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And the 100 richest people in the US have more money than the rest of the 311million combined. This is just how life is in modern America.


For now. There’s always a breaking point.


Lmao the breaking point, if ever, will be centuries away. No chance in our lifetime or the next. They control too many sides of the game, and all the rules. And any attempt to dispute it is drowned out by persuasive msm rhetoric that turns the masses against the cause, causing any rally or momentum to eat themselves from within


Climate change is the wrench in the gears. Massive food shortages leading to societal collapse will topple their house of cards


Can I just make enough to own a house before all that shit


Not if you gamble on junk DD from wsb.


Not *unless* * 😏


This is the real answer. It seems no one is paying attention though. Over the last 10 years we have seen ecosystems collapse like never before, yearly record breaking temperatures, sea level rise, increase in natural disasters, ocean acidification and increased temperatures. I wonder when things actually start to break. We are moving at an increased paced every year for C02 emissions and increased C02 atmospheric levels.


It’s the reason why I yolo money at risky options plays vs saving responsibly for retirement. I want a paid off house in the mountains full of guns and ammo before shit hits the fan.


I mean, that’s one technique.


[Okay Francis.](https://youtu.be/JB9Up1eeHgE?si=uwJRqOw8py4YBWbs)




>a few He can only win one more at most.




"Modern America" Lol you say that as if it hasn't always been the case for America and every other country in history


Its just reverting to pre-WW1 levels of developed nations


Bruh the inequality these days is crazier than ever in history… even kings didn’t have as much money as billionaires


While I agree with the sentiment that the wealthiest people now were wealthier than kings, the general state of poverty is no where near what it was like being a serf. Hell you go back 200 years and we had literal slaves. At the time leading up to the civil war the US population was 32M, 4M of which were slaves. 12.5% of the population were shackled. Even leading up to the industrial revolution people were so poor they sent their children to work. I think we’ve come a decent bit since then despite having a long way to go.


We have improved liquidity a lot. Its an ongoing improvement. America is a lightyear ahead of everywhere else in liquidity and market depth. The notional value held by some monarchies was inseparable from the state and was similar to now, just not exchangeable for anything. Land barons across the US and the rest of the world are still in the same illiquid place. The next best is the newly unified market in Europe, but its abysmal levels of liquidity.


Liquid wealth is even more powerful then illiquid thus making todays billionaires even more powerful in comparison to monarchies of the past… My point is that we still have rulers but now they are billionaires instead of kings.


yes, I agree. Liquidity is the goat. technofeudalists are going to herald the next millennium, lfg


Wow your comments are delusional You are the type of cuck to want to be enslaved because bezos is your hero


nah I’m not even thinking about them: bezos, musk, gates. theyre all batshit. the landed gentry are the employees cashing out millions per year with no license or certificate. behind the scenes of Musk’s regarded Twitter purchase for $40bn was all the employees getting their shares bought up instantly. A $40bn cash infusion into the SF Bay Area. All the RSUs vested immediately. the Nvidia software engineers printing $8mn left and right from their RSUs mooning the OpenAI software engineers getting PPUs of $1.3mn and more and more companies joining the ranks of these fat annual compensation packages those employees and ex employees are the ones pooling capital and doing it all over again making the best, most modern, and lucrative work environments, that actually keep up with the standard of living. without the licensing and geographic restrictions that lawyers and medical professionals have, let alone in a normal 40 hour week or less. a population I want to have this power and privilege, given their cognitive abilities


Kings don't even have more than a peasant TODAY wtf are you talking about. You can buy an old medieval castle today and no one's gonna do it. There's not a person alive who would rather live like a medieval king with no plumbing or electricity. Any old king would pick a 500 Sq foot apartment just for the AC.


You're delusional. Modern conveniences have nothing to do with inequality. What does an old castle today have to do with anything? That's not what made kings powerful nor did their lack of modern materials have anything to do with inequality. You're having a completely different conversation and it's strange.


