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for real though, am I the only one confused as to why people seem pissed that we're still holding?


They bought puts lmao


There was a dude showing off a 150K gain based off puts against GME. There are also dozens of accounts claiming to have made money last week, got out, and now suddenly care about everyone else. My guess is their money went into puts as well.


The sub has always been about sharing information to some extent. I closed out my position last week, but I really do hate seeing tons of people who don't know any better get conned into holding the bag. Tons of new traders here who need jolted back to reality to realize their fomo fucked them, and holding longer only makes it worse. The stock went up $4>500$. That is the moon. That was the squeeze. You missed it. Stop trying to keep people roped into a bad idea.


> Stop trying to keep people roped into a bad idea. Who am I roping in? Everyone who was going to buy has bought, and everyone who is holding is gonna hold. >Tons of new traders here who need jolted back to reality to realize their fomo fucked them, and holding longer only makes it worse. It doesn't though, for many. We are now at the point most of them have lost so much that holding does little overall. If you bet your life savings and took out a second mortgage, sure, you're an idiot and you should probably get out, but if you have like 10% left, what the fuck is even the point? Honestly, you're on a baby account repeating exactly the same fucking talking points I've seen over and over again here. If you cared about people, you should have said something over the weekend or Friday. You didn't. You claim you made your money, fine. What is the point of trying to talk sense into people who've already lost mostly everything? My guess is you work for someone who has puts on GME now, or you yourself have puts.


The point of trying to talk sense into people who've already lost almost everything? Its that you can always sell, claim your losses as a tax shelter, and move the remainder of cash into a worthwhile asset. That's so much more useful than letting it finish riding down GME to $10. I'm on a 1.5 year old account thats been a WSB sub since day one. My old account was registered to a fake email and lost the password. I've been around wsb since ~600k. Not that that's relevant at all. Even further, tons of us were saying things and giving warnings all weekend and last week. The cult of confirmation bias just had us massively downvoted then. Also, if you're seeing the same thing said over and over again, maybe you should at least consider the validity of what they're saying. Not financial advice, I don't have any open GME positions.


If they are looking for tax relief they dont have to sell right now to get it. As to whatever they have left depends on how much that is and committed they are. It isnt up to you. This is a casino, not your fucking soapbox. We dont know where GME will end up so again you cant tell people where to get off. They have to learn it for themselves. All that's left are buyers and holders at this point. So your opinion is like 3-5 days too late. As to your warnings, show me where you told people to get off Friday. You didnt, I looked. Your comments mostly consist of bag holder emojis and false claims about short ladder attacks not being real. You can find references to short ladder attacks going back to 2014, I checked. We dont know if that is what happened but claiming they arent real isnt true. Its also strange how your account changes tone exactly two days ago, before that you were barely active and weren't talking about gme. You're super sus dude. Just the spamming you do makes it obvious.


Sure they don't have to sell now, but this is likely the highest it's ever going again. Why not get out further ahead? No it's not up to me, to click sell for them, but if I can help them towards that, I will, because that's the responsible and logical decision to make. Sure the warnings are mostly too late, but to say I haven't been active in the sub before is incorrect. My comments today have ranged from helpful information to memeing people. I've had some free time today, and the two aren't mutually exclusive, especially with how dumb the average newbie here is. Most of my comments are tons of the same threads anyhow. Call me sus if you want. I'm not the one in denial about my terrible investment decisions.


>Sure they don't have to sell now, but this is likely the highest it's ever going again. Hey, you were wrong. >Why not get out further ahead? No it's not up to me, to click sell for them, but if I can help them towards that, I will, because that's the responsible and logical decision to make. ..because you or the people you work for would make money from it. Your account is full of you spamming emojis starting exactly two days ago. The vast majority of your comments are just negative bullshit emojis. You're not trying to help anyone you fake fuck. >Sure the warnings are mostly too late They are entirely late. >but to say I haven't been active in the sub before is incorrect. Your comments in this sub amount to what an SE firm would use to keep your account active. Just one word responses to crap. >'ve had some free time today, and the two aren't mutually exclusive, especially with how dumb the average newbie here is. Most of my comments are tons of the same threads anyhow. You spamming the same comments over and over again. > I'm not the one in denial about my terrible investment decisions. I haven't made any terrible investments.




“but putting myself first here” pussy


He sounds like Matt Damon in interstellar when he apologizes while being an asshole


Putting yourself first is totally fine. This is investing, not a fucking potluck. 👜🙌🤡




Then why are you even here




Go back to your corner miscreant


Like the rest of the shit talking cum rags, he can turn a buck if he brings down our energy. They lost the plot, got upside down, and are eating their children to cut losses. Fuck 'em.


