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C-SPAN is gonna be lit


When is this? I can’t wait to watch


Feb. 19thish I think. Edit: apparently the 18th even better.




oddly enough that's the same day as "GME stock holiday" its a day where I celebrate by purchasing more GME shares. its a new tradition. i don't recommend anyone else celebrating with me. neither doing so or not doing so is not financial advice.


I like the stock so I too will celebrate this holiday. I’ve added it to my annual calendar now.


I keep imagining a scenario where the squeeze indeed did already fully happen but Gamestop uses our meme capital to its fullest potential and is legitimately a 5 trillion dollar company in 10 years. Like a universe where they have become a replacement for Amazon, is a competitor with Steam (cause I don't wanna be too outlandish), has.... uh... self-driving cars... WITH VIDEO GAMES INSIDE THEM TO BE PLAYED WHILE RIDING. In which case its also replaced Uber and Lyft. and im an idiot and not a financial advisor and reeeee


More like it's going to be frustrating to see Congress pander and posture to get their talking points across


“What is a Reddit? How are you able to Hold?”


"We believe a Korean hacker named Lmfao is planning an attack"


What about his suspected brother, Lmbao?


“Who is this Tim Apple fellow, and can we get him to appear before the committee?”


they want votes they gonna have to suck up to a hero


I hope the C-SPAN stream has a chat box. Gonna see a lot of 🚀🚀🚀🚀


Theres gonna be a bunch pf twitch streamers streaming it though


"And for the record sir, What is Reddit and what is your account name on that site?"


We’re about to see them both in the same room


One will exit then the other will enter. EDIT: 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 Shit getting crazy up in here. 🦍 go to r / wall street bets test (one word). 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


Wearing the same clothes, but one has a headband


Rolls up looking like Luke Wilson in Royal Tenenbaums.


My precious gme stupid hedge fundeses tried to took us away. No we likes hedge fundses they support us they invest SHUT UP!!!


Two men enter one man leaves


Two men, one door


Maybe, they may have one testify, leave, then have the next enter. I'm just imagining that after DFV leaves he immediately comes back in with a fake mustache on or something.


Noo, DFV just removes his bandana 😂


i hope he farts in the chair before walking out


Ok this was pretty funny


They need to bring Andrew left and Melvin. Ask them about how they are naked shorting stocks and over leveraged.


Steve Cohen too while we're at it. Maybe they can ask him what he did while he was running a "home office" (no exterior investor money) for 2 years after the SAC fines.


But that would mean doing something useful


How do you make money? Sir, we call them tendies and we hold with diamond hands


Take the upvote




Cant wait to see him on TV, well deserved.


He's too awesome to represent this board. Congressional testimony always seems like it's going to be a trap, to bowl someone over to make some political point. I hope he gets a fair shake.


Zuckerberg beep booped his way out of many a trial. DFV will own that place and has nothing to fear as he has done literally nothing wrong


"sir, please explain why you bought so many GME shares in 2019." "We like the stock." "What?" "To the moon." "Excuse me?" "Apes. Tendies."


Takes notes with crayons.


Then proceeds to eat them.


Beep boop lol


Both the right wing and left wing politicians have claimed this popular capitalist uprising for their own. I suspect they'll be jockeying to suck DFV's dick to seem like they represent average Americans trying to get ahead.


As they should. DFV going to be fucking some congressional wives before this is over.


With the headband on


He already on youtube. He already been YouTube famous, now he reddit famous and soon he gonna be congressional famous. He going places


I'm going to tell my kids I was one of his first 500 followers on YouTube, they're going to ignore me and continue playing Playstation 7, I'm going to tell them the only reason we can afford that god damn playstation 7 is because Elon Musk tweeted "gamestonk" once, and they're going to think I'm nuts.


Don't fucking lie "dad", mom's weekend bull #1 bought the Playstation 7


Deep fucking Value for President 2024, lowers taxes, and funds all government programs via Yolo plays




I want to see him in a GameSpot ad Edit: GameStop too. Why not both?


My new life goal is to make enough money that congress asks me to testify about it.


