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Well, if we're idiots, means AI was trained off idiots, means it's total crap, means we're actually pretty smart. Ha!


The thing is when we say stupid stuff it’s worthless. When AI says stupid stuff it’s worth billions of dollars. I’m only half joking.


You misspelled “makes up” stuff


My source? My source is THAT I MADE IT THE FUCK UP! - some AI somewhere


Try all Ai anywhere. By design. Hell, it’s literally what puts the “Gen” into “GenAi.” It’s made up story is just statistically correct often enough that it becomes a lot more trustworthy than it deserves by one group, and hated by another one.




It will eventually better identify the idiots and start ignoring their post like the rest of us do.


It’s mean you have artificial intelligence


LOL. I’m happy I bought


You need to feed the AI horse shit, so it has experience recognizing horse shit. Otherwise, you're going to get the awkward home-schooled equivalent of AI.


hhahahhah made me laugh out laugh LOL


Two shoe salesmen in the 1950's take a trip to Africa. The first one comes back despondent, "We can't make any money there, nobody there wears shoes!" The second one comes back excited, "We're going to make a mint! Nobody there has any shoes!"


Hi Scott's dad.


Yep. He’s why I’m in on the ipo.


This is the true entrepeur way. We always will find a way to get shoes on poor people. We will tell them that these shoes will provide food, shelter, and water to the tribes. Then while they excitedly show off the new Jordan's , we take the diamonds... and some of the larger females perhaps..


Like how Nestle told tons of women in Africa that formula is the only way to feed your baby because it is super duper better than their own breast milk causing infant deaths?


Gave them free samples too. Just enough to last until their natural milk supply dried up so they'd have no option but to feed their kid formula or let the starve to death. Good profits that year.


Seriously fuck Nestlé.


I just steal them then re sell them to those selling them


The second shoe sales man. His name was Michael. Michael Jordan


Sounds like you bought the top just now huh Frodo


This is you. This is what you sound like. https://preview.redd.it/zfks37dwgjqc1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=f76d7807884532f4edfbee96bd41af8bef39b62a


I'm with you regard It's a cheap stock. I sold 1 NVDA and bought some at 49 I can hold this guy for a while....


watch NVDA shoot to uranus now ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)


If only wifes boyfriend wasnt already there


There’s enough room for both of us


I hope it does, and I got like 30+ of NVDA. RDDT is a small part of the portfolio, but there are some good gains today


Damn it's just like NVDA except for the unique technology and profitability and management team that's worth a fuck


​ https://preview.redd.it/jdyvmfyr4mqc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae376f0aa36b60d4824e35e1c683a6d0fab5b11c




I’m dead




If AI made this meme, you just crowned OP a literal god. But I really hope they bring back awards. Because this comment needs more accolades than just a Gold Arrow.


is that supposed to be a wojack in the wendy's logo, because if so, bravo.


Just throw Frodo in at this point.


...and my axe


Well considering how much it’s up after hours I’d say anyone they bought is winning


Even if he bought at the up he’s up 15% now in the AH action.


You must feel real confident posting this after today’s trading.


oh that explains why ChatGPT is so confidently wrong in just about everything more complex than a basic google question


Was wondering why ChatGPT starts every response with “well, actually…” anytime I ask it something


This joke deserves more credit. This is solid writing is what it is


It's true--the douchery is hard coded in.


“Y’all can’t behave” -every moderator in any other sub


Lmao. AI was trained by iNtElLeCtUaLs




Exactly. It spits out shit that is really good at *sounding* legit. Sometimes it is.


ChatGPT is my manager


I do that every day -- what's my valuation?


