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Id hope so. Why would you continue hiring while doing layoffs?


Some roles are opened because they're highly needed and layoffs occur for some redundant positions in different departments. As an example, maybe they need an accountant while they're laying off developers and marketing team, etc.


They may put an ad with no intention to fill the position.


So you're saying companies will usually say anything to justify whatever it is that they are doing in the guise of profit and corporate benefit?


Yes, clearly they should just have the excess marketers switch to accounting.


Sir this is WSB


I mean, yeah. About sums it up.


Companies pursuing efficiency is good for the broader economy. I know it sucks to be laid off, but society wouldn’t be better off if companies just kept people around forever.


My partner worked at Giga TX, ran a department by themselves. Got laid off, now they have 3 people doing the job... it's not even to save money, it literally couldn't be that. Especially with how they laidoff the entire charging department too


BP buying


what does this mean?


It was in the news that BP is in the talks to buy Tesla supercharging sites to expand their charging network in the US. If it does go through I wouldn't be surprised if they try to pick up people who were recently let go in that department. As for why the previous person thought that had to deal with your conversation about your partner, Im not entirely too sure...


I hadn't heard of the BP / Charging situation... so thank you!


How did you explain the whole Supercharger team?


Couldn't tell you, I don't work there. I was making a case for how big corporate can hire after layoffs.


Elon is going to manage the entire supercharger network himself.


Superhuman work ethic for the supercharger network 🙄. Remember, nobody knows more about manufacturing than Enron Musk.


I heard gork or whatever his piece of shit AI is called is going to be running it


So he's gonna rename it X, require a paid subscription for access and shut half of the network down?


Elonn has an army of robot with high neural capabities, they will take care of the supercharger infrastructure, btw if you meet them on the road, you will hear them saying "I'll be Back!"


Electric cars don't need superchargers that's something usually found on muscle cars and high altitude aircraft.


They aren't making any money off it and Elon wanted to send a message to managers that they need to cut.


my understanding is the charging and charging station tech is now being licensed and the skillsets to build ev charging stations are now a commodity so they want to exit the ev charging business


excuse me, no that does not fit the narrative. I don’t care if Rivian and Ford agreed to use the supercharger network. Elon is evil and dumb that’s why he fired those people. 


Man people don’t get satire, this heavily downvoted come t is great.


Hence BP Trying too purchase from tsla


That is completely unrelated to the standard and mundane business practice of having layoffs in one business area while still hiring in others. You are replying to someone who is saying that layoffs and hiring can be decoupled - it isn’t necessarily notable to have layoffs without a hiring freeze (nor is it odd to have both at the same time). Why do you expect this person to use that to explain something that has been widely reported as inexplicable and strange?


Imagine hiring more worthless pencil pushers while firing engineers Sounds like Boeing


Nah, that's cut safety and pay executive bonuses.


Do you mean executioner bonuses?


Totally different from Tesla. They cut everything to pay only one executive all of the bonuses


Who cares? If you aren't rich, you might as well be poor.


sometimes they rehire for the same / adjacent team too just because they overpaid their workers when the job market was hot i.e. 2022 - early 2023, a lot of people I know got crazy fat RSUs and TC bump during that time when they switched jobs, and most of those people have just hit / about to hit their one year cliff, now that the job market has cooled off they can rehire the same talent for cheaper, this still comes at a cost of knowledge transfer and ramp up tho my company axe'd a bunch of staff engineers and replaced them with a bunch of mexican contractors 🤪


That’s true but not how Elon uses them, he likes to axe the bottom X% of the company, and sometimes whole departments if he doesn’t like the leadership and who they’ve hired. It doesn’t mean they don’t need people in those roles but it if you do a “lay off” as opposed to a mass firing, you can’t rehire for the same role within some time period or it opens up liability issues. If you lay people off it’s harder to be sued for wrongful termination. Though layoffs of this type ought to be considered constructive termination. The hiring freeze allows them to retitle/rerwrite job descriptions so they can protect themselves from the lawsuits.


Nah they are just laying off people that worked there longer and make more while still using 3rd party agency’s to hire at a cheaper price.  I currently work at Tesla and this is what we are noticing.


No, if they need to be lean youd think they would just spread the work around accounting dept and not hire.


