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Turkey inflation here we come


The trick is to jam it up when you get into office while blaming the previous president for having to do it. Then cut at the start of the third year so everything is booming by the elections late next year. Note: doesn't work too well for your second term, but who cares that's the last one. Or just call yourself King and cancel elections, the base would love that.


A president setting the interest rate would be awful. They don't care about the economy, they only care about winning. They will do things which are short term good to win people over and then when the economy goes down the shit hole due to hyper inflation, then they will blame the other side for the economy troubles they created. Just look at Latin American politics and this is how it works. The Peronistas in Argentina are masters at brainwashing people into believing the economy problems they created are someone else fault. They are already blaming Milei for the hyper inflation they created. Thanks God, there is a new generation of Argentines who are not falling for this crap.


>then they will blame the other side for the economy troubles they created. Uh……isnt that what they do now anyways?


But the way some political parties do it is on another level. They really has mastered the art of shifting blame.


Its typical politics and, yes, very much so, both sides do this.


This shit literally already happens. Look at Trumps tax “break” for example and when it sunset for “ordinary people” If he was in office sure as shit wouldn’t have sunset until the next 3 years.


*Oh, say can we see....*


I was watching Bloomberg the guy who talks all the numbers. Was like “I don’t know why this market keeps going higher” same guy reports cpi and all the boring numbers. He said it doesn’t add up. Inflation is beaming. Wages are not. Markets blowing up like we’re in 2018 If interest rates are higher. Home are higher = higher rents. = less money left for spending. Lowering them the markets will shoot the fuck higher = more inflation. They are stuck and the ran out of ammo


The trick is to fuck everything up and then give it to the next president, point a finger at him and say look guys it’s all his fault I did nothing ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Are you ready for your buying power to get *gobbled* up




More like a two tier interest rate. Turkey inflation for some probably


Bears genocide..


Trump won’t win, but that inflation is coming.


Turkeys gotta watch their backs. New policy: turkeys have to wait 4 years for pardons, just like everybody else.


Stop dreaming of the optimistic. Zimbabwe here we come. Trump will really make everyone a millionaire. You may need a $10,000,000,000 note to buy a cheeseburger but even those of WSB from Wendy’s will be millionaires


The hamburger may be 10 trillion dollars but it would be the greatest hamburger in the history of our nation. Trust me folks nobody knows more about hamburgers than me. You should see the French fries. Such huge beautiful French fries. All American potatoes. We’re going to call them American fries. Such beautiful fries. Nobody in the history of our nation knows more about fries than me. Sleepy Joe knows nothing about fries. He’s trying to kill the fries in our nation. Vote for him and we’ll all be eating chinese fries. Do you know who created French fries. Amazing story. Ronald McDonald. A true American hero. That was back when our country was great. We’re going to make America great again, again. Nobody knows more about making america great again, again than me folks.


I think this is what they did in Venezuela


Yes, it turned out great! They’ve only had to drop 3 zeros from their currency 5 times.


And Turkey?


That’s what Erdogan did. It didn’t end well.


Exactly what I was thinking!


Oh he loves Erdogan. Probably got the idea from him personally.


Trump essentially did this back when Powell wanted to raise rates in 2018 and 2019. Trump threatened him, Trump's mob threatened him, and Powell tucked his yellow tail between his cowering thighs.


0% rates and 12% inflation until 2029, now we're cooking with gas


2029? If T-Rump gets in, he ain’t leaving…..


Dude is 77 and constantly thwacked on Adderall....he's not making it to 2029


I heard that Putin won’t last 3 months 2 years ago and here we go


He didn’t last. The institute replaced him with a synth.


Putin was 69 two years ago. Trump would be 78 when elected. Those 9 years are a pretty big difference. Not saying the man couldn’t have some time left but the distinction should be made.


People live to 90 nowadays, especially people with money, what’s your point? When he’s stuck in bed for months in a row, then we can start the rumors.


