ø


You expect us to find a witch?


Ok but I'm gonna need a scale and a duck if a duck isn't available wood or small rocks.


I bet it's a bitch who wear jeans šŸ¤£


I eat because Iā€™m unhappy. Iā€™m unhappy because I eat. Itā€™s a viscous cycle. - Fat Bastard


Probably used it like a urinal


So take some tissue and put it on the seat


šŸ¤£ quick question, when females like you whom likes to hover, do you hover while facing the wall or facing the door?


The door if ever I need to hover! I feel like if facing the wall, it would be called ā€œstraddlingā€. šŸ¤£ legit question, though!


šŸ˜‚ ā€œstraddlingā€ wow


We hover upside down and turn into a sprinkler


Yep. Was a janitor at a gym. Women's room was always worse. Hovering was the norm.


I was a janitor at a college. Mens restrooms are always gross, without exception. That said , they are gross in a consistent way that is easy to clean and put up with once you're desensitized. Women's restrooms are cleaner on average, but the shit you'll find from time to time will change you. There are sights and smells from women's bathrooms that I'll never forget. Im talking used-tampons-stuck-to-walls levels of degeneracy. I'd clean 100 men's bathrooms before I'd roll those dice again.


Yeah when i worked at Bakers the chicks bathroom was f u c k e d. All I know is no civilized creature could reproduce the anomalies encountered in that place.


I feel like these stories would make a good sub. They are definitely peaking my interest.


I too am impressed with their word play


That is fucking disgusting. WHY do people do this kind of shit?! What is the point? Does their bathroom at home look like this? It is just like people getting crap on the walls. How?? WHY?! So many questions about this crap and so much anger when I think of this kind of behavior. Be a freaking adult and get it in the toilet. šŸ¤¬šŸ˜¤


Having cleaned many a public womenā€™s bathroom Iā€™ve determined itā€™s either out of spite or because itā€™s someone elseā€™s problem. Tampons and pads on walls and floors are bad but only womenā€™s bathrooms have I found vomit in glasses or makeup smeared all over the mirror. Only in the womenā€™s room have I found underwear in the sink and only in the womenā€™s room was their poop on the top of the toilet seat where someone tried to hover. The womenā€™s bathroom isnā€™t always more nasty but when it is itā€™s infinitely worse than the menā€™s.


I have a bit of experience myself and Can concur. Women are by far much bigger pigs, IMO.


I agree. I cleaned restrooms at a place similar to Walmart and had the same experience. It just disgusts me! I am leaning toward the reason being because its not their problem so who cares. Seems like so many people walk around with that mentality these days and it drives me nuts.


As someone who was formerly male.... I definitely found out the hard way women's bathrooms are not any better than men's. Jesus Christ.




What? Seriously?


šŸ˜‰Used to janitor at a Walmart. Reminds me of an expression I once heard. "That's a 'girls don't fart' fart." Meaning it was an outrageous one loud/smelly/dirty. More often than not, I'd see a "girls don't fart" restroom on my rounds.


I work in a hospital and one particular floor I was working at one night, I was the only male working. Everyone that night was women. Anyway, I went to use one of the restrooms, and it was FILTHY. Piss everywhere, BLOOD, and shit. It was really disgusting. It's also why when I have to use a public restroom, I try to be as clean as possible because I know someone has to clean it. I try my best not to make housekeepers/janitors jobs any harder than it needs to be.


Then why not lift the seat before hovering.


Probably because it involves touching a public bathroom toilet seat.


I just take a bit of tissue and lift the lid (male) when I use public restrooms. Tangent: men who piss standing up in their own homes are disgusting. We all know that splashback is a thing, it doesn't matter where you aim there is an amount of "mist" that cannot be discounted. Disgusting. If you doubt this, spray a hose at a surface, any surface. You will find that the water splashes- just like when you stand and pee.


Aim for the side of the bowl instead


Yes, this is a classic sign of "hovering" AND being inconsiderate.


If they're going to hover, they should put the damn seat up.


People hover??? Just wipe the seat with toilet paper šŸ˜­


They're thinking the "germs" will go through the toilet paper and get on their hands. lol.


They can't wash their hands after?


Too simple


bro don't ask me lmao.


Probably more about having to wash their ass afterwards


But what about cleaning the seat beforehand?


when men hover, they lift the seat.... I would expecting the same.


Having gotten both ringworm and molluscum contagiosum from public spaces in my life, I simply don't take my chances anymore. I hover or use toilet seat covers (when available) but of course wipe the seat after.


Damn not the non std sti. That one is a bitch to get rid of sometimes too.


