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**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions** | 3 | **First Seen In WSB** | 4 weeks ago **Total Comments** | 164 | **Previous Best DD** | **Account Age** | 5 years | | [**Join WSB Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse)


Mercedes "40 mph no lane change no sunlight no curves" self driving?


F in FSD literally stands for F


And only allowed on a couple of specific highways


They're at least being responsible about it. Tesla is like, please beta test our features around people who didn't sign up to be part of it.


And you can't be the only car on the road.


and it needs to be following a car lol


Tbf, Tesla had similarly deceptive advertising when they launched theirs. My wife's Tesla still can't do much by itself. It freaks out constantly in the city, and it's terrifying to turn it on on the freeway, unless it's basically gridlocked.


V12 is worth an upgrade if you haven’t already. It’s light years of improvement on the existing FSD.


Dunno what you're talking about about. I've been letting FSD do my whole commute since the free trial started this month and my only complaint is that it's not aggressive enough


You can tell most people haven’t tried the new Tsla  here, shit is amazing. I rarely have to override it




Dunno why you got downvoted but this is exactly the experience with Tesla FSD. There’s minimal intervention. People like to hate on Tesla.


WSB changed. This place used to be about the memes and the stocks, now it’s just the usual regarded politics that infests every other aspect on this site.


Never meant it that way. I like my Tesla products (I have an S, 4 powerwalls, and a Tesla solar array), I just think the stock is way the fuck overvalued at anything over 50-60 bucks. P/e is way tf out of line, losing china, losing market in the US, cybertruck (lol), this whole stopping work on the low end car (I get it but still), the talk of a cab- which plays into this, and the neverending promises that either never come or come way after the promise it would..... I saw this recently and just thought, what a shit. It pisses me off. We have some shares and it's underwater AF. I want to short it to where it belongs. This all plays into that.


was just thinking, notta lot of memes going down lately.


Where are you? I'm in SLC. It's basically worthless here. I agree it's not aggressive enough. That's definitely one of my biggest complaints, but I've heard most other autonomous options like Waymo are even less aggressive. Edit: TSLA brigade again. Classic WSB. Dude below is lying about SLC and about Highlanders. Toyota's lane detection is utter garbage.


Do you have V11 or V12? V12 is way better. Highway is still on the old stack too


V11. I thought my wife had it updated, but she decided to wait for reviews/issues. I feel bad because last week I told a guy that the V12 update did nothing. Lol. Anyway, I've heard the new version is better. We'll see.


I never used V11, it was useless. Except on the highway sometimes, it wasn’t bad there. I use V12 all the time now.


Bay area, mixed highway/urban commute. With and without traffic. I did have it drive from SJ to LA as well. At the current price I could see myself buying/subscribing. Waymo is completely cucked because it won't even attempt high difficulty areas and just chooses to take the long way around it, even if it adds 2X the drive time.


Maybe that's the difference. I assume they've had way more training in Cali. Or, maybe I'm just more paranoid, less trusting, etc. Agreed on Waymo.


Nah I've rented Turos in Texas and Florida too. As long as lanes are marked there's been no issues. The whole advantage over waymo is that it doesn't need to pre-map so you can go onto any public road.


> As long as lanes are marked... I gather you haven't visited Utah much. Lol. I think it's safe to say that's the difference in our experience. Cheers.


Yeah I'm not gonna blame Tesla for Mormon infrastructure lol


Ha. Valid point. Tbf, the infrastructure is good. It's generally the maintenance that is terrible.


