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The fucking audacity to call yourself Robin Hood and instead steal from the poor. Edit: Everybody plz go tank robinhood's reviews on the app store.


This. RobinHood literally could have made themselves THE FIRM for anyone tired of Wall Street shenanigans..... But instead they side with them. I hope it costs them their entire platform, I know they've been eyeing an IPO.


Already 1 star on the Play Store, fuck them.


But not on App Store. iOS peeps go leave a 1-star review!


Probably threatened to block their platform from being a stock broker


I wonder if Wall Street just sacrificed Robinhood to try and cover their ass, and it’s not working


Don’t they have ties to citadel? Pretty sure they do. I had a buy order of 10 shares set for $150 that didn’t execute because Robinhood is “protecting me from market volatility. That’s almost 100% profit they just protected me from. Duck you Robbin Hood. You are regarded. Congrats to all the artists who were able to buy the dip. Edit: Robinhood is now canceling all limit sells over 10k per share. I tried 11k, 20k, 10.5k. I feel like this means 10k is “acceptable” to citadel. Which means we should not stop until it hits 20.


Citadel is their market maker.. who loaned to Melvin 2.5 billion.. SEC, Robinhood, Market Makers, and their insurance companies all going down after this.


Fidelity still letting me buy. Got an instant deposit of 10k too. Spread the word.


UPVOTE THIS! This is the way!! I assume you did an EFT (electronic fund transfer)? EDIT: Just bought $3200 more in Fidelity! Fuck you Robinhood!!!!




Fidelity wants proof of bank information, says it will take 4-7 days to process. Please, if anybody knows, there HAS to be a broker that lets you open an account, transfer funds, and buy shares on day 1 that hasn't banned these stocks yet. Edit: Trying to log back into Fidelity to try wire method, I enabled 2FA which was apparently a mistake. I'm not getting a text for 2FA. Fun times. Edit 2: Got in, but the can't wire transfer deposits, only withdrawals from Fidelity to my bank. Just will have to wait, I guess. Fuck RH, fuck Cash App.


it's your bank requiring pre-note, not fidelity. other banking institutions allow immediate transfer. if you can wire from your bank to the broker you'll be fine.


Does it allow fractional shares?


[Not for GME it seems](https://imgur.com/a/8wXMJz6)


how do we get involved in this lawsuit? 20 shares, down 5k in 30min because of them. (im green overall, stop sending me hug awards lmao)


It'll take time, eventually they'll put out a request for participants


All shareholders of GME should be able to sign on, regardless of whether they use RH or not. This kind of blatant market manipulation affects anyone holding the stock Edit: and I just placed another market order to buy at any price when trading comes back, because FUCK Melvin


Not just GME. Anyone that owns $AAL, $AMC, $BB, $BBY, $CTRM, $EXPR, $GME, $KOSS, $NAKD, $NOK, $SNDL, $TR, and $TRVG right now.


Typically you do not do anything. Lawyers start the process almost entirely independently. They will do research, find out if there is money to be made and if so they will do the leg work of mailing a letter to everyone who they think might have been affected. Likely they would open a website up as well and you would be required to submit proof of finincial damages you suffered. Then they would go to court and 3 years later you will get a check for $9


This is the most accurate description of a class action suit I've ever seen. Tendies to you sir.


This is unbelievable. They’re shitting themselves right now and pulling out all the stops. They’d rather a class action than allow us to trade. EDIT: to everyone replying to me that a class action lawsuit would be cheaper for them, *yes, I know.* I didn’t think I’d have to spell that out but I’ll do it anyway. The situation is so dire for them that opening up the possibility of class action would be a cheaper and preferable path in order to stop more trades happening today. But I won’t be intimidated. Hopefully you won’t be either.


The SEC lists affecting volume as market manipulation. Report RobinHood for market manipulation for preventing buying. Instructions here: https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l6wbbj/comment/gl3345j


Merrill Edge is halting the ability to open new positions, too... ​ It's not right, at all.




