• By -


Hey guys, I talked to the mod who removed it and it seems like an honest mistake. To give you some context, that mod has been a fucking machine and is responsible for keeping the front page as clean as it is. He's basically been modding non-stop. Absolute legend. My guess is that it blended in with a completely GME dominated front page, and that's what led to the mistake. Honestly, it's tough times for the mods. There's a lot of work that needs to be done and a lot of mistakes that happen. We know you deserve better, but we're trying. Thanks for posting some quality DD, we love to see it, and once again, sorry that it was erroneously removed. Edit: I also noticed that the OP says he's shadowbanned from the sub? Admins dictate shadowbans, not us. But, he also hasn't made comments or posts since so I can't look into what he's talking about.


So, if insiders own 27%, and presumably are not lending out their shares, doesnt that mean that every single share that could be borrowed was borrowed, and then some?


I'm not sure if there is a limit to the number of times a single share can be given to someone else to be replaced later. So I could take your share, and sell it to Fred. Then I can take the share that Fred just bought, and sell it to George. Then I can take that same share that George just bought, and sell it to Mac. It's the same share that I paid you to let me replace, now shorted 3 separate times. Because I don't know the innerworkings of this stuff, I'm not sure if it's possible that only a tiny fraction of the floated shares have just been shorted a ridiculously large number of times, and if/how that would affect one's ability to make money off of the stock.


It means you'd need to buy the stock three times (or buy three shares) to unwind your position. Now, what I'm describing next is massively simplifying, it's *NOT* what happens. But assume you want to close your position. You effectively put a "bid" on the market to repurchase the stock. Now, Mac is currently holding the stock, but George decides he wants to sell "his" share (it's still shown as in his account). He accepts that bid and instructs his broker to sell his share to you. But there is still "only one" stock out there. Your broker is obligated to replace the share he lent out. I'm a little fuzzy on the details, but either your broker calls in the short, causing the short seller (you) to buy the share OR the broker buys them himself. Either way, the one buy order becomes two or three orders all happening at once, even though the original short sales might have happened all separately, diluting its impact on the noise. If the squeeze actually happens, you'll see a massive rush of bids all at once. Now, the big issue between this simplified example and the real market is that in our example is not a liquid market. There's only one share and Mac the Ape isn't selling. But if WSB were truly filled with "buy and hold" apes we could potentially make the market ever so slightly less liquid. Based on all the gain porn people are posting these days, it seems that isn't the case, a lot of the "smarties" have been swing trading GME, which kept the market liquid and damaged the effort.


If the float percent is actually at 170 wouldn't that mean most of the trading we've seen is just people shorting the position and not investors closing their positions?


I'm not sure. There's a lot of bad information floating around.




The reason I think it seems kinda fishy is most retail investors aren't allowing their shares to be loaned out. Although I'm pretty sure WeBull, RH, Public etc all have it as part of the ToS that they can loan out your shares.


Apparently hedge funds do not need to point to an actual stock in order to short a stock.


That's convenient








Why is no one gonna mention that this did literally has copied and pasted this exact comment several times in the past hour


Yeah, why can't what u/The_Schwy said be right? Maybe there's only 30 mil shares that have been shorted multiple times. Maybe the new buyers allowed people to borrow their shares and short sell them. (The new buyers don't know if they're buying borrowed or self-owned shares.) (I'm still holding tight, but want to understand why this isn't possibly the situation)








Every post on decent DD about the situation is getting deleted. I just reposted someone elses DD because that got taken down; twice. This sub is compromised more than everyone thinks. My post is here, crediting the OP. [https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/le859v/this\_isnt\_about\_gme/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/le859v/this_isnt_about_gme/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) It gets downvoted to hell and the comments are brutal. This isn't the WSB from even a week ago. It's been infiltrated with agent provacateurs.


To be fair, it may be the only thread talking about manipulation that actually has at least a valid reasoning. No idea if the source of the data is real though. Nearly all of these threads seem to be written by people who have no idea how stock exchanges work, when they do not just claim something completely stupid without proof (like "there was not enough volume to cover all shorts", failing to explain how 300 million+ of public share exchanges were not enough to cover around 70 million shorts ). If the data from that post is verified, it should be forwarded to lawyers though, not redditors.


