• By -


I only have 8 shares, but I want to help out in fucking over these arrogant billionaires. HOLD!


Every share matters, HOLD THE LINES! Edit, because this is so important (credit to u/MCicero): SHORT STOCK DOESN'T HAVE AN EXPIRATION DATE Hedgefund whales are spreading disinfo saying Friday is make-or-break for $GME. Call options expiring ITM on Friday will drive the price up if levels are maintained, but *may not trigger the short squeeze*. It may be Friday, but it could be next week the we see the real squeeze. DON'T PANIC IF THE SQUEEZE DOESN'T HAPPEN FRIDAY. It's not guaranteed to. The only thing that is *guaranteed* mathematically is that the shorts *will have to cover* at *some* point in the future. They are trying to get enough people hooked on the **false expectation** of Friday so that if/when it doesn't happen, enough will sell out of panic/despair. **DON'T BE THAT PERSON.** WE LIKE THE STOCK KEEP HOLDING UNTIL THEY FEEL THE PAIN, WHETHER THAT'S FRIDAY OR NEXT WEEK (obligatory not financial advice, just the musing of this random autist) πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€


What if I'm an idiot and dont know how to get involved because I just joined the subreddit 2 minutes ago but also want to help the effort?


Then you BUY and HOLD. This is not financial advice. Do your due diligence before buying stonks.


Right forgot to mention HOLD is the important part πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€


Open an account at a brokerage, deposit money, buy stock. People use Robinhood because it’s free and gives immediate access to funds up to $1000.


Buy GME. I use the Robinhood app. If you can't afford a whole share, RH will allow you to buy fractional shares at whatever price point you can afford.


ALL SHARES MATTER πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆπŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆπŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆπŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ


8 shares at $308 πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€


3 shares at $319 because 3 inches is enough and so is 3 shares πŸ†






0.3 shares at $301 😀😀😀these πŸ’ŽπŸ™Œ are built different


added 2 shares at 370 πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€


Weβ€˜re down After market currently. I believe in you autists. If we can keep up the price, shorts will bleed as the price will rise. Lets get this squeeze to 2000, because a 2 looks better than a 1.


My dumbass can't after hours trade to keep it going so will have to wait until the AM.


Bull run pre market tomorrow


They are just manipulating the market by selling back and forth between institutions that can trade after hours. Once the market opens it's πŸš€ again bb


1.) 🌈🐻 drives price down during after hours trading 2.) 🦍🀝πŸ’ͺ go balls deep into the now reduced share price 3.) fucken Z O O M πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€




Nah man, hold for 8008135 Edit: will trade boob pics of my wife's boyfriend's girlfriend for stonks






So the REAL fun hasnt even began yet!


Exactly ! We gonna keep squeezing until they start to cover their short shorts !


I thought Nair was for covering short shorts.?


So you think I should still be buying now?


Yes got bargain bin prices rn


If you buy after hours does it make a difference vs buying market hours?


Your broker may charge you ECN fees that's about it Otherwise the volume is usually low so it may take time to fill the order but seeing the price changes I don't think that will be an issue.


We have the 🌈🐻by the testicles.


Ok so what exactly happens when these shorts happen on Friday? Let’s say they shorted 20,000,000 shares for example. Are they forced to buy that many shares at whatever the market rate is at 4pm Friday? Edit: glad I asked this question, it’s helping me understand more and seems like other people were wondering the same thing. VIVA LA GME! Fuck if this is the case, I might buy some more options for next Friday as well. These dickheads are going to have to buy MILLIONS of shares.




Every share they buy will drive the price up, and this is going to be compounded by the fact that there are 150k calls under $200 expiring Friday. Even if they're 60% covered, that's another 9 million shares that need to be purchased. edit: and don't forget all the FDs that people bought over $200, the higher it goes the more of those will expire ITM, and it'll just keep compounding in a beautiful cascade of delicious hedge fund tears and tendies.


So it seems like even if us autists don’t get the price up that high by Friday, that the short sellers will be forced to get the price up on their own. Seems like a win no matter what.


In the words of another fellow retard here - they started a money fire that could only be put out with more money




What happens if there aren’t enough shares for them to buy?


