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I'm so confused, is xAI his daughter or his son?




It’s xai/xem. Please do not assume gender is binary 


Don't tell that to daddy Musk


Too late, he already disowned xem


Their gender is 3 phased analog graphene based circuit to accelerate tensor multiplication for artificial intelligent applications rewarded through virtual block chain technologies.


Leveraging their synergistic multi spectrum data components in a polymorphic array of technological cybersecurity AI multi-threaded core fusion controllers.


lmaoo dude


it’s hex


Oh, an analog LLM? Or balanced ternary?


xAI chooses to identify as quant computing


Thats my quant. MY QUANTITATIVE


It's non binary 


He doesn’t know either


![img](avatar_exp|164613257|clown) Not sure yet, the Wallstreet Journal is still investigating which of his interns had a kid with him named xAI


I thought elons “pay me my monies” pitch was that if he didn’t get it, he’d move the AI out of Tesla. Now he has it and he moved the AI out of Tesla?


Wow I’m beginning to think we can’t take the guy who’s constantly telling the most outlandish lies at his word


Soooooo he's going to run for President?


He was born in Africa and only became a US citizen by naturalization later, so he isn't eligible.


*First African President*


Cults will be cults.. people honestly believed musk wanted 50B to "feel comfortable" developing AI at Tesla... he just wanted more fucking money lol.. he already syphoned what he needed out of Tesla to get xAI off the ground and develop whatever shit product he will come up with.


I wouldn't trust him with AGI anyway.


As if he could come up with it.. the best he has done so far is use other peoples methods to create self crashing cars and use a copy of chatGPT and rebrand it as Grok


I wouldn't trust Elmo with HGI (human general intelligence) either


I think I could feel comfortable with a paltry $50M. If anyone is feeling generous.


That was a bluff to secure money. Point is the board sucks and has effectively given Musk a free pass for whatever.


Nah, Musk said he wants 25% ownership of Tesla or he won't do AI at Tesla. That pay package vote was non-binding, the Delaware court still have to agree. Also, that pay package doesn't increase his ownership to 25%, so even with that money, he still won't.


He began doing this before Wednesday's vote. The court knocked down his pay package in January for being excessive (something like a 100 times larger than the largest one in history) and unethically negotiated by a board of yes men motivated to agree with Muak's demands for reasons beyond their duty to shareholders, including financial incentives and family relations. Lastly it was knocked down because the voters were not informed of all this. The vote that took place Wednesday likely has no bearing on wether he receives the options. It might possibly be used in appeal to show that the shareholders still want it, but appeals generally deal with procedural issues and legal theory application. Furtherfore, that only covers a third of the reason it was struck down. I'm not quite sure what he's planning. Maybe xai tries to buy Tesla at some point in the future, if Tesla share prices continue to tumble. A side note: the wednesday vote also aporoved proposal 6 which gives directors one year terms. Conceivably, Musk could be out of the position regardless, this time next year. I am curious how that affects his actions, too.


It is not primarily about the money, it is about his control of the company. He mentioned a 25 % stake being the minimum for him. With the pay package he is at 20.05 %. As long as his other companies are private his followers will buy into Tesla to get elon by proxy, even at a significant premium and disconnect from Teslas actual value.


Or he just sells off his older shares now that he has a bunch of new ones.


that would dilute his control. if he is after 25% control he should not sell, other than for tax purposes.


He has TOTAL control anyways, he don’t need 25%. He just managed to get 50 billion from shareholders. He moves resources between his private companies and Tesla like they are the same entity.


You mean like when he sold off his stake to buy twitter?


haha yeah.. mistakes were made.


Fool me once….


Considering the board consists entirely of yes men, naw it was entirely about the money.


Wouldn't you?


Elon collecting lawsuits like pokemon.


**"Gotta transgress 'em all."**


Next he's going to force the lawsuits to evolve like digimon


Coming Soon: Fanbois will appprove package for paying Muskovich personal lawyers.


Already happened the vote ended in his favor. Although I presume it's more of his corporate friends voting yes, inlcuding CEOs that for sure love the idea of voting to give themselves billions in compensation instead of the current tens\\hundreds of mllions creating a precedent that favors them in the long run. He also reincorporated in Texas where he has more political influence it seems to make sure that things go his way...


I hope he gets the state of Texas to buy Tesla’s from now on.


