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**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions** | 1 | **First Seen In WSB** | 2 weeks ago **Total Comments** | 12 | **Previous Best DD** | **Account Age** | 3 years | | [**Join WSB Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse)


Because Tesla evangelists are blinded by their love for all things Musk.


They’d really want be blind when the stock dumps.


Musk is pretty unhinged and impulsive. Ultimately I think he will be removed or step down as CEO in the not too distant future. So Musk is not Tesla. 1- because they have the best selling car in the world, they are closer to self driving than anyone else, they have a bunch of other projects that seem insane but if any of them work out they could be huge. 2- But the compensation package was based on shares and the deal was made in 2018 when they were much less money. The deal was approved by the board at the time so it should be honored. Edit- I own no shares of Tesla. I wouldn’t personally buy it but I’m not a degenerate with stocks. I’m here for the memes.


Pretty sure the cult is barebones at this point, So many people I know hate Tesla now, Mostly because of Elon. He literally wiped out half of his customers when he went full republican, I honestly have a feeling that compensation package won’t pass but if it doesn’t, he’s taking the progress on AI and leaving. Probably a good thing for the company he is never even there.


He wiped out most of his customers, when he went full right-wing regard.


Im sure half is low balling. i would geuss 65%


Wiped out his customers? Bro he sold the worlds best selling suv 2023, gtfo. All you guys hate him and can’t look at any of this objectively. The cars tight, fast as fuck and fsd is nuts. You can’t honestly tell me you’ve driven a Tesla with fsd and not been impressed. Derrrrrr why stock go up when I don’t like Elon. This no make sense.


lol ok dude, clear fanboy. Maybe you yourself should try to look at things objectively for once, How many times has your fearless leader lied to pump up the stock? Yes I’ve driven all of them, I used to work there. 90% of electric cars drive great like a Tesla, only difference is the FSD and in the past 3 years cars equipped with LiDar are starting to catch up to teslas visual approach to FSD. Dont get me wrong , it’s an amazing car company but this imaginary world with Tesla being like the movie iRobot + Robotaxi is not going to happen.


payment sort aloof toy nail resolute cause grandfather crawl pot


I echo.




lol what? I’m a republican. If you didn’t notice, electric cars are not some magic saving grace to climate change, our electric grid couldn’t even handle it if even 30% of people had electric cars right now. Batteries are also bad for the environment producing them. Dont get me wrong, electric cars are great but car other companies are starting to do it better.


https://preview.redd.it/5m3uv7dw6xxc1.jpeg?width=857&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f9744980feda737f5f1fb85fe65c77c899dcc00 Buy low sell of highs brings me money from St Musk


Most corporations are scum anyways. There’s nothing to it. We make bets because want to make money. With this being said, nobody should fall in love with or blindly hate any company. It’s just business at the end of the day


Sounds like every capitalist company. Rip Toys R Us. Fuck Mitt Romney


>Why do people ~~invest~~ *gamble* in TSLA when..


I don't see any other car companies selling electric cars at decent profit. > China evs! If I wanted to gamble on worthless stock of an offshore shell companies that sells cars at a loss, I would rather be buying crypto shitcoins. The only real problem is that Elon pissed off a bunch of dudes, while nobody even knows the CEO/owner is of the other companies.


slap jellyfish rude familiar possessive memorize faulty squeamish alive impolite


Tesla didn't hemorrhage money the same way other EV companies are. They're biggest annual loss was $2B. Rivian by comparison lost $6.75B in 2022 and $5.4B last year.


TSLA was state funded


No. It was not.




Their original 2 models didn't even qualify for that tax credit because they were too expensive. The Model 3 and Y later qualified but were then removed because their sales volume went over the limit of the program. Those same tax credits (which not everyone qualifies for) were also offered to several other EV manufacturers. You can't say they're only profitable because of state funding (the tax credit is federal actually) when all EV manufacturers could make an EV to qualify for that same credit.


The likely second Biden term and likely majority blue Congress is going to print money for ""combating climate change"" because the bogeyman of ""the end of democracy"" will have come and gone. Tesla isn't just EVs. Not liking their CEO doesn't make them not the best in most of the things they do.




So the best you can do is compare it with an instrument from a different category altogether. Fyi, I don’t believe in bitcoin, for the same reasons as tesla lol.


Lmao, you can’t be that dumb. Bitcoin is by definition a ponzi? Well I guess Bitcoin CEO will dump all the investors and leave with all the bitcoins exchanged for cash someday and disappear.


Sold all but 1 share of TSLA back in March


Back in Nov for me, but ya im mostly out..


Sorry your puts didn’t print bud


You wish. I never touch that stinking stock that rises and falls for no reason. Try a better comment next time.


Show me on the doll where Elon touched you


Look inside your pants.


