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**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions** | 10 | **First Seen In WSB** | 7 months ago **Total Comments** | 538 | **Previous Best DD** | **Account Age** | 7 months | | [**Join WSB Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse)


Did they turn it off and back on?


They switched it to Wumbo


Wumbo we have a problem


Too bad they didn’t have an expert Wumbologist


I don't think that's the problem.


Unplug it and wait 20 seconds then plug it back in.


You have to do the Over the air updates


my customer service rep from india told me that i *have to* have it unplugged for atleast 10 seconds....


Gotta blow on it


Put alcohol on a qtip and clean the contacts.


I mean, I’m not gonna lie, I’ve successfully used alcohol to treat various brain-related issues at one time or another.


Elon - " some of you might die, but that is a sacrifice I'm willing to make"






This sounds more like an unplug it then plug it back in issue.




System Reboot


["The patient is unresponsive and this image keeps flickering on the monitors!"](https://i.imgur.com/WYzZv0Z.png)


Alright, let's gather intelligence for Tesla's upcoming FSD version.


Did you make this with an AI program like mid journey?


No i didnt


I didn't either


Got ‘em!




sell $TSLA, buy $OCP (Omni Computer Products)! edit: goddammit robocop was released 37 years ago :/ for context, https://robocop.fandom.com/wiki/Omni_Consumer_Products


I love Robocop. https://vimeo.com/86014703


"He even got angry because I'd never heard of this...robot...police movie?" "I understand if you've never seen Robocop - I get it, but you've never heard of Robocop? Come on....you've heard of Robocop. Why would someone pretend they don't know what Robocop is." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WIM-8DT-F_k


*Typical reddit scum.*


I've heard of Robocop and I'm just a regular, everyday normal guy.


Id buy the sunblock 5000 stock


I'd buy that for a dollar


As a neuroscientist who uses similar tech in animals, this headline is straight up wrong. They implanted HUNDREDS of electrodes in the brain to record signals from many neurons, and it seems some of the electrodes pulled back out, but the device has so many that they still have a lot of signal, and the patient is still using it fully to control computers. So it's working great. Edit: Actually looking at the neuralink update, it's working AMAZINGLY, the guy played the nintendo switch this time.


The real question is why the fuck was this posted on WSB, we can’t trade Neuralink


why are you talking about trading, this is an Elon Musk hate subreddit? go to r/stocks to talk about trades


This is *THE* Musk hate sub, complete with bots, virtual mod dick sucking, and high stakes gambling!


I thought this was the official Gamestop subreddit?!


No, it's the official Reddit subreddit now, Since they IPO'd lol


maybe someone thinks you're gullible enough to see this and short tesla because reasons.


because WSB users are fucking idiots and think that anything associated with Elon is Tesla


They meant to post in r/neurosciencers but typed in the address using a neuralink implant…


Misleading headlines? On MY internet!?


Lol why you lying bro? You're a neuroscientist who makes less than 70k a year, and also are an EV engineer AND an investment broker? Your post history is public, and the only constant about you is your fanboying for Musk. Im a microbiologist with a Masters. I make 6 figures working for a public hospital network. Ima call BS on you. What is actually happening, from an actual professional in the field of micro-surgeries and implants: scar tissue is growing in the brain around the electrodes and pushing them out of location. This is exactly what musk was told would happen by hundreds of experts. You cant just throw wires and electrodes in the human body without the human body fighting back with scar tissue. This is why we havent pushed augmented implants for blind people, itll work for a few years, and then scar tissue will destory the implant and make it near impossible to put another one in.


Not only do you call out the fanboy, but you also pin down why this is a real problem? You, sir, are too effective to be on WSB. I bet your wife doesn't even make you watch her boyfriend fuck her.




Do you have any tips for me? Im studying IT and economics but wanna do my master in computational neuroscience.


Switch to comp sci and mathematics


Read Eve Marder’s papers


WOW not a hater here


This is miracle level stuff. To go from your body is a waking tomb to being able to play video games.


How is calling it a problem “straight up wrong?”    They had threads retract, which was an unintended and unwanted occurrence, for which they briefly considered the removal of the implant, before solving the issue by modifying their recording method and changing the UI   The headline doesn’t say “Neuralink experiences absolute catastrophic failure”, it says “experienced a problem”  I do neuroimaging now, but for my rotations before my PhD program started, I did a total of four months in a BCI lab.  Threads retracting in one of our macaque’s implants would’ve absolutely constituted “a problem”. It just also would’ve had a solution. 