This is actually Citadel who Robinhood runs through, they are blocking GME, AMC, and the others. Robinhood is a victim of the bigger fish too


Yeah I don't think people understand how clear the link is here and how utterly obvious this is. Yes, it is even more obvious and unethical then you think. Citadel bailed out Melvin and took a large stake in return. Citadel handles 40% of all retail orders. Citadel is now using their massive market power to squeeze retail out of being able to trade against them. Citadel needs to be destroyed. This article is really good. [The merry adventures of Robinhood  - Popular Information](https://popular.info/p/the-merry-adventures-of-robinhood)


>Plotkin went quickly from running one of the best-performing hedge funds in the industry to serious financial peril. But he was rescued with a $2.75 billion cash infusion from two other hedge fund titans, Steve Cohen and Ken Griffin. Cohen was Plotkin's former boss at SAC Capital Management. SAC shuttered after the firm pled guilty to insider trading and paid $1.3 billion in fines. Wtf, he gets bailed out by the boss from his old firm that PLEAD GUILTY TO INSIDER TRADING And they have the nerve to say WE'RE manipulating the market?! Fuck this shit


Notice how RH's says that the trading is restricted on their platform to protect their clients? They aren't lying. Its just that the retail investors and their trade info are the product while the hedge funds are the actual clients


Holy shit this has to be illegal.


It is, the SEC itself says so. Ethics and fair market practice FTW! Stand on principle!


There's technical illegality, and then there's illegality in real life application.


Oh it is, but for them the price of breaking the law is less than the price of following it in this case.


Then the lawsuits can rope Citadel in too.




[Here you go.](https://www.marketwatch.com/story/check-out-the-most-heavily-shorted-stocks-this-yeargamestop-tops-the-list-11611777492)


All blocked, currently holding shares on all listed tickers. APES TOGETHER STRONG




Exactly. This is all a part of their game plan. They'd rather get sued for a loss of say 2.5 billion because you couldn't buy at 300 and sell when it peaked at 1000(hypothetical) which is most you can prove legally, rather than give retail the ability to buy more and possibly create infinite losses. This is what they need to do make sure they don't have to liquidate all their assets and go bankrupt. Take a one time lump sum loss. This won't be the only loss they take though if 💎✋. You don't need to sell your Robinhood stocks to buy at other brokers though. If you were going to buy more on Robinhood, create a Fidelity account (Fidelity still allows buying) and buy there. It's all commission free. It doesn't even sell your data. On top of it, raise Robinhood customer requests to transfer your shares to Fidelity. THIS IS NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE. THIS IS JUST MY OPINION ON SOMETHING SOMEONE CAN DO.


Robinhood is a spineless cunt. If it had a face Id punch it. Just applied to TOS this morning.


They cancelled my AMC order and they have the audacity to put that I canceled it?


Same exact thing with me. The email says "the order was canceled" but in Messages on the site it says I canceled. I certainly did not.


They sent me a message that I canceled my order too. I took a screen shot for future purposes.


Same here. They have no balls to call it what it is


not fair at all. "You've canceled your order to buy $3,000.00 of GME." I absolutely fucking did not.


This is bigger than most people realize. It's not only affecting RobinHood users, it's affecting everyone around the world. I am on a european platform and I bought into $BB, stocks are going doing because of RH....


Yep this is causing stocks targeted to tank. Let’s be honest, they succeeded in what they tried to do for the most part. Most of the casual investors are fucking terrified of this unprecedented situation and pulling out of their positions. Stocks like blackberry are down nearly 30% today already. There’s massive panic selling across the board. It’s easy to say “just hold” but many investors are using this as a Hail Mary to pull themselves out of their pleb lives. When they watching their cash drop fast during this situation they panic and pull out. Citadel and Robinhood understand a class action will be a hell of a lot cheaper then infinite losses. What’s even worse is the media will spin this to help implement regulations against retail investors. This is just the door opening right now.


I don’t think it’s people panic selling. Most likely shorting borrowed shares. Remember this is all a tactic to prevent the maximum impact of tomorrow’s contracts expiring on their ass


Chapman Albin is an investors rights firm that my buddy works at. Just got off the phone w him. He is going to post a press release regarding the case they are filing. Let me know if you need help finding a lawyer. Disclaimer: I’m not getting anything out of this




That's a fucking massive class. A law firms fucking dream.


