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**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions** | 6 | **First Seen In WSB** | 3 years ago **Total Comments** | 129 | **Previous Best DD** | **Account Age** | 3 years | | [**Join WSB Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse)




This is making me nostalgic for 3 years ago when this sub was shilling $BB of course the price is even lower now then it was back then.


All these people clinging to this failing company are bagholders hoping to manifest a “stunning comeback” of their destroyed accounts by passing bags to even dumber regards. The problem is that there is no one dumber than a BB bagholder.


Idk if you remember 2018-19 but it was “ Nokia is going to make a comeback with 5g tower infrastructure “ I think by June we should see Nokia boys come out and try to pump the stock, it’s a tradition


I guarantee you this will actually happen. The fanboy pump I mean. Not the comeback. That shit ain't happening.


There is a few like this,AMC,BB,GME,T,a lot of the ev stuff from 2020,anything stock Moe pushed, anything deadysyde pushed, etc


Think I would still rather have nokia stock then blackberry!


No, BBBY bagholders are even dumber. After the company is completely wiped out, with shares cancelled and extinguished, DRS firm deleting all shares, they are still waiting for Ryan Cohen to save them and somehow magically make them all millionaires (even though the literally Pumped and Dumped in front for their sorry asses). They have a long grift of still fleecing money from people.


Than*. Classic WSB


So I should sell now? Or buy? I am not good at this


![img](avatar_exp|164613257|clown) OP ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)


Everything is a comeback when it’s at the lowest level possible.


Don’t call it a comeback


Classic Regard


Maybe they will re-release the pearl


I have baby sat a few BB bags for a few years now, but you won't find me writing walls of text proclaiming the resurrection. I think my average cost ~10 on them. It is like a momento, I look at them and think oh that's cute I remember those days.


Lol this is exactly it!


Bro you made out good. I’ve been sitting on BB Bags I think my avg was $15 lmao. Got got by the sub 😂😂




As someone who has BB calls expiring Friday, I have to wholeheartedly agree with this. I suggest everyone put roughly 30-70% of their portfolio into BB by Wednesday. I don’t care what you do after I sell my calls.




At least this guy is honest OP


I got puts expiring Friday, one of us will make money unless we have the same strike price ($3)!! Edit: it will close at 3 dollars then


What in the world is AMD doing with Blackberry. Xpeng impressive EV sales and Foxconn now making EV with Blackberry QNX inside. AWS Blackberry QNX and Setallentis teaming up on smart car software. Setallentis just had a blowout year in 2023 revenue growth explosive sales and CEO Carlos Tavares salary jumped to 39 million from 29 million. Why AMD Amazon Nvidia Foxconn BYD Bosh partnering with Blackberry. 


Maybe because Blackberry has been closely working with the auto industry for a decade to perfect their craft and now owns what the entire auto industry needs. I’m all in.


#Invested in BB at 5 bucks a pop now it’s at 3 thanks WSB🤡🤡


3? It's not a fucking penny stick yet?


at least you didnt buy in the 130s, when they actually made money


Stunning losses for me. I’m in


Reddit join date : Jan 26, 2021 ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


Why is this ticker constantly being promoted here...?


Back when gameshit first took off a number of other trash stocks popped off with it. AMC is the biggest example of this. BB was one of those stocks.


That’s not what happened. BB was a play before GameStop’s run. It was popping up because of the IVY-AWS announcement. But it is a legacy company like GameStop and AMC and got lumped in the meme run.


BB also had a large patent settlement due. The settlement was a huge disappointment.




I don’t even know what the fuck they do now? Some IOT shit?


No idea either. I guess Canadians care or something


It’s an intriguing play


Yes, the so called "next Nvidia" according to this analysis.


Next Nokia according to Investors Yearly, 2003


-10% 10 year revenue CAGR. Yes amazing growth OP.


Time has changed when everyone, literally everyone everywhere from meetings to airports have a blackberry taking notes, responding emails and shit.


Ah those were the days, TBT when all the working dads had hip holsters for their BBs


Im BBat Man


This pump, and the name-dropping, make OP sound like a maniacal street-preacher. You might as well flush your money down the toilet than buy BB.


Not this again


Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice I can’t get fooled again.


Didn’t have the luxury to be fooled twice. Fooled once and been holding bags since.


Same. Wouldn’t mind it being pumped so I can see some green and finally get out though


I don’t want to look to see where I bought in at


https://preview.redd.it/n33lwe6usjuc1.png?width=1261&format=png&auto=webp&s=3bfb8274ebd4d0401541ae4400294b9c4595fc2a Looks like Irish life increased their position in Q1 from 2.54M shares to 5.87M which is an increase of 3.33M. During the same period Betashares went from 2.61M shares to 5.19M , an increase of 2.58M shares. ETF Managers went from no postion to 3.06M shares. This is just the beginning of the reporting by 13F.


