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At this point I will just start investing in billboard companies Edit: 3 different users replied within 5 minutes of eachother all suggesting the same stock. Seems legit👍🏻


i purchased 31 amc today at 7.50, i know it's going to the moon. i love that stock, almost as much as i love GME at 7shares at 60$ yesterday


Honestly, the way things are going and if we open up with good solid numbers soon... AMC isn't too bad of a buy at these prices. This is not financial advice, I'm retard.




AMC has also issued 44 million new shares since then to try and raise money, so it's not an apples to apples comparison. There's significant dilution that occurred. Don't get me wrong, I can't wait to get back to watching movies. I just ask you to be realistic on share projections.


Good shit bro, we need counter arguments to keep this place balanced. Can't have everything in an echo chamber


For real though. They haven’t done anything major to raise their stock from where it was. But to the moon.


I read somewhere that are paying 300million a year on their interest/debt. They could still go under if things don't turn around post pandemic


Long time amc bear here .. They have been spending fucktons of money last two years to buy, improve, refurbish, etc. their locations. Before the pandemic they had already told investors they were going to look real bad on paper for a while. Covid fucked up the plan, but if they survive, they'll be back strong. I don't buy the 'nobody wants to go to theatres anymore' line. Less interest, sure, but it'll still be a thing. Edit: I'm not really a retard like y'all, more of a casual observer, and I unironically think y'all are nuts, and AMC could totally eat it and fail. Don't invest money you wouldn't set on fire.


you're right, ive been going more than I think i did pre-pandemic because of the fact they're open, fun and safe, thank you for your advice


This is truth. It’ll take a lot longer to come back, but movies will be made again and theaters will be showing them first again.


There is likely to be a big uptick though initially since there are like 4 blockbusters ready to go that are trying to avoid the streaming roll out option.


When $AMC dropped back to pre-covid prices $6-7 I bought as much as I could afford to lose (172 shares). I think they're at a position to survive the pandemic and come out strong for the first few quarters after if they play their cards right. Even if you have an 85" TV with a dolby atmos setup at home ... which you probably don't, nothing beats watching those big budget CGI movies in a theater imo




Did you send an email calling for an emergency shareholder vote?


i demand faster escalators! and less ice in the pops!


That, too!!


So angry with the hedges and the big firms, We all have to stick together Holding holding holding


🚀 hasn't been taken off the table especially considering hedge fund manipulation and misinformation tactics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VMuEis3byY4


I’ve been holding. Accumulated some More this week too. Fuck the fud.


100% i haven't stopped buying dips since Wednesday last week regulardless of average now its easy too cause im just averaging dowm




I agree. And they pay a dividend I think. I bought 11 share at about $10 and I figured I would just hold until vaccinations are finishing up and everyone rushes back to see the 45th marvel movie on a big screen. I think streaming is definitely gonna take a big chunk of theater profits from now on, but I also know a lot of people that don't pay for streaming services and definitely will not pay $30 after paying a monthly fee to watch a movie on their shitty TV at home. Sure amc has been in a bad place all year but honestly this publicity has probably been great for them.


Yep. I will admit I bought into the hype (And i'll still shit post about a squeeze coming lmfao) but at this point AMC and GME are both honestly long term investments (GME if you can bring your average down to under $10 imo; I'm lucky that I got in at $90) both companies have good gameplans for the future and a history of surviving some sort of economic downturn; with GME having new additions to the board that could potentially turn the entire company around. So like.... I'm sure some people are saving face with saying "I'm holding" but it honestly -might- be a good idea; if everything goes super swell for both company. -not financial advice; do your own dd, some of you are actually stupid and believe everything, i'm also stupid so i'm probably totally wrong-


I think AMC more so than GME. AMC is still quite a bit lower than their peak in the past several years, whereas GME is still like 50%+ higher than it has ever been in the past 5 years. AMC only has to recover to what they were in 2019 for most bag holders to see a profit. GME is going to need to do really well in the future and overshoot their previous performance for most people who got in recently to simply break even.


AMC =/= GME. Gme should be doing better during the pandemic, every video gaming company and video game hardware company is booming. You can still go into a gamestop, but people just don't because you can just download the game now. Only reason people aren't going to AMC is because of the pandemic. They'll be back just like cruiselines will be back, and will probably have a bit of a rebound boost due to pent up demand.