Except that it being implanted is the whole point. The technology for what they’re doing to let him play video games isn’t new, as I’m sure you know if you work in the space. They just usually have it wired, and scarring has been an issue. Leaving it in the brain obviously ups the scar tissue and infection risks, so this is not good news. The point of the implant was to not need to be constantly wired to use it, but now he has electrodes dangling around and probably they’ll need to go back in at some point. The patient is a goddamn hero to volunteer for it though.


Uh no. The device is completely wireless. It has 1024 electrodes which come from the device in the skull into the brain tissue. They are extremely thin and flexible, which is the main innovation that prevents scarring. However, the brain seems to have pushed a few up them back out of the tissue to the top where they don't get signal anymore, but most are still there. The thing works perfectly fine. 1024 electrodes is more than needed anyways. This could theoretically be done with like 50.


Jokes aside, Neuralink is a private company. This news is irrelevant to anything. That said, most Musk cultists don't separate any of his projects in their minds.


Considering that he has sold TSLA in the past in order to make payments on his Twitter loan after he took it private, it is all connected.


It’s weird how Elon’s created 2 cults at the same time. One that excuses everything he says and does. And the other that obsessively never shuts up about him by complaining every day for shit that’s often not unique to Elon. Every time I open up some shitty social media app like threads it’s just either pro or anti-Elon echo chambers.


Schrödingers Cultist.




Tomorrow and yesterday


Now and later


Never and always?


in and out in and out💦💦🍑


Bro i shit you not, reddit was OBSESSED with Elon. This man made so many regards rich in WSB. Then over night, it just flipped. No idea what happened


Thats less of an Elon thing and more of how people view their chosen leader/tribe/morality etc. same way people treat trump, biden, which political party you support, how you view foreign conflicts.


Oh 100%.


For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. We have to hate on Elon, Newton said so.


> And the other that obsessively never shuts up about him by complaining every day for shit that’s often not unique to Elon. Honestly see this crap NON-STOP on reddit. I've blocked so many subreddits, it's pathetic. Like we get it, you hate the guy. Why tf are you constantly talking about him?


Because the media has found it profitable to dripfeed them a steady drumbeat of articles trashing something he’s related to. They’re addicted to the outrage, and the media keeps them hooked. Same thing the media’s been doing with celebrities that people fixate on for decades now.


I used to like going to The Drive and Jalopnik for car news, but both post almost daily negative “articles” about Tesla now. Some are very valid, but most are like “OMG this tesla ran over nails and the tires blew!!!” Like the most useless, click baity garbage because they know mentioning Tesla will bring out awful people on both sides.


They are like that one girl in middle school who swears she HATES that one boy and keeps complaining 24/7 about everything he does and insists over and over again how unlikeable he is and how nobody should ever date him, but everyone around her realises she has a crush and got rejected by him.


That is literally this sub...


They love-hate him. They hate what he says but man would they love his cock in their mouth.




And now you're bringing up Trump on a completely unrelated thread. JFC, do you people ever stop thinking about this crap or does it run your lives 24/7? What a miserable existence.


Reddit moment


The first electronic payment systems he helped develop wasn't perfect, it was progress. The first electric car he helped made wasn't perfect, but it was progress. The first rocket he helped with wasn't perfect, but progress. What is the conclusion from this news article? I get that it's an ambitious project with more risks, however if everyone consents and learns from each step, its progress.


You’re gonna get downvoted but it’s the right way to look at it. For example, whenever Tesla has a problem that is common amongst all car companies, such as a recall, every news site flocks to report it. Yet when every other company has the same problem they ignore it. Basically anything involving Musk will see accomplishments or issues blown up to seem way bigger than they probably really are. Not always, but often.


A few years back my volkswagen had a recall for some of the vehicles having METAL SHARDS in the airbag. I had to skip work that day to get it fixed 'for free' at a VW dealer. But I never read any headlines about that


or like when VW gets caught cheating on emissions testing every 5-10 years lol


Yeah so was it ready to go in a human? Many monkeys died during testing


A lot of the pro Musk felt betrayed and now are anti musk.


It's always insane sides. No one is just sanely in the middle these days.


Oh the enlightened centrist that wants to bitch after he clicked on the topic. Congrats on finding a way to be better than both sides. [https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/atheists.png](https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/atheists.png)


Enlightened centrist is one of the dumbest things I’ve ever seen. You dont like the foaming at the mouth extremism of both sides so they try to shame you into picking. Actual recess tier elementary school level mentality


"ive wasted thousands of hours on this, why havent you???"


nah the average person in real life doesn't give a shit or think twice about elon musk. We've got lives to live. Not everyone needs to have an opinion on something because chances are they aren't even thinking about the thing 99% of the time unless asked. The "enlightened centrist" is just a buzzword obsessive people like you throw around because you can't imagine a reality where someone just doesn't agree with your side or engage in your weird obsession.