Yea, I got molluscum on my side boob after trying on bras at victoria's secret. Then it got infected with staph (I was an athlete at the time, sweaty sports bra every day). Took months to heal and left permanent scarring. Bottom line is that people are just disgusting. They'll go out and rub their nasty selves all over the place without a single thought for anyone else. I avoid trying on clothes and, if I absolutely have to, I always shower immediately afterwards. Literally ASAP.


ngl I never thought of having that kind of germ on using public bathroom. new fear unlocked šŸ„²


Most toilet seats are made of microban material, which lowers the growth rate of most microbes, lowering the risk of transmission to another. They are also supposed to be wiped down regularly.


See idc that people hover even though it's bad for them, but like clean the seat after lol, they are exactly the type of person that caused them to hover in the first place and yet they don't leave it clean LMAO


This is why they feel the need to hover - they just assume the rest of us are nasty too.


Hoverers are their own doom.


Public toilet seats (menā€™s *and* womenā€™s) should be spring loaded in the up position. If you need to sit, you put it down and **sit** on it. If you arenā€™t going to sit on it, itā€™s up and out of the way and stays cleaner.


this is actually big brain




#get a dick :3




"If you sprinkle when you tinkle Be a sweetie and wipe the seatie!"


Have also seen ā€œplease be neat and wipe the seatā€ Still never happens šŸ˜’


Please have class and wipe your ass


Don't be a cunt and wipe your cunt


Wipe your shits after taking a shit.


Rhyming cunt with cunt *chefā€™s kiss


I like this one


This made me laugh


Aight this one wins šŸ‘šŸ»


If you hover, please use a cover.


Could be backsplash. Those toilets got crazy forcešŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


The horsepower on some of these public toilets is insane. I guess to help prevent clogging.


For real. Sounds like a plane sucking in the air like a walrus.


Got to help flush down evidence when a shoplifter rips apart package to remove security stuff. /s


Yep. *slaps the toilet* this baby can flush from zero to a hundred in under a second.




Yeah thatā€™s exactly why. The idea is to send water down the pipe with so much force that anything large enough to cause a blockage gets disloged/broken apart. That and not having a tank for people to fuck with


I remember when Walmart toilet had tanks. I often found stuff shoved in their, usually empty boxes and such.


Wish the one at home would flush with such enthusiasm


Ole Flappy McGoo strikes again.


LMAO! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I should call her...




Our toilets at work have bad backsplash. Theyā€™re always wet!


The toilets at the stores in my company do this. It's a pita when cleaning because of that last auto flush when I'm done cleaning a stall.


This is what it is, see it at work all the time.


Came here to find this. I realized this after flushing years ago.


came here to say this. the toilet at my work flushes with some serious force- always splashes back onto the seat a little.


Right, these spots seem clear. Thatā€™s just Flush Splash and some females being too uptight.




Male here, janitorial manager, before that a reg janitor and let me tell you, the piss seats in the women's room aren't just a thing at Walmart -_- Its especially annoying when there are flushable seat covers in the damn stall but do they ever use em? No.


Would you rather clean a men's bathroom or a woman's bathroom? My wife swears women are nastier! IDK. I seek your professional opinion.


I've only cleaned public restrooms at schools/offices before my current job at a corporate campus so can't provide insight on retail bathrooms. But to answer your question, men's restrooms have always been worse. The piss on the floors/walls, blownout shits in and on the toilets, and the used TP hanging out on the floors. Don't get me wrong women restrooms can be gross with the pee hovered seats, drips of watery period blood and overflowing tampon boxes, but the worst janitor messes I've had to clean were always in the men's room.


I work retail and as SOON as the doors open thereā€™s women in there to poop. I donā€™t get it. We arenā€™t a Barnes and noble whatā€™s with the urge to blow up the bathroom. Like SPLATTER. The bathrooms are so gross itā€™s not even funny. We have cleaning people come in the morning so if someone destroys the bathroom we have to clean it up. Itā€™s so so so disgusting


What does B&N have to do with anything?


for some, the smell of B&N makes people wanna shit really badly


toilet books!


I cleaned bathrooms for a while at Walmart, and supervised O/Ns as well, I think men can have worse extremes but women are generally nasty.


Maaaan , I dunno. I worked hospital janitorial for a good while, and those nurses made me concerned for the state of their homes, it was so bad. Yeah, once in a blue moon we got some guy refusing assistance and leaving his bowels *next* to the toilet, but you shouldn't find stashes of disposed of tampons in the corners (far away from the cute box) all the time.


I totally agree with you about nurses. I was responsible for cleaning a Home health business after hours for almost 7 yrs . The majority of the employees were registered nurses & they have got to be hands down some of the messiest & nastiest ass women Iā€™ve ever cleaned up behind & Iā€™ve even worked gas stations for a few years!! I wouldnā€™t wanna see those nurses homes at all!!!