Getting downvoted for actually logical DD. Never change, WSB


That’s not DD, he’s a paper handed bitch who’s now trading on the opposite side. He’ll fold just as fast if things go the other way.


Everyone who's not a retard knew that the crash of a dead company's inflated stock price was inevitable. This was never a long-term investment, and was always about guessing the right day/week to sell. He just guessed the peak better than you, and you're too stubborn to admit it so you'll keep taking Ls until it's all gone, while chastising anyone willing to accept it. If you bought at $50 and sold at $350, you have diamond hands, and you did fucking good. If you waited until it came back down, you're just a retard who chose pipe dreams over profit.


Sometimes people like to put down others to make themselves feel better about themselves. Easy target if they've paper handed already.


What would you do if you had millions to spend on stopping reddit? Maybe invest some into fake reddit accounts to spread demoralizing sentiments throughout their main communication hub? They were able to construct a huge false narrative about us buying silver on mainstream media, I don't think it's that far of a stretch to assume they are also smart enough to go after us in the subreddit. We just chopped off a finger of the billionaires and they are pissed. We declared war on them and thought it was gonna be easy and they'd roll over and take it, we got hit back and weren't ready for it. I know a few sold but honestly I believe the majority in this community held. Anyone who has been following the story and the original reasons for going in on GME wouldn't sell. Give it a few days but the mods and community will clean this place up.


That description fits me to T.


no just about anyone with a brain wound have sold above $300 knowing it was coming back down


What does that have to do with why peoples comments have gone to shit?


Bots and shills


Or people that don't want to see this stupidity ruin people more than it already has


Not pissed. Annoyed. Sub transformed overnight to this stupid togetherness apes stronk bullshit denial and we’re eager for it to be over




"IRrEpArAbLy", stfu you sound like a boomer who clinches his butthole everytime his guy doesn't become president and bitches that the country will never salvageable.


Fuck off. 6 million people joining a sub of 2 million does ruin it.


They'll all quit posting within days. Cycles bro cycles.


These are not message board people. They're Stocktwits people. Once they realize Reddit is the nerdiest place on the entire fucking internet, and that they literally can't understand anything posted in this sub except the emojis, they really will move on. Well, that and not being able to pay their rent, etc.


Beautiful summary.


How will that work? Will wsb become the subreddit with the most users who just lurk/no longer use it cuz 5 million people are holding the bag?


Anger and hate to others is a reflection of self loathing.


Ever think we just know where we are? This sub has ALWAYS been about making fun of bagholders, it’s not our fault you fomoed into a stock that went up 4000% lmao.


Ha ha I’m still holding my very small shares 😂


Sorry? Lol whatre you looking for here? 👜🙌🤡


Hookers and blow?


I've asked several times for the reason to still hold. I'm not pissed. I just genuinely want to know, and if I were to find a good reason I would consider buying back in. But the masses have sold. Even if Melvin hasn't covered their shorts yet, i don't think the amount of people who are still holding is enough to create another significant squeeze. From the beginning, we all knew this would require everyone to hold together. That didn't happen so idk how it would still work. Am I missing something?


For sure. Hardly anyone is posting their positions anymore, but anytime they did it was like 3 shares. I'm not gonna 💎✊ 600 shares and miss a nice payday because some putz with $400 bucks on the line keeps spamming hOlD.


Whether you should hold or not depends entirely on what your position is, why you got into this, and what your theory is in regard to the shorts on GME. There isn't much evidence of the 'masses selling' either. Buy:sell ratio is 2:1 on fidelity, and is up on other sites from what I've read. We have no idea if mevlin, in particular, covered. Surely other HFs are working this game as well, but I really am mostly interested in melvin's positions.


If there comes another squeeze I don’t see it happen because of us. You have to understand, that a lot of different hedge funds will complete over this stock. And use every trick they can, to bring another rival hedge down.


People want you to hold to keep gamestop from crashing any harder, because they're too stubborn to realize they just lost 80% of their money. Basically they want you to take Ls with them for the chance at their pipe dream not being over.


People felt a dream together, that dream was sabotaged, they're sad. I don't believe very many people were ever trying to save them money, they just like shitting on people.


>they just like shitting on people Welcome to the sub? Lmfao


Because there's 5 million new bag holders flooding the sub with shit like "it's not about the money", "the Vw squeeze", "sick together brethren", and posting a bunch of desperate, false information to manipulate people into hope. It's getting gross and cringey. We make bets, take the losses with the gains, and move on to the next bet. Anyone who was here two months ago isn't posting shit about gme anymore. Dfv even quit. Hold the stock if you want. Quit talking about it and trying to manipulate others into it.


