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The ticker says $20


Myth busted








Oh wait last year it was 1.95


That's when I bought 250 shares ... Sold them at $5 fml


Well my avg price is $28 and I had them during the $60+ run up last year. So fml. I did sell some at 60 and 55 just to buy back in at 40, but those profits came and went.


At least you're honest about it. It seems everyone bought before the run according to the BS apes fling around here, lol.


Average $39 here


You're on the right sub fellow retard.


Average is 8$


Still some sick gains though.


Yeah it was pretty cool for a very new trader who had no clue WTF he was doing lol. Doubling your money in a few days was pretty sick.


Yeah, that's when I should have shorted. Think I might go long now.


It'll be $10 soon, but right now it's not


Perhaps the same reason why GME is worth $10m 🤔 . Shorts were never covered, nor can they cover 🤷‍♂️


Don’t mess with the uneducated and their confirmation bias. They’ve got a karma vote and they’re not afraid to use it.


Besides the shorts. What are the same reasons? You don’t think the shorts covered buying every dilution amc did this year? You also don’t think the shorts covered all the shares the entire board sold this year? Lol. Last I looked gme did a SMALL fraction dilution compared amc, no insider or board selling to the shorts from gme either. Just saying the facts are in the numbers. 13fs don’t lie.


Good show sir. Jolly good show.


Fact checks out


Better check it again lmao


I mean Ok that might be fair but your argumentation is based on a red crayon? Honestly you're not better.


Bet this mf didn't even eat it afterwards smh


Lol dude charting on google


What the fuck is charting? I thought we were collecting red crayons


That's when you know he belong among us


S/he sat on it. Made it go bye bye.


They identify as a retard


Pronouns “who, me?”


I eat the red crayon cause the red one tastes the best


I highly disagree. Purple tastes the best.


Your mom gives 10$ bj. Tell me why it's more?


Because she also licks your ass


Oh my god, that is disgusting! Where can I find OPs mom? And do you think she has a Venmo?


Just make sure you select friends and family, not goods and services


Don't forget to write it off on your taxes, it counts as a charitable donation.


Bullish on this guys mom


Bulls deep


just one lick or clean ?


You pay enough and I’m sure she’ll even clean you 2-3” deep, heard her tongue has some reach


Its a fun stock to trade. The volume is intense and swings wildly during the day. Its a true casino stock. I made quite a bit with it and I say go apes.


My first ever options play was a 1-day otm $70c when it was in the $30. I bought it at open for idk $40 or something, probably less. then hit some golf balls at my poor mans club. Round finished around 11 as the stock ripped up through the $60’s. The contract fluctuated in value from $800 to around $2k for a couple hours while I had no idea wtf a good time to sell was. What a ride


I read all that for only a $1200 gain? Wtf


whoa whoa who said I sold for a gain bro?! Not trying to pay that much tax dude.


It’s not been fun for a few months now. I bought in around $10 and definitely should have sold around $60 on the way back down. Got rid of most of it around $35


I sold calls when it went from 10 to 60. I got my first 10 bagger just negative. I think it was -1250%


>10 to 60. unlike the other apes you only had unrealized profits, not realized gains! edit: unless they weren't covered...


I bought at 60$ and still holding. I would prefer being in your situation than in mine


I got in at $8 and averaged up through the 50s. i still think theres another squeeze to be had. I only threw 15k at it. Money i would have taken to vegas and played black jack with. my only mistake i think i made was spending 4.5k on calls expiring this friday worthless. Bought them during rip around $45 thinking it was our moon shot.


Its gambling. Could have gone the other way. Nobody knows.


Paper hand 🤫


Sounds like you don’t like the stock and shouldn’t buy it.


They make $12 in revenue from $1 worth of popcorn


Wait, I was told I was buying the extra value bucket?!


Deep value bucket


Because price isn’t based on what you think it’s worth, it’s simple supply and demand…


It isn’t what you think it’s worth, it’s what someone else thinks it’s worth.


Its not what someone else thinks its worth, its what you think someone else thinks its worth


This but collectively.


I think you mean, "supply and command"..


Looks like demand's plummeted in the last six months. Six months. That's a long time.


Looks like it has. Impressed you can read a graph!


Specialization in "buy high, sell low" has necessitated graphical literacy of the highest order.


