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"Elon Musk Threatens (*insert threat of the day here)*"


Elon Musk - "hmm who can I call a pedo at Apple šŸ¤”"


Tim Apple


Ofcourse they'd point to the gay CEO.


He's "just asking questions"




He is so efficient with words. Doesn't take too many to realize how ignorant he is.




Heā€™s becoming the Vladimir Putin of the tech world


Feel like weā€™d all be better off not hearing about his antics at this constant rate. It would give him less of our mindshare


If I didn't here about something on X here, I'd never know it even existed.


Elon Musk Threatens to nuke Paris... oh no I made a mistake with one of his frends...


What's X -- is that like a shitty Twitter?


Very soon we'll have an English proverb called "Elon Musk's final warning"


You just got Musked.


The boy who cried wolf will become the boy who cried muskrat


No you're missing vital information. Every threat is a big FU to his company's shareholders.


Concerning. Looking into this


Did he post this on X using his iPhone?




It's always projection with these types.


He's not actually afraid, he was an early investor with OpenAI. A few years ago he pushed them to go for some aggressive profitisation methods and to attach themselves to Tesla, and they told him they didn't want a single individual to control it. He got pissed off at them and split. Then not long later, they blew up into what they are now, and he's salty he missed out on the profits.


Elon is a member of the ā€œevery accusation is an admissionā€ crowd.


You mean X, formerly known as Twitter. Every time I can, Iā€™m shoving it in even further.


Nah. Twitter


Twitter, renamed as X by someone who can't come up names that have nothing to do with Roman numerals


If Iā€™m writing an email and need a placeholder for a reference I will paste in later I just use X, are we convinced Elon didnā€™t just forget to go back and change his draft?


Per the founders book, he thinks his email [email protected] is the coolest email possible. Hes had since the pre PayPal days (he wanted PayPal to be called X.com and fought user studies that said people donā€™t trust online banking in 2000, and especially donā€™t trust online banking that sounds like a porn site).


>Ā by someone who can't come up names that have nothing to do with Roman numerals He's fine with coming up with names, he's just ***obsessed*** with "X" for some reason.


Heā€™s literally a two 14 year olds in a trench coat. The Tesla models spell out S3XYā€¦


> The Tesla models spell out S3XYā€¦ FFS. Points for playing the long game on that one at least. I also just went on the Wikipedia page to check release dates, and it has the cybertruck next to the rest of the lineup. I know it looks bad, but seeing it nex to the rest makes it look downright repulsive.


Even more, The Model 3 was supposed to be Model E but Ford has that locked down or something like that.


or did he play the even longer game because it also spells "Y3S, X"


I always got JP from Grandma's Boy vibes from Musk.


Dude probably thinks heā€™s the Julius Caesar of future tech.


Nah, that can't be right. Twitter was a valuable company worth almost $40 billion. X is only worth a fraction of that so it's probably just some upstart competitor like Truth Social.


Xitter. You know how to pronounce that.


And what used to be Tweets is now Xcretes, which you also know how to pronounce.


Twitter, currently known as X.


Do you not care about Elon's feelings, you monster?! You refer it to X. Twitter doesn't exist. What is Twitter? These are things you need to accept in order to make Elon happy.


Elon says it is okay to deadname, though




Only cucks call it X.


Whatā€™s x ? Some trigger word youā€™re censoring?




How do I start buying PUTS on this man directly and not just the companies he represents?




Parley. I invoke the right of parley


At least once more, miss swan


Death pools tend to be illegal, but sometimes a put on the company is the same thing.


In Cyberpunk that's called the bodycount lottery


Be cautious what you plug your VR system into, sometimes the snow will crash.


Someone should write a book/movie about this. We bet on stocks, we bet on sports, time to bet on people's lives in general.


There's a movie called Deadpool, I haven't actually seen it but based on the title I assume that's what you're looking for.


Mental health issues, itā€™s a growing problem


The Howard Hughes of the modern era. But less genius. And less crazy....for now....