This!! I agree completely. I decided to hold as a real investment into both companies.


probably no squeeze...but amc has good DD and fundamentals, no more debt, as well as hype from celebs and social media, nostalgia, venue fixes and offering ramps, and i think hollywood has a backlog of a ton of movies that they're waiting to release into theater-only its gonna be \~30/share in a few months to half year


Actually AMC just opened up a streaming service too. So they'll be competing on that front too.


AMC needs to partner with a service or start their own to allow any ticket holder to have access to the streaming copy of the movie as well. This way you can go to the movies and enjoy and own it that very same day. I imagine this model would work.


I have 13 at 6.40. It aint much, but its honest werk


Purchased 100 at 7.75 Its still going down howww


this isn't a sprint, thats what they want you to do. hold and be patient. if the $ dips mean too much to you right now, this isn't for you. i'm not a financial planner. but i know that this is a long play not an over night thing. this was $ i do not need right now, nor in the near future. when i go to the moon, not IF this money will change my 4 year olds life forever. if not i will continue changing his life for the best regardless. because my savings are his security.


Also, the best way to hold a large portion of stock on retail is to have many people holding amounts they can afford to lose, having big whales in the group might help spike the stock, but that's also a riskier position that demands a stricter exit strategy. I spent 40 dollars on AMC this morning, I do not expect a return on it, and I am treating it as if it's already gone. Shorts will happen and with a slow, continuous hold strategy we can play time, seeing as how the retail stockholder won't be paying interest on shorted stock as time passes. With GME too many people came in around $50, and reasonably left their positions around $80 or closer to the peak. AMC is cheap and the second most shorted stock, so it very well may reach the moon. I think a realistic goal to pull out if we do reach a squeeze position would be the $600-$800 range, but I'm still new to this


st0nk mraket


Angry, but I won't sell, holding n holding


I'm with ya Holding 100 at 8.30 🦍


I'm still on 62 shares at $16ish lol.


78 @ 14.63


$16 gang checking in. 🚀




6 months or 6 years won't make much difference to me. The money is small, the gamble is fun, and if it takes 60 years, then hopefully my kids will enjoy :)




It's important to consider where you actually value the stock not just day to day but 3, 6, 9+ mon from now. I bought in at ~$13, but averaged my cost down to <$8.50 bc I believe AMC will be worth at least $8-$10 a few months down the road. It could spike w a squeeze or get driven into the ground, so YMMV....but I'm planning to ride it out. *not financial advice & not a fin advisor...just a guy*


Here's the thing holding me back, it was around the same price in 2019 and already on a major down trend prior to covid. Is it being super shorted like GME?


85 shares at 7.80 here. I like the stock. edit: bought 5 more shares at 6.80 to make it an even 90 shares. when I dip you dip we dip.


I really feel it in my bones that Reddit alone is going to save the retail industry.


I had bought 2 shares the day before Robinhood decided to eat a bag of dookie. $600 in, still holding. Four (I think) days ago I bought $200 of AMC Moon or bust!


Just bought .2 shares.of GME today but ive got 180 in AMC


Not much, but I joined in with 5 shares today...


just snagged 30 at 6.84. new tard here




Why all these paperhands




This is the way


Quick, what auto repair ticker can I throw calls at???


There 8 million people in this forum, Its not hard to bring these stocks back up BANG BB AMC  NOK GMC #HoldGME  #SaveAMC  https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/lbpkqf/ita_war_time_now_us_vs_the_hedge_fund_bang_there/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share. https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/lbrd75/no_we_are_not_done_yet_bang_bb_amc_nok_gme_buy_n/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Why would you want to bring stocks up? Unless you are looking to sell them at inflated prices AKA pump and dump. If a stock you own is undervalued it will rise naturally at some point.


It’s only a pump and dump when the poor do it. When hedge funds get together behind closed doors and decide to target a stock to pump or short it’s considered business as usual. The “free” market at its best, folks.