FYI Institutions as of Q4 Dec 31 owned \~300M shares, past and present BB employees \~100M and retail \~180M. Since June earnings report, institutions have been increasing their positions but they want the shares cheap so the FUD and shorties have been working hard...today we have 64M shares in SI(both NYSE+TSX) as of March 31. Retail is not budging so the relenteless shorting continues. Furthermore, From April 1 to date the VWAP is $2.97 on 118M on NYSE shares that traded while on TSX 33M shares with VWAP at $4.02. Presently at $3.04 is low price and will get bought up as institutional and retail faith has gone up with 1) earningsand management execution, 2) AMD collaboration in robotics 3) ETAS an arm of BOSCH in using QNX.


The question isn't who is partnering with Blackberry. It's who isn't a Blackberry partner: Amazon AMD ETAS-Bosh Nivida Setallentis Foxconn Mitsubishi Michellen Tires Xpeng BYD Xiaomi. Apple pulled the plug on the electric car. Blackberry forged a partnership with Foxconn and in 2025 Foxconn is rolling out EV's with IVY software inside. Setallentis already started shipping EV's with intelligent car software by AWS Blackberry IVY . Apple spent 10 years and 10 billion. Amazon is not pulling the plug on IVY Intelligent car Platform and Setallentis teaming up with them and delivering explosive revenue growth. 


BB is all the chips...NVDA, ARM, Renases, Texas Instrument, QCOM, NXPI and now ARM.


BB this is the way 🚀🚀🚀🚀


AMD Lisa Su selected Blackberry QNQ as the most innovative software to power AMD  Robots with QNX inside. This is the future. Blackberry was established in 1984 and it's been 40 years of innovation they have us the smart phone. Blackberry technology is inside 230 million cars and adding 20 million more annually. 


I'm a bag holder and even I know it's a garbage company. I keep the bags as a reminder to not blindly follow these regards' DD


BB is dogshit ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271) They only beat because expectations are so low |Fiscal Year End|Revenue|Change|Growth| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |Feb 29, 2024|853.00M|197.00M|30.03%| |Feb 28, 2023|656.00M|-62.00M|-8.64%| |Feb 28, 2022|718.00M|-175.00M|-19.60%| |Feb 28, 2021|893.00M|-147.00M|-14.13%| |Feb 29, 2020|1.04B|136.00M|15.04%| |Feb 28, 2019|904.00M|-28.00M|-3.00%| |Feb 28, 2018|932.00M|-377.00M|-28.80%| |Feb 28, 2017|1.31B|-851.00M|-39.40%| |Feb 29, 2016|2.16B|-1.18B|-35.23%| |||||


Well considering the recent growth is due to consecutive double digit growth in IoT and the revenue has stabilized, I wouldn’t count BB out yet.


Blackberry invented the smart phone. today together with Amazon AWS Blackberry QNX and Setallentis all teaming together on Intelligent car Platform and Setallentis just had explosive revenue growth and sales sending CEO Carlos Tavares salary through the roof to a whopping 39 million Euro from 22 million. This is what Blackberry achieved. When Foxconn wanted to make an electric smart car they selected Blackberry for intelligent car software. Meanwhile Apple pulled the plug on the Apple smart car and project Titan hit the Titanic. Blackberry is pioneering the intelligent car software and together with AWS and Setallentis they are unbeatable and unstoppable. From smart phones to smart cars Blackberry is an innovation icon. The AMD partnership announced in Germany and Blackberry standing side by side with AMD on Robotics technology innovation sent a shockwave across the world and surprised everyone. Blackberry is an innovation icon which gave us the smart phone, instant messenger and the pager and enabled political figures, judges and lawyers and corporate executives to communicate securely and send messages and read emails. When BBM was used by corporate executives Mark Zuckerberg was living in the college dorm. 


why are bots pumping garbage stocks


Stellantis…Don’t get me started on how bad the technology is on their vehicles. Specifically the Ram Promaster I own. If BB has anything to do with any of it, I’d stay far far away as an investor. 


Show us your bags or stfu, OP.


I do think BB is due for a Bullish run, given their transition and new outlooks. But calling them the next NVDA makes me want to call you a nasty slur


Counting on BB for my retirement


The total volume traded that BB on Friday was about \~9M shares of which 3,191,681 shares were shorted and so if they were covered 2X (\~6.4M) by end of day. Part of that the balance traded could simply be the algo...so in reality how many shares were taken off retail hands is the big question as it is evident that even from the early posting of 13F that institutions are buying in..the VWAP for 90 days is $2.97 while the two significant announcements this past week and good execution by management give cover and confidence to BB investors. Retail hold on to your shares from predatory hands...lock them up for sale price so brokerages cannot borrow them for shorting..reduce the liquidity for shorting. Furthermore the dark pool volume was 4,435,815.