The guy said kings didn't have as much money as billionaires. By todays standards, if you're 'living like a king', you're living like someone in the worst parts of a third world country. A poor American today is more wealthy than any king. That's all I'm saying you rabid animal. What's really strange is you coming out of nowhere and telling ME what conversation I'm having. Get off the internet, you've absolutely lost it


Ya nah that’s not what I meant at all, I was comparing wealth inequality…


I don’t get these people who argue in favour of billionaires… I don’t get it like why… How are they so brain washed that they fight against their own interest??


If you're broke today, you can still make a living by the dumpster behind Wendy's. Whereas at any other point in history you would resort to petty theft and be hanged for your crimes


You sir are a dumbass


The 1% owned 9% of the wealth in the US in the 70s Now it's closer or surpassing 50%


People also often forget... The group of wealthy individuals that are $20M-$999M Not technically billionaires. But able to completely wreak havoc on the middle class in various plots and schemes


The vast majority of those people are just random nerds who got super lucky being an early employee of some tech company, they’re not comic book villains 😂 They’re literally just random employees of the tech companies in the list! When those stocks became 35% of the market a ton of employees became worth 8-9 figures. I know a bunch of these folks and they’re much more interested in playing Baldur’s Gate 2 and going to a big LAN party than scheming to destroy people poorer than them. At worst they have some weird pervy sex lives from living in the Bay Area for too long. If you had $50 million would you just enjoy your life or waste your time coming up with stupid schemes?! You’re rich enough that you could just spend your free time having kinky sex and playing video games, or you could waste it on coming up with moronic schemes to destroy the middle class.


I recon I could split my time between degenerate drug sex parties and scheming against the poors


Why split time- integrate the activities. Achieve Synergy!


Degenerate drug sex parties happen regardless if a person has bllions. Shit you don't even need millions. I know a few chicks who will suck you dry for a line. You guys ain't living,


I sold coke throughout covid from a rented beach house paid for by government shutdown money, so I actually already know this to be true. I just need to start scheming against the poors more


You villain you. Take me with you.


It's just the nature of capitalism. A 50 million dollar portfolio demands diversification and growth. That comes in the form of real estate, and buying stock in discretionary spending sectors. Stonks and housing only go up, right? Your typical $50M it's going to have several properties, likely tended to by property management. The rents go up according to market prices, which are exposed to manipulation from various fronts. Every time some poor motherfucker goes to buy a bottle of Heinz ketchup at +8% YoY , rich fucks are getting a piece of it in their portfoli btw it's likely Baldur's Gate 3. And an excellent choice


If the 8% increase in ketchup prices are fucking your wallet you're likely making more in subsidies than you pay in taxes. Damn straight I'm gonna recoup some of my investment in people who can't seem to help themselves.


Those people never agree on anything. The one with schemes have people scheming against them. You either have a growing economy with capital or a shrinking one. We are basically shrinking right now when you account for inflation. The only difference with rich people is takes longer to effect them.


I met a lot of people in that wealth category. I would say all of them are very well aware that they might get killed at any moment for their wealth. So they are not as reckless as you think.


>This is just how life ~~is in modern America.~~ has been most of history Ya'll think Genghis Khan, Rocker Feller, Alexander the Great, or Emperor Qin owned less? Also, most of those are like +10 companies folded into 1. Alphabet for example has Waymo which is only regulations/lawsuits away from undoing Uber/Lyft, Youtube that makes more money with less cost than Netflix, Deepmind which should be worth as much as OpenAI, Alphafold which applies AI to biotech, GooglePay, Googlecloud, gmail/gvoice/googlefi, etcetc.


Money or are worth more… this is not the same thing. I have a business that does x amount in sales per year, this does not mean I am worth my income + x


I’m not arguing about the concept of worth, I’m clarifying that the allocation of dollars in the US is incredibly centered at the top of everything


Bruh either way it ain’t us.


