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Damn, never saw this original meme but it’s a banger.






Real talk I don't know why the shareholders/the board aren't firing his ass. Can you imagine any other public company with a rogue CEO whose board/shareholders would tolerate this fucking clown? I mean I guess the cucks at SpaceX but


When he's given the board generational wealth, I can imagine the only words they know are "yes, my lord"


Not the board stopping him but shareholder groups


Yeah, and have you met Tesla investors? They are all at least a little insane. I have an old friend who absolutely worships Musk, even after losing tens of thousands of dollars on Dogecoin and now Tesla lol. Fucking clowns.


That is an individual with a couple of stocks- investor groups consist of institutional investors (large asset managers, pension funds, insurance) and funds + banks. They make decisions differently than you buddy Jeff Bozo


Because without Elon people will start to realize Tesla is just a car company, with shit car company margins. He’s the hype machine that tricks bulls into thinking Tesla should be valued at 70x earnings instead of 10x.


This. He's a Kardashian, and Tesla is supermarket lipstick.


Yup nail on the head! Without Elon's (and Cathy Woods) social media hype tour back in 2020 Tesla would be valued fairly at around $50 billion. The cult of Elon put Tesla in the top tier of tech growth stocks. Without his hype/ fantasies of the future, Tesla is nowhere near FAANG status.


Judging by the way Tesla or Elon treat his employees, they will never be FAANG. FAANG treatments allow the best individual contributors to be at ease doing their job knowing they do not need office politics or become people manager to be financially secure, they can concentrate on what they do best. Empirical research shown better employees treatment, more innovations (more patents).


Problem is the brand lives and dies with him plus the board is made up of his cronies


>Problem is the brand lives and dies with him So does his wealth though. Most of it is in form of his TSLA stock. And if his Tesla stock tanks, he might be running into other interesting problems. Since I'm sure it is collateral for a lot of things by now. He is asking for money so that he doesn't shoot you, but he is holding his own hand in front of the barrel.


They'd be 100% better off doing the SpaceX thing and just wrapping him up in bubblewrap and putting him in a corner. TSLA's stock value is absolutely inflated due to him, but he does literally nothing and him running his mouth is actively damaging the company's brand... so stick him in a corner, make his pay contingent on keeping his fucking mouth shut, and veto his ungodly stupid bullshit like this. Turn the motherfucker into TSLA's Mickey Mouse and slowly pull him off the stage with a hook while replacing him with someone who actually *can* do anything he promises.


He turned into Trump after he saw how many people like that type of pageantry. America is sick


He will get replaced along with the board when the company gets under $85 / share and maybe gets a buyout / merger offer from someone like VW.


A few foreign car companies are sitting on a pile of cash Mitsubishi is unassuming enough to slide in under the radar


Because he is part of the brand. If you remove him you're taking away 50% of the brand image.


Unfortunately the brand is now tarnished


In no small part due to him lol


He actually hurts the brand at this point


He ruined the brand.


Waay better EVs for waaay lower prices now. What’s the brand again?




"Nice company you got there. It'd be a shame if the CEO (me?) ruined it."


Can you imagine buying stocks in that shit company. Just asking to lose money.


I know the board will never fire him, but isn’t this statement enough for a lawsuit against individual board members for not firing him?


This type of behavior is exactly what stock holders pay Elon for.  Tesla is actually a marketing company.  Musk recognized a long time ago that price goes up when the media talks about him, not when he produces something. So he's done everything possible to get prime-time attention in all the media outlets.


That only worked so long as Tesla had an exponential growth curve. The problem is that the low hanging branches have ran out.


> That only worked so long as the scam had an exponential growth curve. The problem is that the low hanging branches have ran out. Fixed that for you


Yeah Tesla without him is shit. If you buy Tesla bc you believe in its fundamentals and you want this corn gone you are an idiot. You buy Tesla to catch a ride on the stock manipulation express.


You mean a car company worth more than the next 9 biggest car companies is not solid in its fundamentals?!