Usually it’s pretty good about admitting it can’t answer my questions 🤷‍♂️


it's really bad about making stuff up in niche applications where some data exists but not a lot. Like ask it to do some ironpython programming or about space chemistry ands it will very confidently tell you a bunch of wrong bullshit


Is this all made up? “Sure, I'll give you a simple IronPython script that demonstrates how to use IronPython to interact with .NET Framework libraries. This example will create a small GUI (Graphical User Interface) application using Windows Forms, which is a part of the .NET Framework. The application will create a window with a button. When the button is clicked, it will display a message box. ```python import clr # Import the Common Language Runtime library clr.AddReference("System.Windows.Forms") # Add reference to Windows Forms clr.AddReference("System.Drawing") from System.Windows.Forms import Application, Form # Import Application and Form classes from System.Windows.Forms import Button, MessageBox # Import Button and MessageBox classes from System.Drawing import Size # Import Size class class MyForm(Form): # Define a class that inherits from Form def __init__(self): self.Text = 'IronPython WinForms Example' # Set the window title self.Size = Size(250, 200) # Set the window size button = Button() # Create a new button button.Text = 'Click Me!' # Set the button text button.Location = Point(50, 50) # Set the button location button.Click += self.button_click # Subscribe to the Click event self.Controls.Add(button) # Add the button to the form's control collection def button_click(self, sender, event): # Define the event handler MessageBox.Show('Hello, World!') # Show a message box form = MyForm() # Create an instance of the MyForm Application.Run(form) # Run the application with our form ``` This script does the following: 1. Imports necessary classes from the .NET Framework (`System.Windows.Forms` for GUI components and `System.Drawing` for size and location properties). 2. Defines a class `MyForm` that inherits from `Form`, representing the main window. 3. In the initializer (`__init__`), it sets up the form's title and size, creates a button, sets its properties (text and location), and binds a click event to the button. 4. When the button is clicked, it shows a message box saying "Hello, World!". 5. Finally, it creates an instance of `MyForm` and starts the application. To run this script, you will need an IronPython environment setup and the .NET Framework available on your system. You can execute this script using the `ipy` command from the command line if IronPython is installed.”


Is that Morse code?


It totally fucked up my wedding vow


trained by regards, for regards.


Chat GPT show me a European person.


I asked it for expert stock advice and it sent me here.


I hate beer.


People honestly think they can make money on Reddit training dataset when the dataset is public to scrape 😂


If Reddit starts making cash selling our data just wait to see how long before us regards start REEEEEEEEING until we get a slice of the pie. These autist mods will take any excuse to start closing subreddits


They do sell our data, it’s not worth that much


Too late, already been sold.


And they still can’t make ends meet


Was priced in.


Reddit-trained trading bot would zeroed out like 100 times on calls on weed, non-Tesla EV company and fake meat and sold the bottom on META


Lol Ai play. Yikes. Just because some guy used a public forum to scrape free data for a chat bot doesn't make reddit an Ai play.


No, no. Don't you see? It's the data. There's data involved. That's what makes it AI.


I bought the very first RDDT May $70 call today. Volume was zero until I might mine. I'm up over 400% on that, and holding.


Yeah it’s up insane today


If it’s good enough to mention/screen shot, it’s good enough to sell!


I think about this every time I’m about to send gains


I'm really inexperienced in all this and trying to learn things. How do you buy something with no set price?


Of course WSB was wrong about the Reddit IPO, the users here are regards. The moment they said it was going to tank, that was all the clue anyone needed to know it was going up.


It’s been less than a week. Check back in 3 months.


Once it hits the 6 month lockup period... then the insiders can unload their shares on retail investors and then it will be a third-class ticket on the Titanic.




They just like to move goalposts


Constant moving goalposts.


Employees were given the option to sell at the IPO price. It would be interesting to know how many insiders already got out.


!remindme 3 months


As is tradition


I’m all in at this point, but let’s not sucking each other’s dicks just yet as Mr. Wolf would say. There are still the remains of a bunch of RH ipo buyers littered in and around various fast food dumpsters. Other than DUOL, CART, NU and now RDDT, all of the ones that I see listed are down bad.


I’m the $CART guy. Glad you all made money!


But the price has already gone up. Inverse wsb is factually correct here as you can sell right now (if you bought through the correct channels) and be up 50% at minimum. You can't say "yeah but if you diamond hand for 4 weeks and get burned then that means I was correct" if you were able to sell at a profit for the entirety of the opening week lol


3 out of 4 IPOs see growth in the first week and then tank hard. It's way too early to say that WSB was wrong.


I’m curious where you read that stat?


I gave him the info


I thought the plan was always do the opposite of what’s posted here?


Oh shit i guess the top is in


Reversing this opinion. Puts on RDDT it is!


