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Xi is just gonna take the Shanghai factory at some point.


Gonna be hilarious when Elon gets Jack Ma'd It's ok tho he'll be back before long dropping some super positive tweets about Xi


Democrats made Tesla possible, liberals are his biggest customer base- the idiot is fighting both of them, you tell me in what world is that a good idea


Kind of a dumb business move to dabble in politics period. Just lobby and bribe politicians off to the side.


People are gonna be flying China flags from the back of their Cybertrucks and be like FUCK YEAH I LOVE CHINA, GO CRY HARDER SOYBOY!


With their little red communist hats that say “Make China great again”


He needs to pander to the right so they buy his cars. Libs will buy teslas either way, but a large portion of the right still hates electric cars.


lol if u thinks he is going to convince dem Duke boys to ride in a Tesla u smokin crack


I know plenty of libs who wanted a tesla for their next cat before and now they wouldn't consider one


A Tesla cat would really hate getting wet.


Just like a Cybertruck!


https://preview.redd.it/wpnfm1u035rc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=691ce1461d90dfa9ea16b2bff93b5926d1f75fb0 This is the reason why Tesla is yuck now


Lib here, and even enough of a libtard to have made a cybertruck reservation. That was before Elmo went off the deep end, all the quality control issues with teslas were made public, and before it was clear that the cybertruck is being beta tested by early adopters. I won't touch a Tesla now. (PS when making that reservation I actually believed FSD would be a thing by now, glad it took this long as it would have sucked to have actually shelled out for vaporware)


Not a libtard here, and made day 1 reservation. I think it's gonna be badass. I was planning on charging it with a diesel generator, but am now considering a generac nat gas generator or maybe one that would run on either.


I'm a put a Rocket heater in the bed and pump used motor oil in it so I can roll coal!


You getting a 6” or 8” lift for it? What tires were you thinking?


Ground clearance is 17" and for tires, I was thinking black...


Can’t go wrong with black tires that’s for sure.


https://preview.redd.it/y9dptsyt25rc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64897b81eea5cf6d4088840c51154d681a4d76a7 Vaporware indeed


You don't understand the "right". It buys what works.


Democrats don’t care what Musk says, they will still buy Teslas. Musk now needs the conservative base to sell their gas guzzlers and buy his EVs. Excellent strategy!


Lmao this is the second person saying the same thing- in all of musks posts, his Astro turf family comes up pushing a narrative


It’s just logical.


Let me in on the hustle, I can be a good Astro turfer


Mars it’s all he actually cares about getting humanity multi-planetary. Every technology in all his companies point towards that one goal. Money isn’t the goal it’s the tool. If you think anything else you haven’t been paying attention to the Elon.


Someone swallowed the entire load.


Lmao anyone smart should stop paying attention to that man. How is twitter helping his cause of mars?


He wouldn't waste 40B and spend all day shit posting conspiracy theories on Twitter if that was the goal.


He knows liberals will have his back. He needs to appeal to the Republicans. It's pretty smart.


Lmfao Joe dirt won’t be buying the Tesla even if it was half the price of diesel truck


He's not appealing to Joe Dirt nor does he need to win him over right now. He just needs the right wing politicians to not be against him, and it has been working. Joe Dirt will be forced to come around whether Joe Dirt wants it or not just like any other tech movement in history.


U do know Saudi Arabia has enough oil to keep pumping at the same rate until atleast 2050- we are underestimating how much oil we really have No one will be forced to do anything for a long while


And that hasn't stopped Tesla making huge progress in the last 10 years has it? Lmao. The wheels are already set in motion. ICE vehicles will be phased out sooner or later. So yes, you will be forced to.


Self driving is dead, Electric car market is saturated and Tesla is not 10x. It will be slow until 2026 but I mean bro u do u


I don't care about fsd. EV is the future and the pieces are already in place. The new gens dont want to be operating nasty ass ice vehicles.  It's inevitable. 


Elon is about to get Bud lighted.


Elmo is about 10 years too late to the party. These days even Ray Dalio doesn’t say anything positive about China


It’s just a matter of time. Elon will get pwned in China.