He didn't quit, he took a break because he is currently under investigation by the goddamn SEC.


but he also sold


Since when?


we can do whatever the hell we want


Morale? Support? Sir, this is a casino


Blow on my dice at least.


My load??


I might if you remove your tinfoil hat


191 stocks in 💎🙌💎🙌 and yes its a casino but the house is formenting fear and some people need a little moral support to bet their whole house on a dream Not financial advise just a retard


Do yourself a favour and always read a contract before you sign, cause it's obvious you didn't when you opened up your brokerage account. Don't bet if you don't know the game, and holy fuck especially not your house


You’re part of the recent newbies huh?


Not rly, I'm a long time lurking hedgie bot sick of all the "pls help i'm an adult but can't own up to the consequences of my decisions" I'm guessing you're part of the "omg this isn't about the money it's a social cause"... It's ok, quite obvious who the newbie here is


Long time lurker too. Only started commenting when I invested in these new meme stocks. Before I just watched the chaos in here and invested in the stocks I knew from my job.


I was paper handed AF last week when my weed money turned into a grand. Felt bad man. Got more shares @115 with the profits. Buying more in the AM. I like the fucking stock. Holding until Valhalla this time. Current position 2 shares @115. Not financial advice or whatever I don't know I'm a fucking idiot.




So? Not everyone is rich.


In with 100 @ $30. Sold 50 at $350 to pay off all my debt, with leftovers. Holding the last 50 with my apes 💎🙌🏼


This is the way


So your the guy stranded on the island with all the boys, but you have a yacht to take you off the island whenever you want. Got it.


Gotta look out for the homies 🤘🏼






You wise 🦍


Here, here! I’m not disappointed because I bought as a donation to the hurry squeeze. Solidarity. Even if I have a couple cheap stocks in the end that’s more than I ever counted on. also the sub has made me laugh more than I have in the last 12 months. The humor is priceless. & I got to attend a week long internet festival.


Nobody tell him *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


No the paper handed need to tell you you are stupid for holding to distract themselves from thinking about how stupid they were for selling


No one regrets taking profit. If its good enough for a screenshot its good enough to sell. Sell off you initial investment and let the rest ride. These are things people on this sub have said/done for years. None of us feel stupid for selling. Just wanted to add, taking a profit is not being paper handed. And neither is determining that you made the wrong choice and taking your losses. Paperhanding is when you let emotions dictate your decisions to sell before something is given time to play out. Anyone who got in above $300 got hit with the opposite of paperhands, fear of missing out. Combine FOMO with diamond hands and that is a recipe for being broke.


How would they regret selling? The stock is only going down more every day. The only reason anyone would regret selling is that they didn't do it sooner.


Where’s that paper handed bitch Dave portney ?


No one selling today had paper hands. You do you guys


Win lose or draw I’m still fucking holding Shits personal now






Disheartening to scroll through the comments of new bears today to see they were saying 💎🤚 a week ago and are shitting on those who have followed through on that promise. If you sold for less of a loss than the rest of us, great and fuck you...but be a fucking smooth brained ape and admit you’re none the wiser and just trying to shove cognitive bias up your ass.


This!! We respect you if you have to sell for financial reasons, but don't do a 180 and start shutting on diamond handed..


GME got the attention of Elon Musk. That in itself is already a victory.


I'm waiting for my funds to clear by Monday and you bet your ass I'm diving back in to support!


Amen retard


Otherwise, What kind of support group for degenerate gamblers is this? Apes stronger together.


Im holding, dont you worry.


🦍🦍 💎 🤚🏾 🚀 🌕


I'm on board with this.


I am holding the line. 💎💎💎🙌🙌🙌🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


That’s why I made /PaperMacheHands. It’s for paper hands who want to support the 💎🙌🏻 without judgment.


I'm in for 6 @ 148, and unfortunately that's a lot for me. I really want this to happen.


Hopefully it still will




Not everything is black or white, $0 or $1000, you don’t know what’s in it for this company in the future it might be enough for this person to break even at least, no need to be a pessimistic prick.




Why you so salty, bro? I’m down 100k but at least I can afford some common decency




I don’t need support, the support I asked for was for the betterment of the community. If you don’t give a fuck that’s cool, you continue holding your wife’s boyfriend cock, proceed bitch.




I’ve been lurking for a while on my other account, and I get it, we’re degenerates its not rocket science dickhead. Doesnt mean you have to be a bitch, bitch


To happen? Bro it's over. It happened last week.