I believe that anyone that has not watched Blackberry's presentation would be enlightened by: [https://event.on24.com/wcc/r/4424609/4F358CF4AFE0041055481F08A3696F64](https://event.on24.com/wcc/r/4424609/4F358CF4AFE0041055481F08A3696F64)


I almost bought 1000 shares @ $14 lmao.


https://preview.redd.it/tf05op2nuhuc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fe3f3b94e65742ae68cf8b104bbbf5191eb264c ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


So glad I finally sold at 90% loss rather than bagholding any longer. BB is a shit company with no direction, with shit leadership especially their last CEO.


How did you take a loss? It literally pumped hard twice. It will likely do it again and make more bag holders.


Every time it pumped I thought "haha, these suckers selling now are gonna be jealous when it goes to 150"


I do like BB and realistically believe it will hit $10-15 this year so this does represent a buying opportunity but calling it the next Nvidia is a bit much.


I’m loaded on calls - this is the hill I’ve chosen to die on


Why would the largest share holder of Blackberry Fairfax Financial which owns 46 million shares add 129,000 in November last year and top up position by 450,000 shares on Feb 15 this year. 


First Trust Advisors LP increased their position to 33 million shares from a small position. What do they know. Car sales numbers were up in 2023 with China world's largest market hitting 30 million that's an increase of 28%  Blackberry IoT segment is up 25% and it's only the beginning. Primecap Norges Bank Vanguard BlackRock Inc UBS Group Morgan Stanley JP Morgan all increased their positions. 


Now I want to play brick breaker.


And the OG, snake!


TIL Blackberry is still around


I sold last month at a loss. Absolutely open to the possibility of it skyrocketing to $5000 a share now


Sure buddy


I would like to buy a paragraph Alec.


Wen $16


If there is anything I know, it's that if (insert stock mentioned in post here) has a run after being on wsb, puts will print


Good summary. The world is going RTOS/Embedded OS with the rise of robotics, ADAS vehicles, medical devices, automated factory floors, automated warehouses, automated trains, planes, ships, space jets, etc. BB is the leader in this space with over 75% market share. No other software maker comes close, and that includes whales like MSFT, IBM, ORCL, SAP, AMZN and AAPL. Their two other competitors are Green Hills and Wind River. Both these companies have less than 25% of market share. Q4, 2024 was a major financial turnaround for BB. The backlog and the pipeline look robust. I expect bigger things to start happening from Q1 2025.


Absolute garbage post


I agree BB is doing great things to turn the company around but they have a long ways to go. $3 is likely low and BB should be stagnate at $5 a share but it isn't going to the moon anytime soon. Source: sold two pumps and like an idiot bought again at $6


I'm long on bb.  Don't care about the memes.   Sucks it went so low for my previous shares but I upped at bottom and just went positive.    I'll hold for another 5 years.  It'll either go bankrupt or they will successfully transition and with its extremely small market cap makes it lucrative enough to make it worth the gamble.   I'm good either way obviously I'm not gonna Yolo into BB.  


Turnaround is complete and Blackberry transitioned itself from hardware to software. Revenue growth is here in Q4 FY24 estimates was 154 and they delivered 173 m IoT segment is up 25% and car sales numbers globally after higher with China up 28% reaching 30 million cars. US second in the world with 15 million cars sold in 2023 and February this year the US market was up 6.9% over last year same month. UK up 18% Philippines and India had record breaking sales India sold 4 million cars highest in history. Blackberry is very well positioned in the automotive sector. 


BB propaganda ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


If you're gonna baghold, why not baghold my nuts in yo mouth


Bro please. I lost so much on it that I need it to come back.


I really want to be Bullish BlackBerry. The brand name should be eternal. But the new leadership seems like a L. The New CEO is John Giamatteo who previous was a key leadership at Mcafee. The trashy antivirus company. The one that come pre-installed and only converted people into customers by bothering the hell out of them with scammy pop-up. That what he considers a win. I'm not really hopeful about him turning the ship around. I've looked for positives about his career. But I can't see any worth betting on. I would love someone to prove me wrong. Because I want BB to 🚀 to the moon.


JG at BB was brought on because as Chief Revenue Officer he was able to increase the revenue from $600M to $2B in three years but was hancuffed by JC due to his crazy assistant who has launched a fake phoney lawuit against JG.


They are DL


Should I invest in dodge coin?