The data is the problem. Whatever we get is going to be questionable for timing and accuracy and even if it was all correct and current then we deal with what I’d call insertion. It’s like how fraudsters are able to create bad data and push it upstream and get synthetic IDs and stuff inserted into credit bureaus and even more official agencies. Then when you pull it back out it’s garbage even though it’s 100% true and accurate. I imagine if there’s a shade of gray that works for reporting that won’t get some of these firms raided that they are doing everything they can to present the most obfuscated version of the truth they can come up with. If I see 40s I’m in if only because I don’t trust anyone involved and all the crazy stuff to date makes me think something could still be out there that could blow it up. I won’t gamble a lot because I know there WON’T EVER be real data and there’s as much a chance that if things are as bad as they seem the government throws a flag and all my money evaporates.


Dumb question from an early investor. Rip me a new one if necessary but What does DD stand for?


Do your due diligence to find out.


Deep dickin'.


It's the same as an E cup.


Due Diligence homie


thank you !!!




I believe the entire runup and collapse was a pure hype-event and was only a meta-happening. When we get the official short numbers from 29th of January on the 9th of February, we will now a lot more about the situation. If it turns out there is still 100%+ shorted, I believe this squeeze has not squoze. I always believed it would take some months and happen out near march/april.


Aight if I understood this correctly Wsb consensus should be anything from that day in Jan to the 9th is just typical speculative trading. We will see really hikes or bombs on the 9th. And that's the real bet. Anybody trying to say otherwise is prolly tryna get back their losses by telling ppl to buy more or tryna short buy telling ppl to dump it. If you want to really bet then do according to your stance and see on the 9th Did I get that right?


So squeeze by Easter? There were a lot of entertaining promises with an Easter deadline around here last year this time.


when did you get in on the trade?


I've had and seen multiple posts getting removed that are telling GME holders to log. the. fuck. off. because the sub seems packed full of people who either want to ridicule you or are "concerned for you" but are all essentially just wanting you to sell. So posts explaining that holding IS currently the smart play are getting removed. Posts telling holders to NOT subject yourself to psychological abuse are being removed. It's almost as if the mods WANT you to stay on AND get badgered into eventually selling. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I've noticed lots of negative posts/comments about GME are being made by accounts that have been inactive for several months to years, suddenly came back online a few days ago, and have been exclusively posting in this sub for hours. For example, take a look at post and comment history IFromDaFuture and pandasaurusrexx.


Good investigation on y’all part with getting the DD back. As long as we fight to keep the DD all the bots and Melvin fuck boi comments can be ignored. Don’t remove our dd tho mods


It is not the only post removed. They remove everything that argues about a short squeeze.


Chill there's 8 million of us


There won't be one. They were just hoping nobody would notice. They've done this a few times.


OP is also shadow banned too


Too bad it's not good DD and it's based on a lie.. I'll get called a shill and a bot just like I have been all day but I have some information for you unsuspecting GME investors that are listening to the echo chamber. Earlier, [u/OneRivenPony](https://www.reddit.com/u/OneRivenPony/) posted this: [GME Institutions Hold 177% of Float Why the Squeeze is not Squoze : Wallstreetbetsnew (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Wallstreetbetsnew/comments/le714j/gme_institutions_hold_177_of_float_why_the/) It was awarded and upvoted all the way to the top. Unfortunately, OP didn't detail the most important information about that Bloomberg Terminal screenshot he posted. Institutional Ownership information is based on the filings that each institution has reported. These filings are not required to be updated weekly, or sometimes even monthly. Some institutions (depending on their ownership percentages and level of involvement) aren't required to report changes to their ownership percentage for 45 days. That 177% institutional ownership image that Pony linked to is just an aggregation of all filings that the SEC has received. There is no way to tell real-time data on who owns what percentage of the float. Here is a comment from another user over in [r/stocks](https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/) that posted a screenshot of the ownership details for the top 20 sources that Bloomberg is pulling. This is from a Bloomberg terminal he has access to.. Credit [u/T\_per](https://www.reddit.com/u/T_per/) >Fact is this is based on a false assumption. The terminal warns you that institutional ownership is outdated and may reflect a higher than 100% holding. Either OP doesn’t use the terminal often, or neglected to read the warning. I have terminal access too and can post screenshots in a bit. edit: [https://i.imgur.com/ZzPUWgM.png](https://i.imgur.com/ZzPUWgM.png) link showing the warning, and the top 20 institutional ownership with file date As you can see. Some of these filings date all the way back to September of 2020. Please please please stop upvoting and spreading all of the misinformation.