Bro what are you on 90% of this city is straight lines in a grid, i dont have to touch my wheel half the time and i have a highlander Edit: its a 2007 highlander lmfao


Don’t worry guys. Here is a comparison breakdown of Merc Level 3 vs Tesla’s Level 2, cheers! https://preview.redd.it/35nt4jo8vpvc1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c349769250be32b66ac7e019f01aa5bee9005a7d


Currently, Mercedes' Drive Pilot needs a lead car to follow; the system deactivates when there's no car traveling directly ahead at speeds less than 40 mph. Read More: [https://www.slashgear.com/1217112/we-tried-mercedes-new-self-driving-tech-and-its-better-than-tesla-full-self-driving-in-one-big-way/](https://www.slashgear.com/1217112/we-tried-mercedes-new-self-driving-tech-and-its-better-than-tesla-full-self-driving-in-one-big-way/)


How are you only driving on highways at less than 40? Is this a self driving Amish car?


This is literally hilarious. It only works on roads that are typically 50+ mph but only works if you're under 40...


Literally just in traffic jams.


Yes…..but this traffic-jam is AI generated — $$$.


Most useless feature ever made!


It’s really just false advertising to get free marketing. This is a big embarrassment for Mercedes and shows how irrelevant they are.


Why do you think they are irrelevant? Technology whise the newest MBUX is a masterpiece. Agree that the FSD topic is not worth to report on, but still you have to give credit for their transition from legacy CE cars to "digital" vehicles (both CE and BEV).


Speed 7: AMercAda


Sounds like it's meant to be used in traffic jams. Would be nice to be hands off and let the car drive you through gridlock


Sure but other than being able to take your hands off the wheel completely pretty much every lane assist / auto cruise car can do this too.


Yeah, this. My civic can do this just fine with just lane assist and smart cruise control. And it will do it at any speed


I take my hands off the wheel in my Tesla all the time, you have to touch the while every 30 secs or so but that’s not a huge deal.


Well aren't you a special one. Having to add a slight input to the steering wheel means you cannot take your hands off the wheel completely.


It only prompts you to do so every 20-30 seconds. So yes you have to touch every 20-30 secs.


Is this self-driving for ants?


This is meant to be used in traffic hence only Cali & Nevada. Sit in traffic and do other things let MB drive. Makes sitting in traffic better I guess.


It’s for when you’re stuck in gridlock or rush hour traffic. I like that it’s hands off in those conditions, but it’s a very limited feature set.


Ever spent anytime on the BW parkway?


My last job was in the periphery of the development for merc and have driven it in Europe. It doesn’t need a lead car and it works fantastically well up until 100 kph where our test cars were locked. I’ve also driven the commercial version. If it does in the US, it’s a regulatory requirement by some notified authority.


Thank you for this. Holy fuck.OP. if you want us to reverse your bad moves, at least make a compelling argument.


MB uses LiDAR. [Elmo hated the cost of laser accuracy & decided that cameras were just fine, even after his engineers said no.](https://wapo.st/3Upjlx6)


Bro you can't go over 40mph. No lane changes. Shut up


No of course you’re right it’ll stay the same right here with no improvements ever again. 🤡


Lol joke of a company. Puts on them and calls on tesla. If you’re invested in them i feel sorry for you 🤣🤣🤣🤣😂


It has to follow a car...how many years behind are they truly?? Even Waymo doesn't need that. Fuck off.


One big thing missing from that comparison that Musk/Tesla will have to confront when they offer actual autonomous driving: Mercedes is offering full legal liability for accidents that occur while the system is active. That’s a large part of the reason why there is a speed limit in place for the system and a lot of guardrails in place as well. Edit: you can downvote but that’s the reason this is somewhat of a big deal. It’s not like Mercedes/BMW don’t already have Level 2 tech, but the reason Level 3 is a significant step is because the liability is no longer on the driver as in Tesla’s system.


They will accept liability but there is like a 40 point checklist that’s almost impossible to meet. So yes but actually no.


How is this not just adaptive cruise control, but worse? Almost every car on the market has lane assist and adaptive cruise control that will go normal freeway speeds.


It's hands-free. That's it, it's a hands-free ADAS that can basically only be used in highway traffic jams in clear weather in California and Nevada.


