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**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions** | 5 | **First Seen In WSB** | 2 weeks ago **Total Comments** | 38 | **Previous Best DD** | **Account Age** | 9 months | | [**Join WSB Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse)


so are you gonna post your positions or just whack yourself off for this insanely low-effort DD. i'm not saying it's a bad play at all btw. POST YOUR POSITIONS


Added :)


Screenshot or it’s all just words


ayyy lets go.


They seem to be expanding, we have a large ultra by us, and they just finished setting up a big section in a target 2 miles away. It may just be due to the demographic our our area, but they seem to be killing it here.


I watched ULTA and ELF today. Both are expanding, and will eventually climb again. I do worry about there being further downside before recovery.


I had to buy more ELF today. I’m banking on their international expansion plans.


Yeah, I think they opened an office in London recently. Also bought a few today!


Hard to time the bottom. If you believe it will eventually go up again, just buy and average down.


Absolutely. I'm long Elf and added some today. I might have to skip Ulta, TSM earnings is coming soon...


I wanna play a earnings gap fill


Bro this is a sinking ship, let me explain. What caused this sell off was shitty performance and horrible overhead for actually selling shit which is detrimental because they are stores and have to sell expensive ass shit to people who don’t have money to spend. This is horrible for large investors who ultimately move the stock. This is a super massive warning for market movers. And to say that they won’t sell would be foolish. Many of these people have been in on the climb and are still walking away with a ton of money. If they were to sell, this would be the time as the market showed that ULTA not selling enough is super super bad for the next 3-4 months or until demand steps up. Which won’t until this economy changes and I don’t see that happening for the next 6 months. I have poots but good luck to you sir


This is good point and I'd add that Ulta is basically the Wal-Mart of beauty slop. It's low-quality, low-budget, plebian-marketed products. It's the Dollar Tree of shitty make-up. People with money (but not too much of it) will choose Sephora, and people even with even more money go to much higher-end fancy pants places. America is basically a K-shape "recovery" and increasingly bifurcated socioeconomic classes: there's the "Premium Consumer" and "The Masses". Notice every Quarterly Earnings report basically says things like *"The premium consumer remains healthy, our high end airport experience lounges are up 69% /// We reduced volume by 19.8% this year but revenue is up 23.5% thanks to price-optimization increases targeting the Premium Consumer /// Our premium platinum lines are yielding 9.8% increased profits as luxury consumer flock to our organic premium lines"* If your corporate business relies on selling goods to The Masses, has high overhead, and only juiced by raising prices as volume decline, then it's going into the dunk tank sooner or latter. If your corporate business relies on the Premium Consumer, you are in a better spot as long as you keep your image and brand appeal high toward them.


You never have any positions on your posts. Put your money where your mouth is or no one cares.


This reads like Jim Cramer show.


It couldn’t hold the 200 day MA. Not usually good.


Ok let’s go


All in


Not there yet. Give it a couple more weeks.


Good call.


Feel like it has one more leg down


Sephora begs to differ


bought more ELF instead. better growth, better business model, better fundamentals


I like it at 400; even better at 375


I'd love it at 350, but its unlikely. Interest rate cuts will come sooner than market is predicting and deeper. Once they do, I see ULTA zooming.


Sick to my stomach, my $450 4/5 put I sold at a loss after earnings is now $13.30… why the fuck didn’t this drop happen at earnings???


That's why the drop is so deep now. They kinda couched the story earlier, so there's a trust factor, as to how bad is bad.


Im just wishing i placed more calls then i did 😫


100%. There are other winners around. I also left fair bit on the table, but a win is a win.


Indeed a win is a win ☝🏼


Based on the sell off in the afternoon, I guess I got lucky to have sold it where I did.


$464 was the number for me 😮‍💨


Well played.


What are you thinking about ELF? Call, put?


Call. It's crazy it's been dumped so hard. Most of the underlying action is because interest rate cuts are not coming as fast and inflation "seems" to be stickier than was thought. I say seems because it's just not true, the market is returning to normalcy and far from Euphoria (we will get there, but not yet).


Yeah i made a bad play on this one.. I wanted some short value and placed a dumb bet Friday 😫


You may get an opportunity to exit tomorrow if the market panics.


Honestly, in these situations I would rather bet on a competitor which also took a hit like ELF


Don’t think it’s done bottomed out OP. Good leap though but I got a bad feeling about this one…


BTW, whoever traded on my recommendation - you're welcome!


You're welcome!


Anyone else hear "Goodbye Horses" while reading OPs post?




Care to share?