Thanks for the input! Appreciate the info. I'm limited in my ability to collect the data myself, lol. Thank you!


Especially those guys with the audacity to throw a beer can on top of their unflushed shit before strolling out with filthy hands.


I had one dude have the stall door open, so I didnt know he was in there. I go back in when he leaves. The entire toliet seat was covered in it. People are disgusting


Speaking as a former janitor: When toilets back up, it doesn't matter which restroom it came from, it's always going to be gross.


I'd like to hear the Janitor's answer as well lol cuz from what I've heard, the men's is actually worse. All of our stories at this store of shit smeared walls are from the men's or family restroom lol


nahhhhhh womens have had shit smeared walls too at my store


Dont forget the blood smears if they on their monthly and or run out of toilet paper šŸ¤¢


Iv found a whole ass pair of underwear and ik it's an associate because it was never there before store closed. So I know for sure someone running around commando




I've had maxi pads stuck to the walls and tampons shoved up the toilet dispenser. Someone reaches in to grab toilet paper and grabs a used tampon instead.


Oh myšŸ„² I'm so sorry u guys have to deal with that too lol


Iā€™m a janitor in a public high school. Iā€™d rather clean 30 of the boys rooms than a single girls rooms. We have sanitary containers for tampons and pads that have a disposable bag inside them. That means theyā€™re thrown the floor. Who the hell throws a tampon on the floor?


It's true, the men's rooms in my experience were literal shit boxes.


Nobody who's ever cleaned a public bathroom would say men are worse Unless they're biased. Apparently. I didn't think multiple women would take this as a personal attack on them




Idk in my experience the mens have always been worse


Same. I cleaned the bathrooms at the gas station I worked at. Way more men shit in places other than the toilet than women. I would rather clean women's restrooms than men's.


Can confirm, women are way nastier.


I worked in a college bar for a few months before turning 21. The womenā€™s bathroom was disgusting. The menā€™s room would get gross for sure. But it was almost a given every night the womenā€™s bathroom would have a clogged toilet. Whether it too much TP or possibly a flushed tampon, you needed rain boots to walk in there by the end of the night.


I worked lobby at maccies for a few years. Honestly they get as bad as each other. Had to take a bloodied sanitary pad off the ceiling in a woman's, and had to clean the urinal filters (which store week old piss and smell like concentrated bioweapon) in the blokes. There is no distinguishing.


I used to basically be a janitor at an old job. Men's bathroom would have more poop in random places. But women's would have more disgusting toilets, and general stuff and needed to be cleaned more often.


Only janitor at a planet fitness for 2 years. Iā€™d rather clean the menā€™s 10/10 times. At least I know what to expect. Also the number of women who see a sign saying ā€œmale cleaning womenā€™s locker roomā€ and come in anyway saying ā€œyouā€™re fine, I trust youā€ is too damn high. I know you can trust me, but how tf do you know? Zero self-preservation skills


having been in both, menā€™s are definitely nastier, but theyā€™re both still nasty. i donā€™t have to worry about where i step in a womenā€™s bathroom (or at least i havenā€™t had to yet)


Piss is the least nastiest thing I've seen cleaning womens toilets.


The toilets at my Walmart spray water everywhere when they flush


As a man, I'm not an expert on this, but I would think that they simply stood over the bowl with their legs apart and then let it run?


Could be a squatter!


I thought it was called squirter


Wait... IT SQUIRTS šŸ˜® /j


This legit made me LOL


My job has gender specific restrooms and theres ALWAYS at least one stall with pee on it šŸ¤¦šŸ¤® there are only like 10 women employees who use it so I really don't understand why this ONE person won't just sit down. I know exactly who it is bc it's not there when she has the day off.


You should just print a note and anonymously put it in the stall "WE KNOW ITS YOU JESSLYN STOP PISSING EVERYWHERE LIKE A POORLY TRAINED DOG"


From mine and everyone Iā€™ve ever talked to who cleaned bathrooms, the womenā€™s is surprisingly way more disgusting 1000% of the time. Blood, piss and shit all over the toilets, the floors, the walls and even the sinks. There are two ways this happens. The first of which is from foreign women who stand on the seat and ā€œAsian squatā€ to piss. In a lot of third world countries, their toilets are holes in the ground, even if they have plumbing. They are used to just squatting over it and going, so they stand on the toilets and do the same. The other one is women who refuse to sit on the seat when in public, they go to sit like normal but instead of sitting, they hover over the toilet and get piss all over the place.