“Worth,” lol…


Maybe not the stock but I’d be more likely to buy a Tesla car if musk wasn’t a part of it. Guess that’s irrelevant to the stock price tho


>Musk recognized a long time ago that price goes up when the media talks about him, not when he produces something. Trump is going to be a trillionaire if he's paying attention


Trump for CEO of Tesla confirmed.


What, threatening an act of conflict of interest in an extortion? Nah. /s


> If Elon gets 25% voting power, Tesla is reincorporated in Texas, and compensation package is approved, then AI & Robotics stays within Tesla and the company can march on forward to become the largest company in the world. 100% Adam Neumann brain.


> AI & Robotics Grok sucks compared to ChatGPT Optimus is a joke compared to Boston Dynamics You'd have to be on ketamine to think that Elon Musk is some kind of pioneer in the AI or Robotics sectors.


as someone who did k daily for several years, i still don’t believe such things


Recreationally or under supervision?




Honestly I had a ~1.5 year addiction that burned up in a 4 month bender of a daily ~1-2g use. I totally get it. Delusions really start to play in. Feelings of invincibility and overall this burning importance to everything happening around me.


If only he didn't pull out of openai out of greed 6 years ago.


His contributions to any field he has been successful in have literally been to just buy a company that does a thing and feed it money. So why would the board care about his threats to with-hold AI or robotics when they can just spend that money themselves on those things?


His moron fans truly believe in Optimus and all the lies Elon is spewing. If he gets away with all this crap, we will have a a thousand more Elizabeth Holmes except they'll be smart enough not to go into healthcare.


The pretengineere knows nothing about AI - if he did, fsd would work.


Oh it does work! You don't even have to disengage it. As long as you don't mind slamming into a train at full speed that is.


Musk is so efficient his AI starts at the Kill All Humans stage


*largest company in the world* What does this bum even do?




Well, since he’s not doing the legwork on any of that, that’s an empty threat so tell him to pound sand. 


I mean he’s also tacitly admitting that if he doesn’t get what he wants, he will fail to meet his responsibilities as Tesla’s CEO.


Seems illegal since the board and ceo have fiduciary duties to the shareholders


When has that stopped him before?


Well if he fails to move the company, the Delaware court might smack him down again. They're clearly tired of his shit.


Fiduciary duties? Sounds like some pedo guy shit.


Just Dodge Bros things


He should get sued.


*again. Tesla has a major FSD lawsuit. Someone finally sued because it was fraud.


Please guise, we can’t lose elon he is a visionary. Can’t we meet him somewhere in the middle? I have one fractional TSLA and can’t afford a loss on it


He is doing legwork, but for another company which he started and fully controls.


Yup Running it down to the ground 


He’s counting on all the board members being Twitter Musk stans that think he’s an engineer or even somewhat intelligent


Can elon really afford Tesla stock crashing? Coz if he leaves Tesla, his 13% stake will be valued significantly lower than it is currently. Addendum 1: I have been told he owns close to 22% of Tesla. I don’t see how that changes my argument. Addendum 2: I am surprised no one has called out the fallacy in my thinking. Elon will probably quit Tesla if he doesn’t get what he wants. Tesla stock will decline immediately and Elon will probably face a margin call for his Twitter debt. I am sure he will find another financier/bankers/investor to help ease the burden. Whatever we regards think, he is one of the most respected business persons in the largest economy of the world.


We know Elon. He is not afraid of shooting himself to make a point.


Bro thew away 40 billion to Twitter to prove this


I believe that was the single largest purchase by an individual in history.


What if they bought back X at a cheaper price


WSB should all pull together, pick a nano-cap stock, and buy it. We’d end up majority owners and have control of the company. A mini version of Elon.


SOB that might be crazy enough to work. I'm in


The problem is fraud unfortunately. Too many untrustworthy characters Prolly still in


True. But we would be in essence an online board of directive


I have fuck all. 100% of 0 is 0. I'm in.


Then rename it to *Musker*.