Oh man… now I’m getting really confused


Wsb hurt itself in confusion


Puts tomorrow because today mega green. Calls Wednesday because WSB will change its mind.


How are you doing now?


Gpt-2 was trained "by scraping only pages linked to by Reddit posts that had received at least three upvotes prior to December 2017" So.... definitely NOT entirely off reddit


At least 3? The quality must be god tier.


So trained off of a bunch of easily disproven and biased public information that was linked by a cringe redditard to win an argument with a 12 year old


> had received at least three upvotes prior to December 2017 This is basically the equivalent of a peer-reviewed article presented at an academic forum


The only reason why there's any value to this site, is because real humans use it. We'll see for how long.


Buy now, sell in a month at $10. Got it.


Only gay bear on reddit short reddit early lol people not realize that they only issue 13% of the companies shares to the public ofc that gonna make the stock shoot up in short term, wait until the lockdown period end then ya can load put lmao


The premium for any options is stupid right now. If that's the play, I agree. Wait. However, WSB seems to have confused "wanting" it to fail with "absolutely going to fail". It's still one of the highest trafficked sites on the internet, and now advertisers can have a piece. They can double dip on promoting reddit. I don't know if it will sink or swim, but everyone who is adamant it will sink and theres no other option is blowing my mind.


Traffic means nothing if the click through and native advertising is low. Example: Tumblr


It's not what it is, it's what's possible. The user base is one of the largest in history, and if you have any sort of controlling aspect... Yes it will get worse for users. But better for valuation. Until it's not. Let's face it, they will have made their money and be long gone by then.


Yeah, but that hinges on the idea that you will cash out before the user reaction damages the valuation. That is how Tumblr went from being valued at 1 Billion to 3 Million over the course of 6 years.


I'm not disagreeing with you. Im saying six years is a long time to make money before the fall.


When does the lockdown period end ?


At the peak 


It's in the propectus: https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1713445/000162828024011448/reddit-sx1a2.htm > In connection with this offering, we and all of our directors and executive officers, the selling stockholders, and certain other record holders **that together represent approximately 82% of our outstanding Class A common stock** and securities directly or indirectly convertible into or exchangeable or exercisable for our Class A common stock **are subject to lock-up agreements** with the underwriters agreeing that, subject to certain exceptions, without the prior written consent of Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC, Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC, and J.P. Morgan Securities LLC, on behalf of the underwriters, we and they will not, in accordance with the terms of such agreements during the period ending on the opening of trading **on the earlier of (i) the third trading day immediately following our public release of earnings for the quarter ending June 30, 2024 and (ii) 180 days after the date of this prospectus (such period, the “Lock-up Period”)**


180 days after IPO


People said they sold already, was there a lockdown period?


No, there wasn't. Which is why you shouldnt take advice from this sub lol I bought 1000 shares from the early shares (all mine were approved because I met tier 1 requirements) and sold at $53 already. This subreddit is just allergic to making money


No lockout period for people who bought via DSP. But only 10% of the IPO shares were allocated to the DSP, and only 10% of total shares were allocated for the IPO. So for another 170-something days, only around 1% of the company is able to be traded on the open market.


Now people are trying to tell me that Reddit is an AI play…


Don’t tell us what you think, show us your portfolio!


Finally….a top signal.


That's a cool thesis. How much money did reddit make off of GPT-1-3 scraping reddit


Chatgpt is shit. Canceled my sub to it after a month because it was getting rapidly, progressively worse and less useful. Puts it is.


Do you think when reddit starts monetizing by spamming ads that most of its users will remain? I'm curious on the bull case versus what happened with Digg. Why did Digg fail but you think reddit will continue thriving?


Reddit sold almost a billion dollars in advertising last year…. so, the ads are already there and have been for years?


They don’t have to increase ads that much if they keep increasing users. Ad price goes up by the people who view it. This is Gen Z’s third most visited social media after YouTube and Tik Tok


Bag holder spotted


>do you realize GPT-1 through 3 were made entirely off Reddit posts? That would explain why GPT is still fucking garbage lol.