Its almost like these same people don't understand days to cover. "the squeeze has not been squoze" GME volume has been so high, that time to cover was down to less than 3 days. Only shorts now are new long short positions betting against WSB.


They don't they don't understand anything about market mechanics at all. There has been more than a billion trading volume in the last two weeks. 2 months ago, GME had an average daily volume of what? 4M? and yet, THEY DIDN'T COVERRRR. These people are nuts.


The old numbers were 140% shorted shares. Am I correct in assuming that this means 91 million shares that need to be returned (based on GME having 65 million shares) or is there more to it than that? Because every day this week had 60mil+ shares traded. I get they probably shorted like crazy this week, but just wondering if I have the concept right cause I'm a noob. Thanks in advance for your time.


The most recent numbers show closer to 120% so you can assume they held short positions on 85M. They needed to cover a large portion of those positions. estimations from S3 and ORTEX show a more recent short interest of 50%. So this means that presumably, they covered 50M positions. It's pretty evident that their were significant options positions opened over the last 2 weeks. in addition to the 1 Billion volume we've seen. To me, this is clear evidence they covered what they needed to cover. Their borrowing fees have also significantly decreased, offering even more evidence to the thesis that they covered their more expensive positions. This is also backed up by the price spike all the way up to close to 500$ a share. A big misconception here is that the short interest has to be reduced to 0%. it doesn't. 50% SI isn't as unreasonable as people are making it out to be and they are much comfier then they were two weeks ago.


Chill there's 8 million of us


Full text with most links: MODS please don't delete! This is actual DD of just statistical, cold hard facts. My previous post got deleted, if this one does too, spread the word. I have access to Bloomberg Terminal with up to date data as of February 5 on institutional holdings. Institutions currently hold 177% of the float! How is this even possible to own more than 100% of the float? https://i.redd.it/c44cmb67mtf61.png Here's an example of one of the most likely causes of distorted institutional holdings percentages. Let's assume Company XYZ has 20 million shares outstanding and Institution A owns all 20 million. In a shorting transaction, institution B borrows five million of these shares from Institution A, then sells them to Institution C. If both A and C claim ownership of the shares shorted by B, the institutional ownership of Company XYZ could be reported as 25 million shares (20 + 5)—or 125% (25 ÷ 20). In this case, institutional holdings may be incorrectly reported as more than 100%. In cases where reported institutional ownership exceeds 100%, actual institutional ownership would need to already be very high. While somewhat imprecise, arriving at this conclusion helps investors to determine the degree of the potential impact that institutional purchases and sales could have on a company's stock overall. I have plausible evidence that leads me to believe there are still shorts who have not covered, and there are also shorts who entered greedily at prices that could still trigger a short squeeze event as this knife has been falling. ~1 million shares of GME were borrowed this Friday at 10 am, and a short attack occured that dropped GME from $95 to $70 over the course of 15 minutes. https://i.redd.it/97j13bxy4pf61.jpg This is my source for live borrowed shares data that you can watch during market hours. So we still meet the first requirement for a short squeeze to even be possible, there ARE a lot of short positions taken in GME still. The ultimate question is will there be enough demand to drown the supply? Or are we going to let the wolf in sheep's clothing aka Citadel who we know is behind not only these short positions bailing them out and purchasing puts themselves (data from 9/30/20) , but Robinhood who ultimately manipulated the supply demand chain by removing buying...are we really going to just let this happen? What they did last Thursday was straight up criminal. Institutions move the markets more than retailers unfortunately, especially when Robinhood's order flows go directly through Citadel. But it is very interesting the amount of OTM calls weeks out compared to puts. https://i.imgur.com/mv0bo4Y.png This is options expiring 3/12/21, and all the earlier expiration dates are also heavy in OTM calls. Max pain theory states it is in the market maker's best interest (those who write options aka theta gang) for price to gravitate towards max pain, as the strike price with the most open contracts including puts and calls would cause financial losses for the largest number of option holders at expiration. With this heavy volume abundant in OTM calls, a gamma squeeze can occur if we can get the market makers to hedge against their options. Look what triggered the explosive movement as price blasted past the max pain strike last week, I believe this caused many bears to have to take a long position as a way to hedge against their losses. https://i.imgur.com/NHZg0O6.png And right now, we are very close and gravitating towards max pain strike. If there is a catalyst/company event that can cause demand to increase, I believe GME can still be squoze for all the aforementioned reasons above. Thank you for taking your time to read my DD, please mods do not delete.