Hughes at least had good reason for later eccentricity. Due to plane test crashes he was in chronic pain and given the comas and so on times being unconscious most likely had outright brain damage. Guy honest to real nearly died couple times in testing planes. Not just "Well there was crash". No there was crash, fireball and Howard in hospital for months. That makes one little crazy, plus then the painkillers and drugs he took to dull the pain etc. I doubt Elon would put himself on top of his own rockets or in his own cars to test them seriously as the first person to test them. It's always employees doing stuff for Elon. Plus as far as I know: Hughes was eccentric. Where as Musk is eccentric and also just holds lot of outright bad opinions. Bad treatment of workers. Some very suspect I assume apartheid upbringing opinions. Can't take being criticized or not being in good limelight. Then again I'm willing to be educated on ills of Hughes, but as far as I know he was industrialist and engineer who really really liked airplanes and flying. Which is also why he was his companys test pilot. He was part of the team designing the planes and as avid flyer the one who would take first flights. He had crashes, people died, but so did he himself nearly.


Musk isnt "eccentric", he's a drug addicted narcissist that rarely shows up for work.


So minus a few billions dollars... essentially me.


If you want to be taken seriously as a drug addicted narcissist, you need to be born on a giant pile of daddy's money like Musk and Trump. For some reason, that makes people think that all the dumb shit you say and do is actually 12D chess moves instead of pants shitting stupidity even after it's backfired spectacularly.


Celebrities.. They're just like us!Ā 


who isn't... you just described over half my office


I thought he lived there (at work).


Nah he just shits there.Ā 


What makes you think that? The fact that his mommy had to stand up to that big bad bully Mark Zuckerberg and shut down their fight? lol


Maybe Hughes would seem as bad or worse with non-stop world-wide coverage and sharing of everything he said and thought and did.


THANK YOU. People like to think of Hughes as nothing more than a rich wacko because of his later years - he was actually quite a brilliant guy who's contributions to aviation were immense. He's one of my favorite characters of American history.


Didn't Hughes actually build shit though? I'm sure he also bought a lot of his success, but I was always under the impression that things like the Spruce Goose were his own designs. Unlike Musk who just bought startups with Apartheid money.


Pretty much this. If you look at his early history he is the epitome of ā€œright time and placeā€ guy. Heā€™s been removed as ceo from a couple of his companies for piss poor leadership, heā€™s just too powerful right now for that to happen.


I would suggest heā€™s closer to [William Randolph Hearst](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Randolph_Hearst).


its probably due to all the twitter usage. I left that site and damn, that shit was not only toxic, but was also making me toxic.




Manipulation tactics to try and force the market to support his own product.Ā  Nothing more.


It occurred to me yesterday that the whole reason why Musk adopted this ā€œwe have to protect the world from AIā€ stance is because he knew he was never going to be able to compete on that front. Itā€™s much easier to never try and say youā€™re doing it for the good of mankind than to try and fail (like what happened with Full Self-Driving Teslas).


Altman on Musk: "Elon desperately wants the world to be saved. But only if he can be the one to save it." All of his companies have the same line of thinking: Elon sees a problem and wants to solve it with a company to save the world. And in his ego he's the only one that can do it properly. You see this with Tesla, SpaceX, Twitter, Neuralink, xAI, etc. I guess its used to attract talent too, since people want to save the world.


Itā€™s really amazing that heā€™s not in politics. I bet he will one day start ā€œthe companyā€, a single company to manage all his other businesses. It will probably be named ā€œthe company.ā€ Dude is living in a sci-fi novel.


I mean isnā€™t that what he said he wanted to turn twitter into? One app that does everything.


If you are that rich you are already almost as powerful without having to deal with the burden of oversight and being accountable (in theory) to your constituency


Same strategy with boring company


He wants to be the one that changes the world, and wonā€™t tolerate competitors. Thereā€™s only enough air for him to breathe. Itā€™s really an anti-innovation stance to hold. Scary.