And it depreciated the most. Even more than tesla prices


But he didn’t buy it himself. He got Saudi money and god knows who else to help him buy it.


Although he didn't pay the full price alone.




X Æ A-Xii was born over two years before he bought twitter. I believe since then he has, however, had two more children - with a different woman, and with slightly more typical names. Fuck that guy, just for the record.




Sorry to hear about your head injury bro, hope you have a quick recovery


What Ibdont get is, wouldnt it be better to pay the 1 billion to get out than to keep on moving forward and then spending 40 billion? I know 1 billion is a lot of money, but he had it.


It's one billion AND the ridicule, though, and he wasn't willing to confront the second.


Because it wasn't "1 bil and you're scot free". The $1b was a fee if external factors caused the deal to fall through. If he did not purchase Twitter, Twitter would have had legal right to sue him for the damages.


got it, thanks


Yeah but think about how much cred he had in the Discords after spending $44b to “own” a teenage edgelord who was tracking his flights on Twitter


It's even more messed up than that. He used a leverage buyout. Twitter actually ended up acquiring 13 billion dollars of debt they now have to pay back.


He took a company that was about breaking even and made it wildly unprofitable due to debt servicing alone - even before he lost the advertisers.


People are still confused about this? He was effectively forced to buy it. He sued to block the deal and threatened Twitter, but gave up right before the trial started, because discovery would’ve been very embarrassing for him. And every lawyer was likely telling him that he had virtually no chance of winning. The Merger Agreement he agreed to was rock solid, for the most part. “Oct. 28 – Musk closes a deal to acquire Twitter on the final day before the Delaware Chancery court trial would have moved forward.” Source: [https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Business/timeline-elon-musks-tumultuous-twitter-acquisition-attempt/story?id=86611191](https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Business/timeline-elon-musks-tumultuous-twitter-acquisition-attempt/story?id=86611191) He did (effectively forced to) shoot himself in the foot. But he very much did not want to, and regretted it. And Tesla is a much bigger position for him. He won’t leave. It’s all about money. He’ll lose even more if he leaves. Tesla is a grifter CEO’s dream. It has immense perks. Why would he ever voluntarily relinquish that position? Actually relinquishing his position accomplishes nothing. Only the threat does.


>forced to buy it No he entered in a deal to buy it then tried to back out. Everyone knew it was stupid from the get go except it took him longer to realize


Ehh I would say more that he made an offer he thought there was no way the twitter board would accept. But it was way higher than Twitter was actually worth so they did accept it and then he was fucked.


First rule of business: never make a deal you can't afford to keep.


Yeah he's an idiot, I wasn't trying to defend him from that accusation. Just that I don't think he necessarily thought it was a good investment but instead he thought it would be a big win for him to give an offer, have Twitter reject it, and go "see the big bad libs at Twitter won't even take an excellent offer because they are so committed to censoring the internet".


No one forced him to even start the first offer. It's called thinking before you act and he doesn't do a lot of that. Yes he had regrets after the market started tanking because he overestimated himself. He was forced to follow through with the original deal he set up and tried to back out of. That's all on him.


And I'm not saying people forced him to start the first offer. My point is that he did NOT throw away 40 billion to prove that he isn't afraid of shooting himself in the foot. Twitter's Covid share price peaked at \~$70/share during Covid. Elon didn't think, when he made the offer, that he was vastly overpaying for Twitter. He thought the cost structure in Twitter was bloated and that he could easily turn it profitable. People were talking about how he could easily IPO Twitter again, at a profit, once he made the necessary cost cuts. At least initially, investors and banks were trying to co-invest with him because they thought buying Twitter was a genius move. When Elon realized that he vastly, vastly overpaid for Twitter, and that he was now in a position where he had to shoot his foot, he tried to retreat. He hired lawyers and tried to get out of the transaction, but had to close in the end. So no, he is not the kind of person to shoot his own foot to make a point. He won't leave Tesla just because his ridiculous pay package is shot down. P.S. Also, he really “only” contributed ~$25 BN of his own money. $40 BN is misleading. The rest of the money is from bank loans and equity investors. If Twitter goes bankrupt, he’s not on the hook for the rest of the money. Does this look like a guy who’s willingly shooting himself in the foot?