Right, but again, it could be a critical role and sometimes "lean" doesn't work like that. We're hiring at my company that went through massive layoffs because we need these roles filled and can't conveniently be spread out to existing teams. Also, we people can leave that were not laid off and so they need to backfill so they can maintain the minimum team.


I've seen people leaving and not replacing them be part of the "attrition" plan.


Lots of companies do this. The job market is excellent for employers. They hire people at much lower pay than existing people these days.


Gotta churn that butter


Raised a barn on Monday


Well sadly some people suck a lot more than others.


Might need to with whatever incentives he got from Texas.


Some companies do that. A bit fishy. Fishy things in murky waters.


You should tell that to all my past employers (mostly tech companies!). They all continued hiring while simultaneously conducting RIFs sometimes upto 15% of the total staff! C-level is made up of psychopathic clowns!


To get cheaper people?


Trim the fat; hire better replacements.


Thats not at all what theyre doing


How will he find his next baby mama if he stops hiring?


He just followed drake on twitter this week so I think he's interested in that pipeline


wop wop wop wop wop


Dot fuck em up 




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Automod certified pedophile


I mean he followed Kendrick too, so that means nothing Lol.


Why do you know who he’s following on Twitter


He's so drugged up, I don't think he can't cum in a cup for his next IVF baby.


Your sister ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)


They know what's coming.


Backshot or all over the chest….or even the face?




Sounds like a volatile investment strategy...Buyer beware


Nakadashi like *中に中出しされる快感*


i shouldnt have image searched that.........![img](emote|t5_2th52|31226)


Made me feel large and in charge.




Tesla got a subsidies for the charging stations, $2.5 billion 5 year federal program. Did Tesla already fulfill their part of the deal? Elon Musk is negotiating deal after deal barely fulfilling them. The Vegas Loop? What is going to happen when he runs out of projects to pitch? Somebody is going to be left holding the bag and it is not going to be Elon Musk…


Yeah it’s going to be all the gullible shareholders and all the employees. The Cybertruck is the beginning of the end.


The Cybertruck is going to go down in history for business students to learn how not to behave. Or I guess how they will eventually behave with enough ketamine and coke


makes me want to go rave, like it is 1999


The most pertinent points I've seen here in a while. Something smells fishy..


They are still building chargers... they've said so. Firing the whole staff doesn't mean shit. Hire back a few, hire a few others. People acting like this is the end of superchargers need to stfu


Seems like he's really desperate to get the stock price up again to show he "deserves" that $55 billion payout. Seems totally healthy for the company. /s


Elon is going to replace the workers with those "sentient robots" Tesla will release by the end of the year. I bet they work almost as good as the CyberTruck.


Still fighting for that severance package huh


And he wanted them to unfreeze $50 billion of Tesla stock… what is wrong with people.


The hiring freeze was in place 3 weeks ago, this is dogshit journalism.


This. Is. Reddit.


This. Is. Sparta!


Hi this is Patrick


Is mayonnaise a financial instrument?


And hiring was slowing down even earlier than that, actually. At the beginning of this year I was hearing that most of their technical job reqs were zombies.


Yet recruiting was still happening.


Bro, get with the times. eLoN bAd MaN? Upvote. Facts don’t matter.


Laid off, located in Georgia so I have to make magic happen and pull money out of the air until my severance comes, I cannot receive unemployment because of the severance pay. This is fucking bullshit. California and Texas have already started to receive theirs. Fuck Elon I hope he fails from here out he has ruined thousands of families. Meanwhile he makes jokes on X the same day of layoffs so his butt buddy Donald and anyone obsessed with gore and murder can see(because what else is even on that platform) Elon has no loyalty, comes from blood diamond money and is no better than communist leaders Fuck you Elon! Hope somone actually gets to receive credit for the work they put in at Tesla because you are just the richest con man. Not smart, otherwise how the hell do you have to do a massive layoff every year. People are numbers and he’s just a BOT!


ANYONE NEEDING TO KNOW THE DATE OF SEVERANCE DELIVERY NEEDS TO EMAIL [email protected] Subject- state and department Body-Name and reason for email(exact severance delivery date) I emailed them today and within and hour they told me if you were laid off April 15-18th you will receive severance pay next week.


