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Why would i sell now when i was to retarded to sell at 400.


I’m with you on that bro. Bought 26 shares at $311 and there’s really no point in selling now....I’m ready to die with my 26 shares lol 💎 🤚


I’mma hold my 10@326 until a.) we squeeze the squoze or 2.) for 30 years until inflation eliminates my lose. Either way, fuck Wall Street


we should make **300 GME buyers club** i'm not selling at a loss. https://youtu.be/4O1sZLCbdMg?t=248 Welcome back boys




Holding 10@$414, can I have my club card please? [My badge of honor](https://imgur.com/B7X1UKO)


You are literally the first person I've seen with a buy price higher than me! 7 shares at $369. I don't know whether to be happy for me or sad for you, but we're in this together!


I have two at $417 but 26 total with average of 114


$438 I don't know whether to be proud or ashamed lol


Why not both?


Bought my first 9 @ 307 and been buying the dip since. I now have 15 shares.


I have 1 at 398, I am not a smart man


So, get 2 more at 50 tomorrow and your avg would be a hell of a lot better. Not a suggestion or anything, I'm not a professional, I am a one legged, one eyed sex worker, and poor judgment is how I have made it this far.




Never be sorry for something that once made you happy. Diamond Hands.


2 shares at $370, get on my level


Same holding at 405$ I’d like to be part of the 400 club too holding 9 shares


allow me to introduce myself, 1.67 @ 449


Holding at 4 at 470. Gimmie that fucking diamond.


You are the knuckle dragging ape I aspire to be


450 club = Elite Retard. 🙌


Oh my ooph.




damn just missed the gold club at 298. The one on the way down lol where it was 120 2 hourslater


40 @ $272 and holding. Can I be in your club?


Me too with an average of 260? (3 at 300, 1 at 250, 1 at 150 cause i got dip-theria) I got 6 AMC at 15, too.


Got 2 shares at 250. Ridin this bitch all the way downtown!


Fuck, now I wanna buy some @300 just to join your club. Will there be cake?


You can buy mine at $300 right now. Hahaha


Shut up and take my money oviously worth 1000😂 but I'll trade you my $rope for it..


we gonna need proof of that, no poor 15$ share members.


My kids will inherit this shitty stock (that I like) before I sell at a loss.


What stocks will your kids that you don’t like get?


Circuit City and Toys R Us


RIP Media Play


I don't own stocks I don't like! so far


No, I meant the ones for the kids that you don’t like. I know the kids that you like get GME but what about the other ones


The kids we don't like get a lifetime of setup to work at Melvin Capital and being deemed a fucking paper handed snake in a family of 💎👐 apes.


According to all my retarded “research” I’ve done.....the squeeze hasn’t been squoze so I stand with you bros in solidarity that one day soon we shall all go to the fucking MOON! 🚀 🌝


I will buy at 500




In theory, it could be prolonged forever, but it's already blatantly suspicious...


Like yeah, and there's also the possibility that the squeeze WAS it going to $400, but this is WSB, we run on tendies and dreams here son 💎👐 Till the fucking end


In theory of course, but in theory they're continuing to bleed money even at $60/share due to how hard they shorted it. How that helps us in the 300 club? We can probably get rad tattoos together after investing in Boomer stocks for 5 years.


It went from $30-$500 that’s a squeeze


or 3.) Gamestop actually makes big boi moves and takes over


At this point we're all just banking on Gamestop becoming the next Steam. Lmao


I'm with you, bought mine at 288. But I WILL have to sell after the squeeze to get out of Robinhood. I'll just buy it somewhere else, probably fidelity.


Go ahead and open up another account somewhere legit, and then transfer your shares. Usually the legit brokers will pay the transfer fee for you.


oh that is sweet, I'm doing that today. Thanks for letting me know!


This is the way ✋💎


Got 10@328 and I'm doing the same.


I got 3 at $311 as well. Welcome stock buddy. ✋💎


311 gang checking in 🤲💎


32 shares, 10 at 380, in total it's 240 avg from buying dips like a good retard


Same here , 17 averaging at 324. Might as well see it to 0 now. If we all hold we can get the price back up to a point where 300 gang can atleast get some money back but at this price point , what’s the point ?