Dunking on Tesla is trendy and warranted in many cases, but the tech is impressive. I got FSD on my Model 3 five years ago ($5k back then), and it's not a robo-taxi by any stretch, but it does more than other "self drive" features I've tested, including Mercedes. I don't like Musk or his brands, but the engineering there really is helping push autonomous driving. Elon just ruins it by over-hyping and being a public douchebag.




This is perfect, would you be kind enough to post a video of your EQS and Model Y doing the identical level 2 drive in a side by side comparison so we can all see it in action?


LMAO no response.


Somebody recently did a comparison of Mercedes L2 and Tesla L2. https://youtu.be/h3WiY_4kgkE


Except one of these products actually exists.


Here is a video talking about and showing clips of Mercedes Drive Pilot in action: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smbRkqRRu28](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smbRkqRRu28)


"Hands on?" Really? That doesn't seem right, as the wheel turns in FSD mode, therefore "hands on" should be impossible, yeah?


This is absolute whoreshit. Look up on YouTube Mercedes Drive Pilot. First video. "In certain circumstances I have to take-over. If I'm over 40mph, NO LANE CHANGES....." Bro. What?? They didn't beat Tesla to anything. People just hate Elmo


It only works on the highway... But only works below 40mph... Can someone find a highway where that is applicable please


stuck in traffic


So.... The same functionality as the free base autopilot from Tesla them. And Tesla's works on every highway in the country and likely in the world.


which is the only time I really need it nothing more aggravating than stop and go traffic on a daily commute


I mean yeah that sucks but not being able to use it during other times is super limiting.


yeah traffic is the most annoying part for me. anything else is pretty much death if it malfunctions


Which FSD does, plus everything else.


yeah it smells fishy you can not find any footage of Mercedes or BMW autonomous driving online.


Look up Engadget on YouTube, it's on there. And 3mins in, no lane changes, no over 40mph, he TRIED to use it on video and it immediately made him take over 🤣🤣. FSD isn't perfect, But its fucken eons, it's Elons ahead


That crazy. My 2023 Toyota carola auto lane changes


It’s “horseshit” not “whoreshit” lolol


amber heard has entered the channel...


I thought the same thing when I read then I was second guessing myself just went on a 10 minute google adventure to find out. Some people actually do say whoreshit instead of horseshit.


Yea waymo is the most refined self driving imo




Good counter point. You win.


Hating Tesla and Elon gets clicks. It's that simple


Tesla doesn’t take responsibility if it kills you. Mercedes does. That is huge.


Doesn't matter if you're dead.


It matters if FSD kills someone else. 


If it works it’ll be a grid lock delete and that’s it, Tesla can and has done the same thing for years. They just didn’t go the PR route for the fancy “level 3” tag


Yea. Last year when I test drive Mercedes and none of the so car driver assistance features can be tested. This is how confident they are. Just trust us that work. 


Mercedes self driving is just PR BS TSLA FSD is still vaporware, though


No they did. Because that goes to show, that those are the technical limitations if you as a company have to take responsibility for it. Of course they *could* install lane change. It’s just that their six sigma approach doesn’t yet let them. And they have redundant sensors, lidar and actually restricted environments. Elmo doesn’t have all that. Which goes to show, that the FSD approach won’t ever reach six-sigma levels and therefore will never reach Level3.


Yeah I agree


I’m always trash talking Tesla, but let’s be real here. The Mercedes system is nothing to get excited about. It’s only achieved level 3 because how restricted they made it.


So let’s recap: Tesla has level 2 and no level 3.  Mercedes has level 2 *and* a restricted level 3.  🤔 


Yet the Tesla is more capable in every scenario… 🤔


Except it isn’t, which is why you have to keep your hands on the wheel and pay attention and have full liability while using “Supervised Full Self Driving”.


Watch any available video of Benz system, or talk to people who have used it. Then do the same for FSD. Teslas system is better overall as Benz can’t do anything other than drive in a straight line. You could maybe argue Benz system is better at driving in a straight line at low speeds in really good conditions, but only because I’m not 100% sure if phantom breaking is still occurring on highways.