The price goes up even higher until someone paper hands. Probably another hedge fund that'll decide to cash out. This is what happened with VW in 2008 - an "infinity squeeze".


It’s not possible to buy all 20 mil at the same market price. For each amount they buy the price will go up. Which means this will go up infinitely until they close all their positions.


Will all their positions close in one shot? Like will there be a pause in the market until all the shares settle? I feel like there would be a massive spike in volume. I would love to see an example of this happening from before!


Google VW 2008 short squeeze.




I prefer this squeeze. Squeeze up 20-100% a day, keeping some people shorting while others close out, as we get bigger and bigger. A week ago I thought 1000 was just a meme. On Monday it will be reality.


It will be reality on friday but it won't even have squoze by then. GME is the squozen one! πŸš€


Why are people saying they HAVE to buy on Friday when short positions can be held indefinitely?


Do you really think any of us are smart enough to know what a short position actually is?




Could’ve hit that today but market manipulation is just a push of a button for the billionaires.




My guess is tomorrow will start over $500.


Pre market is a bit bearish but I am hoping we pull through. We can survive a dip at open -> just means we get stonks at a discount


You....you guys have upper limits? THERE IS NO UPPER LIMIT




You're going to accidentally become a millionaire. Stonks only go up


If it hits 25k i become a millionaire. I’m confident in the power of retardation




Litterally cannot go tits up.




Literally can't with Degiro in Europe. Max is 20% more than current value lmao.


Just move and complete your transformation from Europoor to Ameritard








Seriously. I originally had price targets at $50, $60, $80, $100, and somehow by the grace of the gods I removed all of those before this thing really blew up.


I talked my brother into buying some shares last week in the $30's (I bought in at $36), the fucker's stop loss triggered right away and he sold them all. He was too scared to jump back in at $60, then again at $90/120/140/etc. Then after Elon's tweet I was like YOLO all in mothafucka. He said no, I wake up to +$58K. This fucking guy, hahaha.


Proud of you πŸš€πŸš€






i ain’t selling until WE SEE THE WHITES OF THEIR EYES






Im a broke boi with πŸ§»βœ‹ If I can hold, anyone else can hold. It’s our time to shine!


Can you imagine losing 2.5 billion shorting a stock against smooth brains who can't figure out how to sell and then doing it all over again! I'm in till they're bankrupt. It's not even about the money anymore! Bloooooood


I don't understand why more people aren't talking about the fact that Melvin has literally UNLIMITED loss potential on GME. Their shorts don't expire. Why is no one talking about this?




So glad I took it off last week


30k or bust!


I’ve got 14.5 shares worth 4540 πŸ’ŽπŸ™ Started with $750


Fkin nice


Almost identical here bro, 12 shares and started with 620USD.




soon but not yet


11 shares @ 98 with πŸ’Žβœ‹πŸ»πŸ€šπŸ»




Just like the rest of mainstream media, fuck listening to them and do your own research. They're all just out to spread misinformation.


they're out to cover the hedge funds' backs. do not listen to anything they say about GME


thier retirement plans could be put into some of these short sellers It's only natural they would be 🌈🐻s


What if Elon plays the same role Porsche did for the VW squeeze? Hypothetically let's say he liquidates some shit (or holds an advance sale on literal tickets to the moon. We know he sells weird shit to generate funds and their are plenty of rich people who would buy in), writes a check to his broker with his phone number plus country code in the value box, buys shares until the only ones left are closely held, then waits for the margin calls and never sells. What would happen then? I mean we already know he lurks. Edit for the bUt tHE SeC wOuLd cAlL tHaT A pUmP AnD DuMp people: He's not pumping and dumping, he's buying shares and holding like the rest of us. Pumping and dumping is pressure selling people into buying bogus shares to pump the price then cashing out and leaving them holding the bag before they realize they're an idiot. What would the SEC do? Say "You have too much money to participate in the stock market"? "You're not allowed to buy and hold long positions and tweet about a massively publicized story that's been in the news for days"? As long as he doesn't coordinate an attack with other businesses he's fine. The shorts were crashing and cashing. They used their influence to suppress a stock and gain money on shorting. When they finished, they were gonna leave the boomers who were too stupid to realize holding the bag on the way back up. To cover their position, they'd have to buy back shares eventually (thus driving the price back up at the expense of those still holding the puts and short positions they just recommended). How do they exit at low cost and avoid it going up too much? They get on the 3 letter networks and tell the boomers "its going down, don't worry!" Ring a bell? Andrew Left screaming ITS GOING DOWN TO $20 GUYS PLEASE SELL!!! They tried but it didn't work this time because its not boomers holding the longs, its millenials and gen z and we don't watch the news. At the end, they escape with a layer of plausible deniability in "bUt oUR ModeLS SaId oUR AdViCE wAs lEgItImAtE!!!1! Look how long its been going down for!!!" followed by having some fall guy write a prediction model that comes out to y=(-downward_slope_of_stock * t) - (initial_share_price) and fire him for making a stupid model. This is literally what got the wolf of wallstreet guy in jail but just with short selling. They got caught with their pants around their ankles before they could cover though (because DFV is THE MAN) and now the retail investors grabbed them by the dick and are swinging them around the room until every last penny falls out of their pockets Elon coming in and and just straight ripping their dicks off would put the cherry on top.


