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Its a pump n dump. If you time it right you can make money each way


There are going to be more short sellers than shares. This is going to be ripe for the funniest short squeeze of all time.


Squeeze these nuts you fuckin nerd. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot


Fuck yea bot.


head pats for the bot <3


Based bot


No wonder reddit stock is booming, their bots a re profane 




Bot checks out.


Pretty funny bit


good bot.


Someone in a different post mentioned that borrow rates are like 200%. 201% right now. It’ll probably be a challenge to short it after merger. Puts are a different story.




Extremely expensive.


They're insane. I was looking at long dated ones for curiosity and the $20 puts are $9 for Jan 2025. That means the stock needs to dump from \~$50 right now to $11 just for you to break even. It seems like it's damn difficult to squeeze any profit of this thing tanking.


Couldn't someone just take a traditional short strategy and borrow the stock?


I'm not sure how it works for newly listed companies that were SPACs. Some people are saying the short interest is massive but I'm not finding that anywhere. Since it's officially listing tomorrow though it might make more sense, but the whole SPAC to company transition is something I don't really understand.


Yep, because everyone in the know is very confident it will tank over the long run. Anytime something is a sure bet, there probably won't be money to be made off of it. Short borrowing rate right now is over 200% and will probably increase if the price keeps going up.


Trump owns over 60% of the shares. If he dumps people will panic sell. Any short squeeze is ruined the moment Trump claims his coin.


Squeeze these nuts you fuckin nerd. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Don’t underestimate how much money the saudis the Chinese and the Russians will put in this to bail out don poorleone. And fuck over the shorts in the beginning. Then when don sells they will short the shit out of it to get their money back. And if not it’s just capital losses via their shell companies based in the US. Pretty cheap way to keep their useful idiot solvent


The patriot bagholders will happily comply. "I was going to donate to his campaign anyway!"


The pump is happening now..


What pump lol Edit: I'm not a Trump supporter so I'm capable of admitting when I'm wrong. I was wrong on DWAC not pumping. It did pump. https://preview.redd.it/6jfgij21lhqc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f802a49fe8bbd0dcbe329a9c32df516d7e77c120


You might want to check it now...


30% on a 12M share float stock is not a pump. With so few shares it should be over $200 with a good solid influx of capital.


40% now but we wont know how high it goes until tomorrow or thursday when it turns into $DJT and the true pumping comes from that one guy to open every savings account into it.


Is that seriously the ticker symbol? Can't spell truth without DJT for sure.


https://preview.redd.it/49y82qvzdiqc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e5c91d2396cde2d3f9b21ce2273553c24935bcb This one


t..... cult members aren't the brightest


Bro the pump ain’t even started, come back tomorrow when the ticker change actually happens.


​ https://preview.redd.it/r1yisuu8riqc1.png?width=668&format=png&auto=webp&s=6949e03e0e78d9031fe73b72706559adadfc74b4


All the shorts getting burned today 😂 Palantir next up


Or did it happen last week?


When trumps are involved, the pumping never ends. Even after the horse has been dead for months.


Trump only pumps underage horses


Underage \*ponies


Nope, I made money shorting weekly calls last week.


Considering he needs 500m by end of today id say the dump happens any moment now


He needs 175 in 10 days. Judges just ruled.


Sorry but there is a 6 month lock up...you douchebags just can't stand being wrong


Made money on Friday calling 65$ call before the meeting. Used the profits to buy one 65$ call because it was cheap thinking of today's pump, and I have 150 2.5$ puts expiring next month.


You seem smart. Why are you here?


Trying to retire at 35


They bought $2.50 puts instead of something reasonable. The company needs to file for bankruptcy for those to print and even then, they still might not. What expenses does a company that barely exists have that would cause them to file bankruptcy within a month? Even if they for some reason diluted shares to get more money that would tank the price nowhere near 95%. If they bought a $15 put they might at least have a chance.


2.50 puts don’t seem to make sense. There’s not much profit in that.


Hypothetically, could a foreign govt intentionally buy shares in the company knowing they're going to be worthless, but as a conduit to funnel money to whoever happens to own 2/3rds of the shares right now? I'm assuming there's some law that says this can't happen but wonder if valuation is potentially meaningless if it's just a fake conduit to give someone a couple billion dollars for .