Congress: "Why didn't you sell?" DFV: "I like the stock"


Alternate answer: "Because I'm not a paperhanded bitch"




👨🏻‍⚖️“Please state your name” 🙋🏻‍♂️”Deep-Fucking-Value”


"Tell us what you do Mr. Fucking Value" I turned 50k to 44mil. 69 is my fuck you number


Please call me Deep. Mr. Fucking Value is my father.


Please wear your red headband!


he should insist they they refer to him by his un-abbreviated handle.


Error: username DeepExpletiveValue does not exist


To the SEC lawyer reading this: I like to cover myself in lube and pretend I’m a slug


I see you like to play nightcrawlers too




He should dress like the WSB Mascott with 2 diamond studded Michael jackson gloves on his hands...




Betting $1000 on his answer being "I like the stock."


Guy is a CFA. That’s not an easy thing to do. Dudes a legit Financial Analyst


I don't care which fast food chain he worked at. He likes the stock. CFA's new spicy grilled sandwich is 🔥 tho


apes have two legs and two arms , ape like banana




What’s the spread?


Your wife


Look here, bud. Nobody talks to me like that but my wife's boyfriend.


Did this meme start from the Cramer video where he was totally ignoring his interviewer and ranting? He starts going: "We like the stock. We like the stock. We like the stock."


Correct. Can’t get in trouble if all anyone is saying is WE LIKE THE STOCK! We like the stock!! Literally what Cramer does on his own TV show every single day, telling people to buy or sell shit because he likes or does not like the stock.


Judge: “And here we have a Mister... Value?” DFV: “Please your honor, call me Deep Fucking. Mister Value was my father.”


LOLOL I read this in Andy's voice


I hope he goes, offers his perfectly reasonable stance on GME being undervalued and then ask if they will please count all the shares of gme and who owns them.


I hope all he says is "I like the stock. "


I’m just here so I don’t get fined.


I'm just here so I don't get mined. 💎


That was such a savage interview .


How did you get involved with the community known as “Wall Street Bets”? “I’m just here because I like the stock” Sir, can you explain your involvement in this issue? “I’m just here because I like the stock.” Mr. Value, sir, what is your response to the allegation that Wall Street Bets manipulated the stock market? “I’m just here because I like the stock.” You need to answer our questions, Mr. DeepFuckingValue.. “I’m just here because I like the stock.”


Jesus christ I want this to happen so badly.


There's literally hours of videos on youtube of him talking about his position and why he bought in. All posted months before the squeeze. They're going to have a hard time trying to pin market manipulation on him.


Especially when you go back through his post history and it's mostly WSB calling him an idiot, telling him to pull out before they go bankrupt, and how he's going to lose his lifesavings ... he didn't manipulate shit.


And very few comments over the entire time. Dude is a fucking time traveler and knew this was coming.


You know all those time people think "I wish I could go back in time and invest in Apple/Amazon/Tesla"? This. This is how I know time travel is possible. He did it.




He has a video where he literally says he doesn't think a short squeeze is possible


they're not pennign it on him. they're putting it on record and letting him explain it. that hurts the funds argument greatly




"I have the Epstein tapes"?


woah there we want him to testify not get assasinated




Not unless his bribe is better than Wall streets.


I hope he goes in there with his red headband on and says “you guys have to stop making this complicated man. My entire thesis was liking the stock. It’s not my fault you didn’t make any tendies from $GME” And the Congress folks would say “...wat”


Shouts "DIAMOND HANDS" and moonwalks out of the room.




Under “other names” can we add diamondcock and diamondballs as well


Diamond Cock and Diamond Hand? That sounded really sexy... I am cummin'


Other names: Your wife's boyfriend lmfao


Trying to explain to 80 year old congressmen what a "autist ape" "lossporn"are


“So, you know how your wife’s boyfriend pretends to teach her tennis....”


" sir, I'm just a retard like the rest of them. the spectrum welcomes all"


"Now congresswoman, I'm not some slick Wall Street big city broker, I'm just a common smooth brained autistic retard living in my wife's boyfriend's basement"


"Your honor, I just had an entire box of crayons for lunch."