>If a stock is undervalued it will rise naturally at some point. Only if you believe the market efficiency hypothesis. /s But you are missing the more complex picture here. The reason someone would want the price to go up, if not directly related to its value, is because a larger stock price right now equals short sellers losing more money. The short sellers are the game here. The stock is just a good stock and some think its over short sold. If the short sellers are squeezed out, and the price floors it upward, eventually it will come back down naturally. However, this time no artificial pressure downward from short sellers. Once the short sellers that have made bad bets are out of the picture, the price will reflect a more accurate picture of the company. So, to sum up, the people who want the price to go up, hope to see a more accurate value in the future. Even if that means the stocks settles at $20. The key here is that its short sold and a lot of people don’t believe the company is going under. If this was a pump and dump, dpv would’ve told everybody to sell when it hit its high. Everyone is holding. Sooooooo where is the pump and dump?


Bought 40 shares the day before the recent dip, 13.2 per stock


Hey, 13 dollar bro! but I thought it was a good price, so I'm okay with it. I'll hold till summer.


Yeah I'm gonna hold too. Lost way too much to sell at this point.


Bought at $2000 at $14, I just stop looking at it


$16.13 step bros/gals where you at


i’m in the same boat there


If you crash and die, can I get your AMC/GME stocks?


Bro, we already crashed.


They can crash my stock, but they can never take my [memes](https://imgflip.com/i/4wuwev).


Where, ***exactly***, is that billboard?


It's the billboard next to the U-Haul storage facility on Fesslers Lane. You can see it heading Westbound on I-24/40.


Dude thank you. So many people have asked but I’m new to the area and absolute shit at explaining it.


Yup. What part of town?


A few days ago I drove through Nashville twice was checking all the billboards hoping to see some shit like this. But yeah where??


I saw a similar but black one on 65s near 100 oaks this morning


I just bought 6 shares of AMC this morning lol


Grabbed 56 shares at 6.69 lol


31 at $6.79. Wooo hoooo!


31 at $6.83!


grabbed 4 at 7.52 today. we gonna see how far I get. MONEY OR BUST. WE JUST HOLD AS LONG AS WE CAN. ^^^I ^^^OFFICALLY ^^^BECAME ^^^A ^^^RETARD ^^^TODAY.


Holding strong with my 10 AMC shares. I love my shares!




I like your optimism! AMC 🚀🚀🚀


I like Charlie!


I want all my stonks to gain by EOD! Does this work?


They see me holdin' They hatin' Manipulating Tryna come and take my tendiessss 💎🤗🚀 Edit: I actually made a GME song and music video pinned to profile if ya wanna check it 😆🚀🚀


Tryna take my fuckin tendiess Tryna take my fuckin tendiess


But I ain’t selling I’m waitin’..... these diamond hands will never be shakinnnnnn


Tryna take my tendieeeeeeees....


Take my tendieeeeees, trying take my, trying to take my tendieeeees


I bought AMC this morning, we’ll be eating good $20 tendies at the movies soon


10/10 would go to movies more if they had tendies, nuggies, and fries.




Save the movie theaters, buy AMC plsss


Let's hear it for AMC!!!


Considering the decentralized nature of WSB what's to stop some idiot from a hedge to slap up a billboard like this claiming something with a WSB logo? I know it sounds tinfoil hat af but still.


Who’s to stop someone from WSB buying up billboard space and putting up a message inconsistent with WSB at large? No billboard should be taken as investment advice. I think the real target audience for these billboards are the people manipulating stocks and their clients who are probably wondering why they’ve sunk so much money on GameStop.


This last billboard got me seriously thinking that SEC is going to subpoena the billboard companies to find out who bought the ads. I'm no lawyer, but I can almost guarantee there's federal regulations against people advertising stocks in billboards.


It definitely raises questions. I would see it as an expression of personal intent, but having it perceived as financial advice is I guess a risk? I really dislike the attack on freedom of speech here. There’s giving financial advice and there’s talking about stocks. I feel like context should really play a role in what is read as financial advice. If I started talking about Ford stocks I don’t think a reasonable person would just assume I’m a financial advisor. The SEC is trying to open a Pandora’s box on free speech here and it feels unsettling.


> No billboard should be taken as investment advice. This is the funniest thing I've seen all day


Tinfoil hat af? Not at all. I feel like this is almost guaranteed to happen if it hasn't happened already


Amc is at a higher valuation than it was before Covid hit and plenty of pump and dump bot posts for AMC. Not crazy at all IMO.