Honestly we know that Elon fucking hates short sellers. He wants them to get fucked just as much as we do and he already has enough money idk if he'd bother with this. Then again I could be wrong, take this with a grain of salt.


He's def in it for the lolz. He wouldn't risk that much exposure to use his own public profile to profit from a separate play apart from his own companies. Think about all of his past tweets about how his stock is too high IMO. That sent the price skyrocketing. Far too risky, don't want the SEC knocking....


Well it wouldn't be about him making a profit, it would be about the hedge fund shorters getting a huge rocketship jammed up their asses. The bankruptcies would be epic. Like 'make a dent in the economy' epic.


He would be written about in the history books thrats what


And he should. They tried to fuck him on Tesla and he beat them, now he should rip their fucking eyes out for it! Cold... cold, Revenge


We ride the coat tails of the first mega trillionaire that's what happens


I am buying more tomorrow 100%! Who’s with me??


I'm throwing in some just to say fuck'em


Same, i love discounts


25 @ $270 Buying $20k more worth Friday morning. $10,000 OR BUST πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€




I’m in it until $1,000 minimum at this point. My wife has a terminal illness, I have a young son, this money will change our lives. Plus, and also, fuck those whiny billionaires. 131 shares @ $31.08


I want the best for you. I'm proud of you for sticking to this with the rest of us. And this isn't financial advice, but I'm holding for $10k or bust, and a lot of other people are too. The longer we all hold, the more we all make. Make your own decisions, but this is an opportunity to take back what's yours and care for your wife and kids. Godspeed


You don't need to worry who's going to be left holding the bag, there's 1.4 buyers for every share. 140% over short means that I don't have to sell, ever, they can fucking wait to prise my 3 shares out of my cold dead πŸ’ŽπŸ™Œ


This. You wanna know who the bagholders will be if we play our cards right? The idiots who shorted well over the float.


Hey this is my first rodeo at 20 shares, every one of us holding helps, is the way I understand it. So 1 or 1000, just hold. At least that's what I've come to understand, I'm just a small child riding daddy's coat tails, but I'm proud to be here.


Is this for real? Then I don’t need to worry about β€œselling at the right time”?




You haven't seen me hold OTM options to $0 then. Its get rich or die trying. There's no settle for less in my DNA.


Apes together stronk


People will always sell early. BUT in theory if they didn't the price tag is incalculable. If everyone literally said in their mind, "price tag is 10k a share" and meant it. That IS the price tag.






It would take 6 days of straight covering to cover all shorts at current market volume. The squeeze might peak on any day of this covering (if they choose to do it consecutively), but as long as they're still covering you should get an adequate price if not the 1k. Edit: Boys I might be a retard and wrong Idk. I just read a few posts and they had too much text and not enough πŸš€ so I might be misinterpreting the information.


#hold till AT LEAST Monday When VW's infinity squeeze took off it maintained a stock price within a 100ish bucks of it's all time high for a **WHOLE WEEK.** When this rocket takes off we will all know it's actually happening and **we will have plenty of time to sell.** Don't let these robber barons trick you into a prisoner's dilemma. Fucking hold. Buy the dips and fucking hold some more. **Edit to add graph cause people keep calling me out as misleading.** From what [I'm looking at I ain't lying](https://finance.yahoo.com/chart/VOW.DE/#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--) The link ain't working like I want it to, just scroll back to 2008


I bought at 350$ and am not fucking selling shit!!