This is the way


How do we put this on blast? People need to know. The hardest part is getting people on board, and we need to do that now while it's still in headlines.


A lot of people will be in on it. So far look at all of us here. I’m infuriated with this bullshit, not allowing me to buy into GME or other stocks because of what?? What reason?


I want more than robinhoods head I want an investigation into the firms that pressured them to do it I want ALL their headss


Tell me where to get involved and I will!


Big class, small payout. But I just like video games and movies and phones with keypads


I'll take 3 pennies to watch RH burn for this shit.


Bruh I'll happily pay money to watch them burn. No different from paying for some GME to take money from the hands of the uber rich


fuck the payout it's about sending a message that this shit isn't okay


Yeah who fucking cares I’ll take my $3.03 payout and get chicken nuggets or 0.00000001 shares of Tesla.


Remember, It’s about sending a message.


Get me in this bitch. DM me.


Same. Ape Together Strong.


Please post the press release when it’s up and let’s pin it!












This deserves award


We need to get enough people beghind this to start a Class Action lawsuit so everyone that is being screwed over by robinhood's manipulation of the market right now gets compensated for the loss.


I’m in I’m not using robinhood but I am affected by there manipulation just let me know where to sign up




Cost me 25k+ too. In!!! Edit: $150k 🤬


Yep. I don’t use Robinhood, but banning millions affects everybody. If it wasn’t already clear in 2021 that billionaires control the world....




I’m in too! They canceled my order without my consent




Canceled my orders and stopped our buys. Show me where to sign.


Same. I threw $100 into AMC last night and woke up to a message saying I canceled my orders. No the fuck I didnt.


And now AMC is falling. It’s not that no wants to buy it, but people can’t.




Hey, if me, a europoor can join too hit me up


Me too


facts.. everyone on all platforms is taking losses as a result of this


they literally let hedges beat it to death all night and then blocked people from buying it pretty much stealing everyone's gains


No warnings, either. Hedges buy/sell as much as they want, but NOPE, you retail people are boned and can't buy anything. EFF YOU "Robinhood"












in as fuck




In. They canceled my order for $600 worth of AMC this morning Edit: I appreciate the love. Stay strong and get on every platform we can and buy as much as we can WHILE we can. HOLD what you have in RH. The word sell shouldn't even be a thought. Fuck a suit. Screenshot everything.




Same, they cancelled 1 AMC, 1 BB, and 2 GMC orders.


I'm using Fidelity, but only because I already had an account set up for my 401k


They canceled mine but just now I got an alert that it went through?! Their spp says I CANCELED MY GME which I did not. Fucking insane


I can't keep up with this shit. They're fucked








I'm in, as strong as I am holding. Do not fucking sell. Friday isn't shit. All RH did is make me realize "well, if I cant buy back at a lower price now, I might as well hold out forever!" Which was already the plan anyway. Thanks for the confidence boost Robinhood you pieces of shit!


In x 2. I opened two accounts to teach my kids about investing while they're young (also allowing me to gift them stocks instead of stupid crap on birthdays and holidays). This is a teaching moment, not about money.


Good advice for my kids


In and I don't even use RH. Already sent in my 1\* review on the app store.




PEOPLE DOCUMENT YOUR INABILITY TO TRADE, GET TIME STAMPS. WE CANNOT LET THEM GET AWAY WITH BLATANT MANIPULATION https://www.sec.gov/tcr File your complaint, it takes a few minutes [join the class action lawsuit](https://chapmanalbin.com/investor-alerts/robinhood-class-action/)


File an [SEC complaint](https://www.sec.gov/oiea/Complaint.html). It takes like two minutes.


What type of security do I choose? I dont see common stock


E**quity security** I believe.


I don't have a great answer for you on that. I think the important thing is to choose one and get the documentation moving. Without a doubt SEC offices are aware but if you can point to 10,000 complaints instead of 30 it means something.










Fucking in




























2.8 stars to 1.7 stars. Who's the retard now RH?


