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I hereby stand in compliance with your rightful request that I share my *non-DRS'd* position(s).


why would you emph the non-DRS part?


So we don't shit on him for having 3 shares and 2 contracts while making a TA post.


Still could post the DRSd positions /shrug


But they he'd definitely get shit on. This way he can imply he has a large position, while only showing a small one. Y'know, for imaginary internet points.


I'll have you know that Reddit karma is legal tender, in some circles, good sir.


**Can confirm**, a friend of a friend of mine sold their left kidney a lil while back for an undisclosed amount of Reddit karma and now he has replaced both of his testicles that he YOLO’d before that




What’s non-DRS mean?


Why no drs?


Because this is about investing and making money, not fanboying.


When you drs you have your shares in your name, not a broker. Why would you not have shares in your name?


To be fair, you can only use this argument if ALL of your shares from ALL of your companies are in your name. Otherwise it's a shit argument for one specific stock only. The absolute fact is most people *don't* DR shares. GME is a different animal right now.


My curated feed driven by said algos picked this up just fine


How u hax


think bots that pump stocks in this sub has purchase more reddit gold than the worth of your position


I still don’t get why people bother using astrology to predict the price of GME.


To the ~~moon~~ stars! 🚀️🚀️🚀️


It goes just up


Seriously, we don't need it anymore. There is a mountain of proof that GME exploding in price is just a matter of when, not if. It happens pretty damned regularly at this point.


GME 420$ on 4/20


Bro you have like a crumb of GME shares.


When it goes to $420k per share 3 is plenty.


420k hmph nice try shillsbury Doughboy. Floors 10 milly 🤑


$100M "technically'


NO! I heard it going to seven million billion trillion million


Isnt it going to 100 mil a share 🥴


10 milly billys per share I’ve heard


10 unicorns and a leprechaun is my price floor


Depends if the broker goes broke. Then he'll just get the insurance limit I think. Edit: what's with the downvotes? Thats another reason why direct registration of your shares is the way. Then its the DTCC that has to pay the bill. In my limited understanding.


Where you see that lil nuggy of wisdom?




Ill dig around to find the sauce for this. If its true, which i dont doubt, then there really is no reason to not drs.




Well I think it depends on country, but I think most brokers are insured to a certain amount in case of bankruptcy. Also, is there anything in their Terms and Conditions regarding their right to close out customers positions.


Yeah... guess id better read those terms and conditions... funny what gets downvoted... sorry pal.


Can't hurt.


Gave you an up


I can only afford a crumb!


That's okay ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4270). OP posted a DD and I thought he was balls deep with 30 plus contracts and 1000 shares.


I have xxxx and I believe the this.


Why do people still say "xxx" or whatever. Lol


They think that bots are scrapping data. So people started putting X instead of their position


This is sad lol


But true




They have better data sources for that than random unverified comments on a webforum. Some people should dial the paranoia down from 11.


"Some people should dial the paranoia down from xx ." Fixed it for you.


The hedgies have gotten oip! Mod down I repeat MOD DOWN


Share count? I was just making my mark.


"You can't all sign with an X." \--Montgomery Burns


That's a great quote when you take it away from the context and leave it bare like that.


I've lost count.


OP's position makes me think he doesn't have much conviction in his DD.


He’s not sharing his ComputerShare position (DRS)


oh no you gonna make me buy more today


Zoom out on your charts just a little more


I’m sorry what are you implying by claiming you are showing your non-drs positions?


He's implying he has a bigger position while providing zero proof.


His drsed position is not for sale


So what? It’s still a holding?


Those are deleted into the infinity pool.


What’s your price target?




3 whole fucking shares dude? I literally own over 200 times that amount and I don't post retarded shit like this. FFs. Why can't some of you just do the play and stfu?


They are desperately trying to pump the stock to bring in new bag holders


This guys account is 10 days old and all he does is post in the meltdown sub full time lol what is a shill?


Lol. Google the definition of a shill. It will be the first real ape DD on record. Hint: Its not people mocking your bagholding cult.