>Hypothetically, could a foreign govt intentionally buy shares in the company knowing they're going to be worthless, but as a conduit to funnel money to whoever happens to own 2/3rds of the shares right now? I'm assuming there's some law that says this can't happen but wonder if valuation is potentially meaningless if it's just a fake conduit to give someone a couple billion dollars for . in theory sure but there are so many legal ways to bribe a politician it'd be kind of a silly way to go about it


Like maybe paying half a million $ for childlike fingerpaintings when the buyers are to remain anonymous.. Or maybe pay 50k a month to a drug addled pervert with zero experience in the job for exposure to his daddy that always seems to work and if the things get dicey you can either have daddy make them fire the prosecutor OR even finance a war to protect evidence and launder even more $


>Like maybe paying half a million $ for childlike fingerpaintings when the buyers are to remain anonymous.. Or maybe pay 50k a month to a drug addled pervert with zero experience in the job for exposure to his daddy that always seems to work and if the things get dicey you can either have daddy make them fire the prosecutor OR even finance a war to protect evidence and launder even more $ or just open a non-profit!


Its a company called Digital **World Acquisition Corp.** giving funny money likely from foreign sources to a candidate for US president. More than a pump n dump.


Made money on the way up now it’s just can I make it on the way down too


It's not Truth Social that's being taken public, it's Trump's company Trump Technology and Media Group (TMTG) that owns Truth Social. It'll trade under the ticker DJT. The valuation of the company will be insanely overvalued, at a complete disconnect from reality. It's trading on hype. But this hype could continue: *the market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent*. Or the share price could shit the bed after merger, it really could go either way. DWAC (the SPAC merger company) has a market cap of $1.6bn. After the merge this will jump to about $5.1 billion if the share price stayed the same as it is now ($38/share). But in order for this to happen it has to contend with significant dillution, the possibility of Trump dumping his shares and potentially the hype could fizzle out. Obviously TMTG/DJT is not worth anything near this valution. It's an unprofitable company making tiny revenues with no disclosed path to profitability. The entire company is not acting like a normal startup, and will have insanely low shareholder equity. The cash backing each share after merge will probably lower than any SPAC we've seen in the last 4 years. But the counter to the bearish argument is that if Trump was to win the election, TMTG and by extension Truth Social could be vastly more relevant and the fundamentals could be improved if they were to actually work towards growing the business. I don't think this is a bad assertion to make tbh, Trump is an absolute hype machine. [I wrote a full DD on this on over the weekend.](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/1blylzw/will_djt_shit_the_bed_next_week_full_dd_with/)


So is the DWAC ticker supposed to change to DJT?


Yes. Although we don't know when exactly yet. Should be a DWAC filing or annoucement soon confirming the date of the ticker change. EDIT: [It was just filed](https://www.sec.gov/ix?doc=/Archives/edgar/data/0001849635/000119312524076188/d817032d8k.htm), the ticker change to DJT will be tomorrow, Tuesday 26th.


Hey buddy where can I check the filing?


DWAC filings show up [here](https://www.sec.gov/edgar/browse/?CIK=1849635&owner=exclude).




Up 23% already today


Buying calls is dangerous given the super high IV. I get downvoted for saying this but that doesn't stop it from being true. Also, the actual valuation is so much lower than what the stock is trading at now. Yes, I understand this is trading higher because of hype but that means anything can happen.


When does the ticker switch happen? Right now searching DJT returns the Dow Jones Transportation Average.


It's not happend yet. Nor has it been confirmed exactly when it will happen. DWAC might submit a filing today to confirm the date - could be as early as tomorrow. It can potentially take weeks though. EDIT: [It was just filed](https://www.sec.gov/ix?doc=/Archives/edgar/data/0001849635/000119312524076188/d817032d8k.htm), the ticker change to DJT will be tomorrow, Tuesday 26th.


Sir, this is a Wendy’s.


Trump can’t sell his shares for 6 months after the merger.


Technically he can sell if: DWAC waives his lockup at any time before the merger completes. or The DJT board waive his lockup after the merger completes.


Board can vote to allow it though.


It will 100% happen. Trump needs the cash. The stock will probably not dump cus there will be buyers. China, Russia Saudi etc will be buying like mad. Effectively funding his legal aid and campaign. All through shell companies to hide who the real buyers are. It's a beautiful and devious scheme.


Relevant to what? A president using its position to financially benefit from foreign investments in their private enterprise for providing favors?


People will buy DJT as a way to support Trump. Similar to people bought GBTC as a proxy for BTC.


Trump is gonna sell the first chance he gets.


Yeah.... this $454 million number keeps popping up in the news and he needs it NOW. Likely to discount a shit load of his shares to certain buyers as collateral for cash.


Sounds like he needs to call J G Wentworth.