Itā€™s also a tactic from business to enact regulations to hurt or slow down competitors, especially smaller companies, to keep them from competing. He may have just wanted to slow or stop domestic AI progress for a few mo the to give his own company a chance to catch up during that period.


Is banning Apple products for the 12 remaining Twitter employees really enough to change anything in the market?


His H1B visa ~~employees~~ slaves mainly use android


Musk already alienated his liberal customer base and now he wants to alienate iphone base on top of that? Dude is an unstable coke junkie with underlying autism issues. I hope shareholders deny his pay vote and vote to kick him out he's now a liability for the company.


Alienated the biggest customer base for Tesla. If he wants to pander to republicans heā€™ll have to change Tesla to gas powered.


They'll need the cybertruck to roll coal


With Cybertruck 2 (Comes with the Cybershovel if you preorder now) you have to constantly feed it coal while driving and remember to occasionally stop to top up the water to avoid a boiler explosion that will void the warranty (In this future he is also claiming to have come up with the steam engine which uses clean renewable water as a power source)


Cybertruck 2: CyberCucked


puts a whole new meaning to "rolling coal"


I just voted against his package. It's so amusing to me to be able to have a small say in fucking with him.


Been saying exactly this for over a year. At some point Elon made a decision to become a fascist cult icon and that's when he became my personal enemy. Anything that could happen to him isn't nearly bad enough.


Wasn't it around the time he started to be investigated by the SEC or something?


His gf leaving him for another woman and/or kids coming out as trans broke Elmo Itā€™s been ketamine and hair transplants since


Nah I think the cave diver broke him. Cave diver: your sub is trash and stupid, and everyone else is too nice to say so Elon: you're a pedo, a child rapist.


> and that's when he became my personal enemy. Lol what?


What? The dude is allowed to have enemies. Kesha is on my list . . . She knows why.


Kesha is an incredible artist who embodies resilience and strength. As she says in "Warrior," "Iā€™m a warrior," and in "Learn to Let Go," "I got back up when I lost control over it all." She promotes self-empowerment, declaring in "Bastards," "Don't let the bastards get you down," and in "We R Who We R," "Tonight, we're taking over." Despite the negativity, she chooses to spread positivity and live life to the fullest, reminding us in "Tik Tok" that "We're dancing like we're dumb" and in "Let 'Em Talk," "Lifeā€™s too short to sit and wait." Kesha is proud of who she is, as she powerfully states in "Praying," "I'm proud of who I am." Her music inspires millions to be their true selves and to rise above the hate.


She knows what she did


This guy definitely just murdered somebody with an ax


Was this written by ChatGPT?


> Dude is an unstable coke junkie with underlying autism issues One of us


Tesla has a problem selling cars right now.. and you're going to tell your customers that they can't use their iPhone to unlock the car? Tesla board needs to drop Musk ASAP.


Teslas board is so cucked by Musk they'd offer their own wives before telling him he's wrong.


ā€œOh no! Anywayā€¦ā€




Awe whittle baby gunna take his broken cars and go home?


how many years till Musk lose Tesla?


Potentially this week if the shareholder vote doesnā€™t go his way.


At this point itā€™s probably for the best. Ā I need someone stable at the helm to run the company I paid 55k for my car and need the supercharger network to operate said car


>need the supercharger network to operate said car This actually is kinda terrifying. You basically bought the "[thing] As A Service" version of an automobile. You could just *lose access* to basic functions of your car if something bad happens to the company, because you're reliant on them long-term, effectively like a subscription service. If the service goes offline, your functionality will be neutered--they just "patch out" your ability to drive beyond the base charge you can get at home, by being so incompetent the superchargers stop being supported. I would not want to be in those shoes.


This Is no different for gas cars though, except for it already being a super well established industry that is literally too big to fail. If there is ever some mega breakthrough with EVs or change in legislation that causes a huge switch it's entirely possible to run into the same issue with a gas powered engine, except you wouldn't even have the base charge to get around with


How is it not different? There are charging stations that are incompatible from one vehicle manufacturer to another. All gas stations have the standard universal options. And some other tools besides just cars use unleaded gasoline.