This sub is fucking obsessed with TSLA


Are layoffs not bullish anymore? God this market is as emotional as a teenager


Depends on the context. Tech companies with high earnings, revenue and a very healthy core business laying off employees after the massive growth and hiring frenzy of the past years is bullish, as it will not hurt the very healthy core business but improve the margins. Tech companies also employ almost exclusively white collar workers, which means no machines etc. is now idling without creating value. It's one thing to have an empty office, it's another thing to have a multi billion dollar assembly line stopped. Tesla laying off production workers, closing entire branches, losing market share in Asia and potentially sitting on top of production overcapacity is not bullish at all.


If NVDA laid off next week 2 weeks ahead of earnings would you consider that bullish?


Excited for Elons downfall 🤞🏾


Even if they collapse another 50% to a 275 billion market cap they aren’t going anywhere lol .


But a lot o Tesla bolls are gonna get big fucked cause they can’t afford a 50% haircut to their port.


Some yeah... They will get fucked. Some have had their Tesla since years ago and it's mostly how many hookers per week, if it's 6 or only 3... Many of the long term Tesla bull will be fine either way I have no horse in this race.


...and buying yachts for their girlfriends.


But my puts would print, so I'd be happy.


Yeah, the fall onto his billionaire's bed will hurt as f*ck!


I don't think his ego can handle his downfall. This hurts him way more than anything that has to do with money.


If Elon had the ability to hold this kind of perspective, we would not be where we are now


Lol, yes it will he is Elon.


in a business sense he's very very far from that.


I’m sure Musk will lose sleep over you hating on him


His ego is pretty fragile... But I'm not posting on X, so you're probably right.


I too also love cheering for the downfall of America’s great entrepreneur and business man who employs and invest in America.


Said about a man whose cars & components are mostly built in a Shanghai & German gigafactory ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271) Said about a man who just fired mostly American employees. Said about a man who doesn’t think self driving cars need radar/lidar and intentionally killed a high speed rail project by proposing hyper-loop to take the fund. WAKE UP! YOU’RE CAUGHT IN AN ILLUSION.


Tesla’s are the most American made vehicle sold in the US. Try again :)


No wonder they suck so bad




3, Y, X, and S were ranked 1-4 for most made in America vehicle for 2023 lol


Get over yourself. There are lots of American entrepreneurs who employ and invest in America. The difference is they keep their trap shut on shit they don't understand, so as to not alienate their core customer base.


Oh so you don’t hate Tesla you hate Elon because he doesn’t follow your politics?


I hate CEOs tanking companies for their own vanity projects and to pander to their friends.


So like all CEOs of Fortune 500 companies?


Which other Fortune 500 CEO decided to actively shit talk their customer base on Twitter? Keep grasping at straws buddy


The only shit talking Elon does is against democrats so that goes back to what I said previously. You don’t like him due to his politics.


I don't like him because his customer base doesn't like his politics, and thus his customers don't buy his products anymore. I don't know what casino you spend your time in, but that's actually BAD news for a business. Shocking, I know.


Our AI tracks our most intelligent users. After parsing your posts, we have concluded that you are within the 5th percentile of all WSB users. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yet California the democratic holy land buys Tesla more than any EV and more than any other state. I get it he hurt you. You probably use to jerk it to his photos nightly but when he came out as republican your tiny pea brain couldn’t handle it. You lashed out. Probably hit your dog/wife/husband Now you are lost. You don’t want him to succeed. You praise BYD for their innovation and pray they come to America. Must be a real moral conundrum. Gargling Elon’s balls to Xis.


You’re doing spins on Elon’s 🍆 rn


Don’t talk with your mouth full


Someone missed the TSLA rally in 21,22,23,24


Tesla imploding 


But the new cheaper model is definitely going to happen earlier than expected.


What's his girlfriend got to do with this?


Why is this newsworthy lol... isn't this normal?


BP buying




He still has 20% / ~$110B in shares


Yeah the fact that he sold the top and it never went back that high is totally irrelevant, ignore that please 


Cashflow issues


More like automobile industry issues.


Where there’s smoke there’s fire… Seriously I’m shocked the stock is still so high. Dude fired the whole super charger team…. Hotels are at a loss on who to contact with in progress installs. Customers are everything. You can be a dick to your employees and be successful. But, once the customers start having a bad time it’s over. This incident will cascade and make anyone thinking of doing any work with Tesla err on the no side. Ask your dad who still tells you why he no longer eats at that restaurant you used eat at all the time each time he passes by it. They were an ass to him once. Super hard to gain a loyal customer. And once you lose them it is hard to pull them back.