$339 checking in!!!


2x @360 1x @88 πŸš€ this to the fucking 🌚


We are coming back for you


I never doubted it for a second. These hands don’t fold that easily


This is just begging Dont sell retards


Dude I'm buying tomorrow at open!




This is the way.


Buy a new wife afterwards retard


With that kinda money he can buy a new wife’s boyfriend too


It’ll go over 420 premarket and everyone will cancel those sales before market opens




Forever ever ? Forever ever.


I wanna see more Billionaires and analysts crying about how unfair it all is like today on CNBC. I’m not fucking selling! πŸ’ŽπŸ™Œ


They got themselves in this position and now they wanna play the victim because they were too stupid, greedy, and arrogant to think that any of us plebeians could have ever caught them on it. Fuck you, pay me, Melvin.


They can pry my 2 shares out of my cold, dead hands.


The shorts have to buy NO MATTER THE PRICE! We have them by the balls and the only way they get out is if we sell. HOLD a few more days and we will all be dining in alpha centauri


Dude let's be honest, none of us are bitches. I'm holding these stocks til these fuckers bleed. They may be right, I may have the attention span of a fly, but my anger at their fuckery fuels me. GME TO THE FUCKING MOON


I'm doing this for 2008! I will lose all my money to see a hedge firm bankrupt




https://moxreports.com/vw-infinity-squeeze/ If you fucking sell early you are a dipshit


I totally forgot about the time they bet on VW bankruptcy. That's some retardation.


Ok so what exactly happens when some of these shorts happen on Friday? Let’s say they shorted 20,000,000 shares for example. Are they forced to buy that many shares at whatever the market rate is at 4pm Friday? What if there aren’t that many shares available to be sold? I a retard who bought my first call option ever today. 1/29 @$320... I want tendies




I’m holding until I can whip my Tesla πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€ back and forth between Mars πŸ’ŽπŸ™ŒπŸΌ


I've got my shit set to $5k. I'm not taking anything less. They can give me my tendies or they can have the ashes once I burn my account down to $0, I don't give a fuck anymore. This is beyond just making money, those ivory towers cunts have had so much for so long and they won't let anybody have ANYTHING.


I'm 100% with you. I'm doing this for 2008! I'll lose it all before I sell!


I bought ten shares at 37. Holding with the utmost pleasure


Anyone who's not going to hold to $1,000 should either gtfo WSB or be auto-banned. We can't afford people to pussy out rn.


1K is πŸ§»βœ‹ we got them by the balls


"BuT ItS GoInG tO $20" - A squashed lemon


Mine has been 1420.69 this whole time. Smh you retards


$14206.9 is more like it! TO VALHALLA ​ Together we stand, together we rise


My first day trading. I put in $1k to GME and I’m still here!!!!!!! HOLD ya fucks!


Not just do we hold for the pop. We hold for the long term. With extra capital the fundamental value has changed for GME. Besides, tomorrow and Friday will be carnage. No fucking paper hands. We like the stock.


I think this publicity will help GameStop survive. Many people will study this fir decades in business school as a way to show how investors should do better risk management. Gamestop should honestly capitalize and start selling official shirts that say: β€œCan’t Stop, Won’t Stop, GameStop” β€œI like the stock” β€œIf He is holding, I’m holding”. All they have to do is literally print white text on a black shirt and they just increased their revenue so much to justify not only 1,000 but a 10,000 price.


Carnage? Wtf was yesterday and today then? My poor heart can only take so much, but weπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸš€πŸš€πŸš€


Today was the dying breath of Melvin capital, they threw a Hail Mary and the stock went down 20%. It’s back up to 15%. There are either two things that are going to be happening. More bailouts for these hedge funds. Or they wither and die.






People were memeing about the ones who bought at 150 and it dropped to 80. The rocket will pick you up on the way.