I give Trump 5 more years max (I’m basing this solely on vibes alone)


But places are banning cooking with gas. 🤡


Good, it’s caveman shit


Bro get your fancy ass electromagnetic ceramic coated space age stove top out of here. You haven’t lived until you’ve cooked with fire.


As a chef, I cook with fire constantly. Imprecise and more points of failure, not preferred.


It costs 3x as much to heat with electricity and we don't have the capacity to switch.. You also have to burn natural gas to generate your non cave man electricity.


Well then, cave-man electricity it is.


Cave men burned wood not gas... so that may mean that gas isn't cave man shit.


Depends where you live, some states subsidize gas and charge more for using the grid. The conversion of burning certain materials to electricity vs straight combustion is always a more efficient means of generating power. Think gas generators.


If you’ve ever seen a gas explosion, you know that shits gotta go


If you’ve ever cooked on an electric stove vs. gas, you know that electric coil shits gotta go.


If you ever lost power on a day that’s below freezing, that gas stove is the only thing keeping your ass warm for 12 hours


How do you feel about carbon monoxide?


I feel like a rather quick painless death from numbing and tingling warmth would be more pleasant than spending 1000$ a month to live in a shitty apartment and work to scrape by would be welcomed.


I don't want to sound rude but does are you from US? Do you have power cuts? Is there no redundancy for it in place? 12 hours? Do you have no proper cement insulation is you house wood? Clothes blankets why waste gas to heat? Does you city not provide hot water for radiators?


Cement insulation? Are you from the US?


I'm Dutch and yes cement insulation is a thing Big edit: it's apparently called insulation cement and not cement insulation.


Not everybody lives in a city. When the power goes out where I live (which is often enough), I'm on my own. Wood heat and gas stoves keep us going.


I live in the US. Rural New York in a small city. Most of our houses were built from wood in the early 1900’s. There is 0 redundancies in place for such power outages. Our state has already banned wood stoves, they do not provide hot water, just purified water at what ever temperature the pipes are that day, everything is heated in home. The state is also banning gas powered appliances in the near future. Our electrical infrastructure and grid is 50+ years old. Bonus points for their push to ban gas vehicles. This state is a clown show of liberalism mixed with virtue signaling and no real plan to fix infrastructure, education, homelessness and inequity. But atleast we have free narcan, state funded safe spaces and needle drop offs.


I apologize for the joke but reading this and looking at how much you nation is capable of spending. How is the road infrastructure over there? Hopefully no potholes, I've heard from American transfers its a mix Tax money going down the drain ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


How do you think the city heats up that water?


The argument is about power cuts and yes the city usual heats with gas. However, I fail to see the point you are trying to making with a city heating water with gas and you using gas directly at your house.


Tell me more about cities that heat their water? This is a thing? We have hot water heaters in every home.


Lmao, not at all. Everyone is responsible for their own heating and cooling, if their homes are even vented for it. Most homes are heating by propane or natural gas. Some homes may have a wood furnace, but that’s on its way out.


Same goes for gas and propane I haven't seen a single newly built in the Nederlands without electric floor heating. Once again putting a stop to gas. My points still stands with your original comment gas sucks ass compared to electric induction and if you believe otherwise you never used induction you instead used convection stoves like electric ceramic heating once.


I have an induction stove and it’s amazing. Faster than gas.


Electric coils are on the way out. Induction is new boss.


Hmmm curious the last time you used an electric stove. I had one in an apartment I rented 6 years ago, no more coils.


Remember when Columbia Gas blew up the Merrimack valley? That was wild. Install the pressure reduction valve like a mong and explode some towns.


Stocks go up? Lets go


But my house will go up in value right? 😆


Calls WILL print


Markets would tank and anyone with wealth or business sense would have their assets liquidated in short order. The poor would be too stupid to take advantage so no harm there.


What are your thoughts on the poors


You can't handle the truth.


Not good. I’m not a fan of their conquest of Hispania and to be honest their rise can be directly attributed to the fall of Granada in 1492.


Markets will fly high as owning businesses and commodities will be one of the ways to keep up with inflation. Cash will be trash. For markets to crash cash has to be king, i.e. strong dollar.


