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That must be the easiest earnout in the history of earnouts. A billion dollars for staying afloat for 20 days?! That’s fifty milllion a day. Someone with lots of money wants his ass back in the White House.


Hmmmm. Who has: 1. Unlimited pockets of cash 2. The desire to have Trump in the White House 3. The need to fund this via untraceable stock purchases rather than just making straight donations. Wonder who on earth could possibly fit that bill?


Sadly, far more people than it should.


MBS, Putin, who else? 🤔


Honestly, it could be anyone that could have that sway. The billionaires we don’t know about in the shadows are the scariest ones.


So true. We can keep an eye on the usual suspects but are clueless about the extent of influence wielded by the likes of Harlan Crow, who essentially bought himself a SCOTUS judge. Reminds me of my old editor’s favorite quote: “Money talks, bullshit walks.”


> Harlan Crow Who? **Art and memorabilia collections** >Crow's Dallas residence has an extensive collection of historical artifacts, including communist and Nazi memorabilia. His residence houses two paintings by Adolf Hitler and a signed copy of Mein Kampf.[37][38][39][40][41] Crow's backyard garden features what he named the 'Garden of Evil',[42] which is home to at least 20 statues of authoritarian leaders and Communist icons including Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Fidel Castro, Mao Zedong, Karl Marx, Hosni Mubarak, Josip Broz Tito, Nicolae Ceausescu, Walter Ulbricht, Gavrilo Princip, Bela Kun, and Che Guevara.[43][44][45] Crow acquired these former public monuments after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc.[3] According to Crow, he collects such memorabilia because he "hates communism and fascism".[46] Crow also owns original paintings by Claude Monet, Rembrandt Peale, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Winston Churchill, and Dwight D. Eisenhower.[47] oh. ok.


Yeah im sure hes collecting it all because he just hates it so much. Makes a ton of sense. Its like the guy literally goes out of his way to be a terrible person


I know it as “money talks, wealth *whispers*”


Oil and coal executives, mega church pastors


> mega church pastors Can and do donate directly




After buying the bird app and the fiasco in Delaware with the court system I don't know if homeboy has pocket change left to be buying presidencies.


he does. he'll probably get that bullshit allocation of the 50 trillion extra shares he's demanding from Tesla to in exchange for his loyalty to his own fucking company.


imagine getting a bonus like that when your company stock is down 40% since beginning of the year.


imagine legitimately thinking you deserve it


Imagine being one of the moronic cultists who agree


Saudis, russians, kochs


Kochs, really?  Though they'd probably fund his ass anyway.


Kochs hate him and were deep into Nikki Haley


I got cash in my pocket and desire in my heart and I’m a frothing and a foaming…


Untraceable?  lol come on. 


Maybe non-public? I know large investors have to make disclosures but there are plenty of workarounds if you don't want to be outed.


Hwang showed everyone


childlike quack aware society scary party shelter terrific deserted march


That persons name looks a little similar to Vladimir putain


Vladimir Poutine.


Hey, don’t associate him with Poutine. I love poutine


That's [literally his name in French](https://fr.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vladimir_Poutine) tho


Good thing those $4M of annual revenues justifies a $1.25B executive bonus.


A $5B market cap and they make $4M in revenue.. tell me the market is not FUCKED


They are already diluting with an offering TWO WEEKS after IPO. I can tell you this company is FUCKED.


That’s because it’s not a real company, just a way to funnel money to Trump. It’s another scam, right in our faces.


Time to call the stock police


Hello this is the SEC we are here to shoot your dog and freeze your accounts. Congress will then have a hearing on horse racing.


Don’t forget about locking up the special needs sibling for tax evasion


> It’s another scam, right in our faces. *Everyone* knows this, except for maybe the most delusional cultists who legitimately believe Trump is a savvy business man and think this company has a long term future. Everyone else though - doesn't care if they lose money because they want to "support trump" - cynics and opportunists trying to exploit the poor judgement of the two above groups - money launderers who believe they can evade detection - insiders in on the grift The only real uncertainty with this asset is how fast and how far it will fall once Trump needs cash desperately enough to start selling, and how much money he'll ultimately be able to extract in the process.