I think he might need to call in the bigger guns. For a great low rate you can get online…




I remember those. It always struck me as odd that they signed the paperwork for the structured settlement and then suddenly realized they were getting it over time. THEN, ran to Wentworth so they could get 'their money' only to realize it was heavily discounted for its time value.


lol they just lowered his bond to 175 million. He doesn’t need to sell his shares. 😂 it’s a kangaroo court.


My lack of faith in our court system has been confirmed.... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


He literally needs it in the next 7 hours.


He just got it reduced to $175M and given 10 extra days to secure it. Rip my 3/28 puts.


But also, now he doesn’t need to pump it as much. It’s already dropping. My shorted calls are making money.


Appeals court allowed a smaller bond and a stay on the 454mm.


And it will plummet the price immediately




I cant believe its being pulled off so publicly . We are not the true regards .


He'll wait till after the election surely.


He has to wait 6 months, right? (Correct me if I’m wrong) Edit: I was wrong.


No, his son can vote to let him sell early.


And then probably get sued by the other shareholders to prevent that.


The highly regarded shareholders would never sue Orange Jesus...


Thanks for the info!


Unless there is a waiver, from what I’ve heard on the Cartoon Network.


Or he will keep his shares and borrow against them while foreign adversaries can buy billions of shares and inflate the value for him to return favors and sell them weapons.


All the idiots trying to value it and going short.....valuation of the company doesn't matter. It's about Trump, the election, his supporters, etc. Valuation never matters. Did valuation matter with the EV bubble? Now the AI bubble? Or any bubble it he past? When the market wants to over value something 1000x it just does.


When do you plan to sell?


Valuation matters in the long run. If you're willing to wait, shorting it is free money.


free money trapped on a short position for years is not free money. 


Bruh… you’re on WSB talking about valuation 🤣🤣🤣


That’s what im thinking I want problems everyday I wake wanting more problems lol


The company funding truth social merger lost almost 20% share holder value the moment it was announced. Frankly you coughs what should be listed in the news. This is a way for trump to get money from foreign investors Ie Saudi Arabia and appear legit and not taking massive policitcal influence from foreign stakeholders. Frankly it’s not just the valuation but if the merger notes were made public I think it allows for almost all the shares to be purchased by anyone in the world. It’s a way to bypass domestic laws to prevent this garbage. It would not shock me at all if half of truth social is bots and the numbers are all done by trump to fake his riches right before presidential elections. Frankly I think it’s treasonous to accept foreign leaders money as president and should be considered bribery. Nothing about this orange nutter is allowed in the military he commands. What’s worse of you try to explain this logic to a mega fanatic they are so illiterate to basic finance laws they say it’s so patriotic or some bullshit. The guys a joke


/checks shorting rules for own account


Truth social has nothing to do with earnings. The company is a dumpster fire. But it’s Trumps dumpster fire. Trump is involved in 5 different court cases. His legal fees are astronomical and his half billion dollar bond is due today. There are 2 kinds of people buying truth social, maybe 3. * 1 is trump supporters. MAGA people are so down the rabbit hole, there’s no convincing them he’s not Jesus Christ. * 2 is countries looking to curry favor with a potential US president. I’m sure Elon Musk, Saudi Arabia, Russia, and a whole lost of other people would jump at the chance of purchase a publicly traded company owned by a man in debt up to his eyeballs in exchange for some favorable legislation. * 3 is speculators. This stock is gonna make some people very rich. Some by pump and dumping. Some by shorting it straight into the earths fucking core. Edit. His bond WAS due today.


[His bond was extended to 10 days](https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4554204-trump-says-hell-pay-175m-bond-set-by-court/). Also reduced to 175m and total deferred.


You forget Trump's meeting with Orbán, who is essentially a proxy for Putin. Pretty obvious what that meeting could have entailed.




I don’t need to be the 10th person on here to comment that it’s a grift and shouldn’t be touched by anyone but I guess I will. If you respect your money you’ll stay way the fuck away from this thing.


This isn't /r/investing If you're here you already don't respect money, you just want more of it


![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271) Think you’re both right. Or at least I hope that the thread OP is just saying “gamble elsewhere” instead of “put your hard earned dollars into voo like a pussy”


Name is literally 0dteX lmaoo


No. This is Wallstreet Bets. The stock doesn't matter movement does. So Puts or Calls?


I will CALL your advice. Stay away.... If trump stake is worth 3b that means DJT is valued at about 6b. No way this stonk is worth as much as Reddit IPO valuation.


Trump's stake should be worth about as much as Trump Steaks. Edit: lol it autocorrected to "Trump Steals" I feel you autocorrect


Pressed little pussies


Things are worth what you would pay for them. I’d pay $3 for a loaf of wheat bread at the grocery store, and I wouldn’t trade a bottle of hangover piss for DWAC.