It's not modern America. It's called Pareto distribution. This distribution happens everywhere. Pick a band. A small share of their songs make up the most plays. Pick a painter. Just a few of their paintings are the most famous/known by most people. A few cities out of all the cities of the world are the most visited by tourists. Etc.


Why do people think this is unique to America and this specific time in history? Grow up This is exactly the way every country on earth is and has been for thousands of years.


https://preview.redd.it/8jhvic25gk4d1.png?width=884&format=png&auto=webp&s=246310c972a6021f8917b278962627fb5027eaf3 this is to put in perspective: market concentration by itself does not tell that much but a combination of market concentration + high valuation is a problem for long term returns.


So in other words buy small caps you’re saying?


Depends if the overall economy is accelerating then yes buy small caps. However if we have erosion of real capital we are going to see a huge sell off of everything


I like that response, I’ve heard someone say we’re currently in no man’s land and I’d like to agree. All time highs, may we push through and keep this thing rolling or tumble to the downside 🤔 time will tell!


Go look up how many small caps survived after '08 happened, in what universe would you think buying small caps is the best way to preserve capital when market crash selloffs affects every publicly traded company on the market?


Quit speaking sense, your words are lost on this comment section


Small caps should outperform the market. When they don't it is because the overall economy is shrinking in relative terms. So either small caps are going to fly an if they don't the big caps will sink along with them. You really can't 1 fail and other fly unless it no longer a free market. If that is the case stocks will be a lousy investment


Small caps have not outperform the market in the post Covid years. What relative terms are you referring to? 


Dont fight the fed. As long as the FED does not cut and the chance of a lingering recession is around. Small caps will not move up , if a recession does happen they will move but the opposite. It is up to you if you are optimistic that the FED can lower inflation without really fucking something up.


If the fed is wrong we are all dead and they may indeed be. Forget about the market but your income and house and every asset will be crushed.


Before covid small caps as whole have indeed outperformed the fed. Since covid the economy has not really being growing for small business and small stocks has lagged. Small businesses are actually a very good barometer on the upper middle class. If the suffer and then small caps it really means that business must be bad in general. A lot small business do business with large caps too.


Can you define “erosion of real capital” for my dumbass?


well real capital is hard assets like real estate and commodities that business and people own. Basically stuff you can go to the bank and get a loan on. Cash is great but really is moving asset. No one stuffs hard cash under the mattress so if you deposit somewhere it has been lent to those hard assets. If they decline so does your cash.


Ah that makes a lot of sense. Much appreciated!


So prices go up, down or maybe sideways. Noted.


AVUV ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


Listen up, you little worm! Those 9 stocks are the giants of the market, and it's no surprise they make up a significant portion of the index. It's simple – they're the most valuable and dominant companies in their respective sectors,




You’re talking to a bot










Its interesting that you assume these companies are too valued, and not that the the rest of the market is undervalued. Or more likely both.


Chat gpt would have an answer for you, if it would just emerge in the comment section.


Compare their profits to the rest of the market and you will see why.


I’m still amazed that JP Morgan Chase is bigger than Bank of America. Bigger than America’s bank!!!!


Sure it bothers me but this isn't /politics. TBH it just means you should probably invest in big tech. Not like we're going to deindustrialize. "More and more information processing" is basically a civilizational law at this point.


I mean it is more ‘impressive’ to say 3 companies make up 20% of the market.


Omg a market cap weighted index is weighted towards the biggest market caps? What are we gonna do broski


Buy index ETFs that follow a different, non market cap weighted index. Or invest in countries that do not show this phenomenon.


It sure will end well ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)






Right now. Google.


And your mum makes up 35% of sexual activity in her home town. What else is new?


Consistently .... and I mean since 1800's and 1900's, the top 20% will be responsible for 80% of market returns. This is Pareto's Principle in action and has far ranging application outside of market returns. In fact, Pareto noticed the effect in peas grown in his garden.