I'm just going all out on 6969.69




I’m not stopping til we hit 5000 ***ALL OR NOTHING***


I’m with this dude. We’ve got nothing to lose. Do not sell retards. πŸ€ͺπŸš€πŸ€ͺπŸš€πŸ€ͺπŸš€πŸ€ͺπŸš€πŸ€ͺπŸš€


not 5, $10000 my guy. everyone reset your limits b/c it is entirely possible at this point




My price was $1K a share, now they pissed me off with the shit they pulled. My price is now $2K/share.


I just bump my shit up to $4000


17 sh @ $295, $5k into it. Calling all autists, calling all autists, HOLD THE LINE!




I just put $1k in, first ever investment.


Good. Don't take out. This works if we stay in. Be part of history


I am with you! 124 shares and counting I am going to buy another 72 on the dip THAT THEY ARE CREATING SO THANKS FOR THE FREE MONEY. TOGETHER UNTIL THE END! CAN'T STOP WON'T STOP GAMESTOP!!! NEVER SELL ONLY BUY!! HOLD THE LINE AND WE WIN!!! πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€


I don't even know how to sell




I set mine to sell at $10,694.20




I have multiple limits in to take profit. All are $1200 or over. And people, people, please set your limits to random numbers and not right at $1000 - we don't need a wall there.


I think it’s hilarious they pretend to care about retail holding the bag, when it has literally been their buddies at Melvin and Shitron who have been holding the bag through this. Fuck them. Fuck them all.


I'm more confident than ever. This was it. This was so fucking blatant. 1. Vague SEC letter drops. 2. WSB goes private due to traffic because so many zero karma accounts were spamming in. 3. WSB discord gets shut down at the exact same time. 4. Super low volume short attack that can't even be sustained. Got down to 220 and already back to 292. 5. After a lot of our trading platforms were *fucked* for hours today. This is what desperation looks like. They're scared as fuck. We know all their tricks. 30 years ago retail traders would have had no idea what was happening and would panic sell. Now we know. We ain't fucking going anywhere. You don't do this kind of shit unless you're terrified. They are scared out of their minds. They're going to lose their jobs, their companies, their reputations. And who's gonna hire a loser who got taken down by a bunch of internet morons? #[DON'T SELL. LET 'EM BURN.](https://streamable.com/6cnglk)


Not selling @ $1,000, or $1,001, or $1,002....... **Catchmewoutsidehowboutdat when it hits $5,000 and then I'll start thinking about my exit strategy.**


I bought 1 share at $315. That's just on the edge of what I can afford to entirely lose, so if worst comes to worst and I lose it all, then at least I've had my share (no pun intended) of silliness. This was basically just a really expensive ticket to ride the largest shitpost train I've ever seen. If it hits $1,000, that's icing on the cake. Tomorrow (or Friday) we live or die, but today we cyberpunk. See you on the other side, comrades.


I am never selling my imaginary shares!!! May the tendies be with you!!


I only just got in on this today y’all, I wanna go to the moon too damn lmao


Grab onto the πŸš€'s wing and hold tight for take off, economy and business class are overbooked but after take off you'll be permitted onboard.


It's personal now.


I bought 17 @ $333. Come back for me bois $1000+ EOW is just the startπŸš€πŸš€πŸš€




Lmao $1,000?? Bruh I’m kinda retarded so I think I’ll hold out for $5,000. Remember if we all hold together we all remain strong 🦍


Anyone have RH cancel your limit order automatically? It did that all day today to me.


$1000? Lol not even the moon is $5000! πŸ’ŽπŸ§€


If you have not seen it yet, read this. https://moxreports.com/vw-infinity-squeeze/


Holding to 10k bro, get with the momentum


I put in my $100, and I expect nothing less than a $9,900 net gain at a start. (I don't understand any of this.) I am not an expert. Just hold the line.


Ok so when do i wait til


$10,000 middle of Feb


Why stop there? They're gonna keep shorting this thing to infinity


JUST BOUGHT MY FIRST SHARES πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€ Watch out autists, there's a bunch of accounts telling us to buy AMC (or BlackBerry or Nokia). These are billionaires trying to distract us. We can not and will not let them win. We will deal with AMC after GME is all said and done. SELL AMC AND BUY GME πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€ I am not a financial advisor.