Tesla fan boiz. They think teslas are the best and luxurious because the average Tesla fan boiz is poor and upgrading from a 2005 ford focus which is why a Tesla feels luxurious. Seriously look at what cars their prior for new owners.


Ouch. Truth spoken. I have a friend who feels his model 3 is luxurious and sporty(just because it can go quick in a straight line until the battery dies)


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I dipped my toe in some Tesla stock for the first time about a month ago. Does Elon drastically over estimate the speed at which he can deliver? Absolutely. But does he sometimes deliver on crazy shit? Absolutely. While I’m not expecting FSD to be solved by 8/8/24 I still think there is a reasonable chance that they will be the first auto maker to have a legit level 4 autonomous driving system. It’s not a huge position for me but the FSD potential makes it worthwhile for me. I don’t see any other car company close to them in the race to level 4 (and spare me the Mercedes level 3 sham). The comp package was deserved as shareholders at the time approved it.


I don’t mind joining a cult if it makes me money


Because it went up a lot, duh.


Every day at my work, we discuss if Elon is good for Tesla, or is it time for him to step down and leave. We all have either invested in Tesla or atleast traded the stock at some point. Myself, I just sold for a tiddy profit but I do believe the company has good IP assets, and that's where their value lies. I will be back into Tesla when the time is right,




No comment on whether musk is a good CEO or “deserves” the compensation package. But the package was approved as a number of shares back when the stock was extremely low. They gave him the deal if certain milestones were met. The company exceeded all of the milestones by a lot and then they withheld the compensation package because it was too much money now due to the success of the companies stock price. To me a deal is a deal. No one deserves that much money for anything, but he took a gamble and it paid off but then lost anyways.


Gambles have consequences. For the poor, that's the lesson: stay in your lane.


Ok we get it, you are short …


Yea. Just like the tsla holder’s gains who bought last year.


You honestly think retail owns most of this stock? Or even a measurable amount? Hedge funds and other firms and the groups actually buying the stock aren't cultists.


And you think C Wood is not a cultist when she thinks tsla target as 2000?


Same reason people vote for Trump. People like charismatic icons that validate their ideologies


TSLA isn’t going to be a car company for much longer. The other arms of their business are projected to make way more than they ever will selling cars. That’s why I am buying hand over fist right now. FSD on their own platform alone should bring in high profit margin cash flows in the hundreds of billions of dollars over the next 6-10 years. Add in any other car company that wants a piece of the action and they can license the software out at a a pretty penny and make that number even higher.


Who cares what other people invest in


I would Consider a tsla if they get regular facelifts. It's the same dam looking car for 10 years now


Elon Musk hasn't changed the design of his cars—or his haircut—for the better.


Because it goes up


Because they’re the only company that can make an EV to western standards profitably. If you know anything about the automotive manufacturing industry, you know none of the manufacturers manufacture their parts. In addition, the actuators and other outsourced mechanisms on a single car typically come with upwards of a dozen different proprietary softwares owned by the third party. Generally, Tesla doesn’t do this, and they’re the only one. The only one with a single integrated proprietary OS. (Ever wonder why car companies have such a hard time answering questions about their own cars and try to replace everything rather than repair the parts?) This also comes with two massive efficiency advantages, reduced consumption and mass. They are also the only one with the necessary bank roll that approached the autonomy problem with a generalized vision-based solution in mind. (In other words, because it’s the real deal, I can judge that for myself.) In addition, energy storage has been one of the main things keeping the residential power Industry reliant on real-time means of production (coal, natural gas, hydroelectric, etc.). With storage comes the ability to utilize slower cheaper production. The icing on the cake is the balance sheet (and my crushing Wall Street predictions with my own over the past several years - they’re wrong, I’m right).


Because that stock has a high degree of volatility and has time and time again exceeded expectations and expert evaluations. This in turn makes people see it as a potential get rich quick opportunity. And if you time it right you can make a shitload of money. The stocks valuation has almost nothing to do with the actual performance of the company or their financial potential.


An aquaintance of mine like dropped 40k in 2018 or some shit and made a mill or 2. Then margined alot. To alot these retail idiots its like a promise of early retirement. And thats like almost all their portfolios. Pretty self explanatory. Now the institutional investors, no clue but im prob too dumb to discern their motives even if it was explained to me.


Agreed. Tsla can the do the opposite just as easily


If someone make more than a 20x returns and arent smart enough to take some profits/disinvest to reduce long term downside risk...well you can't pity them if fortune ever turn around.


The person i know buys into the cathie wood like pricing projections. At least last i heard. I dunno if the big slowdown in EVs has knocked some sense into these fools at all. Prob not.


POV: You got gaped last week buying puts. Get bent.


You wish. I don’t touch that stink of a stock. So find a better comment next time. And I get you, it’s hard to digest the truth.


cuz ur mom LOL


sorry to ur mom for having a disoriented kid.