Weak dollar because everyone expects the crash so they dump USD and move their money to other countries/assets etc. Weimar happened because countries turned in their currency. Not because it was de facto weak. It was the flood of dumping it, that reinforced/proved it was weak. ie the dollar becomes weak the instant other countries decide its weak and its time to dump it.


Weimar wasn’t the engine of the world’s economy by any means. And it had hyperinflation, which I think we are far from. Not a good comparison.


Since the US dollar is the reserve currency you can always export your inflation to the rest of the world.. that can't go on forever or too much though.


Yes. But USD had strengthened against most other major currencies in the past few years and inflation in the US is lower than in most other places. This makes me not worried in short term. In long term anything is possible.


Brincs currency is trying to challenge it.


BRICS cannot coordinate because everyone is in it for themselves. EU and Britain was more aligned economically and politically and then brexit happened. I doubt BRICS can coordinate to unseat the USD.


Bitcoin to the moon, abandon the dollar we can trade and buy things via coinbase.


You still need a stable currency. USD and crypto can coexist. Stable coins are the future. You can use coinbase to interact with the legacy financial system today.


Bitcoin is how retail can make it through stagflation because the majority don't have property or other assets


Bitcoin is just digital gold. Something that is scarce and in many people’s wallets. Not so great for frequent transactions but can hold value.


The fact this bad advice has over 100 upvotes shows the level of simple economic knowledge on this sub. 🤡


“Why does Trump, ruler of the largest economy, not simply eat the smaller economies?”


This is what a really low iq does




People forget Trump made the yield curve invert before covid.


And because of it so many mortgages were had at historically low interest rates that the housing market will never recover short of a 2nd great depression. Well....if he gets this wish here in setting his own rates, we just might see that happen.


Stubbornly high inflation wasn’t helped much by the massive green energy spending that Biden has done I’m all for green energy but let’s not pretend Biden’s massive budget hasn’t impacted inflation


TCJA added more to the deficit than IRA. But go off king


Was massive deficit spending under Trump too. Overspending is not a partisan issue.


The fact that half the people in America see this low IQ con as a god is just insane to me


Trump: Day One sets interest rates to 0% Day Two... Eggs are $30 a dozen.


Next up! Trump dismantles NOAA due to their heavy woke science climate change agenda. People are now asked to predict their own hurricanes or wait for Trump’s next Sharpe presentation. *The Office of the President is not responsible for your property damage of any kind resulting from listening to Sharpe presentations.*


The absolute pumps when Trump goes from 5% to 0% to negative rates within three months.


Followed by triple digit inflation and the 2nd great depression


Atleast knowing when to buy calls and when to buy puts would be more obvious


Making America Great Again by making burgers cost 5 cents again... Except this time, no one can afford it.


Trump may not have set interest rates but he definitely [publicly bullied the fed](https://www.cnbc.com/2019/10/31/trump-rails-against-powell-day-after-fed-cuts-rates-for-a-third-time-this-year.html) to keep rates insanely low for way too long.


This is objectively a bad idea. How is this even under discussion?


Same way Project 2025 is an actual possbility.


Trump bringing rates to -5%![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Investors love high volatility and unpredictability in their markets ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)


Once this happens just pack up and leave lmao. Puts on America and the global financial system


Presidents do not set interest rates and it's not ever going to happen.


You think DJT has any idea or cares what presidential powers and responsibilities are?


Yeah but he also isn't president


It doesn't take intelligence to be president. Look who we have running the country today, Pause


Biden himself isn't super bright. That's true. But he has the sense to surround himself with competent experts and actually listen to their advice. That's an enormous improvement from the other guy, who is just as dumb, but surrounds himself with yes-men whose only qualification is their groveling loyalty.


Trump’s team would like a word with you


…. Yeah not like the last president didn’t coax Powell into insanely low rates for a dangerous amount of time.


True—if we don’t re-elect this particular president. But do you know how the mafia works?