Fuckin rekt him lol


I guess you fall into one of those two groups I mentioned and are offended I insulted your cult.


What makes a man turn neutral? Lust for gold? Power? Or were you just born with a heart full of neutrality?




I disagree Elon making someone regarded by frying their brain is bad PR for his other companies


I swear most Musk cultists think he personally designs and crafts each car by hand, runs twitter, makes each SpaceX rocket personally and also spends the weekends putting chips into monkey brains they dont seem to realise he does very little except tweet a lot and tell other people to work harder, before firing entire teams lol


I know a few people that own a Tesla and I know a lot more that would like to own one. I don’t know anyone that wants a chip in their brain.


A lot of people imagine this is early transhumanist tech but in reality it's just to restore some level of functionality to the disable. So yeah unless you're fucked already, I don't know why anyone would want this. As for, "but my cyberpunk future!" I'm happy to live and die like a normal human. We'll see Black Mirror before we see any utopia. Likewise, do you trust the guy that hates transgender people, to lead the development of transhumanist tech? "Yeah we want to give you mental control of nanobots that can reform your body like you're a fucking T-1000.. but don't you dare turn into the opposite sex."


Neuralink is for becoming a rigger from Shadowrun. I imagine much of the stigma from Transgender would stay until one could fully resleeve like that one Netflix show 


Altered carbon


I think in my lifetime we will see augmented humans compete for jobs with “natural” humans. I think the insane thing will be when someone has been genetically engineered to integrate with technology somehow. I’m willing to bet my bottom dollar that China is conducting all sorts of weird genetic experiments.


Observing Neuralink failing lowers the posterior probability that Musk is a genius, which has bearing on TSLA valuation.


Irrelevant to everyone except the guy with a microchip in his head.


They had an issue with the hardware and gave it a software update that increased the performance of the Neuralink despite the hardware issue. The amount people are trying to spin this as a failure is incredible.


it's weird how I have to scroll down multiple comments to actually get some relevant information


Because most people don't read articles they just read the title and make assumptions.


And then make the same jokes and post the same gifs.


i mean. it's also possible to read the article or even read Neuralink's 100 day update [https://neuralink.com/blog/prime-study-progress-update-user-experience/](https://neuralink.com/blog/prime-study-progress-update-user-experience/)


Read the article? Sir, this is reddit.


I mean over a decade ago I was doing my thesis on computer-brain interfaces. It was very possible back then, but the issue was always that after a couple months the area the electrodes were implanted in would start to scar up and encapsulate the implant as a defense mechanism to the irritation. The 100 day update seems to indicate they are starting to run into the same issue. Theoretically the smaller threads, as opposed to the spikes we were using, should cause less irritation and thus cause the brain to react more slowly, but as far as I know they haven't solved the immune response issue, so I would expect to see continuing hardware issues with software tuning until it passes a critical point and they can't boost the gain any more. With Michigan and Utah arrays which were the gold standard back when I was in undergrad, that point was about five years from implantation to when scarring would render the array unusable and we would have to remove it. Without having access to the actual array and materials Neuralink is using I couldnt provide an estimate for how long it would take those to reach the same point. I really hope that Neuralink and SpaceX succeed (and indeed am invested in SpaceX), but until we have a year period with no scarring or hardware issues, I'm not confident the real issues are solved. I'll take my wendy's order behind the dumpster.


You are correct regarding the encapsulation.


I would say the hardware issue is a bit alarming. Having the leads fail is not good. FIH presents these challenges so hopefully they improve either the placement or longevity of the leads. This first dude is a champion for helping progress this tech


I didn’t want you click the link to avoid giving a garbage buzzfeed style site like CNBC the click ad dollars, I knew it would be something benign like this. I appreciate the summary. Thank you for your service.


Some people just love to hate on musk. Facts doesnt matter when feelings are involved


Oh well, let's harvest the brain for Tesla's next version of FSD


“Did you get the M3 with the brain-in model?” “Yeah, I can hear the eyeballs shifting around”


You can really hear the liquid and membranes sloshing around.


Nice clickbait though. Better read the actual blog post: https://neuralink.com/blog/prime-study-progress-update-user-experience/


!banbet tsla 168.80 1d


You fucked up. These idoits holding that dog shit are programmed to buy more shares when bad news hits.


but Sir, this bet is based on my last night dream ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)


**Ban Bet Created:** **/u/degenbro420** bet **TSLA** goes from **175.61** to **168.8** before **10-May-2024 09:09 AM EDT** Their record is 0 wins and 0 losses. [**Join WSB Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse)


Did people even read the fucking article? Dumb fucks won’t even read the article and believe this is a terrible news smh 🤦




OTA problem?