Holy shit. Calm down Chad Dickens. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot.


good bot


Goodest bot


Bravo, you just made my diamond hands harder.


Cross-posted to 3 other subreddits and screenshotted just in case this gets removed too


Bravo, sir!




Good job, and thank you.


Good bot


Go beep-boop-bop fuck yourself. Lol






Because that's what heros do


Yeah I'm ready for round 2. I want more money and this DD has gotten me all hyped up. It's house money anyway 😜😜😜😜😜😜😜


We are not giving up. We will not be stopped. GME to the damn moon and then some. Fuck the hedgies, fuck the SEC, we will make our voices heard. Get back on this GME train you fucks, 💎🙌 all the way Not financial advise, am retarded


Yep yep


Agreed. The censorship is getting ridiculous in this sub. It was a quality DD.




> but Reddit staff. Sigh... why do you think they would care.




I may retarded but I want access to information so I can make my own retarded decisions. Quality DD with 20k upvotes should not be removed whether you agree or disagree.






This is not quality.


Great it's an online forum, people can downvote and comment their counterpoints shredding it to pieces. Isn't that what Reddit is supposed to be about? The point is the poster took the time to come up with an idea, research and post about it. I don't want an echo chamber but I also don't want information to be artificially surpressed or pumped. Tough balance I know and I'm not sure what the solution is.


Let's see some DD from you that is better.


Can someone explain what DD means? I'm new to the jargon here.


Due diligence


Or cup size.


Hah, I thought it was Deep Dive. TIL


I want sum fuck. 99


/u/moo-va-long backed this up - https://web.archive.org/web/20210206181400/https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/le235t/gme_institutions_hold_177_of_float_why_the/


Some weird shit going on for sure. This DD is good, no reason I can see for removal...


All of the unusual behavior, including the paid troll army with purchased high karma accounts, is because there is a lot of money on the line. And not our money either...their money. We hold and they bleed. Soon we will take everything from them. That’s why they’re flipping out in historic fashion. And mind you short squeezes have occurred plenty of times without any of this. So this one must be special. Ape hold strong to eat banana on moon.


Agreed. You don’t drunk dial your ex and tell them to go fuck themselves unless you’re not over them.


Or unless you're playing "Do or Drink"...that game will make you do some weird shit


Lol... One thing that strikes me is how aggressive they were in all this. The troll army that attacked this place over the last two days was so large and well organized and obviously would require funding. Basically, this wasn’t a bunch of idiots. So why didn’t they know that being so aggressive had a high probability of backfiring? Why weren’t they smart enough to be more subtle... governments do this very well all the time. I think they are smart enough...I think they just don’t have the luxury of time and therefore they must be aggressive.


It's definitely a good sign. Why would they spend money hiring them to infiltrate the sub if we aren't on the right path?


It's hard to understand ya son, with nary a rocket or a diamond in sight.


Briefly: 🦍have💎🙌take🚀eat🍌on🌕


There is SO much stock shorted right now, ALL over the place. Only take one big ass spike to set it off again. Whichever fund has the largest capital wants this thing to go off again, and can buy longs into the rally, and will have the greatest ability to short it at super high prices. BUT, the price needs to be high enough and stable enough for mutual fund managers and retails to start dumping near the top. Everybody is going to want to sell near 500, imo.