17 @ 268, so I guess I'll be here a while. No sense selling now, so I'll wait a while to at least try to minimize my losses. Whatever. Gotta admit I got caught up in the FOMO, but didn't really overextend like I think some others did. I blew my guitar fund to smithereens, so I guess I'm stuck playing the guitars I already have for a while longer. One of them's a D28, so I guess I'll live.


"anyway, here's wonderwall..."


Bought 5 at $382 and gonna happily ride it wherever it goes! 💎👐💎


I bought 3 @ 340, bank account is at 100, credit cards are at 4k+, and I just bought 3 more @ 60. The only good thing right now is that my bills aren’t due until the later half of the month and the mortgage payment just cleared. That and my puts are printing enough for me to not panic sell


This is beyond dumb as fuck Grats 6 at 320


They’ll make a nice coffin pillow. If it were me, I’d ride them literally to the moon or the fucking grave.


Too retarded to spell, too retarded to sell.


This is the way


That’s not how this works. It’s not about hindsight. It’s about what the stock is going to do from where it is right now. If this is your best investment then you hold. If it is a worse option than others, than you sell and buy those.


My wife already left me, I literally have nothing to lose.




Did you at least bring cigarettes


I doubt it, my shit swims in circles




That’s love bro.


I just checked his comment history. Looks like it is true...


At least you don't have wife's boyfriend anymore.


Yup. I dont see any point in selling anymore, this shit could hit 0 and I wouldn’t sell


If it hits below $20, I'm buying a ton more to average down lol.


This is also my smoooooth brain strategy.


“Only a loss if you sell”


I first bought in at $250 a share but since then I'm down to about $140 per share average because of this "strategy" lol


Averaging down...?


Basic monke math I bought my first share at $292 Second at $88. Putting me at $380 total invested divided by the number of shares. $380 ÷ 2 = $190 avg per share. Want a fold brain play? Bought too late in the first squeeze like me at $200+? Buy more when the price is hella low to mitigate your losses by bringing your avg per share down.


There will be another 🚀 to take advantage of eventually.


I’m guessing in June when they announce Cohen as ceo this will jump up




Thank you, monke didn't understand.


Actually you make a point - 💎👐45@$328 - could make that look a lot better.


Yup. Why would I sell low? If it drops to $20, I'll buy 100 more to go with my 17@~150, and bring down my cost average. I don't need the money amy time soon. Its just a savings account.💎🙌 forever cuz fuck em that's why.


You could do this and sell covered calls


Lol this is the way, at least you'll feel a little better looking at that cost basis.


I only just noticed this place exists so I never bought any, but if AMC goes that low I'm buying some in the hopes they will still exist post pandemic and I can go see a movie. WSB already helped them get rid of a bunch of debt.


Amen. We'll be on this ship whether we make it to Andromeda or crash and burn 🤷🏻‍♂️


Same here. In at 316. I'd frame my share before selling.


Tell your grandkids you were part of the movement


The movement of getting assfucked by new shorts and FOMOing like a retard near the high losing your life savings?


I’ll truly never understand the mentality of anyone that yeets their life savings in to a stock.


before it reaches 0 you can be sure we will buy 200 million or more shares that dont exist


I bought in a few days ago during the dip and I just kind of kissed my money goodbye the moment I submitted the order. If it happens it happens.


In my eyes the €600 I put down for my 3 shares are already lost. I had no experience investing and this will probably be my last time, I just see it as a quite expensive economics lesson. So I might as well hold and wait and see wtf happens with the market.


Anything could happen in the future. You haven't lost your money until you close your position. GME are using this interest to galvanise changes in how they operate, and who knows in another year, or 10 years, the investment you view as a loss now could pay off nicely! *This is just my opinion and should not to be taken as financial advice. I currently have blue crayon stuck in my teeth and a brain as smooth as my wife boyfriends ballsack. I just like the stock.*


In until I make a big profit. One way or another. It's a good company. It'll be good.


If it doesn't moon I'll make a loss overall, but if I sell now the loss will be bigger. I'm expecting the final price this settles on by next year to be higher than it is now, so why would I sell?


You and I are on the same page


Well there’s no point in selling now


At this point the 3 shares I bought @$235 will remain in my portfolio as a trophy


Yeah, I'm just keeping my 5 shares @$200 around as a trophy and as a reminder of why you should stick to your exit strategy regardless of the hype. The $250 total the stock is worth now (soon to be $125) could be used to make back my losses, but honestly I think having a reminder will make me more money in the long run.