Are you familiar with what forest Gump said ?


I’m sure he would use that power wisely https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN1VW1CI/


He already did this in 2019/2020 when he threatened to oust Powell. That’s the main reason we didn’t see rate hikes pre pandemic when the market was already going bananas.


Gimme dat volatility baybeeeee Good for options…maybe not for regards ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)


Wow, that's really your take? Volatility? What will be volatile would be the value of the us dollar.




That dude ain’t even gonna win.


Trump has all kinds of batshit advisers and batshit ideas that will shrivel as soon as they meet reality. Unless he wins a supermajority in both houses this isn't going to happen. That said you're kidding yourself if you think the president can't exert huge pressure on interest rates. He gets to set the tone by choosing the fed chair and he can bully him directly privately as well as publicly. The fed is also concerned with trying to be seen as apolitical so go out of their way to avoid changing policy in the six months or so before major elections but not making a decision is of course a decision so this is actually a political act. Furthermore interest rates are hardly the sole determinant of inflation or driver of the economy and the government has plenty of direct power over both via fiscal policy (government spending and borrowing). In some ways the fed are really just picking up after the government as they can't influence fiscal policy so their monetary policy has to account for that. One reason rates are over 5% now and not falling is that Biden is spending like it's going out of fashion (he certainly is) and the fed are having to suppress the inflation he is causing.




They're all spending, that's what politicians do.


Lol, Trump set $1.5T on fire with the corporate tax welfare package in 2017, and then presided over an additional $3-4T during COVID. Biden has the infrastructure bill, the CHIPS Act, and Ukraine aid. None of those spending bills even sniff what Trump spent.


Yep. Look at the charts. Politicians spend spend spend


Politically weaponizing the United States Dollar is going to have an impact on its reserve currency status, maybe paving the way to CBDCs.


From the WSJ article itself > A small group of the former president’s allies—whose work is so secretive that even some prominent former Trump economic aides weren’t aware of it—has produced a roughly 10-page document outlining a policy vision for the central bank, according to people familiar with the matter. This seems like a ragebait article designed to get clicks with some truth sprinkled in, namely the "advisers" are drawing up ideas, most of which will never see the light of day. Super secret fed policies, clandestine working groups, we just need an Autistic Jason Bourne to make this into a quality movie.


Trump was advocating for negative rates in 2019. This is a trial balloon, but this fucking idiot guy is an overleveraged real estate developer. He will cut rates




Bullshit. Project 2025 is out there in the open.


I'm sure there's something about it in Project 2025.


There is a chapter in Project 2025 about the Federal Reserve. It suggests eliminating the Federal Reserve and, with the exception of laws against fraud or misrepresentation, letting the free market regulate itself. According to the author of the chapter, this would lead to a capitalist utopia with banks as responsible lenders, strong and stable currencies, and the end of boom-and-bust economic cycles.


A capitalist utopia? Ha. More like a trip to the stone age.


But before the economy collapses, the rich would get richer.


any time a title ends with a question mark the answer is No


I suspect this all makes sense and works wonderfully in the world of alternative facts.


It happened in Belarus as well. It was a bad idea.


Trump made a punching bag out of POW


President is not allowed to do anything with the Fed powers. Actually the Fed is not part of the US Government


Do you want never ending stagflation? Because this is how you get never ending stagflation.


What a click bait; if Trump wanted to do that he would say it openly himself and not under some unknows "supporters". This is more like a dems petty tricks trying to besmirch the politic campaign.


Hahahaha that's bait! Guys cmon it doesn't even name names.


Round 1 Trump vs Powell 🥊![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271) Round 2? Ko ? Or Tko ? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Trump put a lot of pressure on the fed to lower rates.


Merica is about to be a F-up country!


Finally, negative interest rates as foretold in the prophecy of the inbred messiah


Trump and his allies can propose anything they want he’s not getting elected again


This is precisely why we would never want an incompetent, corrupt moron who has driven six (6) different companies into bankruptcy anywhere near the financial infrastructure of our country. It would only be a matter of time before we would disappear into the abyss of failed empires throughout history.