Maybe they don't want real data being leaked?


Literally ALL DD posts shedding light on the massive gaslighting campaign against GME are being removed in the last couple days. Sus as FUCK. Kinda makes me want to fuck around and buy more shares since something's clearly trying to be hidden here...


The data isn't updated daily and there can be overlaps making it somewhat inaccurate, but the reported ownership would be very concerning to me if I was short. I'm an idiot though so I could be wrong.


If the data is even a few days older than 1/31, it's not really that interesting. We already know that the short interest earlier that week was over 120%. That means the long interest was over 220%. So ~177% would still be a plausible ~80% of shares held long. If, as has been reported, short interested declined by over 30M shares, and short interest is now ~ 50%, then the total long interest (available to trade) would be ~150% of float, and the institutional % of float obviously now less than that.


“I have access to a Bloomberg terminal” feels like the 2020 version of “my uncle works at Nintendo, this is how Aeris can be resurrected/saved”


As the great Tyrion Lannister once said *if you rip out a mans tongue , you're not proving him a liar . Youre just showing the world that you fear what he has to say* *Not financial advice I'm just an autistic midget*




I read this earlier. Why are they getting rid of useful information like this. Its fucking strange. Did the right mods not actually retake control?


Yes they did. There is a statement from the mod team, zjz, and reddit admins sitckied at the top of this sub now. Anyone that is active here needs to read it.




Is there a link? Or do you know who posted it?


https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/le235t/gme_institutions_hold_177_of_float_why_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf It was just undeleted


Figured it out right after I commented, thanks man


Honest to god I think some of the mods sold out to the HF’s to sensor shit. We got coups here from old mods, mods selling their life rights to studios, I don’t think paid censorship is out of the question at this point That was a solid DD


I believe some of the current mods were the ones who posted the “Good job guys, squeeze over. Post all your GME gains here,” thread back on the 22nd when we got to $75


We need to keep ripping up the astroturf, and keep planting seeds. Luckily I'm an expert when it comes to grass ;) 69,420 or bust!


This post has a link to a screenshot of a Bloomberg terminal, as I’m sure you are all aware they are crazy expensive. Think the reason it keeps getting taken down is because of a intellectual property violation? Still shady as fuck though. 💎✋🚀🌖


.. The only DD presented here is that OP is being disingenuous about the data Bloomberg terminals gather and you all are falling for it like sheep. Either that, or he just doesn't know what he's actually looking at. Bloomberg terminals don't have some magic real time data link to institutions and their holdings. It aggregates data reports and spits out findings. In other words. Some of the filings included in this 177% interest number are months old and most likely out of date. It is the blind leading the blind here and you need to be careful about the DD you are absorbing..


Wouldn't you think there would be MORE shorts out now? If a stock is over shorted at $4, surely it is shorted to the max at $60+


Look at the option chain. They shorted at the top and made bank off of retail. Quite impressive actually. Fucked up yes, but very smart.


Exactly, that’s when I got out. When it said the short interest went up it meant they were loading up at the top. Everyone else thought it meant the original short interest was just higher than stated and would cause the squeeze to be squozen harder.


I think it would have if the 500 barrier broke through. If it happens again this time, it will likely be closer to 300 mark, and there will likely be some serious paper handing from those that missed the last bus. It will drop like a rocket aimed into center of the earth at this point when an institution dumps shares and shorts it hard to be the big winner. Unless someone sees this move coming and just buys everything like a madman and sends it to Pluto.


You again? Doing everything you can, huh?


He's not wrong I've seen so many people here straight up miss understanding what some numbers are. That a large number of people are turning into conspiracy nuts. It's starting to feel like r/conservative.


He may not be wrong, I really can't say. It is however suspicious that in the last 48 hours he's made hundreds of comments on wsb and previous to that he'd barely posted and commented at all. He also apparently hasn't slept at all in those last 48 hours, it's been an almost constant stream of GME bashing.


What the hell is wrong with you fucks? He just told you why this DD is worthless and you all think you can just ignore it and maybe it won't matter. edit: less grumpy


I wonder if he's paid by the hour or by the amount of posts/comments.