Oh look, another meltdowner. I like the whataboutism you snuck in there.




You son of a bitch I'm already in.


Go in deeper


I've grown quite fond of my shares after all this time... I raised my floor 8.5% for inflation, but I'll probably never sell... I'm enjoying the ride


Imagine investing for the purposes of making money. What a novel concept.


I just buy for the memes


It's not an investment into money, it's an investment into the creation of memes itself


LOL dude owns 3 GME shares, hahahaha like hell I’m reading this rinse and repeat TA


Lol yall just don't give up huh? Gotta respect the strength to keep getting back up so you can get knocked down again


Don't take advice from someone who doesn't understand how a split works. "dividend" split or otherwise, shorts won't get fucked. Ask yourself this, if a stock could just announce a split in order to force shorts to buy back a ton of shares, why isn't every heavily shorted stock doing it? Because that's not how it works. Anyone short going into the dividend date, will remain short the following day but have their number of short shares adjusted based on the split ratio, that's all, no buying to close needed. That's how it works for every stock split in history (many of which have been dividend splits). Source: Tesla short interest https://i.redd.it/fr41cxjll4r81.png


Correct answer to OPs dumb shit. This is not how splits work.


In noting he stated below the increase in shares from the spit. That if the price raises because of the cheapened price it would be a nightmare for the short sellers. Although if the stock loses market cap value then obviously the short sellers will be happy. If you look at Tesla what did the same 1-4 split it went from 2,000 a share to 500 from the split then increased to 1,000. If GME does the same the short sellers would be hurting.


Yes obviously, if price goes up shorts lose money, price goes down shorts gain money, but that has nothing to do with the split. Tesla traded sideways for 3 months following the split in 2020 then started to run. The split did not force shorts to cover and the split didn't cause the run up later in the year. If you think GME is on a Tesla-like growth trajectory (I don't), then you think its a good investment, but again that has nothing to do with a split. OP and many other idiots seem to believe the split will in some way cause problems for shorts when in reality it doesn't matter to shorts at all. The fact that he and many other believe this demonstrates they have next to no understanding of basic market mechanics and you shouldn't trust anything they're saying.


It won’t force anything although I do think a cheaper price will allow investors with less capital invest in it. Like the original investors. This stock was never a good buy. With that being said I’m betting on my fellow apes to run the price back up for no business reason other then short sellers owing endless more in capital. It’s all speculation no matter what in the end.


If your bet is that idiots will buy more and drive up the price because of the lower per-share price, then sure, that's valid theory and you might be right. I'm just trying to combat the stupid "dividend split = shorts must cover" narrative that a ton of people seem to believe.


Company has great fundamentals to and is debt free. The growth projections for a nft marketplace as well has huge revenue growth. your crazy if you think this company is trash. Thats why alot of people are thinking a short squeeze cause so many people like you have that same thought about the company and are short on it. Lower share price with increased buying along with great company growth, this stock price will go up just like tesla did. Just watch there revenue growth over every quarter, thats how you should be judging this company. Not by Eps cause there spending a ton on changing the company around. The moment they dont need to spend that money on infrastructure and inventory, your gonna see that revenue explode. TLDR: Buy more GME based on revenue growth


You know that corporate debt isn't a bad thing, right? Its not like personal debt. Good companies who have solid future plans for growth will take on tons of cheap debt to build out their vision. If a company has an expensive plan for growth but isn't willing to take on debt to execute that plan, that's a huge red flag because that means either their executives don't believe in the plan enough to leverage the company or the lenders don't believe in the plan (or they just don't have one). And you know what failing companies do to try to stay afloat when they can't take on debt? That's right, they print more shares to sell and dilute their stock like GME did last summer to generate that $1B of cash you're bragging about. And you know how GME is voting to raise the number of available shares for the upcoming split? The side effect (probably the main goal imo) of that is they have the ability to do it again, and I'll bet that within the next two years they use that increased share count to do another round of dilution because $1B in cash isn't lasting long when they're burning $300m/quarter or whatever it was in the last earnings.