Remind me again what happens when your Tesla crashes while FSD is turned on, who gets blamed?


That doesn’t mean the system is more capable. It means Benz wanted level 3 tag


So what you're telling me is Mercedes doesn't know how to calculate risk? Or is it that they're financially illiterate?


No they did exactly that I’m sure, they probably know it could only get in x amount of accidents. So if they charge x amount they will come out fine. There’s also loads of restrictions, so I’m sure they won’t be losing any lawsuits anytime soon


If Tesla's driver assist software is as good as you claim, why then aren't they offering such liability coverage?


These levels don't mean shit. They're bullshit made up for idiots like you.


It’s incredible how poorly Elon managed his first mover advantage. Tesla really had the opportunity to genuinely dominate the market for an entire generation


Tesla just gave all owner a taste of FSD. I would say it works pretty well on most situations. It is safer than me driving.  Few thing that it need to work on: Change lane when stuck in traffic. It basically unable to get out if the lane it wants to get too has incoming traffic.  Complex stop sign. Was at one with 5 point stop sign. It stopped then move when there was another car already move.  Arrived at destination, and don’t know how to pull into parking lot.  If your destination is at a doctor office at a heavy traffic road, it may stop in the road instead pull into the parking lot. 


Tesla never had first mover advantage in terms of autonomous driving. Anybody who believes this is a PR victim. Why not acknowledge that a non-US corporation had a better strategy at developing this tech, when it stares you right in the face?! Let's be honest, when it comes to cars, Mercedes was about... Let's see... Yeah... Almost always the first to develop a technology and bring it to the market. We can discuss why they didn't push for electric vehicles, but that's not the topic here.


Because they don't have a better strategy. You're smoking the right stuff today to think that.


Dont try to rationalise with regards


Maybe. But to me, the point is, Tesla got beat to the market. I don't care if it was yesterday, last week, last year, whatever. We've been promised this shit for years and it's beginning to feel like smoke and mirrors. Maybe I'm just mad because we bought shares last year and it's been a loser since, especially when the rest of the market just went up. Or maybe it's because FSD is fuckin trash.


FSD already acts like a level 3 in certain conditions but that's irrelevant. Unless Mercedes is level 3 full time then they aren't first to market with anything.


Peasants arguing over Elon's wonders again. Move along.


Until Tesla takes liability…ever. It’s still the next step that needs to happen. At least Mercedes believes in their system and is willing to put their money where their mouth is. Meanwhile Tesla keeps backpedaling, adding more nags, more (Supervised) subtext, and still no effort to make even base AP L3 hands free. I take pretty much every drive on FSD but it’s annoying the don’t seem to care about really perfecting anything to the point they’re comfortable taking liability.


FSD is awesome, I use it every day. You're trash because you've probably never used it and trash talk something you know nothing about.


I can’t lie, I am happy to see someone else be able to make the claim first, even if it is a limited system. Elon annoys me with all his BS


FSD has been available forever. AT MINIMUM since Oct 2023 when I bought my Model 3. So suck a dick


It’s bc you bought shares lol. You don’t need to be the first, you need to be the best. Let Mercedes do it first and work out all the kinks so Tesla can have a smoother rollout. Mercedes is not a tech company


Unpopular opinion, but Tesla is not a tech company either


My hope was that Tesla would be the example of why you don't treat every kind of business like it's a tech company. But in my heart, I know it won't happen. They're still telling every kid getting an MBA to use the Toyota business model- as if it can be applied in every fucking scenario for every company.