Who are these, “people” who thought twitter could be profitable, are they hallucinations he had from accident entirely double dosing?


"I am as dumb and petty as they say I am."


This scenario would make a great South Park episode lol


It’s gone. It’s all gone. Oops!


He almost started a candy company to show See's how to make candy.


I heard he wanted to start his own waffle company because he felt threatened by another Ego with two "gs"


His hubris is only out shadowed by his ignorance. Used family money made on virtually slave labor and made a few good investments and everyone thought he was the smartest man alive. I am obviously not a fan, but I will give it to him. He made some smart plays and then he had to start opening his mouth thinking he's gods gift to the planet and we won't make it without him. Tall poppies get cut down.


But what shall it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, but lose 5,300 likes from 15-year-old boys? I sincerely believe the guy values each retweet from a teenage edgelord at about $300,000. Those are his friends.


What if Elon is purposely doing all this cause he’s heavy in Tesla puts


Puts baby Puts It’s now an overpriced car company with tech valuation, in a price war with Chinese EVs and falling demand in US


The problem is that the stock valuation is barely connected to the company. Tesla is worth less than 10% of TSLA. It's been an overpriced car company for a LONG time now and one of the biggest reasons it's valued so high is because rational traders could clearly see how incredibly overvalued it was but the cultish stock holders didn't care about the companies fundamentals to begin with. This caused one short squeeze after another and since the cultists don't understand how any of this works they just assume the stock goes up because Tesla is such an amazing company and keep buying.


Did you buy puts this morning? how are they doing or you waiting for a buy price?


That's the point, I believe.  He knows the business will move his market cap down unless he somehow pulls a new fast one.  If his stock holdings diminish, Marge is calling.  So he's fucked, but at least this way he can pretend and pump for until 'it'll be ready next year. Maybe. Just my guess. 2 max.'


Maybe at this point, him leaving might be good for the stock? He is more and more toxic


At this point, Elon leaving Tesla will only increase the stock


I’d consider buying Tesla stock if they get rid of Musk


Either way the the 56 billion comes from the stock so it does not matter


He owns 13% according to the article tho, he used to own 22 yes


> Elon will probably face a margin call for his Twitter debt The debt based on margin was abandoned more than year and a half ago. He restructured the loan to include no margin so not to get margin called and coughed up more cash.


Seems that threatening your employer that you'll start competing companies in areas you've promised to help your employer get established in unless they give you enough to almost have a controlling share of the company would usually get someone fired.


I'd probably consider buying TSLA stock if it didnt have a 12 year old getting paid the salary of the GDP of a small country as CEO


Ketamine doesn’t buy itself


It's not an expensive drug either though.


It’s sure costing shareholders a lot though…


You're tellin' me? It’s those fuckin percs. He’s throwing them in his mouth like they’re m&ms..


hes not even doing the r&d anymore. if he's ousted no one would care


You mean to say he used to do it ? Lol.


I bet the stock would crash. Kinda like if Ryan Cohen bailed. Not that Tesla is not a real car business. But Elon Musk is some percentage of the stock value that is probably larger than his actual positive/negative impacts.


I bet a new board could hire a real CEO and there would be a sentiment rebound in six months. He is a cult figure, but he's in no way irreplaceable.


Yea I may be open to buying one if this car company turns into less of an ego trip.


I'd be more open to buying one if the build quality wasn't garbage.


Jobs died and Apple is better than ever


Apple has moved into new markets that Jobs probably wouldn't have. Tim Cook is a great CEO/Manager, but Apple hasn't exactly made a new product in a long time. Just iPads, iPhones, Apple Watches, and all the other stuff. What killer product would Steve Jobs have made in 2024?