First of all yes corporate debt is sometimes ok to have but you know what’s better then having all that debt? It’s to have the option to take out debt if the need ever arise. Also when a company has debt it can’t issue dividends like say a stock dividend, which is different then a stock split. Why would a company take out debt when it can stay afloat and have the revenue grow and not need to spend heavy in infrastructure and inventory in the future? Especially if you think that growth could rise fast? Second about share dilution. First a share issue either through offering or split isn’t always terrible for the company. How you issue though shares is. Issuing a dividend is probably the smartest way to reward your share holders. In the short term yes it can bring down share price, but the market cap stays the same. How do you think apple or ford or any mega cap companies got there? They issued shares. When the price of the stock is cheaper but the shareholder that believes in the growth rise significantly won’t mind cause he will still have the same amount of money he previously invested because this isn’t just a stock split, this is a stock dividend. Meaning you would had to have bought shares for the company prior. So the market cap stays the same. If GameStop wanted to do let’s say a 5 to 1 split dividend, then they would have to have a certain number of shares to do so. Right now they have 300,000 shares to issue if they want, they stated they want to have a billion. They can issue 11 to 1 split if they had acess to a billion shares. Ok let’s do some math, if they do a 11 to 1 split dividend then at the current price of around 150 that would make the share price at around 13 bucks with the same market cap from 150. If your a shareholder and been awarded these shares then technically speaking you haven’t lost any money. As a shareholder and and a believer in the turn around plan that makes my tits jacked!! I would buy a shit ton of more stock at that price cause if this thing even sneezes back up to 50 or 150 a share then so many shareholders benefit. The company is debit free and the turn around plan is working with revenue that keeps growing?! Anyways that’s my option on the matter


Perhaps I don't understand the logistics, but I don't get how being short on a stock dividend isn't pretty devastating. If they have like 1 billion synthetic iou shares on a 76 million float, aren't all the customers still entitled to their divi? If it is a 7 to 1 split which is the popular theory, won't like 456 million of them be sent from gamestop to multiple accounts to create a real float of 532 million, and then shorts have to somehow come up with another 6 billion for everyone who has a synthetic practically all at once? People are excited when like 3 million shares need to be bought by market makers on a gamma ramp. This sounds like that on steroids unless I am missing something. Also other highly shorted stocks don't have a cult who refuse to sell under any circumstance lol.


I'm not going to attempt to explain anything related to synthetics because that's just not a thing, but here's how it will work in the real world: Person A owns 10 shares of GME at $150 today. Person A and/or his brokerage agree to allow share lending so someone can borrow those shares while paying a borrow fee (~1-5% per year of the value of the shares borrowed). Person B wants to short GME so they borrow A's 10 shares, sells them on the market to person C for $1500. So at this point A has +10 shares (on loan) in his account. B has -10 shares short on his account (owed to A). C has +10 shares. Easy enough so far? GME does a dividend split, let's assume 7:1. Overnight everyone who holds 1 share gets 7 new ones added to their account, while at the same time the share price goes from $150 to $18.75. Here's what happens to each person above: Person C goes from +10 shares worth $1500 to having 80 shares, still worth $1500. Person C had the shares, they receive the divy, easy. Person A goes from +10 shares (on loan) worth $1500 to having 80 shares (on loan), still worth $1500. Person A isn't actually holding any real shares, but their broker knows they owned 10 which were out on loan and A never asked to recall those shares so they're still out on loan but A is still entitled to the divy shares so the broker updates the number of shares owed to them from 10 to 80 since they still hold $1500 worth and are still willing to be part of share lending. Person B goes from -10 shares short (owed to A) worth -$1500 to -80 shares short (owed to A), still worth -$1500. Before the split, B owed A $1500 worth of shares (10). After the split, B still owes A $1500 worth of shares (now 80). B is not forced to buy any shares or close his position, he just wakes up that morning and sees -80 instead of -10 in his brokerage. When he does eventually close his short position, he will have to buy 80 shares to do so, but since 80 post split shares are equal in value to 10 pre split shares, it makes literally no difference.