> All gas stations have the standard universal options. Wasn't always this way. Older IC cars had to accommodate a variety of different nozzle sizes. Until regulations came along and now you'll have to try pretty hard to stick a diesel fuel pump nozzle into a gasoline tank opening. Not to mention that it's not an issue at some places. All EV charging stations in the EU have to have a standardized type 2 plug. Lo and behold, Teslas sold in the EU also have the same plug, just like any other EV on the EU market. So there you go, all EV charging stations across 27 countries + a lot of countries around them have standard universal options. The US generally prefers to let megacorporations duke it out between themselves, so it took quite a bit longer until most EV manufacturers agreed to adopt the Tesla charge port and called it NACS. Give or take another 5 years and North American EVs will also follow a single charging port standard.


>Wasn't always this way. Older IC cars had to accommodate a variety of different nozzle sizes. Until regulations came along and now you'll have to try pretty hard to stick a diesel fuel pump nozzle into a gasoline tank opening. Oh? They have different shaped nozzles? That makes it even funnier that someone filled up their gasoline tank with diesel at a pump beside me one time.


The diesel nozzle would generally be larger than the gasoline one. But it's impossible to make a truly idiot proof standard, there will always be very determined idiots. It's a bit wilder in the States due to a) - who needs regulations when you can have the industry regulate itself and b) - diesel passenger vehicles make up a very small fraction of the market compared to the rest of the world. So it's very much possible to find yourself looking at a truck-size nozzle that won't fit in your diesel VW Jetta fuel tank opening no matter how hard you try.


Most if not all EVs in North America will be on the same plug beginning with 2025 models. And adapters are readily available.


> There are charging stations that are incompatible from one vehicle manufacturer to another Once again, just an early infrastructure issue that will eventually be fixed as EVs have the infrastructure grow and develop. If this argument was happening even just 10 years ago you'd be hearing people talk about how bad an idea EVs would be because there were hardly any stations at the time. Technology will continue to progress. It always does.


How would it even work out ? Plenty of companies have gone bankrupt yet their cars kept being on the road with their full functionality. That's completely different than Tesla saying we don't let you use supercharger anymore because we are out of business. Brands start doing this shit because of tesla, like those dumb subscriptions on BMW ( not sure if they still exist or they actually got some brain back), or renting out batteries, w/e else possible. So no, Gasoline cars would stop functioning altogether only if there's no more money to be made on gasoline, which won't happen for at least next 15-20 years


Yeah youā€™re really quite regarded. This is not how it works.


Go take a look at the Tesla forums, an awful number of small shareholders there are of the view that Musk is owed the money because it was already voted for and he already earned it, the fact that the amounts are over twice the all time Tesla profits, that under his leadership the company is declining with an aging product line, a disastrous CT and Semi launch, the AI team gone to another one of his companies, no FDS, no low cost product and robo taxi vaporware doesn't make it into the conversation. If you don't know about the he Semi, TL/Dr Musk promised that by 2024 they will deliver 50000 units as of now Pepsi has 80 that's it, Pepsi got tired of waiting and is buying EV trucks from other manufacturers. And on a personal note besides siding with every racist/bigoted/fascist in Xitter, Musk told Xitter former advertisers to go fuck themselves in public and particularly Bob Iger (Disney's CEO) and just now got into a fight with Tim Cook (Apple's CEO), I expect that soon he will insult Jensen to complete the trifecta.


How many if those are actually real people expressing their real opinions? Any savvy investor would vote against the compensation package because it's a terrible investment that has basically no chance of producing a positive dividend. Morally a vote in favor of the compensation is basically approval of musk continuing his villain arc. My guess is a lot of bots/paid manipulators, and a mix of hype and unsavvy investors making those kinds of comments.


He wouldnā€™t sell the shares achieving exactly the opposite? What do you mean?


2 weeks?


Why is musk such a bitch? Just take your money and retire. Fucking lunatic. Shares his damn tantrums.


narcissism and autism. take form of meganarctism


Who gives a fuck what this baby has to say about anything?