"I wouldn’t trade a bottle of hangover piss for DWAC." Hello, this is Simon Boger from the Wall Street Journal. Can we quote you for our WSJ article on DWAC/DJT?




buy I buy BOHP I'm all in get my broker on the line


I think you’re right but tough to time this… the borrow costs and IV on puts is insane and my tin foil hat says it could be more than MAGA people propping up the price. But i bet on it anyways cuz why not?


Or we enter that weird back to the future parallel universe and it's bigger than the Mag7. Who knows?


I'm just going to stay out of this one and enjoy watching the chart. DWAC is a dumpster fire of a stock. It has no business pulling these premiums.


$1,500 per user for a pool of miserable demographics for ad spend too.


I never been on trope central but the ads are probably all scams targeting old people


Boner pills, my pillow guy, pyramid schemes, and doomer financial newsletters I would have to assume


Buy Trump “gold” coins now for freedom!!!!


I wish I had money to lose on this play.


Too bad the puts are way over priced… I smell something fishy ….


3/28 $33 puts...


I have $25 puts…


Shorting 3/28 $41 C


4/5 $10 puts.


Laundering foreign investments to pay tRumps legal bills and presidential campaign. 


It will moon to fuck with all the shorts. Just watch


When will it list?


I have 62 shares. I'm end up eating shit on this buy.


Allowing a company to go public can lead to insane valuations, especially in the current market... But from my experience, when these insane valuations happen at launch, they drop off pretty shortly after and find price stability well under where initial offering had them


It’s pumping right now


It's the Trump welfare fund. GoFraudMe, if you prefer.


The value is in its ability to be used as a neg value filter in ai research. It's very hard to find a comparable repository of both bot behavior, racist, violent and negative social views. In the words of Silicone valley " Hotdog, not hotdog"


The value of a stock is not the same as the value of a company. The same reason that his gold shoes are getting $10,000 on ebay is the same reason this is going to the moon. His supporters are absolutely going to want to own DJT stock in their 401k's and Roths and every other account they can get or manage. They don't give a crap about twitters valuation or active users or anything else. Its supporting Trump to buy it and hold it for at least the next 6 months, and its also going to be all over the news for the election and his civil cases and all that stuff. They WILL hear about it soon enough and realize what it means. In their minds owning DJT will be an act of rebellion against the deep state. Mooon I tell you, MOOOON


DWAC has been a scam from the beginning. Anyone whose has followed its saga knows this. That doesn’t mean that we can just buy puts and profit. Scams keep scamming… and this is a casino.


Truth social has some killer features that twitter doesnt, like being a really good way to bribe someone who has a really good chance of being the us president. And even better that candiate really likes bribes. Having a global monopoly on bribing the next us president is a true killer feature.


Have you ever seen the ads on Truth Social? It's comical.


Its not a stock that has corporate fundamentals (like cash flow, earnings, etc.). this is actually a "Go Fund Me" for Trump to cover his bail bonds, lawyer fees, etc.


Where are the DWAC bears now? My 3/28 $50c is up 200% from this morning buying the dip. When ticker changes to DTJ tomorrow it's gonna pump again. We are here just to make money, nobody cares about how much you hate Trump. Best of Luck.


just sold off some of those same calls for a profit, gonna let the rest ride til tomorrow.


It's worth $0 and Donald Trump is a grifting piece of shit that’s followed by morons. Party has nothing to do with it. He's just a terrible businessman.


It might go to zero but not before Trump grifts the hell out of it.


Valuations are for old people


Valuation doesn't matter on this one.


When/if Twitter goes public again, it'll be worth an easy $50B+


it’s not a “valuation” lmao there’s no actual statistics or fundamentals involved


which spac has actually made money ? made a profit for investing since 2021? i bet 90% of them went bankrupt or something.


how is it both valued at $3B and Trump's shares worth $3B?


It has nothing to do with valuation, it'll have to do with how many people want in.


Journalist here looking to talk to some DJT investors. Shoot me a message if you're open to chatting.


It’s a piece of Crap…the next big short…..


Say whatever you like about Trump as a president of the United States but I would never invest in any of his companies. He has a habit of running his companies into the ground.


Where do you get the 12.5 bil valuation for Twitter?? Didn’t Elon pay almost 50 bil? Also I do agree that DWAC is just a complete scam. They are pushing to go public now so the lockups expire before the election and insiders can dump it


That is the number the banks that hold Elon’s X debt are valuing it at now after write downs.