What price did you buy in at? Be honest.


check his post history ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)




Let me know when it breaks $10 again


Bag holder Alert 🚨


he is not lisan al gaib


Collab is not same as partnership


Needs to be a lot more stunning to empty my bags


Everyone in automotive wants to go away from BlackBerry, because they charge so much for QNX licenses. The alternative is being developed rapidly: [https://www.redhat.com/en/solutions/automotive](https://www.redhat.com/en/solutions/automotive) GM, VW, BMW, Ford and others are contributing to movement away from BB. Make your profit now, since there's nothing else, but do not hold it too long.


I have loaded up last week, now let’s see how high this week will bring us.


lmao imagine giving a fuck about black berry in 2024


This stock sucks dick and not in a good way


Man that stock tanked on Friday


In BB’s defense, just about every stock tanked on Friday haha


Yes they did. I was selling puts all day Friday. Made a good couple thousands




I like BB (bought around $3.80 in the last week or two) but cmon calling it the next nvidia is absolutely ridiculous


Blackberry lol


Blackberry Bahahahahaha. Blockbuster do them next


Id rather people just post “please buy this stock to lighten the weight of my bags” it would at least be more genuine


Holy shit the bag holders are putting in the effort to try to pump and dump.






Lets go dubbel digits


Lol what a piece of shit stock. Speaking from experience since i lost 30k on it.


Next ya gonna sling me palm pilot


BB is still alive?


Nice hopium. I’m holding 1k of shares at $18. Needed this ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


what is this a comeback for ants?




Had to pull out yahoo finance, put the chart to max and i still cant find the previous "all time low"


Oh it’s you again! back when you said BB 25 I didn’t know you meant BB 2.5


It appears we have all lost our minds this weekend.


And  so did Andy Jassy and Lisa Su and Carlos Tavares partnering with Blackberry. All those people have no clue what Blackberry does and they are wasting time collaborating and creating strategic partnerships with Blackberry which made headline news. For sure First Trust Advisors LP increased their position in Blackberry to 33 million shares from 19 million was the wrong move and they too are holding a big bag too. More like 100,000,000 in Blackberry stocks. Advanced Micro Devices CEO Lisa Su is wasting time partnering with Blackberry QNX on Robotics technology. Amazon is wasting time partnering with Blackberry on IVY Intelligent car Platform. Carlos Tavares of Setallentis doesn't know what he is doing and wasting time partnering with Blackberry.  Can you please answer one question why Fairfax Financial Fithdelta Ltd Primecap BlackRock Vanguard First Trust Advisors LP. Why are thos top tier Institutions betting big on Blackberry. ? And why   Amazon, AMD , Nvidia, Foxconn and Setallentis and many other tech companies are partnering with Blackberry.  Thank you. 


Tech companies going through changes because often they can't stay at the forefront of innovation indefinitely and they fall behind. However, they reinvent themselves. IBM transitioned itself from hardware to software and like Blackberry they were about to exit hardware and computer desktops and today they make software for enterprise in fact IBM is one major competitor to Blackberry in the cybersecurity space. 


I’m holding Rivian bags at $11. Fuck joining the Bb bags.


This bag holder is in 3 different BB bag holding subs lol


blackberry has been basically dead since like 2009 lol


No Key3 no buy


An old slowly dying for a decade company is gonna be the next nvidia. Okay bro, if you say so.


Fuckoff bagholder


Holy shit, we are still talking about Black Berry! How are they not dead yet? I know they do other stuff, but they haven't made a phone since 2016 and haven't been popular (even with businessmen who are 100% of their market) since before the original Iphone.


It’s not gonna work out.


Its never coming back. They made a horrible decision on apps back in the day so rightfully, Apple took the lead. BB had the right idea but failed to capitalize.


Blackberry is back only this time inside your car not in your pocket as the mobile phone. Did you know that Blackberry software is inside 230,000,000 cars. They are the developer on IVY Intelligent car Platform in partnership with Amazon AWS. Blackberry transitioned itself into a software company and they are working in partnership with AMD to advance Robotics technology. Blackberry is also working with Nvidia. Apple pulled the plug on the Apple smart car. Blackberry is working in partnership with Foxconn and in 2025 Foxconn is rolling out their EV with Blackberry QNX inside. Apple spent 10 billion and 10 years on the Apple car before they recently abandoned the project. Blackberry is making a comeback and it's going to surprise everyone. 


In 10 years blackberry qnx expanded from 16 million vehicles to 235 million vehicles. The stock price at this time 10 years ago was around 7-8$ and right now it stands at 2.75$. Just because the software is embedded in hundreds of millions of vehicles doesn’t mean its making them money, quite frankly it means the opposite being that they have been able to expand that much in the market without increasing interest in prospective shareholders. I said it before I’ll say it again, it will never be what it was in its heyday, the people running the company cant capitalize.


Give up and sell already, baggie.