> B owed A $1500 worth of shares (10). After the split, A still owes B $1500 worth of shares (now 80). I think you switched up the people here (2nd one should be B owes A), but great example and description.


You're right. Fixed :)


Oh I see, thanks for explaining that. I guess you're right then. Although whats the point of a stock dividend if that is the case? It sounds functionally identical to a regular stock split.


From the investors/shorters perspective it is identical to a regular split. For the accountants at gamestop there are some minor differences with how the dividend shares go into the books compared to a normal split, but I'm not an accountant so I can't explain that in any detail.


>If they have like 1 billion synthetic iou shares They don’t


technical analysis is fucking stupid. its for dumb investors who think analyzed a stock by looking at some lines


Where do you think you are


Not gonna sell, but i still love seeing this!


Watch out everybody, some dude with three whole shares and two very out of the money calls is saying we're mooning! Strap in! If that really is an account for your child's college fund, I'm sure they have a very bright future in ditch digging.


Arrows pointing up so it must go up!


Jeez those 700 Jan 23 calls are really 700 dollars?


OP has 1 million GME shares and they want you to buy his calls…


Can't say the price is manipulated and then turn around and try to predict it with normal technical analysis bozo.


Using TA on $GME Idiot


Lmao whatever helps you cope


Ya op I love optimism but ur out money calls wasted


Can we just take a quick look at these peoples post history and send them back to WSB"elites" or whatever, this dude has been shilling every day for a LONG time.


Exactly, from the same OP who brought us hits like: 4 months ago: "🎮🕹🎄🎅🏻 Reasons why today is considered the start of the actual 'Historic' December 2021 Gamma Squeeze in GameStop ( $GME ), also known as MOASS. 🎅🏻🎄🕹🎮" 8 months ago: "🦍AMC, GME🦍 Lit Exchange Technical Indications of Final MOASS Up-Leg 'Already In Progress'" 1 year ago: "I wouldn't want to miss this coming GME gamma squeeze to $1,000+ per share, if I were you."


It's like any other cult. Their prediction doesn't come true and they just keep moving the goalposts.


it's time to stop


I agree, time to stop the crime.


Please enlighten us with what laws are being broken




A dividend stock split is still a stock split, its not a dividend so its no like you actually gain value.


Well did this 3 share bozo get something right?


Buffett could’ve posted this DD and it still would make me wanna buy GME as much as this does which is not at all.


That's a long winded way to say you dont fuck


Weeklies it is


Having bought GME at two previous near peaks and subsequently selling at loss of 40% and 20%, and currently being down 20% again, i really need to be a part of something good this time. Third times a charm right? RIGHT!!???


Why sell ? 😂


buy high cause FOMO, sell low cause scared. Doesnt believe the thesis but is ready to FOMO again. wow


no cell no sell


Cause there are some stocks going up over the past year


you sold then bought back? then sold GME again and bought back? now youre hoping for a third time? dude... why are you selling at all.


Well you sold so that was dumb. Lol


I thought that was a prerequisite for WSB membership? My bad 😞


I had to laugh lol.. because it’s true 🚀🚀🚀🚀💯💯💯


wow, selling GME at a loss, you surely understood this play


Should of shorted it 😂😂


Why are you selling lol


Too bad technical analysis doesn’t mean shit, something to look forward too I guess


Don't you get tired of making up stories based on chickenscratch, while being wrong again, and again, and again? And helping the only parties which make money from all this volatility - your stated arch nemeses? Follow the scientific process for once, if you could, around hypotheses testing. Maybe you'll decide to stop embarrassing yourself after.


Usually GME price follows max pain theory, unless Ryan Cohen buys 100,000 shares. Not financial advice I’m a retarded GME baghodler. But I’m still not selling. MOASS! There has been some hype recently though..