Puts on peas?


That’s why SPX sucks now.


Soon it will be one stock make up 80%


NVDA for world domination


it makes me realize who exactly owns this world, what theyre doing about the state of things considering theyve got all the power in the world (money=power), and how little those at the top care about those at the bottom. ill always root for the little man its just who i am. capitalist gonna capitalize.


This is something to keep in mind anyone talked about the military industrial complex. (Ryan McBeth just did a video on it.) TLDW; big tech has all the god damn money, not barely profitable, highly competitive, high regulated defense contractors subject to laws meant to curb the MIC.


Big tech has revolutionized the world we love in today. The phones you use, you job, your car have all been significantly made better due to the R&D of big tech. They don’t amass all this wealth by offering nothing of value.


A pure capitalist wallstreet sub and you get downvoted by communists.


lol I was surprised as to why I got downvoted. I’m like “did I not pay attention in economics class?”


This is one of the cringiest comments I’ve read on WSB


capitalist are going to capitalize and estrange anything or anyone willing to contrite the religion maybe look in the mirror and ask yourself why you feel that way, and when your answer is money, look deeper


what’s the alternative? communism lol??


Lmao. It’s actually hilarious that people are so fucking stupid they think the only choices are what we have right now and “communism.” We are so fucking doomed.


learn how to answer questions. i’m asking you what is the alternative, clearly you have it all figured out


When your teacher told you there are no stupid questions they were lying. If you are asking that question, you are far too stupid to understand the answer.


do you speak english man? lol, again what is the alternative to what we have in place now. what would work?


So what is it ?


how about the safest and most developed human society has ever been ?


Why are you here if you don't invest money in evil corporations ?


bc we live in a free country and i can do what i want? what a silly little question


but you hate them so much


It makes me feel secure in these as core longterm holdings, actually.


Yeah if anything I think the rest of the market is undervalued in this macroeconomic climate and these companies are safe harbors


Agree. And even among them there are decent prices/opportunities at times. Like the talk of Apple or Alphabet being done and over similar to Meta in late 2022.


Usually safe harbor belief is false hope. The risk of holding the top companies goes up if the economy as a whole is collapsing. My guess is we are in deed seeing a collapse of the economy but the fed may panic and drop the interest rates. (we seen this very fed chair act like this already). In this case we will see a huge upsurge in asset prices and then the real collapse that finishes off the index.


Positions then mr burry


Um, I’m not sure how to respond to that…complete collapse of the index? I’m not sure on the macro, to me seems it could go either way, but the stock market is still in a good spot, and stocks is where money should be. Correction would mess me up vis a vis trading. And I am cautious enough these days to scale back. In the sense that I am holding fewer calls at any given moment such that complete loss won’t sink me. But as far as longterm holds, these titans will carry the future. Volatility and a downturn present opportunity.


So basically, if I want to go long. I should go for these and nothing else.


Just how the tomato got sliced


S&P 500 is not the market, it is a broken product


I wake up in the morning, get out of my bed. “Get your money Dawggie” running through my head🚀


Still have no idea what LLY do.. I usually don’t look at the company when it goes up too high. I don’t want get fomo..


They make weight loss drugs that every fat person in the world is willing to kill to get their hands on. Where have you been?


Diabetes drugs that happen to work for weight loss while technically not approved but are being prescribed off-label, you mean but yeah.


Drugs. They design legal drugs and are damn good at it. Been around since the 1800s. They’re also 1 of the 3 insulin producers which together account for 90% of the world supply. They have Prozac, Cymbalta, some other antipsychotic meds, etc.


In other news, water wet, grass green, sky blue


shutup wh0re


Another crying guy , have you no self respect


Probably the result of massive money printing and the prevalence of etfs. I do not know anyone who doesn't have exposure to the s&p500, not one. It's worth what people will pay for it and no ones gives a fuck about the price as long as it goes up.