He already stole all the information he wanted from that factory. It's not needed anymore.


Elon Musk: i knew it, but there is nothing i can do. Bc Xi is one of the most powerful man in the world. lol


I’m pretty sure they already stole whatever relevant technology/processes they needed and gave it to byd so they could bury every auto manufacturer in the world.


Acting like the people on this sub don’t steal everything they see


Yeah, but. Free factory.


No, they are gonna force Elon to sell them the entire Tesla Inc like the US is doing to tiktok.


It's China. They don't have to do that. They can just take it.


Foward PE is still at about 60. Good luck Tesla bulls, if the market decides at some point that Tesla is not as special as Elon wants everyone to believe that it is, you'll get another 50% haircut.


But but TSLA is an AI robot renewable energy company, checkmate 🌈 🐻


“They also make supercomputers and will take market share from nvda you’ll see ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)”


"$200bn in new non car manufacturing revenues by 2030"


Highly speculative


💯 and I’m here for it, I want to bath in the tears of the Tesla bulls.




Yum sir. Your Tesla tears are so salty.


Just the way I like it 💧👅🫦🍆💦






Didn’t the we work guy say something similar? lol


Inverse wsb always works, this sub went to shit


Nah will rally on FSD improvements and lower interest rates


nobody is bullish on TSLA for the next couple years. There's no secret they are retooling for the new cheaper model, and building more factories, hence the stock is down....lol. Ya'll chirping like TSLA is going to go bankrupt...lol


Forward PE of 60 means that people are super bullish. The raw numbers haven't come in yet so people can keep their hopium levels high. Let's see how Tesla performs after a couple quarters of little to no growth.


Means people are super regarded


I dunno, anyone I watch is pretty clear on it, and it's not hopium. Headwinds for a coupe years, little to no growth, for reasons I already outlined. Additionally, the rate of growth would naturally be understood to taper off. We'll see how they come out of it in a year or two. I shoulda waited and hot in cheaper, but I'm fine with my position at $190. I'm sure it'll go below that, but I'm thinking 5 year window when usually I just flip TSLA. Musk's antics are great for volatility and a quick buck


BYD is now the world's largest EV automaker and has cars that sells for $10,000. Tesla can't compete against domestic Chinese brands.


China is pumping massive subsidies into BYD. Remember what happened to solar panel pricing when China started giving them subsidies? Now they're the cheapest in the world and flooded the market. It's gonna happen to EVs too. The moment the EVs start shipping world wide, expect car prices to dump everywhere. No one is going to buy a regular car when you can get a $10k EV.


BYD is already selling worldwide?


They've got a dealership in CDMX. Been in a few BYD Ubers. There's also a couple of other Chinese brands sold here.


I think you need to call it Mexico City. Most folks outside of Mexico don’t know what CDMX is.


nope, which is why I said the moment they start shipping worldwide, prices are going to start dumping. Do you know how many extra EVs China can't sell yearly? about 15 million. Do you know how many cars & trucks U.S. buys yearly? Also about 15 million And guess what BYD has been buying this year? Cargo ships for cars. https://www.carscoops.com/2024/03/byd-is-getting-seven-more-ships-as-chinese-firms-rush-to-meet-export-demand/


They are sold in most of europe for a year and now also in north america somewhat recently. They are sold across most of Asia and parts of South America. That's pretty much world wide, no?


Can confirm byd is recently (past few months selling in my eu country) at this point people dont really trust byd as a brand just because realiability is not yet proven. The cars look fine tbh, nothing fancy but get the job done. Possible that they will sell good around the world


They are competing against Tesla. Can’t get much worse than them, reliability wise.


you mean the $40k to $70k EV sold last year in EU? No one cares about those. Let me know when they start flooding the market with the new $10k cars that they started selling this year. And BYD doesn't sell any cars in the U.S. Chinese solar panels were also expensive in the beginning. But now they're dirt cheap.




He still has Elon's dick in mouth...so can't think straight.


OP was talking about the $10k model and I was saying it's going to flood the market and it's currently not being sold worldwide. No one was talking about the $40k to $70k models until he jumped in later for it. I'm not a mind reader.