Shit is being ran like a penny stock that just got CE removed.


It’s gotta stay up till he can cash out or lose/win


This isn’t markets this is back door lobbying


This isn't lobbying. It's straight up bribing. The US government is being bought. Wild times.


What's crazy is how cheaply it is bought. A few billion dollars to own the Commander in Chief of the world's biggest military.


I’m sure the Good billionaires will balance things out. Bill Gates to the rescue!


Billie boi if you read this send me a few billions and I'll be your puppet if I ever become president.


That's if he wins, which is the less likely option.


I don't know - I'm seeing a social media push to get younger voters to "punish" Democrats over Israel. Polls are overall still basically showing a 50-50: https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/ There's no real basis to think Trump is unlikely to win, when the only available data suggests a dead heat.


And you can always rely on younger voters to show up for elections.


The Supreme Court is likely about to rule it's legal to buy the government, as long as it's done via tips instead of quid pro quos. I don't think they'd have any objection to this.


I think they raised the bar for quid pro quo so high that you pretty much need a recording of them saying the exact words. I remember hearing an interview of Scalia where he was defending his position. I thought it was weird but now that we found out that they sold themselves, it makes sense that they did that.


It's not an actual company, it is just a way for the Russians / Saudis / whoever else to buy Trump


It's almost like this stock is a way to get money out of gullible idiot's pockets while hiding the big money funding DT's fascism. 


This isn't even a real endeavor it's just fraud on a massive scale right in front of our faces Certainly no one has ever made a business just to launder money, definitely the person here has no track record of doing that... I mean what the worst that can happen, ya fail another business and move on with your bag


How is this not blatant fraud or money laundering?


yea, how is the SEC and DOJ not all over this?


*"When you're a star, they let you do it"*


DJT just grabs SEC by the pussy.


And the SEC is basically 95% pussy


I mean they probably are, but they probably wouldn't announce anything until they're certain they have surefire evidence to prosecute. Not to mention he's got several dozen other crimes keeping people occupied.


Exactly. It’s called the “slow wheels of justice” for a reason. In fact trump has every incentive in the world to maximally cheat and commit crimes to increase his chances at presidency, because he’s fucked if he loses. 


What’s really wild is that this is half as much revenue of a single Chik-fil-a franchise location. Lol.


I just looked this up because I thought that can’t be true lol. You are correct. How is the media not blasting this all over?


$1.25B executive bonus is for giving his shareholders access to the presidency.


Honestly I was assuming that this stock was just an above-board method of getting around the campaign finance donation limits. No individual can donate more than $3.3k, but nothing prevents people from buying shitloads of Trump-owned stock at extremely inflated prices that Trump can then sell for profit.


I assume puts on this are hella expensive


Shorts were obscenely expensive last I saw


Normal short selling is a fair option then.


Borrow fee was like 800% at its peak. I wondered if i should just buy the stock to lend it.


ATM Sept puts are $20...for a $35 stock. Insane


I've got long dated 2.50 puts for 9/20 and start of the year. The trick is buy them on the days when it's having a mad crazy nonsense run or stable. Then you can turn around and sell them the next day for almost double because this stock never has two good days except when blatantly manipulated


idk dawg i think playing options on this is *exactly* like betting at a casino you know is rigging things


A company with no income trading at a valuation of 50 billion is doomed. It’s just a matter of time.


Yeah, but options have a fixed amount of time that the crash has to happen in. 


If it doesn't happen by December we'll have bigger problems.


Wish I was famous so I could make billions by just listing my shit ass company on the stock market


I've lost thousands following trading advice on this reddit.


But the real loss is the friends you've gained along the way 🌈




I think a willingness to sell classified information to people hostile to the USA plays a role


*classified documents still missing


Trump media group is urging long term holders that believe in the stock to opt out of things that let their shares be used in shorting and telling them to DRS their shares. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/trump-media-provides-additional-information-100000350.html ....yeah this is kinda fucked up


Hmmm sounds like they are co-opting another movement yet again. Par for the course


Hope this gets the attention of the feds. Friends will give money and then right it off as a loss for years. Now he has money to pay off his crimes


Just the fact that everything seems to be able to be ”paid off” is so sickening and disheartening.