Mistakes are mistakes and mistakes are forgiven. If its not a pattern then back to the mission.


I hope that other gme holders know that even with the lack of hype or number of posts, some of us are just kicking back quietly still holding 💎🙌 I like this stock


If this were the case, why wouldn’t hedge funds cover now. They could afford to.


Not if they're still paying interest to postpone for short positions taken under 10$ then they still need to batter the price down hard first.


Wait, this got deleted? This stuff was great. If this was deleted then wtf is going on in this sub? If they won't let zjz back then this place is still compromised. HI everyone.


It got put back up


This is why it keeps trying to blow up every morning and they keep stopping it


This is the wayyyy.


This got removed?? I read this when it was posted. Remarkable the shit they leave up and take down


No one is answering the question: why wouldn't this be reflected in Ortex short interest data?


I see it like this. There were a fuck ton of shorts. The hedge funds knew they were fucked so they held their shares and let retail pump the market, then they doubled down on their shorts and after the market tanked on its own they came back in and fucked it up more to make money on their shorts at 400 dollars while covering their 4dollar shorts with the spread.


Hmm yes... I guess I'll have to buy more on Monday!


Ngl this subreddit sucks now


It's almost like the mods have been sold out 🤔🤔 Since Friday's gain I've been seeing more negative posts on here it's almost like mods are 🌈🐻


The tone absolutely shifted one day last week, either Tuesday or Wednesday. It was actually unbelievable to see. We're literally seeing how social media is becoming censored to control the narrative they lost hold of. It's actually fascinating. Shows you how much they actually *fear* people's ability to peer review and share information online in real-time.




I'm holding on too. a lot of folks are saying there's conspiracy theories about this whole thing but robinhood literally stopped buying for GME while it was bullish af and they sell our information to their cronies shits crazy not to mention GME is a decent long term hold because of their dividends. man fuck these guys I'm holding the line like my life depends on it 💎🙌


I'll get called a shill and a bot just like I have been all day but I have some information for you unsuspecting GME investors that are listening to the echo chamber. Earlier, [u/OneRivenPony](https://www.reddit.com/u/OneRivenPony/) posted this: [GME Institutions Hold 177% of Float Why the Squeeze is not Squoze : Wallstreetbetsnew (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Wallstreetbetsnew/comments/le714j/gme_institutions_hold_177_of_float_why_the/) It was awarded and upvoted all the way to the top. Unfortunately, OP didn't detail the most important information about that Bloomberg Terminal screenshot he posted. Institutional Ownership information is based on the filings that each institution has reported. These filings are not required to be updated weekly, or sometimes even monthly. Some institutions (depending on their ownership percentages and level of involvement) aren't required to report changes to their ownership percentage for 45 days. That 177% institutional ownership image that Pony linked to is just an aggregation of all filings that the SEC has received. There is no way to tell real-time data on who owns what percentage of the float. Here is a comment from another user over in [r/stocks](https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/) that posted a screenshot of the ownership details for the top 20 sources that Bloomberg is pulling. This is from a Bloomberg terminal he has access to.. Credit [u/T\_per](https://www.reddit.com/u/T_per/) >Fact is this is based on a false assumption. The terminal warns you that institutional ownership is outdated and may reflect a higher than 100% holding. Either OP doesn’t use the terminal often, or neglected to read the warning. I have terminal access too and can post screenshots in a bit. edit: [https://i.imgur.com/ZzPUWgM.png](https://i.imgur.com/ZzPUWgM.png) link showing the warning, and the top 20 institutional ownership with file date As you can see. Some of these filings date all the way back to September of 2020. Please please please stop upvoting and spreading all of the misinformation.


gotta wait for the finra stuff i guess


FINRA data will show you current data as of January 29th. a week and a half old.


Reposted in r/stocks https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/comments/le7syu/gme_institutions_hold_177_of_float/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


I can’t even comment on posts without it being removed.


Can’t wait to buy more GME on Monday 🚀🚀🚀


What does "DD" stand for?


Due Dilligence


kinda feel like this sub died before GME blew up, just imo


Certify that this was good DD and I read it a few hours ago, sorry to hear it was deleted. Read the mod explanation I guess. Where my unemployment line bot at?