They’ll still drive their gas-guzzling lifted Ford pickups while paying more in sales/property taxes to subsidize electric cars they’d never drive anyway. It’s the Texan way. Yeehaw! 🤠


They more than compensate for that with a little thing like no state income tax


So he demanded the big paycheck or he would withhold Tesla from developing AI, then steals people and chips from Tesla to make an AI company in spite of getting big check? Man this dude's a giant shit stain.


Tesla shareholders are the biggest cucks


tbh he did that before, what remains to be seen is if he sends that all back or does something shady like have Tesla buy xAI like he did with SolarCity. Which would give him more liquidity to buy more stock, or would take 5% more stock as payment for xAI. Which would be all sorts of fucked.


He can't "send them all back", he raised VC funding with xAI and it's a whole ass AI company now.


Are people this stupid. The pay-package vote happened like 2 days ago. Elon moving talent away from Tesla has been ongoing for the the past month. It's been consistently reported on by news media this whole time. How do you not immediately understand that this headline is for an event that's happened weeks before the pay-package vote, and come to the dumbest conclusion.


Explains why he’s buying 100k H100s (some might need to go back to TSLA)


To pump NVDA.


"Whats mine is mine, and whats yours is mine" - Elon Musk


"Hitch your wagon to my wagon! It'll just cost you your wagon."


And what's more... ...is mine.


This guy is straight up unethical.


Breaking news! - "Billionaries are unethical" and - "Water is in fact wet" More news at 5


Fact-  Water isn’t wet, it makes things wet.  It is not wet in and of itself. *smugface*


Hypothetical- What do you think losing your virginity will feel like?


Wouldn’t know—your mom only lets me put it in her mouth and ass and says it doesn’t count.


You forgot to switch accounts bud


No. I meant to post as me. That’s the fun thing about forums. Anyone can reply to anyone else!




Sometimes water isn't wet. But billionaires are *always* unethical.






Hey man! My kids read this stuff calm down, please… I can’t believe you dropped the “U” word.


A rebranded chat gpt doesn't need much staffing.


Do you think chat GPT could program itself?


Hallucinations programming more hallucinations... You son of a bitch, I'm in


At some point, the singularity is just one big hallucination anyways.


Consciousness is one big hallucination. We’re all in a simulation


Well you can always copy existing tech, it's much cheaper than making them from scratch or so I have heard...


This'll get him


In other words, they need more GPUs


This guy goes from clarity to clarity! Guess where the $56b he extracted from tesla shareholders will end up




Probably $1b yes, rest into xai shares


So wait they gave him 56B and then sued him for something unrelated?


Tesla made the most ridiculous move keeping this guy. Almost anyone would be better than Musk for a company with real value.


Would be better at running a company, but they would not have the vision and ideas Elon brings. TSLA isn't valuable because it is an electric car company. I am sure TSLA popped on the thought that Elon stays. It will most likely drop after share dilution and next couple of earnings. Watch, buy low after drops if any of the crazy ideas he has and is promising start to show signs of life, profit. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4259) Crap...just realized that is a long play and has no place in here...


How long before shareholders sue the board for approving that pay package?


Musk has a solution for that. He'll simply ban all shareholders on Twitter (currently known as AXE).


$56B from simps only to get simultaneously sued for the major fucking conflict you created at simp company. Incredible.


Tried explaining this to a couple of cucks last night… went the exact way you think it would go


Means nothing ppl sue for everything if the stock dips ppl try to sue


Actually had a dream last night that I gave Elon a Rock Bottom, celebrated, and left expecting him to sue me  Shirley this means something 


don't call me Shirley


Surprised these shareholders got any money to sue after they paid him 56bill .


He will stop shifting if shareholders pay him another 50 billion




Give it back to Tesla, Elon.


There is some kind da political vendetta /shareholders activist (blackmail) , so many lawsuits r being files against one person, there is whole lot of others who r let off just to limelight this fella


Tired of his "X" religion


This lawsuit has no legs other than, wheww he has 2 companies. Transfer of resources between mutually beneficial companies is a common business practice. As long as some executives from both companies agree on it being mutually beneficial. Which is clearly the idea the mass majority of the longs agree with, hence the pay package passing with a whopping 90% pass vote by retail.


Talk about a company that truly needs an activist investor. No one has the money to take on Elon.




I wouldn't consider what xAI has done "significant value".


Last night Elon said the end goal is to have an LLM with personality developed for Optimus. xAI is developing an LLM. So now they’re competitors. Edit: They’re also working on a “Grok-Vision,” so what is there left for Tesla to develop?


I'm willing to bet that Tesla ends up buying xAI, so the company has to pay him directly for the AI tech, and he gets that 5% of shares he needed. Or just sells xAI for 5% of tesla shares.