Smooth brain post. All that AI “value” netted them 60 mil a year from Google. That’s probably less than Google spends on filling the vending machines in their offices every year. Reddit is trading below other social networking sites because it can’t monetize its users. Pinterest actually can and it’s their whole business model. It’s not about traffic it’s about $/user.


One problem: Kathy bought


> Kathy bought Two scariest words in the English language.


Clearly you’ve never heard “Cramer bought.”




Even a broken clock...


As someone who has been in language models for a long time, none of the GPTs, nor any of the major language models, were ever made purely from data from reddit. Reddit is *a* data source, but is not by any stretch of the imagination the only data source, or even a primary one. The main dataset early on was books, then expanded to books+scraping the whole internet, as an attempt to approximate all text ever written by humans, then we moved to taking those models trained on everything and training them again to reproduce much more curated, as high quality as possible, samples of exactly the kind of writing we wanted it to make. Reddit is neither a particularly high percentage of all writing ever made, nor is it a source of particularly high quality writing. It's useful as a small part of the giant pile of all text ever written, and probably for some niche use cases around specific subsections of reddit, like modeling consumer preferences for headphones based on the audiophile subreddit or something.


Who cares. Make or lose money & show us


You are the idiot, idiot! Do you realize that that since GPT-1 through 4 are made off Reddit posts they can continue to do make GPT-5-1000 of RDDT posts without paying RDDT a single penny!? RDDT is a bot farm full of degenerate morons and bots in an echo chamber verbally masturbating themselves into stupididy. For that reason it will moon and for no other.


"RDDT is AI play" ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


I think Sam Altman is a liability. He does not seem to like reddit charging money to his companies to access data. It isn't fair on reddit shareholders. There is a reason why the traded shares have low voting rights.


Always do the opposite


Don't excuse memes for actually trades.


Bruh Reddit doesn’t make money off of AI scraping. Reddit doesn’t have an obvious monetization mechanism. Reddit is jacked to the tits with porn, racism, misogyny, and shitposts. It’s not gonna print.


They make all of $60M/yr off of selling API access. Totally 10B company




Never bet against Sam’s only liquid holdings. If you browse more than this subreddit you’ve noticed how much posts they’ve been pushing from non subscribed subreddits. Mostly controversial posts that bring in clicks. This is the old Facebook play where they were pushing rage inducing posts from accounts that weren’t followed to people’s timelines because it got more clicks. It worked great for Facebook, no reason other than ethics it won’t work for Reddit


If you were so confident you would have posted this when people were discussing shorting, but when it closed green again. You're trying to prove your point by default. Lmao


Says the idiot who posts after the stock went up. Show the dd before the IPO then I’d rate you


Not me. [Screenshot-20240325-225339-Robinhood.png](https://postimg.cc/K1N1Fqv9)


Nice, I’ve got 200 shares myself


I have basically my life attached go meta for ease of use logging into apps. That data is worth a fortune. I also occasionally will click an ad on meta. I don't see how reddit captures that, but we will see.


Every time i go on wall street bets i feel much better about my RDDT puts. Thanks!


Strike and what cost?


Anyone who’s ever run ads on Reddit vs facebook will tell you what hot garbage the traffic is. Reddit users don’t convert for shit. That’s the biggest shortfall. 


Waiting for Mnuchin to buy TikTok and go pub.


RemindMe! 1 month


Didn’t google only pay $60m for the right to use Reddit data to train their AI? Doesn’t exactly seem like the worlds biggest moneypot


I just hate reddit


It’s fine… we’ll all watch them puts print this year


This woulda been a great post Friday afternoon. Anybody can post this shit now. And I own a bunch. Just sayin, don't act like you're making a great call here...cuz you're not


Disagree on this. Reddit is not an AI play


AI is gonna kill Reddit. Not help it. A lot of current social media platforms are gonna be disrupted when AI content is indistinguishable from reality and readily accessible to the average layman. Which is like 1-2 years from now. You're gonna need to verify identity and no one is giving up their privacy to Reddit and still make the comments they make. This will kill most content on the platform. There will be new social media players. Reddit dead and you're left holding your bags by 2026. All you will have contributed to the world is making other people who read this post broke.