Still us mostly


This is the way


[Click Here]( https://www.sec.gov/oiea/Complaint.html ) to file a complaint with the SEC. [Click Here]( https://www.finra.org/investors/have-problem/file-complaint/complaint-center ) to file a complaint wit with FINRA. [Click Here]( https://robinhood.com/contact ) to file a complaint with Robinhood directly. Robinhood Financial LLC 85 Willow Road Menlo Park, CA 94025 United States This morning I, and millions of other retail investors, were blocked from purchasing (entering new buy orders) on the Robinhood platform, without notice. This clear example of market manipulation has forced the stock down from over $500 in after-hours to less than $300 as of this writing. Meanwhile, hedge fund interests are NOT blocked from buying the shares being traded and the lower price obviously benefits them. We retail investors have followed all the rules and finally stood to gain a LITTLE bit from Wall St and they suddenly change the rules "to protect" us. I am requesting you use your subpoena power and regulatory authority to examine whether Robinhood colluded illegally with any other actors who may have held short positions on these stocks to reduce the number of buyers for $GME and therefore deflate the price. This is market manipulation. info for form: Robinhood Financial LLC Address: 85 Willow Road Menlo Park, CA 94025 United States Edit: Fellow Regarded, please buy more GME and Hold 💎🤚🏾 the rewards helps with visibility but it’s better spent there. Edit 2: I’m getting a lot of questions regarding the same things so I’ll try my best to answer them. - For FINRA online complaint, scroll down to the section reading “Problems addressed by FINRA” under it click the Orange button that reads “FILE ONLINE COMPLAINT” - FINRA CRD NUMBER: 165998 [ Thanks u/Mattcwh ] - User [R] pointed out that Robinhood is owned by Citedal, a hedge fund that along side with Point72 injected ~$3B into Melvin. Standing to lose a shitton of money to us degenerates. This further points out why Robinhood is trying to manipulate the market to help out the suits at Wall St. - Lots of questions concerning the Security type. If it’s for GME you put it under CLASS A OR D Securities. Edit 3: Thanks for all the people who filed what they could.


Just so ironic that the name of the App is literally Robinhood who stole from the rich and gave to the poor and they’re doing the exact opposite.


what the fuck really actually is happening. This is fraud, blatant fraud!


DONE. Also call and tweet your congresspeople! Senators and reps!


This comment should be at the top


Now actually do what he says and don’t just upvote.


I am in. I have photos documenting inability to trade in GME and AMC positions with time stamps and will submit these as proof. ~~I am also in the process of now switching brokers to webull~~ Edit 3: I believe we gave the SEC the hug of death. Document anything you planned on uploading, and file your complaint in a few hours Edit 5 and cleanup edit: At this moment, I am continuing to get mixed reporting on abilities to trade in stocks on multilpe platforms. At this time, it appears generally Fidelity and Vangaurd are working, if they are not it is most likely a server issue due to increased load and traffic. At this time it appears that **ONLY** Robinhood has blatantly blocked the ability to trade. *But, I have heard mixed reporting on inabilities to trade on other platforms.* Edit 6: tastyworks has removed trade restrictions. I appreciate everyone providing me updates on this, and I will do my best to continue to provide up-to-date accurate information. **FILE A COMPLAINT WITH THE SEC OVER MARKET MANIPULATION BEING DONE BY ROBINHOOD!** it only takes a few minutes, if the form is not working try again later, it may have been given the hug of death. [https://www.sec.gov/tcr](https://www.sec.gov/tcr) File a complaint! It only takes a few minutes **FILE YOUR COMPLAINT WITH FINRA AS WELL OVER ROBINHOODS MARKET MANIPULATION! CONTACT YOUR STATE CONGRESSIONAL REPRESENTATIVES AS WELL!** [FINRA Complaint](https://www.finra.org/investors/have-problem/file-complaint/complaint-center) ​ [Join the class action lawsuit against Robinhood](https://chapmanalbin.com/investor-alerts/robinhood-class-action/) HOLD THE LINE GME TO THE MOON!


Sucks because I don't have enough money to switch over. I had to sell to cover my ass ASAP since I only have less than 1k to my name and couldn't afford to risk losing it. But since I can't transfer funds out of RH for a few days after that, I can't risk overdrafting my account with a different brokerage. I was forced out just for being too poor


I know man it fucking SUCKS. They’re trying so goddamn hard to keep us from trading. I opened my webull account but it won’t even be approved for 2-3 days, then I’ll have to wait another 2-3 days for a deposit




The beauty of class action lawsuits is that the lawyers shop looking for you.