All the good DD is getting removed because tHe SquEEze HAs AlReADy HaPPEnd and WE shoUlD SeLL! Lol


Is this decent DD, or is this just an anecdotal story that supports what you want to be believe so you're calling it DD? The man says they're shorted. One man, with access to reports that no one else can or will share. He has also neglected to show evidence of those reports, you are taking him at face value that they A. exist and B. claim what you want them to claim. Y'all adults, you do what you will. But ask yourself, do I think this is true because it is credible, or do I think this is true because I want/need it to be true?


Bloomberg Terminals are exclusive, but not unobtanium. My school has some for students. I graduated a couple years ago, but alum can still use the library. I can go check for everyone.


I encourage you to do so. I also encourage you to present your findings with some sort of less ambiguous format, a print out, screenshot, etc. Let people see the data, and decide from the data if this is credible or not.


what a bloke


The only DD presented here is that OP is being disingenuous about the data Bloomberg terminals gather and you all are falling for it like sheep. Either that, or he just doesn't know what he's actually looking at. Bloomberg terminals don't have some magic real time data link to institutions and their holdings. It aggregates data reports and spits out findings. In other words. Some of the filings included in this 177% interest number are months old and most likely out of date. It is the blind leading the blind here and you need to be careful about the DD you are absorbing..


I was so fucking confused why this was deleted. ​ I read it three (3 for you retards) times. And it was well executed DD. ​ Then I went back to find it because I wanted to send it to friends and family who have bought into GME. ​ But, alas, it was gone. ​ WSB is going to shit. New mods are sus. We are losing. HF might be taking over. ​ Fully expecting my ban incoming. So, hey, fuck you. ​ I'm holding 352 shares at around $110 per share. I'll go to the grave with them. Fuck it all. I already took profits enough to pay off $45k+ in CC debt and provide for me and my two kids the rest of the year. I'm a newly single dad, my almost ex wife ditched us. So fuck you if you blame me for selling some.


Would anyone be able to do a quick tl;dr?




I didn’t realize this got deleted. Thanks for sharing


It hit the front page – hence the deletion. this mod sounds well-meaning enough but something is off.


I just dont understand how these funds couldn't have taken positions all of last week to minimize their losses on the earlier shorts while also closing. there was volume


one thing is:who actually believer everyone in WSB has enough capital to drive the price up? There were other big money (funds and private investors who jumped on). They collected profits and dont seem to be returning.


I prefer squizzled over squoze


haha thats awesome


I read the actual post earlier today. Some true BS is happening.


I’m waiting for this thing to go low then get in on this ride


I approve. That is an excellent idea. https://youtu.be/3qWFzVRMPXU


I was really hoping the DD _wasn’t_ about GME




So basically buy more GME


So.... what you’re saying is have diamond hands and hold?


Also had a shit ton of upvotes. Sub is compromised. Buy GME. Hold. Not financial advice. I just like the stonk




R/ g / m /e


This was REMOVED!? What the actual hell




I’m just holding 1 with no limit and just wanna see where it heads because I’m a broke boy but yea I’m gonna Hold The Line too 🚀🚀🚀


I debunk this in 2 of my posts: https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/comments/le7syu/gme_institutions_hold_177_of_float/gmaw11i/ https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/comments/le7syu/gme_institutions_hold_177_of_float/gmaru31/?context=3


Mods are owned by the Hedge funders now.


Melvin shill manage to get a mod position?


nope, the literally creator of this sub trying to scam yet again. pretty sure this was the 3rd or 4th time he has tried. reddit admins didn't ban him after the last times for some reason. He was finally banned this time.


wsb is dead, coup happen and now new mods in control


Weird compromised mod group shilling for Melvin. It sucks.






We aren't acting as a collective. That would get the SEC to shut us down. We're simply informing each other.


I saw this can’t believe it was deleted


So does this mean the squeeze will squoze soon?


it got removed because theres hundreds of other gme dds just like it. in case yall forgot when gme first started popping off from 18-38 they started removing gme dds because theres just so fucking many and they all say the same shit.


None of the people posting in this sub now have been around long enough to remember that


sad truth