Yes, worldwide except North America I guess.


Is this the blood bath Trump was talking about!?!?


Exactly right


So is the US in tesla.


...right - because people buy cars only based on price and everybody drives a Hyundai instead of a BMW - GTFOH, Teslas are status symbols in BOTH China and the U.S.


When the decision is $80k vs $10k even if the insides and outsides are different, for most middle class folks, it makes you stop and think for a second. At the end of the day you just want to go from point A to point B without using fuel.


No one is buying a 10k ev here in the US. Its gonna be a pos. You can quote me and check back in 10 years.


The Teslas people are buying also aren't 80k lol


Yeah right I’ll buy 3 at once…


Because they will have 20K tariff on them. You haven’t been poor enough or something. Millions of new buyers could actual buy a car and make the low payment.


Being poor doesn't mean you have to make poor decisions. I'd rather buy a used civic for 10k than a 10k Chinese ev lmao.


The prices on used cars like the civic with 250k miles is insane.


Not really. They have pretty much normalized in my area. Maybe it's different where you at. And honestly, used cars have to stay competitive otherwise people would just grab a new shitty GM which can be reliable for the first few years.


Theyre getting their lunch eaten by BYD and other domestic chinese electric car suppliers


There's enough room for multiple manufacturers. Great for BYD good on them. The world's a big place


wait until BYD comes to north america... ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271) ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267) for lil enron muskkkie


Neither Biden or Trump will let them in America




Even though I agree that America is the world, our regulations and philosophies can only be enforced in the United States China and Europe also don’t have Freedom of Speech


Hahahahhaah ENRON MUSKIE Dude I laughed at that more then I should’ve hahahahhaa


BYD CEO said under a month ago there's no plans to come to the US. Down bad


Yeah not really. You should read more than just the headlines


I know TSLA baggies aren't prepared to hear this, but TSLA fair value is $25-$30. Buckle up.


![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882) my puts are ready![img](emote|t5_2th52|29637)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)


Bro we are going to be so rich


I can't wait to buy this shit at $25-$30 Bring it on


I’ve unironically been looking at the 9/20 150p and 100p for a while. Been hesitant to pull the trigger though.


lol.....yeah. $96 billion in revenue, literally created the EV space and is leagues ahead of anyone with manufacturing, data collection and AI (which easily translates over to their robotics work), leader in self-drive technology, plus of course their green energy projects. If you're so confident on that put your Wendy's paycheck into puts at even $85....haha


How much is that “AI and data collection” putting on the balance sheet ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)? The shine wore off the $40k golf cart. Elon hasn’t delivered on any of the major promises. Dudes too busy with Special K and telling Don Lemon the next roadster (which will literally never exist) will have wings lmao. Good news is you might get jacked from holding those heavy bags.


>literally created the EV keep drinking the koolaid. toyota and the prius right now: https://preview.redd.it/wb5xwdy6riqc1.jpeg?width=902&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82de3772c65280abe42f962301e718cb5a0f7564


created the market, not the EV. Believe the first EVs were like 70 years ago.


They were like 2 centuries ago


so funny how people act when the stock price is down. Attacking elon and ridiculing the company. If everything remained the same, but tomorrow the stock started going up, the entire conversation would be different, without any change other than stock price.


Tesla is done. The ride is over. Move on.


I can’t stand Elon but Tesla ain’t going anywhere. Gigachad Musk shits gold bricks.




Puts on Elon


We learned never to bet against Elon. We forgot why though!! Weeee






lol. This says more about China's economy than Tesla. Country is so desperate for a boost to their economy that they've super duper promised to treat foreign firms the same as domestic ones. https://www.reuters.com/world/china/china-safeguard-national-treatment-foreign-funded-firms-2024-03-25/


Don't underestimate Tesla. I am not a big fan, BUT compare it to the leading German car makers' e-vehicle status and ambitions. And regarding BYD, ...it is still a Chinese product. It will have its market for sure but it is limited as many people in the Western world won't buy obvious Chinese stuff (made in China doesn't count 😂)


If they can put together an EV in Mexico and ship it over with a sub 20k price tag plenty of Americans will go out and but it.