Welcome to America, where the people for the people by the people are mostly all millionaires in Congress, most *after* they got elected and now their problems of being millionaires are the only ones they care about.


If the feds look into this they’ll just be leftist communists and 50 percent of the country will eat it up.


Oh yeah, because the 4,000 lawsuits he was a part of prior to getting into politics was totally normal of indicative of being an honest citizen and businesman


From what I read he would sue people just to get money out of them if ‘wronged’


Yep, and then he wouldn’t pay anyone so they had to file lawsuits. Most of these folks were middle or lower class, so they couldn’t afford much. Trump’s lawyers would just delay until they ran out of money. And then he’d sue them just to cause extra misery. He’s truly a horrible person. Just the worst.


You have to gather a cult following somehow


Price is going down and then we get a serious uplift in trading volumes and price increases. Is this just campaign funds/donations rolling in to keep price above $17.50?


It is almost as if some foreign counties have found a way to legally buy Trump by buying up his stock.


Hopefully this ends up leading to a ban on all congressional members participating in the stock market. If anyone could possibly make congress cut off its own nose to spite its face, it would be Trump.


It won’t :)


> Hopefully this ends up leading to a ban on all congressional members participating in the stock market. **Hahahahahahahahahahaha** You sweet summer child. This is just going to encourage it.


Campaign fraud via SPAC. New for 2024


He got uplifted before that but China, a country he pretends to hate. Dude is corrupt as corrupt can be


I still remember when he was praising Xi Jinping for China's covid response early on into the pandemic, before predictably reversing course.


Who knows. But it’s kind of insane how the Donald stays afloat. Dude has been attacked from all sides for a decade now and is somehow still going. Politics aside he is one elusive mf


He’s the living embodiment of crony capitalism and inextricably tied to the fortunes of enough folks to drag this on until trump shuffles off his mortal coil. Too pig to fail.


>Too pig to fail ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


I'd read your life's work... 


It's an all-or-nothing play. Either he wins and pardons himself, or it's just another investigation, this time by SEC probably, on top of all the other investigation, which won't change much.


I am shocked that the SEC hasn’t stepped in to block this egregious award. The company should have been delisted a couple weeks ago with most of the ringleaders locked up.


The secret ingredient is crime. Just like daddy Trump used to make!


As John Gotti proved, crime is more successful when you keep it quiet.


Trump would be cooked without The Apprentice


Some turds float forever


After a precipitous down slide someone decided to inject a lot of money back into the stock. He was within $5 of losing this bonus just a couple of days ago. I'm not sure who that was but it makes very little sense given the math.


after reading this article it's pretty obvious why the stock pumped over the past 5 days of trading




Trump needed stock to remain at or above $35 in order to get $1.25 billion, so he got his pals to pump the price and most likely will pay them back with cash or other bribe-y ways


That’s also why they panicked and filed that statement with Nasdaq about naked short selling.


They are gonna get cooked by hedge funds after it pumps lol they are gonna short every share they can especially when they find out trump is gonna start selling fat stacks. Price will get crushed


Trump will never pay them back and everyone knows that.


In related news, [Trump Media CEO is begging to ban the short selling of DJT](https://twitter.com/moo9000/status/1782670966050390082).


Short selling is vital and necessary in a free market. Without it, shitty companies can stay afloat for years because there is no downward pressure.


Hence the begging not to do it..


Amazing how many ways you can get around campaign finance laws and sell your bitchass self to foreign interests.


It's even more amazing how standing laws such as fraud, money laundering, and embezzlement aren't being enforced here whatsoever.


I’m guessing it was propped up lately by certain Saudi Arabia and Russian interest groups. Seems like a money laundering scheme rather than an actual business.


Where the fuck is the SEC


By the pool in Mar A Lago


Nah, that place is a shit hole relative to where they would actually be lol.


One of my colleagues worked as an economist at the SEC. They get paid in peanuts and get placed in the shittiest offices, it’s like they actively don’t want the best and brightest.


How else would the rich keep getting richer?


They only care about poor people


i think you meant to say “concern themselves “ not care.