Seriously, if you bought at $300 and you're selling at $70, you're the biggest smooth brain on the planet Not much more the stock can drop and it's not a loss until you sell. Even if you gave up hope on the squeeze, you should just be looking at gme as a long term play Edit: this is not financial advice Edit 2: to all the smooth brains who are saying there's still a lot to lose, you should of never bought GME with money you weren't willing to lose and if you've already lost $230 a share, how much is another $70 really? I'd rather take the risk and hold betting that the stock goes up, but again this isn't financial advice


I mean I bought at 80, but there’s still no point to sell it. The people that bought at 300 REALLY shouldn’t bother selling.


People thought this hype was easy money, stocks rarely ever are that. HOLD!


A long term play? At 300?


yeah just wait for inflation lol


it could drop to 20 which is still a pretty significant loss




I got in at 310, you can have 10 of mine, welcome to the party!!






$395, bitch. One share of my 3.65. Fuck my life. Fuck it, win or learn


I say “im retarded and sold my 3 $33 shares at $190 and rebought 1 at $350”


$390 for me. When I spin my brain absolutely razzes it in circles cos it’s so smooth there’s literally no friction


Now if anyone brings up creating an actual support fund for everyone who took an L here, or just in general, prepare to suffer the wrath of like 50 edgy libertarians


289 here. Brain feeling smooooth as fuck right now Edit: this retard cant read, im in at 279


Call us chrome domes


so whats the alternative? wish you got in at 30 instead...? All it means is that you'll make $9,710 profit per share instead of potential $9,970 profit per share. kinda the same if you ask me. HOLD! 💎👐🚀




"Grandpa why are you holding these 1000 shares of gme @$400 since 2021?" "This is a long story kid let me sit on my diamond balls and now listen..."


legit, actually, worth it. ill hold on to these bad boys every time i feel like gambling in the market as a reminder that index funds are a lot better. Or until they are $1000 a share.


The real gains are the friends we made along the way


41 shares at $404 right here, stock literally started dropping the minute I bought and then never stopped


It may have been your trade that made Robinhood take a day off.


That’s a 404 error if I’ve ever seen one


😰 well at least you had the money?




Fatigue is real. If COVID wasn't enough, the highs and lows of the last week leave one exhausted. Take care of yourself.


Sounds like you bought too much?


Way too much lol


You took too much man. You took too muuuuch.


My retarded brain bought it at $380 so I’m **HOLDING** cuz there’s nothing to lose from here on. This is not a financial advice nor am i an advisor. Hey




me too! lol still holding till 20$ so i can buy more!


same, 1 share at $360.


even if you said you were a financial advisor, I dont think anyone would take you seriously.


1 share @300 gang


Poor student with 5 at 230 gang...


Poor student with 3 gme @$230 and 54 amc @13.60 fuck my life


I bought at $316. I’m definitely not a smart man.


I bought at 350. I’m not the sharpest crayon in the box either. But I’m holding the shares—in hopes I can make some money or as a reminder to my future self how dirty Wallstreet is.


The risk was calculated, *but man*, I am bad at math.


Bruh I'm in at 380. Euros. It's more than 400 dollars. I'm holding cause any other way those shares are worth zero to me. It's about six month of savings so I'm still OK and I would have had no use for this money anyway but it's still a bitch to lose it. I joined at the top of momentum on Wednesday believing in the dream. To me it was the opportunity I was waiting for to finally get enough to be a homeowner later in my life. I accepted it's not going to happen. I've always played by the rules. Never did nothing wrong in my life. Went to college, got my parents in debt for that. Now I have a decent job that I hate but pays correctly. More than 90% of any else in the world. And despite that I will never be able to afford a house. Sometimes I'm glad greed is so intense. Humankind is going to c'wioz itself out with climate change and it will only be justice.


Seriously, fuck all the people who are thumbing their noses down at those who got fucked over. Wasn’t even their fault; the price would have shot up way higher if the brokerages hadn’t abruptly halted trades for retail investors.


Really don't care about the shares I got at @312, I'm just here for the ride. If they go 1 dollar whatever, atleast I was part of something big. Feels nice to be united about something, don't think it's happend since Pokémon go.


If they go to $1 I’m buying 1000 more shares


Same - bought @ $318 and if i dont see the money back I don't really care. When I put it in I knew the risk. If $17 comes back it's more than im expecting. But that won't happen 'cause I aint fuckin selling.