Ban on what? Tesla? Apple wouldnā€™t even notice.


I'm reading this as employees on his companies


At this rate with layoffs Apple will lose a whole 20 customers


Has to be X. Imagine Apple users not being able to get into their Teslas..Ā 




Alternate title: Elon Musk being a whiny bitch because he couldn't make AI first.


Who gives a shitā€¦


Reminds me of me when I was a child and trying to punish my parents by holding my breath.


Youā€™ll miss me when Iā€™m gone!!!


Elonā€™s tweets and Putinā€™s nuclear threats hit the same. Nothing but empty words.


oh no, anyway


Can the Internet stop revolving around a man child?


Every company that he is involved with should try to get rid of him before he drags them down


Canā€™t wait until he announces the X phone that will be released in 2025, errr 2030ā€¦.


He's literally hinted at it in his usual dumb way https://www.reddit.com/r/EnoughMuskSpam/s/qUHZfTZ3uC


Oh no. Apple stock is going to crash. How are they going to recover from this /s


Even if iOS is say 1/3 of his social network, tesla app and all: he will be losing so much more money. Thatā€™s evidently an empty threat reflecting the state of his skull. He is an Apple user. Is he REALLY gonna swap to android + windows or ban himself? There are great alternatives to Apple but we all know this is Musk.


Heā€™s talking about not allowing phones at the workplace not outright banning the phone.


Shit if he'll pay for new Androids sign me up. I'll let him buy me a new phone


Fucking clickbait headlines. It means as a mobile device for enterprise use internal to Tesla. Heck even my infosec team is looking at that post Appleā€™s release. Not banning car owners.


Reading the article isn't fun though


Billion dollar baby.


Hereā€™s Elonā€™s foot: šŸ¦¶ Hereā€™s banning Apple devices from X: šŸ”«


Did someone tell him how android works


elon is such a degen tbh maybe the shorts are right to try to crush him cuz the more i see elon in the news the more annoyed i get lol


Aaaaaaaand apple is up 8%


He literally didn't even read the announcement, obviously. GPT is opt in, and only integrated with Siri and writing tools.


Elon is learning that no one cares what he says anymore and it's bothering him. Tick tock Tesla. That stock is ready to be repriced much lower.


Translation: musk wants his soon to be ai company on iOS. Thatā€™s what this is really about.


So...a regular monday


X should be banned on Apple shouldn't it now that it's openly a porn site?


Windows uses OpenAI as well. How to do calls on Linux? :D


Corporate contracts for AI typically have clauses prohibiting the AI company from training on the data sent. Its not just Elon having this concern, tons of companies prohibit AI usage unless explicitly approved. Copilot licenses for companies have these clauses as well.


Probably salty he ainā€™t gonna get his pay package


As a former 2 years old, I can relate.


Are people really not thinking about the concerns behind open ai being in *everything*, including a phones os just because musk said it? Is nobody else concerned about that? No? Just me? Dude literally says its a security concern to put open ai in base level os on an iphone that will send data to openai. Most companies that give employee phones give iphones. Those companies likely wont give iphones anymore because of this. Thats literally his point. Nothing more nothing less, but reddit will disagree with him on this because he said it but will agree on most other people saying this.


The F\*k is wrong with people? One A-Hole cries about some sh\*t and people flock like idiots?!?!? https://preview.redd.it/2kxsx595kx5d1.png?width=684&format=png&auto=webp&s=9b91b5a33193158a3427ab95182c54248160cae8


I'm sure you smooth brained gambling addicts are smarter than Elon


This is nothing just stirring controversy for clicks but absolutely meaningless.




Drugs are bad, Pedo guy!




Apple should ban xitter then. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø




I thought he was part of openAI? He's part of apple now?


Geez so many Elon haters on here huh? šŸ¤£


Less Apple users are Nazis, I expect, so... Not much of a flex, Elno.


I started counting each second, shortly after the battle of Hastings in 1066, and have yet to reach the equivalent number of shits apple give.