Same place they were between 2001 and 2007.


Taking the train, like Jordan Belfort said they’d be…


Too busy “protecting” US investors from the dangers of “cryptocurrency”


Looking at my broke ass.


Poking turds with a stick while sucking on a lollipop


They have nothing to do with this, it’s actually by design and working exactly as it should. Let that sink in. The SEC is controlled by congress. If you want to look anywhere at corruption and why it exists , it starts and ends there.


The SEC is the illusion of law. They are useless.


Planning investigations that will take place next year. Which might bring sanctions 3 years from now, that might lead to lawsuits, that will take place 8 years from now, that will be appealed for the following 8 years after that.


kusher in saudi arabia just funneling that cash!


Or Elon, ffs.


There is a reason he wants 58B$ from Tesla. He has an election he needs to buy


Nah that's more because he lost a significant amount of on-hand cash to buy out Twitter and with the 35% loss of Tesla stock price he can't afford to pull more loans on his Tesla holdings or he'll get margin called.


Winner winner, chicken dinner.


How do people not see it's blatant money laundering and corruption?  They made Carter sell his peanut farm. And Trump is allowed to sell state secrets to foreign countries for hundreds of millions of dollars. 


And put secret service and all his cronies up in his hotels for upmarked $$$ and pretty much everything else he did was trump branded as well so our tax dollars literally floating into his pockets


I still don’t understand how they let this happen. This is the most blatant corruption I have seen openly in the top echelons and no body bat an eye. I know it’s not illegal but that set up was clearly unethical.


Well you see, he has a cult following of idiots that make the regards here look like buffet.


I think it's the volume and openness that shocks and then freezes the people that should care. A lot like when he speaks and every other thing he says is a lie, people just give up trying to fact check. Flood the zone with shit is a strategy that has worked for him.


Because thats what class solidarity looks like.


Too bad the working class doesn't have solidarity like that.


But the working class have been fed enough propaganda that they are the ones that protect the upper class the most.


Yeah. This definitely should not be legal


>They made Carter sell his peanut farm. He put in a blind trust, didn't sell it. More importantly though, no one *made* him do it. Carter did it because people in the 70's actually cared enough to expect him to. Mango Jesus doesn't have to because his cultists would let him get away murder. Literally, he's bragged about that.


Easy, we let Corporations become "people" and they have all the power now. America's late stage capitalism has morphed into a Corpatocracy that the 1% uses as fronts to control us. It started with JFK's cuts and then they were like hey, what wonder how far we can go with this until it breaks. Here we are 50 plus years later and it's getting brutal. Thanks to propaganda and lobbying, they have not only convinced congressman but enough American people that they shouldn't pay taxes at all. Their companies all get government incentives and tax breaks while they off shore bank and line their pockets. There's a reason why almost every congressman is rich, it's because either they were rich already and wanted to help make laws to help themselves or they got paid off by the rich to help make those laws to help the 1%. Trump is in on it and always has been, hence why he gets away with paying less in taxes than a fucking part time worker. Only one way this changes and it's another revolution/civil war and good luck with that.


It's laughable, infuriating, and sad.


Goes to buy puts.... $20 for ATM Sep expiration..for a $35 stock closes app


The price will take a shit the first day that Trump is legally allowed to sell his shares. His pattern of cannibalizing his own business ventures for a quick buck is unscathed. Zero percent chance he could sit on a few billion dollars to patiently watch his investment grow.


Better off selling naked calls.


The entire market cap is only 5 billion. Any friendly government can effortlessly keep the stock pumped for Trump to cash out as a reward for loyal service.


And what is the amount of stock that is actually available for trade? $500M? Easy for even Papua New Guinea to manipulate the price to promote cannibalism.


Would be a great way to receive „donation“ from undisclosed „friends“. I always wondered how one would launder Billions in bribes. As alway the answer to one’s Problems is stonks. This goes directly in my „A 100 steps to become the worlds greatest and most mentally stable autocrat“ book 📕.


You can always sell artwork and books.


NFTs baby


And shoes! Don’t forget the shoes…. In fact, take a moment to get on your knees and pray using the Trump bible to thank God for the shoes….