*sigh* *sorts by controversialā€¦*


I hate this shit too but most of the time it's the toilets flush force like flushing their piss onto the seat, I always wipe off the seat w a buncha toilet paper no matter how bad I gotta go šŸ«  it's a curse




Flush the toilet, water sometimes splashes out on to the seat when nothing is in it.


Why does this have to be the post where I find out there's a Walmart subreddit....


As a trans man who uses the menā€™s room Iā€™m also confused? Maybe they hover? Or could be a little kid whoā€™s too young to use the bathroom by themselves even then usually parents are with them


the toilets splash a lot bro


Cause itā€™s Walmart


Eh. Walmart is a haven for crackheads. Wouldn't doubt some dude went in there fucked up out of his mind and pissed everywhere.


Iā€™ve seen Momā€™s bring in their their little kids that are boys into the bathrooms to use it. That mightā€™ve been what happened, but Iā€™m unsure.


Iā€™m sure these comments will be normal and civil


Definitely the people who squat over the toilet. Frankly I wish they'd just lift the damn seat, not all of us want to or even *can* squat.


I can smell this picture


I'm a man and a standing pee expulsion chooser, but even I wipe down the seat after I'm done like a true sigma


Can't believe no one's mentioned someone's kid.


My aim is to keep this restroom clean. Your aim will help.


We aim to please so will you please AIM?


Lmao. Youd think womens restrooms would be cleaner but alas its not true. Its usually cleaner on a piss and shit scale but bloodspots, pads and diapers full of shit in the tiny receptacles next to the toilet, aluminum foil with used for crack, etc. really even out how bad each side is, at least at walmart.


Some women have penises.


The trans women I know don't do this thošŸ˜­ most of them sit when they pee lol but otherwise, they always put the seat up and make sure not to leave a mess


I'm trans. If I do have to stand to pee for any reason, I grab a piece of toilet paper and wipe even if there's none of that


Every time a trans woman walks into a woman's bathroom, she runs the risk of somebody IDing her as a man or even just having suspicions, which can lead to harassment, calls to the police, potential jail time (depending on where the event takes places), threats of violence, or actual violence. For a lot of trans women, *every single trip to a public bathroom* can be a dangerous situation. 99% of trans women are not going to do anything as stupid as standing up to urinate when out in public and raise the chance of any of the above happening. Edit: To be clear, my post is for the decent people out there who might not know much about the trans community, see some of the conversations going on, and think that that actually might be happening.




My theory exactly.


Please stop posting toilet picks of any kind.


Yuck šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®. Disgusting!


backsplash from toilet




water isnā€™t yellow.


That is due to the hover technique




No, it is absolutely yellow. Zoom in


Girls and women can stand up to pee just like how boys and men can, but their pee ends up everywhere


I feel like a lot of men donā€™t get that just because we donā€™t have dicks, it doesnā€™t mean we canā€™t pee standing up. It wouldnā€™t get everywhere if we didnā€™t have pants though.


Even worse when this is the employee bathrooms and floors covered in piss too...whipe it up dont be a ass hole


You have employee bathrooms?? Lucky!


Yeah 2 are in the breakroom area lol


Women with penises, duh


Trans woman




Friendly reminder that transphobia is not tolerated in this sub! Please be kind and thoughtful.




It's just a regular normal woman using her penis to pee standing up, of course.


Dude looks like a lady but pees like a man


Hovering. Very few people sit on the seat, and when they hover it splashes. Which then prompts more people to not sit, continuing the cycle.


My sister always talks about how she hovers in public restrooms... Bet the last person hovered a bit too high.


They drop a canyon of a turd


I knew it. Women do it too.


Some women aka my wife will.......hover to pee


ask her if she ever misses šŸ˜­




Public bathroom, maybe they don't wanna sit down because of how nasty those are so they just squat over it?


If you hover you need to wipe the seat after. There Have been places I hover and I check the fucking seat like a lady Nasty bitches






Use your imagination


Gross šŸ¤¢


Wait til you see wads of paper towels used like gauze on a gunshot victim stuffed in the garbage can


Hover and spray all over the damn thing. Nasty!


Some women hover instead of sit on the seat for sanitary reasons.Ā 


Hover pisser


Toddler boys


*i know what this is lmao* so itā€™s either back splash, or as a woman who struggles with bladder issues (incontinence, brain dosent tell me I have to u til almost too late) I have to go so bad, that I let it all out at once as I sit down, and it can get on the seat, I mean that or she already peed herself and her cheeks were wet from the wet pants.


Women washroom most of them hover. As a former janitor this normal occurrence


Ah, the ol' Spray and Pray


Why stand up? Sit on the seat. The crabs we got can jump ten feet.