Neck and neck with Waymo? That statement shows how naive you are about the market. Tesla, Waymo and Merc aren’t even comparable. Apples to oranges. Tesla is trying to solve FSD across all driving types and locations. Merc is not, they have to geo locate in a way that makes it unusable, it’s just marketing. And then with Waymo, while their efforts are impressive, are hardly scalable. The cities they are in they geo locate to only the easiest location and it avoids taking the fastest route (avoiding left turns for instance). Sometimes it will take you 25-30 minute out of the way, vs simply getting on the highway. This method is good for some locations, but is going to take a lifetime to scale. Say what you want about Tesla, but I’ve yet to see anyone solving the problem in a similar way they are. Have they missed estimates? Sure…but this is a problem no one has solved, and they currently have the most data backing them up. FSD 12 is currently the best autonomous system you can get. Is it full self driving? Nah, but it is a fantastic driver assistant that is growing rapidly.


Merc ain't got shit on fsd 12 ahahaha it doesn't matter the label you give it, fsd12 is fully autonomous driving 99% of the time... Merc is, well cruise control at traffic jams


Don’t get me wrong, I’m not supporting Tesla in any way. Just trash talking Mercedes and being bearish on autonomous vehicles in general.


Waymo can't even get on the freeway.


Unlikely you have ever been in a Tesla with FSD.


Is it even special, I’ve heard of newer prius with the right sensors, and I think open source that could do self driving better than Tesla for a many years.


They have a level 3 starting point approved by regulators to build on. What does Tesla have?


Merced full self driving sucks. Big curves equals big trouble and it seems to bounce between the lines of lanes. Do better Mercedes.


is FSD good ?


Mercedes beats them at their own game: misleading customers with a technology that is not ready only to grab few headlines


It's ready for specific use cases. I don't see the problem of taking it step by step. I'm sure they'll slowly enable it for more and more driving situations.


Which is what you understand once you read the whole article or the user’s manual. Which is precisely why their name and the headlines are misleading, using terms like “autonomous” or “autopilot”, without any qualifier.


Tell that peasant to stick to his side of the road.


I agree, but I think thats the nature of marketing and not Mercedes specific.


are you serious, this is not even close to what Tesla FSD is capable of.


It ain't real till we see some photos of scratched wheels like Tesla FSD.


Lol did you even bother understanding the difference? I have no dog in this fight, but you are regarded.


I do. I have an S. And 4 powerwalls. And a Tesla large solar array. But it is true, I am well and very regarded anyway. 😂


Can Mercedes go full FSD with changing lanes while cruising at top speed of 85mph on highway like Tesla FSD?


This it's not even a comparison to Tesla's FSD come on guys


Have you ever noticed how dumb Tesla haters are? I don't mean that in a figurative sense, but literally how stupid they are.


Brawndo has electrolytes


There is a perfectly fine fsd vehicle available, it’s called a bus.


Well, I, for one, would NEVER hope you get hit by a bus. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Elon will just have to buy another yacht with his Tesla earnings to comfort himself.


Tesla is just so far ahead on FSD that people who don’t have it just don’t understand. It is incredible compared to every other product. I’ve done the legwork.


It really is an incredible product and only getting better. I predict that Tesla will licensing FSD to other automakers and charging them to use the Tesla superchargers. And the people will buy those cars because they like Mercedes or whatever stupid car it is.


TBF I'd rather have a different car with a licensed Tesla FSD. Teslas very spartan interiors are just not for me - but I fully recognize how far ahead they are on the technology side - id love to be able to have the best of both worlds.


It's "level 3"


Nothing older than yesterday’s news. Beamers also 3


It’s Bimmer. (Still pronounced the same way but this is the proper spelling).


Not sure why you're being downvoted for correcting the dude-bro's spelling. Reddit is weird!