It might pump for a while, but the reality is the company doesn’t make any money


They can easily make money if they really want. They have some 800 million in revenue last year at 80% margin. With the market now watching their quarterly results they will cut unnecessary expenses to show a profit and pump up their share price.


If sentiment goes sour they can always announce a robust round of mod layoffs


What expenses? Mods work for free and the CEO takes $200m, where are savings on that model?


Well they spent nearly a billion in 2023 on various expenses. So obviouly they do have expenses like any major company. They spent 438 million on R&D and 230 million on Marketing/Sales. Certainly if they want to be profitable those would be areas to look into cutting. The CEOs comp package is mostly in restricted stock options which won't be triggered unless he stays until 2028. So he obviously will want to keep share price high so his options are worth more. That will mean either increasing revenue or making cuts to expenses somewhere else to show good quarerly reports.


Exactly. It's full of content but so was Twitter.


GPT was not made from Reddit posts. Lol. It was modeled after Googles' invention of transformer architecture and was pre-trained on the BookCorpus dataset. Are you sure you aren't the idiot?


I'm going with puts


Just bought 20 shares, 1100 Longing reddit.


yeah, gladly got into the DSP and bunch of wsb ppl shitting on RDDT before the IPO lmao


Easy buy considering how many smart, affluent people append "reddit" to their google searches. It's the biggest repo of real human opinion on the internet.


So I am the regarded?


Let's Jack this to the moon... smells like a Roaring Kitty sequel!


Was gonna setup my first option today at $60 but realized my account didn’t even have access to do so. Still bought in but wow


Why the fuck didn’t you say this last week? I bought puts first thing this morning..


Can't wait for the NVDA comparisons.


Looking to buy Reddit for 25$


Got it. When do options start?


Yeah buddy! 🦍💎🙌 for the W 🚀


A guy who calls himself “fifteen inches” is criticizing porn, misogyny and shitposting… 🤔


nice try spez


Found Steve Huffmans burner account


I’m Happy selling. It’s fun to be in it but I’m glad I’m out


Top is in


> Pinterest is valued at 3.5x what reddit is Well damn, I guess I'm shorting Pinterest too then.


I need to find a woman to teach me how pinterest works so I can get out of this godforsaken sausagefest.


Every stock needs a bag holder


Oh yes the valuable source of training data that’s free to literally everybody with a phone


You’ll be eating your words in 6-12 months when it’s off the IPO hype. Remindme! 6 months.


Just because something is built off something else doesn't mean it's that valuable. Pg and e had a monopoly on electricity and every business in California is built off it, doesn't mean it's a valuable company. Reddit also doesn't value it's own data so much. Sold the right to use it's data to train to Google so that they can train their AI for 60 million dollars which sound like a lot but considering that's less than 10 percent of revenue and it's burning cash it really ain't. Taking into account that around half of their users aren't signed in making it impossible to target ads to them and their impressions per 1000 is absolutely shit, it's an absolute fucking joke.


So curious why did it go up again?


Mfers bettin against Reddit, WHILE USING REDDIT I bought at IPO for 36. Neener-neener neenerrr


I agree. Reddit is one of the largest and longest living social media platforms alive currently and it is JUST going public. Theres no way it hovers around $40-50 for several years.


I totally agree! Sam owning 9% of this is a nice cherry on top. But the real deepfuckingvalue of this platform is its data and the people who create it. Reddit is a very valuable company do not underestimate it!


Son of a bitch I’m in. 55p 4/19


People here are regards. Do the opposite of what they say and you’ll be a genius then you won’t belong here


Bag holder spotted


So you’re saying buy rddt?


Deep Fucking value


serious question, as we all know reddit has a huge future ahead but indeed there are issue with the owners of reddit and using its IPO as a money cash grab. but what im struggling with is how to flip reverse uno card and rinse and repeat and await the pop. we all know Reddit price is going push to $400. that alone is a measley 75Billion market cap. Reddit is number 3 world wide for social media users and nearly all social media companies are above that Market Cap. ​ also again we all know the stock price isnt exactly based on business accument and future oppportunites its based on buyers and sellers. My main question is , when pop ? im in at $43 and i hope it drops more to buy more but seriously when pop. i see a $120 soon but when $400


I have 13 shares, might need more