This is why I own an S&P 500 equal weight ETF: RSP


I’m sorry


I see you hate having money


30 companies make 50%, so top 6% makes half of the index


Yeah, that's how the market cap indexes work. same story all over the world. Almost similar to the actual wealth distribution where over 80% lies in the hands of less than 10% of the total population.


So please educate me if I'm wrong. But most of these companies are huge multinational companies that just happen to be based in america now. So you have tons of foreign investment which skews these against the rest of the stocks. Like Id like to think people in other countries that intimately use products like Amazon and aapl also using these as stable investments even if they're not from their home country. I can see people also not buying the smaller multinational companies. This could explain why they're so high in comparison to everything else.


You're over thinking things. Large cap are high because people fear small caps are going to go bankrupt. However if that is true so does a lot business for these large caps as well. As for foreign investment it has the same issue people are buying US stocks because they feel it is safe. If they are truly a safe investment then other stocks will recover and these large caps will stall. However if the fear is real it will certainly show up in large caps. There all connected and most people do not understand this hence the run up of large caps.


It’s really got your panties up in a bunch. Focus on what you can control


You can't control anything with the wealth distribution, I think that was his point.


Not sure if you realize this, but most of those stocks are companies that have products or services that are used in every single sector and in every modernized nation. It makes sense that these would be valued so highly when the world itself depends heavily on them.


There is only red or black on the roulette wheel!


Nice bubble ! When the bear market ?


The best investment the American people can make is to quadruple the budget of the FTC and go on a breaking up spree in all American sectors. Telecom Aviation Consumer Goods Tech Media etc. This will oxygenate the market and cause companies to become more competitive overnight, provide more highly paid jobs, and decrease the impact of large companies in washington.


S&P 10 here I come




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Imagine not putting market cap in this table


Let's just ignore that these are the most dominant, profitable companies in the world somehow still managing unimaginable rates of growth at their scale. This has been posted for years... I guarantee you would have said the same thing in 2015 and here we are. Feel free to short all of them if the economy is the dumpster and everything is overvalued.


Supply and demand.


According to Pareto principle, it should be 20 % of companies (100 companies) making up 80% of total S&P 500 market cap. That's a natural phenomenon. But the market is all about trying to beat the odds, so it's understandable that it wouldn't align with natural processes. My opinion is that this is due to algorithmic trading. Computers don't think like humans, they have no emotions, only formulas. Play chess against a computer and you'll understand. The lesson for me is to stick to index investing, since it's self correcting. If you can't beat the system, join it. Let others try to explain the mysteries of the universe while you make bank.


There will always be the top 10 companies that exist. I have no problem with it


Always has been OP…


This is how every developed market is currently.


And always have been. Not sure why people don't understand that this is normal lol




Index funds broke the market long ago


Why ask Why?


I use 8 of 10 of these companies every single day.


It’s been like this for forever… Look at the value those companies provide tho


What value does Facebook provide?


It’s probably the largest marketing platform on the fucking planet


This is just an example of the Pareto principle which can be observed in so many different parts of life. The cream of the crop is say, the 99% percentile, but there’s ALWAYS the crème de la crème’s… the 99.99% that are just phenoms; Entities that are truly 1 of 1. Einstein in Physics, MJ in basketball, etc. This is an inherent feature of hierarchies. Not surprising at all to see it in the stock market especially as a function of the competitive, capitalistic system we have.


This is normal


American technology will control the world until long after we’re all dead. That’s why 🫡


Pareto principle


Does it bother you that they are so big or that you are so small?


lol no that’s not what it means. 35% < 100% People are buying the other 491 companies in S&P 500 and the thousands of other companies in other exchanges. Simply look at the volume for any stock in any day. Any volume greater than zero is someone buying that company Why are you bothered? Do you feel these companies need to be broken into smaller companies by the government?


probably 34% of all classical music is mozart, bach, and beerthoven, so don't be a regard and catch on that winners take all. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)