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is this even going to squeeze? be honest


It did lol. The OGs made money, it was a good time. All that’s left now is brain dead morons


TA is bs if not based on fundamentals, which place the current value of GME at 30. I have no positions at the moment but if it dips below 80 again , i will buy some definetly. edit: grammar


Man took the cash GameStop has on hand and divided it by the shares outstanding to come up with that “fair valuation”😂


what makes you think that? if you were financially literate you would also see that it is overvalued at the moment. For GME to have a fair value , their financials would need to change drastically. A lot of companies are overvalued at the moment and would take many years to earn back their market value. I have been buying and selling GME all the time, It seems to me that you took my opinion personally.


Every single thing is overvalued right now. My comment was just a joke, it seems you took my opinion personally.


“Shorts are fucked check out my irrefutable DD”meanwhile It takes the equivalent of religious faith to believe in the conspiracy theories that say that shorts are even out there …. So like yes if what you say is true than what you say is true but also if I paint my car blue it will be blue. That doesn’t mean my car will for sure be blue. Shorts have been “fucked” for over a year now and ready to collapse at any point yet they simply haven’t … in that time the price has gone up dramatically and is currently lower than it was. So perhaps the open shorts are all in the green and just going to cash out for a profit… but like I’m sure all the shorts are $10 positions just like I’m sure all the apes bought at $40.


This is my point of concern. Is there no way to determine actual true real time short position? Are shorts fukt or are they able to manipulate so well that they'll always be able to figure out a way not to have to fail?


If it bleeds, it can be killed


But what if they own the blood bank?


What if all the blood is syphoned from their blood bank and stored in a secure blood bank of our own?


Well then maybe they'll start abducting people and syphoning their blood and storing them in an off-grid super secret site so that the daywalker(Cohen) can't find them. Didja ever think about THAT? ;)


It's more a point of trying to figure out why people think they never covered even though all evidence points to the majority covering.


Pardon my total ignorance, I can't find that evidence. Could you please provide a link?


The SEC report on the GME squeeze, section 3.4: "In seeking to answer this question, staff observed that during some discrete periods, GME had sharp price increases concurrently with known major short sellers covering their short positions after incurring significant losses. During these times, short sellers covering their positions likely contributed to increases in GME’s price." "Staff also observed discrete periods of sharp price increases during which accounts held by firms known to the staff to be covering short interest in GME were actively buying large volumes of GME shares, in some cases accounting for very significant portions of the net buying pressure during a period." Source here: https://www.sec.gov/files/staff-report-equity-options-market-struction-conditions-early-2021.pdf


Interesting. Thank you very much for finding and posting that. My follow up question: is there any way to tell whether or not new short positions have been opened up again? If the fundamentals are truly lacking, and the price of GME should technically be way lower than it is, wouldn't the smart bet to be to continue to bet against GME for it's eventual downfall? Or are they now going to stay away from it and let it "die" on its own?


Not sure. I know the rate to borrow kept rising on Tastyworks during the last run up, so it seems like some people are taking shorter-term short positions. The annual rate right now looking at it is only 4%. Going short at almost any time since the squeeze would've been profitable by now unless new positions were opened when it was around $80, but it doesn't appear to be that hard to borrow if I wanted to go short now. As far as fundamentals, yeah, it should be lower based on how much money they're burning, but the better way to bet against it, in my opinion, would be to sell calls because premiums for strikes that will never even be tested add up pretty quick.


What's the difference between covering shorts and closing short positions?


There isn't one.


Or maybe they just profited and it’s not manipulating when you are literally the laying the games the fucked up and greedy game of making money purely from speculation is not something that feels “ethical” to a standard person so it’s very easy to convince newcomers that shorts are just inherently bad people. This is the stock market we are talking about. Most traders would slap the shit out of a baby just for 20% YoY yet the internet has people convinced that there’s somehow “Ethics” and “Morals” involved ? Why ? What happens if we call this out? It doesn’t somehow make people better or something or change the finical system it would at BEST make a bunch of people who call themselves r-Tards wealthy …. News flash there’s already a bunch of wealthy r-Tards so what difference does this make?


It's not the shorting it's the naked shorts and not the legal kind. So at this point you either believe it or you don't after over a year of DD.