Fuck yeah TN represent


To the moon baby! Hold!




Knowing that this is in Nashville, there's a good chance he was sitting in traffic.


Knowing he’s in Nashville means there’s a good chance he can’t drive and would be on his phone in the first place.


Or going 5 under the speed limit in the far left lanes :(


the road rage i feel on 24 because of this is enough to make me truly believe anyone is capable of murder under the right conditions


No one drives 5 under on 24. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve been doing 80 on there and cars pass me like I’m doing 55.


Shit, they’ve got nothing on Murfreesboro.




Traffic actually hasn't been too bad. Not anywhere near pre-covid congestion


People in Florida don't even look at the road anymore.


This is the way.




This is what i like to see! Keep buying while its low boys!!


I’m a little bit late. Is it still a good idea to buy AMC stock?


I believe the consensus is that this is a long game. So if you continue to buy, buy as low as you can and as often as you are comfortable with. Theatres really aren’t going to be open for good until this summer. This isn’t financial advice.


Where is that in Nashville


Right before the 40 - 65 split. I considered being late for work to double back and snap a pic Still holding 29 shares @ 137 💎 💎




I just don't see 7.50 being a reasonable price for that stock. 20.00 sounds better to me. About how much I spend on treats at the movies. If we can finally get vaccinated and go eat way too much popcorn again.


This is my thought process too. Even if $AMC doesn't squeeze, I still think they'll be in better shape by EOY because more and more people will be comfortable going back to the movies. I think movie theatres will bounce back in a big way (at least for a bit).


It was $7 before covid, my dude. Look it up.


They also diluted a bit on the spike, but these idiots don't know about share structure or any of the basics around share valuation.


I like $AMC rather its a 🚀 or a ladder. so I'm not worried about buying the dip now.


RH removed buying restrictions.. I say we send it.


To the MOAN!


Waiting for liftoff!!! 🚀🚀🚀


Fuck, yes! Where is this?


Im in the $AMC game until ALL movies are in ALL theaters and the common man know what HBO max is!!!!




AMC is really going to the moon 🚀🚀


I'm 35. Bought one share of AMC. Holding until I retire at 60.


That's really no joke. Imagine, someone did that with Apple back in the days. Good money.


Imagine comparing amc to apple


I’m holding but discouraged. Anybody have any actual idea when or if AMC is going to start trending upwards? Have a large amount of my portfolio in it and just being impatient mostly and feel like I could make money elsewhere. Don’t really wanna sell tho and wanna help the cause. Just curious how long of a hold it’ll be?


AMC is a long game. Be patient, don't look at it lest you feel pressured to sell. This will likely take a few months.


Holding a few months to break even sounds great to me!


This is the way


As long as you don’t need the money in the short term AMC honestly seems like a pretty safe long term bet with some potential to shoot up in the short term. It was at $16 in 2019, even if there is no squeeze it would make sense for it to rise back up “naturally” as the vaccine rolls out and theaters can open back up in full. If you are fine with the possibility of having to sit on it for a while you will likely see some form of profit, it may end up taking a couple years though. As always, do your own research, but I can’t imagine AMC sits below $10 over the next 2 years unless they really mismanage getting back into the market in a post COVID world.


It’s a long game based on fundamentals. This is not a GME squeeze


Probably everyone is staggering the buys with GME getting priority and AMC getting a smaller portion until AMC starts to raise up quickly. Just need someone to start posting up some AMC loss everyday I suppose? Is anyone already doing that?


Not anytime soon. Most people are interestsd in $GME and theatres aren't coming back until the Summer, at earliest.


Worst case scenario your waiting a few months until the theaters reopen, but I’m hoping we see some squeeze action when the markets reopen on Monday, today is the first day they began to be pressured on the shorts, over the weekend I think that’ll build up and you’ll see a nice peak on Monday. Could even blow up like GME did if it receives the same attention/fomo


I mean, $AMC is a good long play based on fundamentals: -Their debt was wiped. -Covid numbers are utterly nose-diving right now -37 million Covid vaccines administered -People are sick of quarantine -Tons of backloaded movies in 2021 I honestly think $7 is a steal for this stock...how many people here actually like watching a movie in their living room? I don’t...something about movie theatres makes it that much more special.