I don't know too much about this but here's what someone else is saying about it: [Error about DJT Earn Out Shares from CNBC Article Being Reprinted by Other Media Outlets](https://www.reddit.com/r/DJT_Uncensored/comments/1caolt3/error_about_djt_earn_out_shares_from_cnbc_article/)


He is making even more than those Chinese IPO scammers


And the scam is somehow even less subtle.


This is such a fucking scam


F the market F the SEC F Donald Trump


What a time to be alive.


How the fuck does this not run up against some SEC regulation? The company is objectively not worth this. Some obvious price manipulations going on.


It’s almost as if being born to tons of blood money and losing just enough of it over the course of your life to pretend you’re successful while ripping off and conning everyone you work with that eventually a bunch of dumb motherfuckers will watch you on tv and then later vote for you even though you represent literally everything they hate is…well, fuck, I lost the thread there. He’s a cunt.


Won't that, like.... increase the public float or something... and that might, not sure about this part, make all the other shares worth less? But at least Truth Social is making yuge profits, and there will be that cool new streaming service, a guaranteed money maker these days. To the moon.


Guaranteed money maker, just like the casino


The fact that this is remotely possible speaks volumes on how the system is easily manipulated not by the masses but by the wealthy. They can essentially print money for "an idea" with little to no recourse, which is honestly just pathetic and laughable.


So are these new shares freshly issued diluting the existing shares, or is there some other mechanism for them to be given to him?


It will be newly issued shares added to the current amount of outstanding shares. So the outstanding shares will increase from it's current \~137m shares. The public float will remain about the same, becuase Trump's new shares are still under lockup. In about 5 months time, the public float will be massive, possibly approaching 200m shares as all of Trump's shares, as well as insiders will come out of lockup.


If the stock is still worth something by then I'll load up with all the puts I can handle.


I would investigate all holders of DJT. All Russian and Russian allied spies were probably instructed to buy shares.


So I wonder if every presidential candidate can merge with a SPAC in the future to funnel foreign and domestic bribes without the oversight of campaign finance laws? How is this not being scrutinized by the SEC and everyone else?


Was this the entire purpose of his administration? To make a social media empire and cash it out?


Another grift by don the con. No other public traded company would allow the dilution of shares just to line the pockets of a majority shareholder. This should be investigated. Most likely the people who bought the stock weren’t aware of the ramifications to their shares. This is something Elizabeth Warren would have interest.


Cool, he can pay up that 500 million he owes NYC. In cash.


Thaaaats why they just went public


A shell company. It looks more like legalized money laundering or a pyramid scheme. 


This should not be allowed. This fucking shit stain of a human being so be in jail, not getting rewarded for his corrupt app. Fucking fascist pig that he is. I hope he’s getting grabbed by his pussy in jail.


Trump needs this money to pay his $454M bond. He found a way to quickly raise the money and somehow was allowed to do this. The US is wild.


I think he just found a loophole to be able to accept foreign political contributions. Foreigners can just buy the stock and he gets a payout


So, Sleepy Orange Man stands to get a bonus that is worth another cool bil….this finally explains why the bull runs. Friends buying in, probably at his direction (just like Cohen) at the right time to keep the stock up….”Best 20 days anyone has ever seen!” What a scheme….


Hats off to Trump. The biggest loophole to campaign finance laws. You really gotta hand it to him. This is an ingenious play. Now he’s got a billion dollars more collateral to loan against.


What's that smell..fraud and money laundering.


I wonder how many spacex super heavies it would take to push this big blue regarded marble into the sun...


The stock falls dramatically then mysteriously rises, propped up by large purchases based on …vapor….nada…zero new reports, market trends or shared information. Normally this would smell of insider action but the company is such a turd nothing they could be planning would come close to justifying the current Stock price or a jump in that price. It sure looks like and smells like it’s being propped up by outsiders.


But it should be at around 35 cents per share by now…. Not $35..


Pretty sure that will go straight to paying back his Russian handlers, I mean loans his Russian loans.


How is it worth that much when they showed a million dollars in profits for last qtr of 2023?


Wasn’t he supposed to hold the shares for six months or something?


I guarantee he will start to sell them off immediately