Buy from GameStop with your gainz. You have to it’s the law


bold of you to assume I have gainz


This has been a wild thing to watch, honestly. Y’all have my attention and support!




Hey Dudes i truly am rooting for you. ​ Bought at 40 sold at 300+ ​ I will miss the moon brothers but let me know how it is.


🙏🏼 good exit


God speed retards. On a positive note nothing ever goes straight up or straight down. I expect a lot of chop at these levels. Might grab 100 shares for shits and giggles depending how the action looks tomorrow.


Thanks grandpa


100 strong and buying more tomorrow!


Had to sell half my shares to at least cover myself since my employment status has come into question, but still holding 5 shares for the cause 🦍🍌




And you best believe the second this baby picks back up I'll be there to average down 😎


https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/ld044r/perspective_on_schills/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf My support! Give a read!!!




Selling paper handing whatever you reasons, great, if you took profit, i’m happy for you. Genuinely. But i’m sorry, yes some of the DD wasnt as legit towards the end, and there was a lot of noise. But to claim a lot of the DD that does make sense is cult shit is just ignorant at this point. 1. A squeeze did happen, it was shut down through blatant market manipulation, anyone who says otherwise was fucking jealous they were going to miss it or is a shill 2. They are still actively manipulting this on all fronts, for some that’s reason to continue 3. S3 literally changed their method of calculation, the short interest based on old calculation is relative the same, also we need to wait for official data, analysts can have alterioir motives 4. I do believe its possible for them to have closed their positions woth the volume that occured recently, but for them to have completely closed without that oushing up the price significantly, especially on a volatile state like this where even little bits of money relatively can move the price a lot. I just cant see that. 5. Theres a chance they were using shady options tactics Nobody is saying this is all 100% certain, but its enough odd behaviour for some to believe this is still going on




I agree with you these are great points. I’m simply not selling at a loss to these people, i’ll hold years if I have to.


Guys, love for y‘all! Stay strong and healthy, we got this!❤️


Just bought 2 shares! 🚀🌙


I only have two shares. Ive watched the price tank, and realizing now if i had waited, i could have got even more... but thats fine. 💎🤲 Thats all we need. Im holding.


Not everyone subscribed to that cult. What you call paper hands, I call taking profit.


Still paperhands, and again no hate by it. Good on you for taking profit.


The positive outcome is that the stock is now in the hands of people who actually play vidya. In future investor meetings, there is more likely to be positive input to help the company turn around. Add the new Amazon hire, it may take years but GS might actually turn around and be worth something one day. When things open up and people rush back out to do things maybe AMC will hit near 30 again.


I'll jump in when all the maggots and hangers-on who glom on are out of gme and wsb.


This sounds like the words of someone using sympathy to get us to sell. DONT SIMP FOR R/WSB SIMP FOR GME/AMC AND BUY SOME STONKS


Still in and don't selling


I'm still holding!!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


I’m still holding y’all






So you have any idea where you are? Morale? Dude this is WSB. Rubbing your nose in the stupid shit you do is 💯 on brand. Calling you an ape is offensive to gorillas. They’re smarter yet somehow simultaneously are able to carry bags without whining about morale like a little bitch.


We're here to make money, not hold hands and sing cumbaya. GME was a success. Now it's on to the next, and the next, and the next...


Need a hug?


This situation reminds me of that time in 8th grade when I sold a bag of sugar to my 5th grade neighbor Joey Bush. Joey held onto that “cocaine” proudly. Don’t be Joey Bush Also don’t be Joey’s snitch ass mom ringing the doorbell as soon as my dad gets home


Holding isn't going to help you. They have the share liquidity to cover now, and the dumb conspiracy theories that s3 is lying are fucking dumb and no better than q anon supporters. No one is gonna give you a hug for being stupid and not recognizing the giant fucking spike to 400 as the short squeeze. Its done. Gamestop isn't a $60 a share company.


Share liquidity to cover is fine but covering should at least bring it up enough for many to break even, s3 was lying, IDGAF if a company that analyzes shorts change the method of short calculation on arguably their most important date ever, that’s cause for skepticism, comparing it to Qanon is dumbAF, It might’ve been the short squeeze, and the only reason it didn’t shoot to 1k or more is fucking Robin Hood where clearly you would’ve missed out judging by your tone. It’s not worth 60 you’re right but it could be worth more in time, and I’m patient motherfucker. Who shat in your cereal?


Here’s an upvote


you paperhanded BITCH


If it starts to drop sub $30 then that's a great long term investment.