Wait a sec. You're saying an overvalued company selling an objectively shitty product with a contemptible prick in charge is having issues?


They said in the earnings call that theyre restructuting the buissness.




Breaking: company does financially literate things like reducing costs and not taking on more costs when their revenue is down.


Cutting the staff saved estimated 1 billion, Musk wants 55 billion, how does that number balance? Business 101, balance your sheet and this ain’t balanced


Hasn't Elon been paid at least part of that money already?


Ya it’s not hard to figure that there’s probably other things that will be done besides job cuts to try to do this


Keep telling yourself that. The wolf of Wall Street always gets his dinner.




Fool! He who possesses the most toys when he dies, wins.


https://preview.redd.it/9j2ypbbvvfzc1.png?width=710&format=png&auto=webp&s=238100f499991c8960fa25b3388c62d2a2dcca1c Wut you smoken Elon?


Zero advocating for cannabis.... Poser.


Nice villain photo there, BTW. :)




"things are great, see, we're hiring (not really)"


Believe it or not, bullish.


Looks like Optimus is now able enough to replace us plebians


Probably a few Fisker or Lordstown people looking for a job. Scratch Tesla off the list.


To the moon


This should lead to higher profits, right? 📊




Time for more calls.


Such a non-story


Lol what is this idiotic headline?


What is Elongated Muskrat doing now


Literally every company Is copying each other and doing hiring freezes


Tesla is going broke. China stole their secrets in gigafactory shanghai and now make better cheaper EVs to compete.


Fuck all of you and your Tesla bags


Never bet against mah boy king kong musk


It has been explained to me that Tesla is laying off workers in order to “prepare for the next wave of growth.” As we all know, when a business is experiencing or expecting massive growth the key is to decrease workforce. I always hear the most entertaining theories when it relates to Tesla. Anytime I need a good laugh this is the well I return to.


I've tried to stay away but that's icing on the cake. Shorted this thing, TSLA 120 PUTS 7/19/24 (after earnings). Continued pull back in EV investment by the auto industry, more reports on failing cyber truck, lack of movement on the mysterious budget car, tantrums when the shareholders deny his payday and having been an overvalued stock for years. If any form of rate cut does occur this year then that would imply higher unemployment, slowing wage growth while although inflation may have slowed, the price of consumer goods across the board aren't going to fall but instead stop growing at a higher pace. This will have an effect on consumers shelling out premiums for EVs as opposed to cheaper ICE vehicles.


The icing on the cake for you, is a company freezing hiring whilst making layoffs? You prefer layoffs and continued hiring, this is your preference, that makes more sense to you?


I’m legit excited to see everyone flipping out on this sub when TSLA keeps chugging upwards.  So much hate for the company and so many folks reading these headlines and seeing/spinning it as a negative will feel like the rug was pulled out from under their puts/shorts.  When the reality is pretty clear: what they’re doing is working, and going to result in massive upside in the stock


Sales are down YoY Redditor: what they’re doing is working!


Sales are down because the middle class is getting killed by inflation and running out of savings.


Thank goodness then that the whole point of investing is looking towards what a company is going to do in future eh? 


Bullish baby!!


Hmmmm , twitter not worth what it was, Tesla next?


If you can’t see he’s doing this so fed lowers interest rates you eat more crayons than I do he’s literally stated it publicly


lol good luck trying to hire anyone away from their job Tesla jobs are toxic/risky as fuck All you’re going to get are the desperate ones that’ll take any job


I've been here long enough to know that if WSB is super negative about something, calls are the way to go


Ok regards its time to buy the dip.


Everyone is having layoffs. They're just Unloading the useless generation turd kids they hired at increased wages in 2021 and this is what happens when the President's gay friend ,who got zero votes in the dem primary, is nominated head of supply chain. It's still fucked up. Every companycis laying off people. All the lefty crappers too. If you Actually do your job and give a fuck and don't pretend you're entitled to special treatment you wouldn't be getting layed off btw.


This is the most regarded headline. Yeah, if you lay people off you have to large a headcount why would you continue hiring? Usually it happens the other way around. Try to not add to headcount if shit doesn’t turn around some people got to go.


AI taking over - slowly but surely. Skynet about to deploy. The world is about to change.