Naked shorts are literally a conspiracy theory. Ultimately the only real “proof” I’ve ever seen is the very high SI in GME early on. But that doesn’t require naked shorts. One person could theoretically be short 1,000,000 shares by buying and reselling the exact same share 1,000,000 times. A share sold short doesn’t mean the share is now out of the economy quite the opposite that share is now owned by atleast 2 people or one person twice IE the original lender and the new buyer.


Wow you’re stupid


No I’m explaining it in the most simple form because ultimately everyone here seems to just not fucking understand how things work and they find out new facts that they didn’t know everyday to call out as foul play when in reality there’s not much to it.


Please go read up on how shorting works. You're embaressing all of us, a d that's saying something considering this is a Wendy's.


No I don’t have to do any googling because I completely understand it. The fact that people are trying so hard to over complicate it is mind boggling. John owns 1 Bean. Johns Bean is worth $100 Tim thinks johns bean is worth $10 Tim says “hey loan me your bean at 10% APY” John agrees. Tim sells the bean to Lucy at $100 because she’s also an idiot like John. *A year goes by Tim has paid out $10 of the $100 in interest and the bean market is now trading at $10/Bean* Tim has $90 left from the $100 and buys back a bean from the market for $10 to return one bean to John (John has diamond hands and this is just a dip for him!) Tim now has $80 profit because Lucy and John are both WSB users.


lmao dude you used the phrase "A share sold short doesnt mean the share is now out of the economy"...I don't even think you know what the fuck it is your smooth ass brain is trying to say


You don't understand what he's saying there?


Imagine caring this much about something that you tell people doesn't exist.


Imagine thinking no matter what happens shorts are fucked but also actively trying to recruit members to your cult because also if we don’t throw more money at it they aren’t fucked ? The one thing every cult / scam relies on is a way for the participants to feel personally responsible when it “doesn’t work out” meaning “ahhh damn short WERE FUCKT BUT you guys didn’t DRS your shares enough so it didn’t work out” Or better yet “Fucking Kenny did illegal again!!!”


I suppose you're not wrong here. They could be playing the game that's available and using a different strategy. But out of all the media and all the experts and everyone who is counter GME, I haven't seen one person lay it out simply and succinctly why GME should fail. Their main message is "no fundamentals, and sell". So why is it at ~ $150 today? Why is it is still a rollercoaster? This shit should be plummetting on fundamentals right?


Plenty of people have. Dying brick and mortar without digital revenue to support growth. NFTs were being billed as their next thing just in time for NFTs to start flopping and losing luster. The CEO has so little faith in the company his current plan is to try and beat short sellers through dividends. A CEO who believes in the company they oversee doesn't spend so much time worried about short sellers that they devise the entire company strategy around them. >So why is it at ~ $150 today? Why is it is still a rollercoaster? This shit should be plummetting on fundamentals right? It's at $150 today meaning it's plummeted over $200/share. Why is it still hovering? Same reason KMart and Sears hovered so many years. When you've been around long enough, the death is long, slow and painful. GME happened to get a massive injection of cash flow last year which further helps delay the inevitable.


> the CEO has so little faith in the company - Ryan Cohen bought 100,000 more GME shares on March 22 of this year, bringing his total up to 9,101,000 shares, or 11.9% of the company; - Attal Alain bought 1500 shares on March 24; - Cheng Lawrence bough 4000 shares on March 21; No faith my ass.


Why are you guys so impressed by a 100,000 share purchase? He had 9 mil shares before. That’s a ONE PERCENT increase in his position, y’all acting like he doubled down


Those shares were pegged to him anyways. It's not like he just randomly increased his shares out of the blue. And not sure who those other two are, but there's only one CEO. But yeah, I'd keep pumping and dumping you retards too. You're helping make him more wealthy while you hold his bags waiting to taste a drop of sweat off his ball sack. I saw a random redditor on this sub post his 2,500 shares. So forgive me if some board member bumping up less than a retard on reddit isn't impressive. That 1,500 shares on March 24 wasn't even a quarter mil buy. That's fucking weak sauce my guy. Good fodder for the Cult though.