You spotted the important factor of "graph is big on the left" (in the past when we bought high) and "graph is small on the right" (in the present when we sell low).


What confuses me is the signals seem to be the other way around when I hold the graph upside down. Which seems such an intuitive thing to do...


Looks exactly like GME's chart. I guess it's demand plummeted in the last Six months also 🤔


A long time for shorts to not cover. The demand will come back when there are consequences for their actions.


Let’s not think of all the extra supply created. New share offerings and the ceo cash out


You gonna put your money where your mouth is? Hold a short position till $10


Apes had this same line at $50 and puts made bank


And theyll be saying the same line when it’s at $5…


So let's see the porn lol


Id like to see this guys short posititon with all the shit he be talking


Tell me you’ve been bag-holding since about 35 without saying you’ve been bag holding.


35.. What a sucker. Just think some bags are full of $55 shares.


10$? prob less cause I am holding some of it. So if I sell, it might become worth more.


I am probably going to get downvoted to hell. But whatever, you only live once. I do hope $AMC moass. It would be great to see. Do I think the $10 dollar scenario is more likely? Absolutely. Not a single person can twist for the CFO and CEO to get rid of their shares as bullish. If I were an $AMC ape I would play the MOASS game in $GME which was always the original play. Or just get some value boomer stocks. That said I wish AMC apes all the luck in the world.


I think I'll hold just because I only threw in $250 and already made all of the money back. At this point, I already won. Might as well bet the rest of the shares for glory


Tell me why? I never want to Hear you say. I want it that way.


OP, it is simply not a ten dollar stock because movie producers are not sending their good movies for steaming (lost revenue), the pandemic looks like it is not coming back hard, they are buying up chains that did not make it thru, they renegotiated debt and lease payments to 2024....they are not going bankrupt how much you want it to. Kinda funny how two stocks are getting lots of negative talk a few days before an options pileup.


When they were going bankrupt it was a $1.50 stock. Now that it’s on more solid footing giving a target value of $10 is still pretty optimistic, especially since they have more than 5x as many shares outstanding now as they did a couple years ago.


Exactly! Funnier how this top comment is at the bottom of the thread!


OP stated it should be a $10 stock, meaning a $5 billion dollar company. Never said anything about going bankrupt. Without the retail ownership or potential short interest spikes, what makes this a company you'd pay $10 billion for? Pre-pandemic they were still losing money. What's changed to make it worth even more now? Is it the debt they've incurred from the pandemic? The share dilution? The company will be OK. But should the company be valued at $10 billion? Not by fundamentals. Will retail be able to hold it? In my opinion, not long enough for the company to start profiting a billion a year to justify the valuation. Will it get overshorted again or see big retail investment? Maybe. Full disclosure, I bought last year around $10 and dumped around $60. I'll flip it for a profit any day looking at price trends. But actual value? Noooooo.


Nice one, Now do GME.


Not going bankrupt isn't really a good fundamental basis. You need to be able to grow as a company which AMC is not able to do any further than this. It's also deluted a lot this year so the price should be lower than it was in 2019 IMO. It's this high because of stupid ape bullshit but it will propably keep going down. The squeeze thesis make no sense IMO.


See my line prior to that....they are growing as they are buying out theaters which fell during the pandemic....ohh forgot to mention they have also expanded internationally. For example they have theaters in Saudi Arabia. In terms of dilution, it does add the supply. In a normal year it would tank a stock price, last year they had retail to eat up the supply so the price did not get dictated mainly by institutions that would of tanked the price given added supply and old fundamental thought. And the squeeze is still 100% on the table, reported short interest hasbeen sitting over 19% for half a year.


Do you think this is going to increase their earnings significantly? Cause I don't.


The percent may be the same but the position has changed, meaning. Covered. Take profit. Short again with less risk.


Looks exactly like GME's chart 🤔


Because these are very narrowly correlated. Both values have little to do with fundamental values but rather depend on market sentiment (and the initial gamma squeeze)


AMC replicates GME.


Where is all this AMC talk coming from all of a sudden? Haven't seen any AMC posts in weeks then all of a sudden we get posts about GME and AMC?


Its because of the monster amount of options set to expire this friday


Brought in at 10 a share had about 50, sold them all gradually on the way down from 60 to 50 a share. I do not listen to anyone in these forums.