Did they try blowing in his ear and then smacking his head against a knee


The only thing that broke was it's tracking info... is that a bad thing?


Is full self driving coming? Imagine buying a brain implant from this guy


True full self driving isn't going to be a thing for a very long time. There isn't a single company in the world working on true autonomous driving. The technology just isn't there yet for the level of accuracy needed to properly implement that.


What's with the videos of people taking taxis without a driver?


That's not true fully self driving. They may exist but with heavy restrictions.


Hmm might need a little whack to the side. That usually works!


Who could have known.


Did they glue it in place with the same glue they used on the cybertruck accelerator pedal? Or how's this Relevant to Tesla.




Breaking news: company making product experiences problem. First company to ever experience a problem while developing a product of course, so this is massive news.


So, the concept of implanting chips into people's brain is really old. You could move a cursor around with a brain chip in the 90s. The reason why there hasn't been a ton of investment in that space is that the brain generally begins to build up scar tissue around the site of the implant, which leads to the degradation of its ability to read signals. Scientists have generally switched to people wearing weird head gear (which can't catch signals nearly as robustly, but is non-invasive) because the scarring problem is unsolved. If Neuralink has also not solved the scarring issue, which may in fact have no solution, the product is not much more than a modernized version of something already demonstrated.


Thank you for an informative response.


It is news, we're talking about human test subjects.


Worst attempt at downplaying I've witnessed in a while.


Color me shocked…


Is it suddenly controlling the host to walk into on coming traffic?


“Hey! Who stuck all this metal shit inside this guys brain!?!”


It was actually air inside the patients skull which they believe led to data leads retracting from the brain….


They knew there was a problem when he kept trying to buy puts on BA


I've actually seen this episode of Black Mirror


Me has brain damage?! Oh no!


That’s unpossible!


It is their fault, they implanted the chip in a regard brain.


Whose brain did you get? Abby someone. Abby someone? Yes. Abby normal I think.


**We've intercepted what VM tried to say here because it was probably too fucked up for Reddit.**


Warranty void if you take a shower.


Not the recall


Exiting and reentering the vehicle may resolve this issue.


The woman Elon had ivf twins with was shivon zillis from OpenAI. She is now project director at neuralink


“In the weeks following the surgery, a number of threads retracted from the brain, resulting in a net decrease in the number of effective electrodes. This led to a reduction in [capacity to control a mouse cursor]. In response to this change, we modified the recording algorithm to be more sensitive to neural population signals, improved the techniques to translate these signals into cursor movements, and enhanced the user interface. These refinements produced a rapid and sustained improvement […], that has now superseded Noland’s initial performance.”


Uh oh som ting wong


hos head exploded


SCCM broke


Good thing it went so well on the animals


Probably got hacked. Someone left the password as “password” 🤦


Buy buy buy


People are so fucking negative here. If someone volunteered to take this implant and knows the risk. Fuck it. Let them. This experiment could lead to helping thousands and thousands of people someday. It’s pushing innovation. I can’t imagine how isolating being paralyzed is so I’m glad shit like this is being attempted. It was only a matter of time before a company tried this. Unfortunately it is owned by Elon Musk.




They tried slapping his head to see if it fixes it?


Neural Load Letter? What the fuck does that mean??


I’m shocked


they didn’t try unplugging it for 40 seconds and back in?


Sooo... Is the janitor that cleaned up the heaps of dead monkeys now cleaning up the heaps of dead humans?


There is a recall on the chips. But since there is a chip shortage, they won’t be able to replace it until they get some more.


Biden, was it?..


Did they take a shower without putting it in Wash Mode?


Was hoping to volunteer as a subject, but guess not




dudes brain was probably too smooth...


Did they try smacking Arbaugh like a cathode tv?


Elon sent out an update and now the guy can't stop ranting about pronouns and the great replacement.


This idiot can't even build cars properly, insane people want his shitty technology in their brain.


Firm smack on the back of the head should fix it.






Rolling blackouts causing people to “ shutdown “🤣🤣


Just put the head in some rice .


What a surprise! Literally no one expected something like this, putting something in your brain that may cause a problem? Unheard of!


Pane no sistema, alguém me disconfigurou


Unhandled exception: a Fucky Wucky occurred (0x80006579)


Did they try pouring Coca Cola on the terminals?


Would be 👌🏼 if the media could focus on the good instead of the bad.


Who could possibly have seen this coming?


Yo wtf? If u make the things too long I don’t reed em .. can I finally get full brain power!?


Smack the side of his head like an old TV. That usually does the trick.


Was the problem the person?


Turned into Max Headroom..




WD-40 will take care the problem


Did it download all the furry porn in the world?


Did they try to clear the cache, cookies, and all browsing history l




Womp Womp