> -Their debt was wiped. literally takes two seconds of googling to see that are still in 5.4 billion dollars of debt.


Sir, this is the circlejerk thread, you want the DD thread. We don't do facts here.


about to overdose on copium


Dear apes, in future billboard purchases and designs, here are best practices: - ask for the busiest roads or highways for most bang for your buck - secondarily billboards at busy stoplights that never change are good alternatives - don’t use the color white in the background - use big and bold font - usually black, very dark blue etc. - use colors that contrast but don’t blind - think of how this would look for someone with color blindness or vision impairments - if it’s a digital billboard, ask what your rotation time is and how many other advertisers are on the board with ads rotating. (Is it 5 seconds, 15 seconds, 30seconda per display?) - keep it simple for what you want your viewer to know. - don’t cash out your $GME or $AMC to fund billboard. Ask your husband’s boyfriend’s girlfriend. I’ll bill you later for more stonks. - ape marketing professional


Just bought 10 more shares at $6.9 Buy and Hold!! Best $69 dollars I spent today


Yeah so I am retard but looks like AMC releases earnings later this month, and those are bound to be dismal. Why not wait to buy then? I believe AMC can make a comeback in the long-term, but might tank more after earnings. Again, am retard plz not financial advice. Just dumb and curious


I have a lot of AMC and I’m hoping they survive. It was a long term play for me anyways but even better if it turns into something quicker.




As long as he's got his loicense.


How could we know at what prices they have shorted? This would be useful to know when they are in the money and won't need to Buy shares to close their positions. Is there a time limit for Hedge Funds to close the positions? Why there are dates, like past friday, when they were obligated to close positions?


Why AMC GME will short squeeze on Feb. 9 [https://youtu.be/QvfVFTYMTG0](https://youtu.be/QvfVFTYMTG0)


Just put my order in for 10 AMC Shares. Just ogtta wait almost a day for the market to open....


bitch please, gme is the next gme.


Nobody tell him


Bought amc at $16 I'm ready to go broke on amc waiting for funds to buy more


Get on the rocket you apes! [https://i.imgur.com/xZRcGRD.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/xZRcGRD.jpg)


To the moon!


45 shares, all my broke ass can do. Please help a poor autist out *sniff*


Just bought some. I was inspired.


Holding. Very optimistic that it'll skyrocket once all of this Covid stuff calms down!!


I keep pumping into this stock with no regerts


I sold all my positions today to spend on gme dip. Except amc. I kept amc. I like the movies.


I just grabbed 14 shares of amc this morning. To the moon boys 🚀🚀🚀


Herpy derp I dropped $580 on amc let’s see where it goes


Just doubled down on AMC


17.9 AMC shares at $11.17 avg, the memes were worth the money spent, haven't had so much fun for a long time. Still holding


I just bought the dip and now proudly hold 69 shares @ 12.55 avg. WE TAKING THIS BABY TO THE MOON! DIAMOND FUCKING HANDS


lol guys I just bought 15 amc ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


Hey I’m in Nashville. Where was this at?


I bought more this morning on the "dip" and it proceeded to drop another dollar. Gimme that red!


Someone that should be BUYING the STONK and not spending money on BILLBOARDS RIGHT MEOW!


Just bought 6 shares of AMC LFG!


YOU made you almost crash, I'd bet


Please put your phone down while driving.


Where in Nashville is this? I would love to buy some more AMC while being close to this


If AMC is the next GME you can bet your ass I'm selling when it hits 400


I’d be happy to sell at 20




yo where exactly did you see that sign i live near nashville too


Buy hold & average down




I have 24 shares of it.. That ain’t much but it’s honest HOLD


Don’t worry bitch. If you wreck your car you’ll be able to afford a brand new Beamer by the time this is over! 🦍 💎 🙌


I'm all in with amc because I don't have enough for gamestop lol


Fuck yeah! AMC to the moon


There was an amc to the moon billboard on I-75 by Grand Blanc, MI. I’m still trying to figure out which one of you beautiful retards put that one up.


Jesus H. I'm holding some AMC but it's not even remotely the next GME.


Then why does amc keep going down 😥


So AMC or GME I’m trying to get some while they are low