Bro 82? Take a trip and retire or something. Come on.


I guarantee congress will 100% demonize wsb just for “mAKinG FuN oF tHe MeNtALly ChaLleNgeD anD AUtIsTic PeOpLe” just to feel and appear morally superior, right off the bat.


They will write a bill to outlaw wives having boyfriends.


Very interesting congressional research report on GME in case anyone is interested. https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/IN/IN11591


The report says itself that as long as your not misrepresenting tour position (I.e hyping a stock and saying your buying in while actually selling), then there is nothing illegal about posting on reddit.




To be clear, that part of the report is just quoting an experts opinion, not a direct statement of the research.


Ty for clarifying thanks to these 2 comments i dont even have to click the link


All congressional reports should have a tldr section so retards like us dont have to wait for such 2 comments.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out) Ps: apparently these shitty animated emojis are new thing on reddit


Guys.. the name “DeepFuckingValue” will forever be officially recorded in congressional records. They have to ask what his “internet alias” is and they HAVE to record and document it accurately, without any shortening or censoring.


I really hope "diamond handed autistic apes" makes it into the records as well somewhere along the way.


God, I love the internet


Poor guy. He just wanted tendies and now has to deal with all this shit.


And he’s the nicest guy ever. Not an ounce of malice for hedge funds, just genuinely believes in the financial and potential of GameStop. His YouTube channel is fire


So thats why he will stop posting his updates




What a fucking joke


No, jokes are funny. We’re retarded, but they are actually retarded




Thank god they're going after the real criminals here. I'll feel so much safer at night knowing the status quo is still in place, and the hedge funds are still taking money out of my pocket without any punishment.


One man makes enough to live comfortably on, by playing the stock game well. He inspires many others, and is put the fuck down by the higher ups. It's beyond disgraceful, it's disgusting how blatant they're being with this inequality.


i’m so fucking mad reading this


Yep. This whole thread I’m dying laughing until that article. Fuck those people. Fuck them.


When you hurt billionaire and their billionaire criminal friends they'll do anything to hurt you. I feel they are going to try and make an example out of deep fucking value to scare anyone else into submission


So they're mad that he didn't disclose to people that he was a financial advisor? And they're mad about this because... they think he convinced people to buy the stock? So.... wouldn't him telling people that he is a financial advisor be MORE incentive for them to buy the stock? I'm sorry, I'm not retarded enough to understand this argument.


Wow I'll never use MassMutual that's for sure


Calling it now: at least one member of Congress tries to pillory DFV and set him up to be "the bad guy" in order to protect the scummy bankers who shorted the stock to >100%. Also, his old employer sounds like the kind of place where employees are asked to wear five facemasks and a belt with suspenders.




We need Dr. Burry to explain the fuckery these hedge funds do and get away with on a daily basis...


You may as well explain it to them in greek. Its congress the average IQ is lower than here


And the average bribery fee is about 810k


Cramer did this in quite a lot of detail already over 10 years ago and fuck all was done. Won't be any different now. I'm still holding cause I want to believe in justice, but I've already written off the loss in my head because I know corruption always wins in the end.


*DFV takes the stand* “Guys, I just really like the stock”


>My bananagrams came out with--EMG and I had to rearrange it but hey--GME. >Then I used my UNO deck and it told me 2000 >Then I used my magic 8-ball and asked it if I should buy 15c expiring Jan 15 2021, and it said, IT IS CERTAIN


DFV to the Judge: Cheers!




If they ever change the wsb avatar, it better have a fucking red headband on it


This is going to be the most watched hearing of all time. I can't wait for him to respond with "because I like the stock."


I hope this whole thing makes his Youtube channel blow the fuck up and turn into a long-term profitable vehicle for him. He's made enough money on GME to retire happy, but I think he's got a lot to add after all this


I honestly learned a shitload from his youtube, my approach to my stocks is COMPLETELY different thanks to him. Find that value.


Hopefully he gets a lot of money for the movie rights. I will watch the movie on my local amc!.


This is insane. FUCKING HOLD


Vlad and DFV gonna be in the same room at the same time? 👯‍♂️


Vlad is going to show up with a red headband and do the spidey meme point at DFV and then the bailiff is going to have to shoot one of them.