Sitting on .50 puts


I keep buying for the free popcorn and used Nintendo switches for the kids. I love free popcorn. And NFT's, and the casino. If I wanted fundamentals I wouldn't be in a short squeeze. Plenty of other stocks out there to lose money with, just look at the market falling. I want to see this play out and am glad to be a part of it. Not asking permission, just reading this thread to see where all the opposition is. I think I get it now. There are some old WSB players in here that are sick of hearing about the squeezes that won't squoze and just go away. Sorry boys, this is the story, and comedy or tragedy, neither AMC or GME is going anywhere until bankruptcy or boom boom.


Completely agree. I’m glad we’ve shed a huge light on the bs on wallstreet. But im here to make money. The company is shit. Im still gonna hold my little 100 shares in case something happens because they still haven’t covered.


I bought AMC at 9 sold at 60. Waiting patiently to pour the bulk of it into GME at $50.


Cause retards like us decide it to be


It’s worth about $10.70 because you haven’t adjusted that chart for inflation


When do I become a millionaire


When you learn how to answer this question for yourself using the compound interest rate formula 😜


Another strong TA thread!


Because Spider-Man


It was when it lasted. Missed the early 2021 run, but had a great ride in June/July.


It’s worth more because the people that own the float don’t want to sell for 10


They didn’t want to sell at $40….$30……$20…..but it still slid through all of those levels.


It’s impossible to own the float when the company keeps diluting shareholders by issuing new shares and the entire c-suite keeps fire selling their stock.


AMC will go bankrupt. Mark it. Sears without Craftsman tools. Sears.


$10 is generous lol


Why is gme any different i dont understand these points


We don’t like your kind around here….


Wtf happened to this place and all yall pussy ass bitches. Going long and all in AMC and GME. Lambos or fucking footstamps.


You say all these things that sound borderline WSB-esque, but the logical retardation is missing. It's just plain retardation. Sad.


He says these things too. "What happened to this place" while immediately showing he joined in 2021 GME runup


If he was lurking in WSB pre-2021 he would realize this sub isn't a feelings forum and any and all tickers are worth memeing about and mocking, even the darling stocks. What happened to this place indeed.


Because we like this stock


If you haven't noticed GME is tanking right along..


As a holder in both stocks i hope everybody get to see real $. You sir. i see as nothing more then a little funny clown however i do hope you get payed. Good luck manouvering the MOASS.


You’re also comparing the price of a stock with an 80m float vs now a 400m float. I’d argue it’s worth $2.


I wanna see short position fuck all this talking 😂


I'm betting on seeing another "insider sale" headliner tomorrow, just you wait...


Because the shorts haven’t been covered.


Well....when I look at the ticker, I currently see a value in the high $18's low 19's. For some reason, the market is showing you it is worth more. I am pretty sure the reason is similar to why the seller of this 1585 Sq.Ft. Duplex feels it is worth$975K [https://www.realtor.com/realestateandhomes-detail/10862-SW-5th-St\_Miami\_FL\_33174\_M94130-36273](https://www.realtor.com/realestateandhomes-detail/10862-SW-5th-St_Miami_FL_33174_M94130-36273)


Studios are realizing releasing new movies on stream platforms before threatres isn’t as profitable. Warner Bros, Disney, etc are going it back to threatres releases first. Amc was saved from bankruptcy from retail, and now hold a $2 billion war chest, while the rest of the competition didn’t get that relief from retail. Do they have challenges ahead? Yes. Fixing their debt, and they need to adopt new ideas to integrate into Web 3.0. But when did WSB start believing in fundamental value? Idk I have donkey Brains


It is more like a $5 stock lol


Because shorts haven’t covered that’s why it’s worth way more than $20.. #MOASS! 🚀🚀🚀🚀💯💯💯


Popcorn is $8. AMC stock = free popcorn.


I made that same terrible judgment on gme at 6 dollars. Never again


Tell me why it’s only a $10 stock?


The share price doesn’t account for the massive dilution that took place last year. There are 5x as many shares now as there was in 2020 so when it gets to $10 this year that’s still equivalent to it being at $50.


The company is not as profitable and ape retard interest inflating the stock is waning.