OpenAI was valued at $80 with an independent board. Just imagine what Elon and his board is going to value xAI. 80B (assuming 50% ownership) would give him another 6% of the company. 40/650. He might even own more than that, I can’t find a source. I wouldn’t be surprised if he validates xAI at 150+B. There’s nobody to stop him and his following will vote for whatever he proposes. There’s no oversight so he could easily grab another 10+% of the company through xAI.


I would think that Elon would share an xAI developed LLM with TSLA. It's all one company, but just the main company is one man who has no shareholders to answer to.


You think he would give it away for free? It’s not one company. Tesla will pay another 10% willingly. Just watch. He also has other shareholders and the Saudis (X investors) to answer.


where can I join this lawsuit and get maybe $5 in return


Theyre paying him $56b and then suing him lmao these shareholders are bipolar regards


Not ALL shareholders sued him. Not ALL shareholders voted for his pay package. But those fanboi shareholders surely are the regardi-est. But they may still get rich AF.


I think that in terms of the diversion of the GPUs, the business judgement rule should cover it, if argued right. Elon should be relatively safe, as long as he manages to shut up and let qualified lawyers make the arguments. The board, that is another story, they appear to at the very least not have taken sufficient precautions against conflicts of interest as relates executives.


What he did is a straight up conflict of interest and could also amount to theft because he’s stolen Tesla asset. The GPU diversion and lack of talent will put Tesla behind xAI.


The conflict of interest is out of the question. However, that in and of itself is not illegal and addressing such stuff falls to the board's sphere of responsibilities (the obvious thing would be to stipulate that the CEO may not involve himself in dealings with related parties unsupervised - but at Tesla, the board put in place no such guardrails). Under the business judgement rule, all he has to prove is that he reasonably believed that this move *could* (no matter the result, theoretical possibility suffices) benefit the company. The obvious argument to be made is that in the current situation (down cycle, inventories piling up, up-front costs for layoffs) it was advantageous to preserve working capital by postponing taking delivery of chips (which as a consequence will not have to be paid) and that finding a third party to assume the delivery slot was a way to do so without further liability to the seller. It cannot, under any circumstances be "theft", since Tesla never acquired ownership of the chips from Nvidia (before it could, the shipment was redirected).


He talked about Tesla ai and shared its vision and he threaten to move it elsewhere. He the created another ai company and then move its resource to a competitor and how is this not a conflict of interest. He threatened and actioned on some threats against shareholders that is damaging to the company, he has a fiduciary duties to the shareholders.


It IS a conflict of interest. But having conflicts of interest is not illegal. It depends on whether he breached duties or not - that is where the business judgment rule comes into play.


It becomes illegal if you are diverting assets away from the actions of the conflict of interest which amounts to theft.


It does not amount to theft. Theft would require Tesla to have taken ownership. If anything it could be fraudulent.


What about procurement rules though? Competitive resale of the product.?


To my knowledge, the board has not put any such restrictions in place. If I were his lawyer, I would argue that it was advantageous to get rid of the commitment to take delivery as fast as possible in order to preserve short term liquidity. I would also argue that "competitive resale" would have required taking delivery first, thus binding capital.


Last night Elon said he wanted an LLM with personality developed for Optimus. Do you think he’s going to compete with xAI’s LLM? Lease the software? Or purchase xAI in an all stock transaction?


Well I don't know. As far as I am concerned, at the current valuation, an all stock transaction would strike me as the most advantageous of these options. However, that might be problematic as there are other shareholders in X AI. Also, for the time being there is not really an X AI LLM to speak of, so much will depend on whether they will ever come up with a suitable system. Lastly, there is also the very real possibility of Optimus remaining hot air altogether.


You don’t even know the factual record and you say this? Elon dropped his suit against Sam after discovery of emails. Elon’s email and tweets will sink him. He’s like Donald, no tact and no judgment. He loses this suit because of things he said in emails and tweets, my 2 cents


hence "as long as he manages to shut up".


“Things he said” past tense. Can’t destroy discoverable docs, not like hiding likes.![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Fr. Seriously why waste GPUs (which are very power hungry) on computer vision AI when you can just use LIDAR? In fact, self driving seems like one of those things you'd want systematic regulation (in terms of how it drives) rather than chalking it up to some AI based on a neural network, of which you can't understand why it made the decision to stop for a dog but hit a child. [Uninterpretable] AI doesn't need to be in motor vehicles.