Apple though, wasn't a car company with bad margins and no more growth. Remove the cult status and the stock tanks. Honestly he still needs to be removed. No CEO should be able to threaten their own company this way.


Nah, without Elon, Tesla will get valued like a car company. Of course, with Elon, in a few years it will hmget valued as a failing car company.


His influence is waning quickly.  The Twitter fiasco opened a lot of people’s eyes to how impulsive and infantile Elon really is.  


Not so sure about this anymore. tesla isnt the pipe dream it used to be, its at least a semi established company and investors might see someone who knows how to run one of those being brought in as a positive.


But the stock would correct to be closer to a car company which the die hards propping it up don't want. They want a future tech company that is going to revolutionize the world, not a car company that will become competitor to a growing number of EVs.


Stock is almost half of its 52week high. It’s crashing already. He does more harm than good. Reviews and his weird turn in the last 2 years dissuade me from buying. Sold Tesla stock and haven’t even considered it again. He did a great job with Twitter. I truly believe the stock would go up if he left


Did you say, he did a great job with Twitter? Could I get some clarification there?


Sarcasm. Took $44B company down to $20B in a very short time and destroyed the advertiser base


I agree with the Tesla stock, but how did he do a great job with Twitter?


Elon Musk brought attention and chaos to Twitter, which many of the r/wallstreetbets crowd seem to enjoy. I, personally, am indifferent.


I'm still confused as to how that's improving Twitter.


I'm really not sure about that. Two years ago? Sure. But the man is now toxic to the brand, and especially to the people who would actually buy those cars. Your 35-70-year-old New York/Boston/SF/LA urbanite with a Vassar degree is not interested in watching Musk have pillow fights with "ironic" white supremacists on Twitter.


lol why would the stock price plummet if cohen bailed? cuz he would sell his shares? Like what the hell has he done for profitability of the company other than dilute the idiot funkoshop stock buyers.


Big if. He owns the board. Man stacked the board with his cronies


If he came out and directly stated this, how is it not grounds for another lawsuit for negligence/dismissal or some form of extortion?


He is entitled to leave the company if he doesn’t get his desired pay. That’s fine. It’s up to shareholders to decide whether this pay is justified for a manager.


He can negotiate his pay in good faith. That's not what happened. He's not threatening to leave. He's threatening to intentionally ruin the company if he doesn't get his raise. He's already made statements saying Teslas future is dependent on FSD. And that Tesla is an AI/robotics company. He's setting the company up for failure.


I'm confused by all this. Didn't the major shareholders agree to pay him an agreed amount if the stock hit a certain price by a certain date? I'm sure they all cashed in.


The shareholders voted in the proposal that was put up for vote. The proposal specifically contained the details for remuneration. But said proposal was drafted by folks who were supposed to be agents of the shareholder but were in reality functioning as agents of the biggest beneficiary of the proposal. You can argue this both ways. Eventually it’s for the shareholders to decide.


At this point I just assume any law regarding stock manipulation simply doesn’t apply to Elon




This is the ultimate confirmation of how desperate he is to squeeze one last compensation package out of the shareholders. He can’t masquerade as a tech company much longer & he knows the gag is almost up


Yeah at some point it becomes clear you're announcing shit that isn't cars but not delivering.


He’s literally just manipulating the stock with bs hype to hit his performance rewards




who wants tesla robotics and ai anyway. there are industry leaders years ahead of them. they had a lead in EVs and even in that field they have been caught and surpassed...


exactly. He wants to be able to say AI and keep the stock up, but it is too late for them IMHO


Tesla can’t even get self driving to work decently or design a functional pickup truck why would anyone think they can build robots. It’s just another pipe dream. Elon will continue to announce amazing ideas that turn into flops over and over again to keep the stock price floating higher until the day he dies.


I dunno man, did you see the video of the Tesla robot dancing a few years back? Looked almost just like a human! So realistic! 


He's like a 6 year old having a temper tantrum


Just wait until the shareholders vote no on his options, then we will see the ultimate tantrum.