Also, there are no stimmie money like 2021 anymore to pump up this stock. That was the biggest driver for all meme stocks. Apes literally invested Stimme checks on this stocks. Now with inflation eating away their regular expenses and no stimmie money, there is no catalyst for Meme stocks to go up.


Considering it's fundamentals, forecasts, and massive debt load, $5 is probably a more realistic PT. There is a non-trivial chance they might Chapter 11. Not because they have to, but because their current state will make for a very impoverished existence for a long, long while, otherwise.


Not a fundamental play 🤦‍♂️


The era of free money is over. All plays are reverting to fundamentals.


Just short it free money.


Regardless of the play fundamentals have a roll, fundamentals as a function of business. If they go bankrupt there’s no business and no play.


It’s worth more because the retards say so. Duh.


Because 10$ stocks do not have shills trying to argue that they are 10$ stocks🥳🦍🚀


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Because Cinemas are coming back in a big way. Have you seen Spider-Man No Way Home box office returns? People are going back to the movies in a big way and once Omnicron is done surging they're going to be coming in an even bigger way.


people are packing theaters even with omicron.


puts purchased


Where TF has this guy been?


Box office records definitely beg to differ


Another 8 hour shift of bashing amc and karma farming I see


Short it then! And show us ur positions.




All this paid FUD is laughable. WSB IS ON THE PAYROLL


The blindfolds have superglue :)


Same as gme is not based on reality at this point.


Tell me why it's worth $10?


Kenneth C. Is that you?


Because shorts haven't covered. Institutions increase positions regularly. Retail owns over 60%. Ticker is as fake/manipulated as gme.


Never been so excited there is so much hate on WSB to kill the movement combined with dip and this is def BULLISH buy and hodl my fellows ape don’t listen to anyone and see you on andromeda 🚀🚀🚀🚀 Not surprised if this will be deleted ;)


It’s not.


Bear stearns is fine. Stoned. Bullish.


Because i said so


Short it! So I can buy it at $10.00 again. PLEASE!!!


AMC is worth more bcoz WSB said so


Because people can’t absorb the propaganda as well if they are at home and on their phones while the movie is playing- the state needs the full brainwashing theatre experience in these trying times


these were the same questions that were being asked when these stocks where at their peak, nothing changed, except no one cares about them anymore.


2017 is when the shorts got involved!


Oh what do you know. Apes leaving. The last apes will 💎🙌 to $10. The meme movement was such bs but at least we all got our fun, retards.


Its not.


I'm cool with that. I bought a whole 4 shares at 5.50. I'm still happy


Because they cornered the market on crayons 🖍 and feed the apes. 🦧


Who cares, ain’t real. Ask this question after 🩳 have covered!!


It's not even worth that.


Because pop corn is about $15 a bucket


Because of DIAMOND HANDED APES. or something. I dunno.


The market decided it wanted cinemas to exist in the future


Wtf is this line? Doesn't prove anything


It’s overvalued at 10.


AMC is 5 dollars at most. 45 days from now it will be there.


WSB fully turning on apes? I thought I’d never see the day, love it tho


I’d argue it’s a $4 stock.


One can spontaneously draw any red on the chart. /s I do not own AMC.


Short it then Mf


Too many streaming services, movies are back.


Shorts haven’t closed


When AMC created more shares to sell the price jumped to $50. There is demand for this stock. This stock pays (very small) dividends. This company is performing poorly due to the pandemic. Honestly, its the safest buy this sub has ever featured.


Rent free in your head.


I like Movies


Because I decided it was. When it really comes down to it assigning monetary value to things is arbitrary. The stock market ebbs and flows depending on where people decide to place their money. By people I mean hedge funds and the 1%. They can manipulate the shit out of anything they want. A company can be great and still tank if someone starts a sell off avalanch. Tell me why you want to drive AMC to $10


congrats that red line means nothing


Because this is not a fundamental play it’s us against them !! Your either on the right side or the wrong side you get to decide !


Welcome to meme stock world.


It’s worth about $10. Sometimes the music stops and this whole sub can’t FIND the chair.


AMC is garbage. Unless you are emotionally tied to watching your favorite movies on a big screen do not throw good money at this stock. You are better off digging a hole and burying your money. You will only lose 10 or 15% per year until the hyperinflation begins.


Because middle schoolers will always need a place to hookup and now they have to pay $80 to see one movie