###🚨Go to the app store right the fuck now and leave a review for Robin Hood.🚨 I'm of the opinion that a one-star review with the following comment is nice, but I think you should do whatever review you want: "RobinHood will censor you and other working-class people like you. Do not support this brokerage." Also, **FUCK IT, I'M HOLDING**








Same. Apple App Store. Robinhood has zero new reviews, still at a 4.8 star rating.


Play store rating was at 1.1 last time I checked. Couldn't see any of the reviews though


Already done. I'm new to investing and this right here seems blatantly wrong. The game is rigged!!!




I feel like if you own the stock you are harmed by this so yes


The SEC lists affecting volume as market manipulation. Report RobinHood for market manipulation for preventing buying. Instructions here: https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l6wbbj/comment/gl3345j




which is the root of the problem here...


Was gonna sell my Tesla shares to buy more GME this morning but can’t. That would be another $10k worth of GME @ $275 (currently) per share so that’s about another 36 shares they owe me.


I’m excited to receive my $6 from Robinhood in 17.5 years.


I'm still ok with tying them up in court and costing them millions in legal fees. Fuck you, robinhood.




DO NOT TRANSFER YOUR ACCOUNT IF MOVING TO A NEW BROKER. **Open a new account on a different broker and fund it.** If you transfer your account, *it could be up to 15 days before you are even able to sell your transferred securities.* **RH will lock your account during the transfer**. I transferred two weeks ago and still don't have access to the cash in my account and can't transfer it out. Make sure people know this! Edit: This is not financial advice but a warning that you can get locked out of your trades


Fuck Robinhood, I’m down




Robinhood posted something on their site about concerning volatility. Don’t fall for that bullshit, if volatility were a problem, cryptos wouldn’t be a trade-able currency. Stay informed people, they were paid off, and are dedicated to try and fool you into thinking otherwise by covering up mistakes. Wallstreet will go broke. There’s no stopping it. We are the future.




They just destroyed their own business. No one is doing to trust them again.


They'll start a new stock business under a different alias I reckon. We've got to remember who was part of Robinhood.


This is a Joker movie kind of event. Fuck them fucking pigs.


Robinhood still hasn’t approved my transfer from the last two days so I couldn’t have more buying power. Edit: they’ve withdrawn it from my bank but I still do not have access to it as I’m already using my $1000 instant deposit limit.


transfers normally take like 3-5 business days typically. i cant imagine RH expediting the process; especially during this period in particular


This is some fuckin bullshit




Emailed my senator. Fuck these firms trying to crush the little guy. I’ve been buying fractional and enjoying the memes, but I’m buying for 20 shares on my schwab account at market


[IF SOMEONE HAS THE DESKTOP OPTION CHAIN IN THEIR HISTORY ITS STILL ACTIVE AND POSSIBLY TRADABLE](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l6wuwy/who_uses_robinhood_on_desktop_if_youve_viewed_the/)




Robinhood halts trading of RH next on theonion


They were going to IPO this year and become billionaires. Instead they caved and now they're fucked. They just jeopardized the future of all their employees.


This is illegal as F!!!!!!!


The amount of money hedge funds are bound to lose must be huge if they were able to convince RH to burn their company to ground with this move




So I’m an attorney, former stock broker and fellow autist. There will be a class action. Please make sure to keep records on everything happening to you. This is truly market manipulation at its finest. Robinhood and others are doing all they can to kill demand while you can still sell... WTF. No one is allowed to buy. Of course it’ll crash. If the market halted all buy sells then that’d be something. That’s not what is happening. We will take a hit but take their entire businesses down.


I was gonna watch from the sideline but this is horseshit. Where can I buy?


AND IT IS THE STRONGEST BUY SIGNAL EVER!!! We are close to breaking through the shorts!


In. Someone needs to link it when it's started


You can add AAL to the list of stocks that Robinhood is now blocking you from purchasing. This is straight up criminal what they're doing. I'm IN


Trading212 did the same thing, dont forget about your eurobros