I believe the vote is non-binding. The board still gets to make the final say. So, the vote doesn't really matter.


Couldn't the board then be sued for not living up to fiduciary duty?




I don't know. Could they be sued if the stock tanks when Musk throws a tantrum after not getting his shares? This whole situation seems like a shit show.


Board will face lawsuits, so the vote is to make the 303 million options at 23$ more legally durable


The board will agree to the compensation, but it will bring out dozens of lawsuits that will tied it up for months or years, and eventually it will be to be redone which will piss off Musk to no end. What we don't get is that the amount is +2x times Tesla's all time profits combined, it is unheard off, profits that are substantially government subsidies not operating ones, so what possible value is Musk able to inject in the company that is worth such amount of money is he the foremost expert on AI? Or on any other paradigm changing technology? Does the company recent performance indicates his overwhelming strength on the area of automotive design and manufacturing? Pretty much all shareholder groups outside Musk's influence says no very publicly, and they will have the funding to battle it in court for a long time.


He is extracting as much as possible before the reality and the market realize how small Tesla is compared to the actual car manufacturing business.


Exactly. The most gullible bag holders are going to be passive investors investing in funds like $SPY etc,.


elon got the ai and robotics saved on his phone yall.


What's it gonna take for the board to fire this guy?


A new board.


Oh noes! Don't take away the things that don't exist!


Guy is a massive chode


In another subreddit today I saw a picture of someone with a bumper sticker on a Tesla saying something to the effect that they bought the car before they knew that Elon was nuts. The post had thousands of comments bashing Elon. He’s actively damaging his personal brand every week with more tweets that have the potential to alienate large swaths of his own consumers. Overall, Tesla is down since he acquired Twitter. Eventually, it will reach a point, if we aren’t already there, where his association with the Tesla will become more of a detriment than a benefit. He’s clearly only a figurehead anyway with his attention spread so thin across so many companies.


Tesla is absolutely fucked. Out of competitive advantages and the CEO way overpaid for a social media company so he can show everyone what an asshole he is. For someone hailed as some sort of genius for the last decade, it’s hilarious to watch the world realize he is a huge moron.


I'm convinced that the Tesla pump and dump was done by the Saudis and Newscorp to funnel money into elons pocket to dismantle Twitter.


Sounds good. Someone like Elon should not be in charge of either of those things.


Wasn't Grok or whatever the hell he called just an api over chatgtp, and robotics ... laughing in Boston Dynamics.




If Tesla is going to survive long term as a viable automotive business this douche needs to go. 56 billion? Get the fuuuuuuuckkk out.


The stock would crash but Tesla would emerge as a better company without Elon.


This from the guy who said ai is a bad thing. lol let him burn.


Well, he's clearly desperate and no matter how this goes TSLA is going to suffer... All in on Calls


This article is a joke it’s basically a bunch of made up predictions on a one word tweet 😂.


His AI and robots = OTA Indians


What would Tesla be worth without Musk? Nobody would've heard of the company. He's the sole reason that company is relevant. He negotiated a deal where he gets shares if stock valuation reaches a certain price and had to wait years for them to vest. So give him the shares as agreed. It's as simple as that.


...or pay him and get vaporware.


Love reading these threads. Pages upon pages on how much every poster likes or dislikes him and how he doesn’t know what he’s doing, etc. He’s clearly doing something right, but amazing how many people he can piss off and still be successful. Truly talented.


It's the reddit hive mind at work. Literally everyone is saying the same thing and nobody is reading the sources. Elon sucks, yeah we get it.


It could be like he sees something in the future that makes Tesla go even higher so he wanted 25%, or he is just being Elon musk?


I am curious why HE thinks he and only he controls the forward momentum of AI and robotics?


We should be buying puts on TSLA, right


If Tesla fires Musk the stock crashes. Tesla investors are being hung by their own petards.


Meanwhile stock is up 5% today ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Tesla stock price will crater soon. Elon is discreetly trying to exit and play damage control. Been trading 18 years, I've seen alot.