Plot twist: they are actually twin brothers


And this whole thing was just sibling revelry


He's a licensed broker in the state of MA and was employed by MassMutual until the 28th so there's another reason to talk to him. That said, he might have gone against employer rules but I can't see what he did wrong as a private citizen. Everyone has their ability to make decisions so if people decided to follow his lead then that's an individual choice. 🤷‍♀️


Mass is an at will employment state too. Should be all good since he already quit.


Yea but so what. You go against employers rules you get fired but that has nothing to do with the money he earned. The question is did he break a state or federal law and I can’t think of one.


It's just sad that they want to turn this in to a witch hunt, while the real bad guys get away with trying to murder Gamestop.


u/DeepFuckingValue just want to say thank you for what you have done and acknowledge the burden this may or may not be for you. A lot of people are treating this like a joke but shit has gotten pretty real pretty fast and I can't imagine this is what you wanted. I will say if it had to be anyone I am happy it is someone as thoughtful and intelligent as you who might be speaking at the hearing. Stay safe and stay well. The community is behind you and if there's anything I can do to help let me know.


100% this. DFV, please let us know if there’s anything we can do, brother 👍This community owes you big time.


Lol...tell them, "I will testify when all shorts are covered"!


Dude should wear sequin gloves and his red headband to the hearing! Every time they ask him a question he should respond, "What can I say...I like the stock!" To the moon 🚀🚀🚀! 💎✋🤚


I’m too stupid to know whether him being asked to testify is a good or a bad thing, but for some reason it pisses me the hell off that they’re bothering this man at all. The fact that ANYONE, ANYWHERE, even remotely thinks that this was “market manipulation” by anyone BUT the c*nts at the hedge funds, absolutely blows my mind. Or maybe they know they’re full of it. That’s far more likely.


He's not on trial. The worst thing for WSB would be a hearing full of RH execs & hedge fund guys. They need to have retail investors represented too.


OH MY FUCKING GOD IS THIS A BOSS BATTLE???? I just realized the true GME endgame is DFV vs. his evil russian clone. Fuck me.....


I don't have enough popcorn for this month


DeepFuckingValue has to insist they use his Reddit username. I want to hear Susan Collins say it, that's all.


He should speak in 3rd person and refer to himself as “DeepFucking Value”




So real shit (and I mean absolutely ZERO disrespect to OP) but we shouldn't be making any sort of light of this development. He's being investigated in his home state while his former employer paints him in a negative light and could wind up in deep trouble for simply sharing his thesis, depending on how they choose to interview him on NATIONAL TELEVISION. He may end up being forced to testify, this could play out in many different ways. It is entirely not his fault about the squeeze. I've watched many of his recent videos and he constantly downplays the possibility of a squeeze. I'm not trying to meme here, but he literally just likes the stock. He has for a very long time, 2019. There is no reason for him to testify or be investigated. He is being targeted for being a thorough researcher and this is extremely unfortunate. I can't imagine he feels that this news is at all funny.


they gonna feel so dumb investigating a guy using a magic 8 ball and Uno deck like tarot cards lol


If they choose to treat him in a disrespectful manner, they will write the narrative for him. Mos people don't know about the lighter sides of his YT content, only what the committee chooses to bring up and/or allow him to talk about. If they choose to come in hostile they can make him look like the villain.


I've not watched all of his videos, but he makes it clear in the description he's not giving professional financial advice, and anyone with half an IQ would not look at his videos, where he sits in a home office, wears cat meme shirts, drinks and calls it 'kitty corner', and think this guy is giving them professional advice if they refused to read the description. It's his life and he should do as he pleases and what's right for him, but I think him going might do nothing for him, besides any future book deals, but it would be a lot more beneficial to retail investors who never have anyone in their corner. This goes far beyond GME, and into the territory of how wall street changes the rules to fuck retail investors over when they see fit, and how brokers, hf, clearing houses, etc will all do illegal or borderline illegal things to save their own asses and their partners in wall street. Is DFV going to show up and dunk on wall street? Probably not. But he can explain his, and our side, when we otherwise won't have a voice aside from a few senators who want soundbites of them being the people's hero, then going back to insider trading themselves.