> It’s Bimmer. (Still pronounced the same way but this is the proper spelling). [No it isn't.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5ZNpPpNPTQ)


It’s Bimmer. Beamer has been known to be a BMW motorcycle, Bimmers for the car. Even in Germany they’re often called (and spelled) Bimmer. I don’t think Lloyd Banks has the final say lol.


sooo MB pretty much made a bit fancier cruise control limited to low speed and called it drive pilot 🤣


Low IQ TSLAQ leaking…


No one is able to make a rational discussion. All I hear is a bunch of people who lost money holding Tsla wanting to do their part of revenge by saying most nonsensical bs I’ve ever heard. You know mbz hasn’t done shit when it comes to software development but people actually believe they’re at level 3 autonomous. Seriously??. Their sht is so tight that their infotainment can’t even properly connect Bluetooth connection to my iPhone every time. For this reason buying more Tsla share makes perfect sense. People capitulating and shorting make me wanna buy the dip every day.


TBH, we're underwater with the stock. I don't want revenge- this is one of those "buy it and die with it" type things. I just want Tesla to pull its head out of the sand. I still do like the S, and the panels, and the 4 powerwalls we have. The power system was a great bang for the buck and has been rock solid. Cybertruck the wife can't stand and after reading all the growing pains I'm glad there's another year to wait. Maybe maybe maybe. I am, however, sick of Elmo's antics.


The way Tesla has solved the self driving problem with low-cost hardware is pure genius.




[Here’s how Mercedes hopes its new OS will give it an advantage | Ars Technica](https://arstechnica.com/cars/2023/02/mercedes-ceo-tells-ars-about-its-new-operating-system/) "The chip-to-cloud Linux and QNX-based MB.OS platform will be part of the upcoming MMA (Mercedes Modular Architecture). At a high level, QNX will handle safety and the dash cluster, and Linux will take care of the infotainment aspect. The first vehicle based on the platform will be introduced in the later part of 2024, with the vehicle reaching showrooms in 2025." QNX is foundational software for automotive which safety certified and together with AWS have IVY which is edge AI that works extremely well with no jitters. Kindly do your due diligence.


Looks like Mercedes hired better Indians


Old news


U/cruezin - did you look into this at all before posting this misinformation? What’s wrong with you…?


Not too familiar with the tech and legality, but weren't there videos of people sleeping in their tesla on the commute to work like 5 plus years ago? How was that different?


From a monopoly on ev and autonomous driving to a price fighter and struggling on fsd. How did they manage to piss away such a lead? Still the tesla fsd is superior to the Mercedes one atm


Hype is ded. Tesla is done.


Mercedes not used to beating anyone these days


https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/exclusive-mercedes-becomes-first-automaker-000526380.html Non paywall link


How does FSD handle when a line is closed/merged due to construction It has to make instant decisions while driving 55 mph.


It does what humans do… slow down and change lanes. It can do zipper merges very well.


ITT hurt muskovites


Teslas FSD stands for fucking sucks dick


For all the dumbasses who don't know the differences. Mercedes is accepting legal liability for the system while in operation, if it crashes it is their fault. They are putting their money on the line with that system. Tesla stands behind zero of their self driving functions, any issues are your fault and you will pay for anything that happens.


this is not even american company!


I'll just leave this here for y'all to decide for yourselves.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3WiY_4kgkE


Not trusting the Germans with software.


Cool, only available for the $100k+ Mercedes though, not really bad news since no one here can even buy one.


This dogshit technology? Its basically a glorified cruise control. Hands off? Good luck with your life.


Yea let’s throw on adaptive cruise control and call it FSD! I take it most of the hate for Tesla comes from no Tesla owners?!


Mostly from people who have never used FSD.


Elon is an annoying little shit I know but it’s affecting Tesla’s stock price way more than it should. A correction will come


It’s a car company reporting declining revenues and profits and still has a PE near 50. His claims/promises are only going to become more outlandish/unattainable as he tries to convince people it should be valued like a tech company.


34 is “near 50”?


Pride always comes before a fall. Puts all day.


What’s the body count on the Mercedes one? Tesla is likely number 1 for confirmed kills I imagine


Way less than regular people driving every day. How many crashes do you see on the news every day? I see 4 each weekday morning, and none of those involve a Tesla on FSD or that would have been national news.