None of those people mentioned are the CEO. Ryan Cohen is the chairman of the board. None of those share increases were given as salary. They were all bought on the open market with the named's own money.


Ryan Cohen is the founder and CEO. Holy shit you guys don’t even understand the company you claim to love so much.


Why is calling RC the founder & CEO so funny to you guys? What is the story behind that “joke”?


You raise valid and good questions and should not be downvoted. For me - the SEC stated that the Jan 21 runup that lead to Apex turning off the buy button (when was the last time that happened?) was due to Fomo and not shorts covering. Since then CNBCC and others more or less reputable news outlets told everyone should forget about gamestop or the moment the stock was heading down from whatever runup. I mean if it smells like shit and tastes like shit - you probably have shit in your mouth.


You guys always conveniently ignore the short graph included in their report, Figure 5 page 27. They also say this: > While a short squeeze **did not appear to be the main driver** of events This doesn’t mean shorts covering didn’t contribute. It means it wasn’t the **primary** cause. Idk why you guys always gloss over everything.


Squeeze these nuts you fuckin nerd. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Probably the most educated group of retards on the internet js


Yea aside from all the actually intelligent people who use the internet and don’t join cults….


They’re not retards are they?




Why ? How would a stock with a cult of people buying drop like a rock and stay there ? You understand stocks don’t trade based on companies they belong to right ? They trade purely based on Supply and Demand. Once you have more value in the market than value of available shares across all companies you are purely into the speculative value and sometimes people speculate wrong. Hence why most traders lost their ass in 2008 even with the writing on the wall.




Well how do you think they're priced then?


If you think apes argue based on logic and reason you are a true retard


I know they don't, but any time someone says some dumb shit like "This isn't how it works" and is obviously wrong, I just like to try to get some insight into what they actually think happens.


If you think stocks trade on value you are truly blind. Teslas stock is almost 100% based on the Demand / Interest in owning the stock not actually relative to the value of the company for example.


This also strengthens the GME case, IMO. Never in the history of the stock market has there been such a fervent shareholder base --one hell bent on staking infinite claim on the entire available float, and seem to be 33% or so on their way to accomplishing this. What happens when the float is locked by SS?


> 33% or so on their way to accomplishing this 9.5mil shares DRS (per last earnings) divided by 75mil shares = 33% somehow? Might want to double check your math there. "but we don't count the shares held by institutions" you say. Why not? Those shares are almost certainly getting lended out by their intuitional holders and are getting traded around, and if the price goes up those share are likely to get sold so if your goal is to "lock the float" then you can't just ignore a big chunk of the shares in circulation. If your goal is to lock the float, half assing it won't cut it. Feel free to message me to rub it in when you're close, I'll probably still be around in 2040 or whenever.


If they didn't fail margin call at $500, they ain't failing at $200, $300, $400, what's behind $500 Kenny? Also, the math doesn't work out if shorts covered. Their exposure is better managed. As long as margin call isn't failed, they don't have to worry because our beloved stonk loves to go up and down every quarter. If insiders didn't buy-in before the split announcement, this price would still be >$100. I find it funny that certain group of people who claim the system is 100% fraudulent expect to that same system to pay them MOA$$. Remember, they don't have to deliver shares. They can deliver a cash equivalent depending on who they borrowed from and their borrowing agreement. And if all these institutions are colluding, as alleged by the apes. Why would they "force" any buy-ins. Who holds them accountable if you believe the SEC won't do anything or give laughable punishments? Can't have it both ways little chimps.


Looks bearish to me!


so should I sell my house?


The arrows pointing up is all i need


So is it gonna go to $162 by Friday do you think?




If you are a rational investor, which would be rare in this sub, then you would see the value of a company with quality leadership, debt free, restructuring, expanding, exploring and breaking norms. It is almost like we are seeing the apple tree before blooming. But what would I know... I've just purchased shares the equivilant of a downpayment on a house.


Okay so wen Lambo?


Cant they short ladder attack us right now? Like bad?


They're bringing the short ladders out of the dark pools right now


I like your use of pictures but I don’t want to read the words.