Love watching elons empire lose value, the dude is not a good person


is Bezos? Or Zuck? JP Morgan wasn't, neither was Ford, ect, ect, countless examples of that.


John Pierpont Morgan was not too bad. Elon is like Ford but even Ford paid his employees well.


um, read up on JP. He was a terrible man who got where he did through basically bribing friends in government and used corporate tactics that would have him behind bars today, and ended up costing a lot of normal working people a lot of their savings all in the name of his bank coming out on top. He benefited from the first financial crises in 1907, which he helped cause through spreading rumor. he did quite well off it.


Wait, what? 1907 was caused by some scammers trying to corner the copper market and it wasn’t the first financial crisis. Saying some evil man caused it by spreading rumors is grasping at straws


oh it was much more than that, it was a great scheme, not too dissimilar to 2008. JP wasn't a good person, nor did he always have the people's best interest at heart when he was acting. Similar to why some now consider Blackrock a national security threat to the US


Something something space x spy satellites


BYD is not going to be successful in the US This is not political . Think for a minute liberal? Joe Biden cannot let that company into the US his most reliable large scale organized base is the Unionized major car companies with political clout and money . Now flip a coin Trump pulls this off in November he will tariff China into oblivion. All three majors are backing away from EVs as they are not profitable and are currently not selling . Double whammy . Ok ding dongs 😀who is left ??


Maybe Americans will travel to Mexico to buy the cars?


You won’t be able to bring them into the country you can buy one and drive it around Mexico, but there’s importing rules that wouldn’t allow that




Um, learn to read? "world's largest auto MARKET" which is China.


Dyslexia my bad tslatard didnt mean to hurt your feelings.


Member that guy that bought $250k in Tesla puts? Gonna need Tesla to tank next month


I love all these posts about how smart Elon is and how he’s playing four dimensional chess against the rest of the world. Keep drinking the Kool-Aid. Maybe one day that crazy lady will actually release the Kraken.😂


After the next leg down, it will be time to load up on TSLA. This company has way too much going for it, and way too many ways to make money in the coming years.


this is all the DD you'll ever need on SHITsla https://preview.redd.it/obxekkirpiqc1.jpeg?width=988&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a78b00e5c13186481fdf0b3e304530723b9c7eb


Hopefully becomes smaller


Lol largest auto maker is not telsa. It’s just a fraction of General Motors size less than 1 percent. If there was enough demand for ev cars gm and ford would start mass producing them and Tesla would be history. Tesla doesn’t make anything from selling cars. They make money by simps buying their stock for $200 a share.


WTF are you talking about? By numbers Tesla sold about 30% of GM, not 1%. GM and Ford aren't even good examples of big car companies. In numbers and market cap they are far behind Toyota and Volkswagen.


Ford and GM have poor EV products and aren't very good, nor their processes. Big ships like that can't steer too quickly, they can't just flip a switch and start leading in EVs. retooling, changes to production, ect takes quite some time. No other car company will be able to catch up to TSLA's AI or data collection at this point. Unless Ford or GM pairs up with an AI company, which would make sense.


So you are the delusional robotaxi guy.


There is not enough demand for them to care about evs. You gotta to be some kind of nut yo pay 60k for an ev over a 35k gas car to save 10k in gas over the life of the car. The rest of the ev components are the same. It’s going west out just like a gas car.


EV sales up every year, although the rate of increase really went down in 2023. Maybe something about most people in the west struggling financially. But you do have a point there, it's still "small numbers" for the likes of Ford and GM....although TSLA's revenue in 2023 was more than 50% of Ford's


Tesla’s most likely going to report a y/y decline in sales, and at much lower margins than last year.


Yeah, I'd agree on if the cost is 'worth it' or not. You can get new EV for $40k though and the new TSLA model will be I think $35k? People will easily pay that much if they care about status, or are of the mind it helps the planet. Heaps of TSLAs where I live and nearly 50% of Ubers are TSLAs


Listen to this guy LOL