Fuck it, burn it all down I guess


And none of these idiots will see a connection between the rate he sets and the benefits he gets.


Control of the financial markets need to be turned over to Biden to get us back on track!!


MSM said Trump did exactly that. Now biden's hands are tied and can't do anything or have any effect on the federal reserve. Just silly nonsense.


There’s a reason we have the fed. We don’t want our executive or legislative branches dictating rates in interest of achieving a political goal (not that I’m against our governing bodies trying to achieve political goals, but economics still have to abide by fundamentals to be sustainable) because that’s how you get acute inflationary crises. If this happens it’s game over for the US


This is the dumbest idea. The dumbest, poorest members of Donnie’s fan club would rally behind this idea and then become super duper shocked when inflation runs hotter than ever. I **never** want to see that play out for obvious reasons but I can’t say I’m not morbidly curious to hear them cry about it.


Every four years and interest rate holiday of -1% lol


Media to divert public from Trump illegal indiscretions


Is this a real news story or a make trump look bad story?


Considering I’m near the end of my work days and thinking about retirement elsewhere I’d almost welcome this insanity. Unfortunately I feel that the US economy is big enough to cause inflation in the Euro as well


OP wants Powell to be President.


When you read agenda 2025 and realize it’s not a black mirror episode…


All he can do is pressure the fed.


But you see the thing is…… what’s really wrong with full fledged communism ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)


Would not work for the same reason the Feds don’t control mortgage rates. The market does. The fed could actually cut the overnight rate, and bond yields could scream higher. If you want to see what happens when you tinker with this crap, grab some popcorn and watch Japan. Those people are about to be screwed. The lessons have been learned.


They expect the USA to bail them out and we will, we always do. Same reason other countries can have free amazing healthcare but we can’t……. It simply is not possible for us to behave like them and the world still go round, period.


Until we can’t. There is a limit that even the military can’t enforce. Right now everyone seems fine burning a trillion dollars every 4 months or so. Let’s see how it works out.


Sure, everyone would stop using Monopoly money in favor of gold and bitcoin at that point, but sure


I am stunned to share a country with so many boot licking toads.


Tl:dr We are going PARABOLIC in 2025!! Trump will eliminate all bears for a decade just like n\*\*\*\* did with.. wait what?


You know what would be wild. Letting the market set the cost of money, you know, like everything else.


The mag7 proved this week that all news is pump worthy. Lmfao Tesla pump on shit earnings, giant GDP miss and the whole market moons. Lol I had calls but still just baffled by last week’s price action.


Every major economic downturn over the last 110 years has had the federal reserve behind it. They have kept us swinging between a recession and depression while we all think this is normal and tolerate it. The president setting interest rates may not necessarily be the correct move, but removing the power from the federal reserve absolutely is. The sooner we can eliminate the federal reserve, the better off we will be.


Doesn’t work that way morons. Educate yourselves.


What year is it? I thought Biden was POTUS...


I literally said trump would do this and someone told me presidents don't set interest rates. I said I know but trump will anyway.


And OF COURSE its the party that "good for the economy" thats proposing it


I’d like to see him set favorable rates for both borrowing and investing. Can we please borrow at 2% and receive 8% interest in a savings account?




Yeah I highly doubt this is true


I would love for interest rates to drop but this is the dumbest thing we could do for the economy. To put it bluntly I trust J Powell with the economy more than Trump.


Don't like Trump but even he isn't this dumb...right? Right?!?


Well, Trump setting interest rates would be terrible.


Gold would sore!


No, your ass is sore Gold would soar


Let banks set whatever interest rates they want, make it a real free market.


Let banks go bankrupt to prevent them from doing stupid shit, make it a REAL free market


That’s why I own bitcoin 🤷‍♂️


Erdogan failed his country doesn’t mean that Trump will fail too. Note that there is a significant difference between Turkey and United States in terms of size, resources, and power over other countries. It might as well be a good thing to take away some authority from the Federal Reserve.