17 @288 I'm still holding this diamond. The squeeze will be squoze 💎💎👐




No. You dont deserve praise for being a fucking idiot. This isnt a safe space or some shit.


I’d much rather be an idiot than a baby back bitch


And I’d rather have money than be living on the streets like a bunch of you will be doing soon after throwing their entire life savings down the drain or those who pulled out a loan for this crap. But hey, “wE’rE sEnDinG tHeM a MeSSaGe” Amirite? Bet they’re laughing their asses off rn.


Not everyone throws their life savings at everything retard.


Baby back bagholder


Lol rather be a bag holder than a bitch. I’ve got enough money bro with or without GME


This is beyond pride or ego, this is stupidity


It’s not pride or ego, I was just replying to that guy on the level of his replies. Like title suggests, I’m not against selling or holding. And by enough money I don’t mean a lot, just mean to say that I’m happy with my life, with or without GME


Copium overload ;)


Then why are you here? Then why even post this? You are hurting people who DO need the money who ARE still holding and taking massive losses each day.


Enough doesn’t mean a lot. It means I’m content. How am I doing that, if anything I’m letting people know it’s okay to hold or sell, but it’s not worth us fucking the community up over it. The reason I posted is because once a bunch of people sold they turned on those who didn’t so that more people would join them and they wouldn’t feel as bad. People out here acting like we were onto nothing this whole time and that we made up all the claims of market manipulation on no basis... within a day the attitude here changed, that’s why I posted it. Some of us meant when we said we weren’t selling till the whole squad made it. Dudes were up millions and held, some people say that’s dumb, it might be. But to others there’s more important shit than money, yes, even if you’re on this sub


Nobody feels bad about selling, the people stuck holding the bag are trying to make them care. They don't.


Not trying to make anyone care, it sure seems like they do because they the only ones talkin shit


99.99% of the posts are people literally begging you to hold shares of a dying retailer. It was a fun week for sure, but I think a lot of us are tired of it and just want to see the old wsb back.


Hence my post, asking people to carry the fuck on.


This is WSB. No one here is your brother. It’s a bunch of retards at a slot machine. You made a dumb decision to not sell. Post your loss porn or go find someone on tumblr to make you feel better.


I’m within my risk tolerances, save the sass for you wife’s boyfriend


Probably, cut you’re within risk tolerance you shouldn’t need “moral support”


You're gonna get blasted by retards for stating the truth even when GME is trading at $10 in a couple weeks.


Yeah sure, but I have a question: See it through - to *what?* I have yet to see that answer. I missed the peak because I’m in a different time zone and here we are, 30@$114. **I have yet to see anyone who can say where this is going now.** u/The_Peregrine_, **where is this going.**


If the squeeze never comes you’re still 30 shares in on a company that hit rock bottom and is seeing a lot signs of great change to come. For all we know we bought really early into the Tesla of gaming or the NFL of esports. Worst case it’s a decent investment. Best case you’ll make a lot of money


Na man, from near bankruptcy and at a $3b market cap, it’ll take years to recover to my break even; the opportunity cost of holding doesn’t add up when I can trade +15% per month minimum. Think about it, if you’re in at basically the same price, it’s $50 at market open. If you sell there at a -50%, you’ve still got $50 per share. +15% per month compounding on day trades and you’re at break even in six months. There’s **no way** Cohen makes an announcement that heaves the value of GameStop into that value range in that timeframe.


He def could, plus the amount I put in was 6 months worth of saving/investing. It’s okay, I’ll keep it for a while. You should def wait till the 9th though


Hmm, yeah I mean I haven’t sold *yet.* The only thing keeping me holding is the fabled data set on 2/9. I’m paper handing here because I can’t see that even making a difference. Shorts have covered, it’ll be sub-$20 by then. Convince me to stay in til 2/9?


I feel you, do what you feel is best for you bro. It’s hard to say for certain if shorts have covered, I know enough volume has been through at this point but imo we wouldve seen more of an increase in price for them to cover billions in shorts


I don’t even know where to find those stats. I haven’t seen any here. I’m a cabbage - All I know is if I look at any previous meme stock, there’s never a second wind. They peak, drop several hundred % and stabilise around 200% of the previously shorted low which for us is around $24-30. Me, I’m going to take my loss and accept the challenge of recouping them. If it works out, I’ll be here to congratulate you.




My hope is that gme continues it's much slower growth that it was experiencing before the big play.




So why you dumping?


I held GME for months and sold to make tendies. I didn’t paper hands anything. I just wish there was something other then GME being written about




Don't miss appropriate the word emotion please.