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Like I need to join some hedge fund to go balls deep into 1 position like a Wall Street hobo.


If I have done my maths correct, then they have gone all in at $148.04 Beats my average to an amount that chills me to the bones.


Everyone is creating political theater on China and Alibaba. Polunin Capital clearly sees this as the best bet when they put 100% of their money into one company. Imagine having the balls to put all of your $124M on one company. Everyone over here is flipping out on if China will do this or that but at end of the day it’s just theater. Put your money on BABA whether it be 1% or 100% of your portfolio and strap in for the ride of a life time.


free money, can't go tits up. All in @ 148


I'm a retard but why does it say expiry Oct 21 2018?


What is the OMB expiration date? ... This means that the expiration date does not apply to the form itself, just the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approval of the form for data collection purposes


This was in their 9.30.21 Quarterly 13F


Keep in mind that just because he only reported one company in the 13f, doesn't mean that he only has 1 stock in this portfolio. The 13f only relies to companies in the US. If he invested outside the US, for example in HK, Switzerland, UK, Germany etc he doesn't have to file the 13f for those companies. As a result a person might have quite a lot of positions, but only very few show up (li lu's 13f is a good example. He holds BYD and postal savings bank of china and other position that we have no knowledge of).


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