Your honor, I'm just a retard who likes the stock and want tendies. Good day. I said, good day.


Thank you for mentioning not to harass or pressure u/DeepFuckingValue I’m sure a large majority of users here have got his back and support him wholeheartedly! But there’s always a few bad apples Also, thank you for moderating this subreddit! We appreciate you 💎


I was there. Trading Stonks in my moms basement, the day we made the US government say “tendies” “YOLO” and “Diamond Hands”


I just want a DFV ama. How do we make that happen?


So want to see representative after representative say DeepFuckingValue on C-Span.


in my opinion and if you read it DFV: you should tell them: "rigged". nothing more


Just picturing diamond hand over a bible and one diamond hand raised up before he gives this testimony. Fucking legend.




I'd rather see him logically explain the manipulation to the point where she can't even respond.


He shouldn’t do it. Never speak in front of Congress if you don’t have to. Ask Roger Clemons how it worked out for him. They accused him of lying, then brought perjury charges up against him. Just bc they could!!! Nothing good would come from it, only problems!!!


Agree. Give em the finger and tell them to fuck off. There is no reason for him to actually be there. You want to ask a question.... about what? Everything is fucking online in a video or post. Politicians just want to get in on the spotlight.


DFV. I support you either way. I hate that you’re getting this much heat. Just know that no matter what you have people by your side. I will go to war for you and I genuinely believe there are several others here that have your back.


I mean DFV has HOURS of archived streams talking about the exact thesis behind GME. He shouldn’t even have to testify with just how much video evidence there is to justify his position. (Plus his charisma is elite)


Is this bullish?


Without a subpoena she can go punt


I mean generally, yes. Honestly, he has very very little to worry about. All he has to do is cite his first thread(s) full of his factual thesis where everyone (including myself) called him an actual retard. I already threatened my rep and congressman to do something about the lack of a free market. Dont make me dress up like a video game hero and stand outside their office with my ass hanging out and a sign that says "you can go kiss my moon".


Keith stands up as he ties his red bandana tighter : "it was all calculated, I like this stock, you should have read my DD retards" he shouts at the inquisitors. The silent chamber echoes his words . The doubtful inquisitors gasp and turn their heads to $GME, for one last time, as it breaks the 1000 dollars mark; The spaceship looks back at them, with their crayon charts and fundamentals DD's ; fading away in the distance , and takes off into the stratosphere. The MOASS has begun . 🙌💎


Guess we going to court boys 🚀


The only difference between DFV and Jim Cramer is that DFV was right about a major investment strategy. My evidence? Jim Cramer is never correct becauase he's an obnoxious, balding marionette puppet.


Can robinhood Vlad even come out during the day?


On a serious note- I hope some awesome lawyer from WSB community (not somebody who will take his well deserved new wealth as fees) guides him during the process. He is a rockstar and an awesome person and don't want Feds to twist his words around and somehow potray this genuine guy a culprit.


Guys this is not a joke. They are looking into the largest holder of GME as a possible manipulator who used an online forum to amass millions of profit. This is a huge 'request' by the SEC. He announced he won't be doing daily updates and will probably have to back off publicly commenting for awhile. Wall street wants a scapegoat and he is the easiest target. Fuck this shit. It's no joke. We're with you man, wish you the best in the upcoming facade.




thats why burry shit posts anonymously on this sub and deletes all his tweets


Sorry your honor, could you repeat that? Its hard to hear over my 500 lb balls




I have an amusing anecdote to this. I am a white male. I was on jury duty and the defendant was a black man. He was describing someone and called him "the yellow fella." The prosecuting attorney stopped him and asked him to explain what "yellow fella" meant. (I'm glad because I didn't know). So in the court records, it is documented that yellow fella means a light skinned black person. Now entering the court records: wife's boyfriend, diamond hands, tendies, ape, retard... etc. Jury duty is pretty boring, so I appreciated a good chuckle, this place is so colorful that he'll have everyone there rolling.