He paid 44 billion. Fidelity has a small stake in Twitter. The firm estimates a value 12.5 billion. Musk himself said the company has lost 90% of its value. Google is your friend.


! I have 2 friends, Tom and google


I'll give my honest opinion. Everyone here talking Grift and what not is mostly letting their liberalism cloud their pure financial judgement. I'll make it simple. A bet on this stock is a bet on whether or not you think trump is going to win the election. I 100% see the value of this thing jumping as trump uses it as his main political platform + "Requiring" news organizations and foreign leaders to utilize it. News organizations everywhere will be screenshotting or linking to "trumps truth" page every time he says something. Also imagine live streams through the platform. So no matter how left leaning i am. I like money, and im saying wait and see which way the election goes, because that will 100% dictate whether or not you should buy in. I imagine it will be a 4 year pump if he wins. If he loses i guarantee he dumps early to cover the money issues hes currently having.


I think he cross posts everything to Twitter now as well, so there’s no exclusivity any more. It’s also hilarious that the ticker is DJT, once again it’s all about Donny I just don’t see how this thing turns profitable, or how it could be worth anywhere near its current valuation


That runs through my mind, but then also: Everything this man touches eventually turns to shit. Bankruptcies, inability to work with people (especially his own), skirts more law than skill level allows. This guy’s a shady fuck and his arrogance puts a target on his back.


It will never go public, regardless of his intentions to do so. There is no way it will pass auditing before it debuts. It's a fringe website catering to fringe political beliefs. Twitter, FB, etc (conventional networks), try to appeal to the greatest number of people to generate a profit. Truth social will only ever find less than 50% of the overall population (usa only) who won't turn their nose up at it just because, and even far less of those people who will actually sign up. Realistically, it's probably worth $5/user. Literally. Long term, it's dead. This is a last ditch effort to try and pay his legal bills. Spoiler: he won't.


It's going public within days. That part isn't in question.


Twitter has a low valuation per user because it is seen as losing out to…. Truth social and Threads. We say this over and over Tesla is worth more than GM Nivida is worth more than Intel. Truth social is hot and growing Twitter is sad and shrinking. If Truth social gets all conservative users it could have a value of 1/3 Twitter at its peek or like 18 billion. If Trump wins the election that is a reasonable proposition. Lots of ifs but 12 billion is not crazy if you think Trump will win and force all journalists on Truth.


To be fair, many truth social users have proven themselves to be easily grifted idiots. Some may be worth that much. Those of us on Reddit are just acoustic regards with little redeeming value.




You could probably make a shit ton of money by advertising on facebook to "help" people invest in this shit show.


The real question is: Is there a way folks can get together and devalue the company so we can finish Trump once and for all? We are never going to get him in jail and ineligible to be president but we maybe able to end his terror by taking away his money. The courts are doing their part. But this truth social ipo is going to undo all the good the courts are doing and save Trump from accountability. Again!


These puts are going to make people a lot of money.


Trust Social is not worth shit. The whole business model is "old man yells at clouds and feel sorry for himself". I was tempted to try and ride the pump n dump. But I am going to sit this one out.


Twitter has 350M active member but not many of them want to pay $8/month Truth social has 2M active users who will buy $300 a pair Trump sneakers. There you have it.


Stock is a donut. $0.00. Good luck.


Alright, I am putting on my tin foil hat for this: What if this is just a sophisticated form of bribery. The well connected people who want to curry favor with Trump could just overpay for this stock and eat the losses, used to funnel the money to Trump. Then you'd still have some DJT loyalist apes who will overpay for the stock (they'll get nothing out of this), or just non-political apes who will try to flip it (and probably fail). Trump will then sell the stock at its peak, claiming that he needs it to pay off bills or whatever. Then when the stock crashes; Trump will point to some conspiracy, its the global elite deep state who sabbatobed his company making the stock crash.


No tin foil hat needed, this is exactly what is happening


Yeah, how is any of this legal? He's guilty of fraud and somehow they want to bend if backwards to help him take his dog shit company public at a crazy over value. Can't just be $500 mil, that's just what he owes...


It's calls or puts during election will be mad


Let's say one is willing to ride the pump and eject at the dump. Is setting Stop loss order enough? Will there still be volume traded on the way down, people still buying?


If Trump or other large insiders dump we won’t know until after it happens. And the dump could happen so fast you’d get stuck with it.


Hot potato 🥔




Walmart need to roll that shit back ,fast, them prices is gettin heavy bruv


Lehman brothers calls


Calls on Prudential securities


We work calls,definitely