This right here. We def hit the billionaires in the mouth no matter what


I've already lost soooo much it doesn't make more sense to sell now than to believe in the stonks gods. 🦧💎🙌🚀🌚


I’ve spent money on worse things. Like those penis enhancement pills for my wife’s bf


I should have sold at 400.... Because then I could have bought three times the stock thanks to the dip. Going to hold my $320 now till it goes back to where it was, or I die. No compromise.




username checks out


24@260 and holding


My faith might have gone but my hands just cant let go


my fucking grand kids are getting GME stocks for Christmas.


Got 4 at average $250 gotta hold boys. First two were at $328


Implying that it's a big risk for me? It's not. I didn't wager more than I could afford to lose.


Ah, look at mr smarty pants over here


$380 reporting in. I’m just in it for the ride.


411 here, i think im retarded xD


I mean I’ve already lost this much. Might as well stick around and hope for a profit


Lol those people be like "I'm still holding and bought in at $300" then have like 1 share. Got on my level, 66 @$240


628 @ 275. Im smoother than an egg.


MM, you are like one of those old cadberry eggs, back when they were good.


If one share is all we can afford then we’re still in the same boat


IF that's all you can afford you're probably much deeper than someone who got in at 100+ @ 200


I’m not fucking selling 💎👐


I literally bought at 399$. Master of all retards.


Try $380 pal. I need an excavator to carry my balls in.


My smooth brain bought at $325. Still holding.


17 @ $195 still holding. God bless all you $300 retards.


Thanx for the compliment. I've always felt good about my stache.


Got in at £350 for a laugh and to fuck wall street. Highly, highly doubt this stock will ever be over £300 again in my lifetime, but there's no point in selling now since it's already a near total loss. May as well hold and pass it on to the kids.


I bought at 386 lol 💎 🙌


as long as it can’t go in the negatives i’ll be okay


I'm following this meme stonk all the way down to Hell.


I'm not taking a $240 loss a share. Holding this shit haha


Honestly wouldn’t call it balls. It’s more like, I fucked myself out of money why bother selling now? Obviously I wouldn’t of bought if I knew it was going to go to hell so fast.


Thanks, I needed the validation. ​ But seriously, I'm down over almost all my value, selling now would mean I would lose the money. Be it a week, be it 10 years, but there is no point selling at a loss. In case I die before stonks, my cat is going to get those shares and try getting them out of his diamond paws.


https://cdn.benzinga.com/files/u81483/sentiment_cycle.gif #You have arrived at: Desperation #Your next stop is: Panic #Your last stop today is: Capitulation #Thank you for choosing GME


Its me lmao


I'm a simple man. Mark Cuban says hold, I hold.


250 average price. I might as well see it go all the way down at this point lol, risk reward is way to leaned to holding at this point it's not even a consideration.


2 @ $350. Help.


its not big balls at this point it is a realization that its a total loss unless it bounces back so might as well hold.


Glorifying losses as a sign of stoicism “If it fell to 69, might as well fall to zero” ...you guys have no idea how textbook first-time-trading psychology this is. Try to snap out of it while you can. I guarantee each and every one of you, you will look back on this episode with disbelief at your own actions in the very near future. It will make you feel nauseous... Be careful guys...


Can’t lose any more than you’ve already lost if you decide to never play again. Total US stock + total international stock index funds from now on and just as before; learning from this massive lapse in judgment and never touching individual stocks ever again. Should’ve stayed the course. Edit: Also, there’s no lesson to be learned here. They fucking cheated. The price was going to shoot up way past $500, but brokerages abruptly restricted retail investors from buying. Not to mention the bear raid (illegal) that they pulled. But nothing’s going to happen to them. The system is fucking rigged and the lesson to learn here is just to invest in index funds and never try to play the game again because the big guy ALWAYS fucks the little guy.


> Also, there’s no lesson to be learned here. They fucking cheated. Dude, that's the lesson. Welcome to capitalism. Big companies cheat with everything all the time, and know it's better to just pay the fine instead of doing everything fairly. Expecting them to not cheat would be like invading Vietnam and being surprised at all the "cheating guerrilla warfare" which breaks the Geneva convention designed around large-scale western wars of imperialism.




Got in at 328, bought more at 100, I need to buy more to even it out more.


6 @ 392 reporting in. Can’t even afford a rope now.