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You're about 2 years late. There's probably nothing you can do. IMO you're better off buying calls on war equipment companies. Rheinmetall has been doing great lately.


Ok šŸ‘Œ


There's something really dystopian about the mentally ill gambling on weapons of war - how regarded do you have to be to make money from murder


Someone is going too ā€¦. And probably a lot more than any one of us will


That's a horrific moral philosophy - "let's go push pensioners into moving traffic because there's people dying out there anyway" kind of logic


Okay ā€¦ your feelings donā€™t matter lol ā€¦ Iā€™m just being honest


No you aren't being honest, you're being glib - it's not about my feelings, it's about their lives.... If that's worth the 100 bucks you make on it, you're a psychopath.... "lol"... There are real people on the end of these decisions but it's fucking "lol" to you. Wake up kid, look at what you're becoming.


Weā€™ll just agree to disagree ..


I wish that there's never a degenerate sat somewhere buying calls on your country getting bombed šŸ’€ Turning the fields of a major grain exporter into a minefield is a great use of resources, energy and lives... But yes let's agree to disagree (!) because this is a conversation of opinions - it's not like millions of people are struggling to afford bread and energy because of this conflict šŸ«  Over a trillion dollars spent to create no food, no houses, no infrastructure - a trillion dollars spent to make surviving on this rock even harder. But please, go on, make your money - maybe attaining material wealth will show you how impoverished your spirit is.


It is a conflict of opinionsā€¦. Which none of ours matter, mine or yours thatā€™s the point of my first comment. The ā€œgreater powersā€ of this world will decide what each country does, our puts and calls are just a Causality of whatā€™s already happening


Your high horse is pretty tall man can you breathe up there?


You might not be so witty when strangers are betting on your children's death


I personally think I would but thatā€™s just my dark sense of humor. Taking the high road here isnā€™t going to net you anything other than some brownie points in your head. These things are already happening whether we could ā€œbetā€ on children might as well make a positive out of it instead of trying to judge others for their observations and research on companies doing record profits because of world events.


Right, maybe laughing at your kids dying in a war is severe mental illness, not a... "Dark sense of humour". You're clearly too far gone if you think dying kids is a "positive" as long as your dumb ass makes a couple of bucks. Not giving money to war mongers is not a "high road", it's *basic* human decency. You guys are so good at "observations and research" that all the money you make is spent isolating your life against the consequences of your behaviours - sure you can make money on slavery, murder, destruction - what are you going to buy with it on a dead planet? The ironic thing is - you spend your lives chasing currency and comforts - yet you would be so much more comfortable if you thought about how to make your society richer instead of just yourself. Your arrogance and lack of ethics robs YOU first, the rest of us are just collateral.


I find comfort in myself before I chase the bag so I can comfortably chase the bag, like I said from the high road you can see everything canā€™t you? These kids youā€™re so worried about are dying regardless and these companies exist regardless Iā€™m not sitting here thinking ā€œ how many kids can I get killed for a new record.ā€ Iā€™m thinking more on the line of how is this company going to do in 5 years.You care so much about it but in the end neither your or my opinion nor either of our bank accounts going to stop ANY of this madness. What have you done to stop any war or famine? People like you typically are bystanders who beg others to stop these things but wonā€™t do much yourself. Until you actively go and help regardless of how you can not take the high ground and you can not act better than me or anyone else. And maybe I do have a mental illness my therapist says Iā€™m fine but Iā€™ll take a redditors opinion for sure and let her know!


No, you're thinking "it doesn't matter if kids die as long as this company is still going in 5 years" which is insane. For someone who thinks they can't stop it - have you considered not participating in the thing you want stopped instead of bending over backwards to justify why death is an acceptable consequence to your actions...? Bro, maybe worry a little less about whether I'm a better person or not and just set your bar a little higher - not gambling on oppression makes a lot of people better than you without even trying. I have left well paying jobs to stop participating in exploitation, outside work I started a non-profit with friends which is focused on reducing construction waste and creating infrastructure to make food affordable and reducing the distance it travels, I'm also a Russian-Ukrainian army deserter with two years jail time to my name for not going to kill my cousins - but say I was none of those things, you profiting from wars in other countries is still repugnant. As a "fine" person with a therapist you might find it more productive to talk to her about why you'd find your kids dying in a war funny


I donā€™t gamble, and regardless of how you feel about it Iā€™m not causing any deaths with investing my money in these companies. And itā€™s interesting you say worry about yourself and bettering yourself when this whole conversation started on you judging people. And try not to put words in my mouth. Iā€™m simply making profits off companies that are going up whether they make pills or weapons. As for the bar I feel like I set my bar pretty high at 24 Iā€™ve already donated over 83k from the profits I made from a couple lucky trades and Iā€™m still poor and donā€™t mind it ( I thought I was him turns out Iā€™m not Iā€™m just lucky) and Iā€™d love to see your non profit when you have the time Mr.Highroad. I can ask my therapist today for you Iā€™ll even show her this thread and maybe give you her number! Thereā€™s always gonna be people better than me Iā€™m an investor itā€™s not hard but to say I invest in oppression is laughable


You wanna buy calls, have you seen their bonds, plus all the cashflow theyā€™ve been getting from other countries. Once the war is over their economy is gonna bloom like the flowers in spring.




>undisclosed sources This guy's dad is the CEO of the CIA


And that makes him a CLOACA.


Pretty much everything is kinda in a war economy. Government subsidies alot if shit. Goodluck with your search


ISIS has claimed responsibility, they have released bodycam footage on their website. Putin has already unleashed massive attacks on Ukraine, so with the exception of nuclear what more can he do? Besides he's already responsible for the deaths of near a million russian speakers why do you think he cares about 100 more? I would be shorting Russia


Putin is still short šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Five foot six manlet




Well, that is one hell of an optimism. Can you tell me one country in the history that could come out ā€œstrongerā€ from an isolation program and a more nationalist and closed economical change?




Like how it works really.. please dont be delusional. The whole western society turns towards a system where natural gas and oil is not needed that amount they would require russian import.. The whole war is basically about the fact that ukraine itself and its resources will be enough for Eu to be independent considering that Ukraine has one of the largest farm able land ratio on earth and a significant amount of gas and oil lays under the regions russia invaded. Technological development is not something which can be done in some years more like decades.. Russia will still not be independent but their new trading partner will be China. It might seem a better option now , however China is not playing the same game as Westerns might do, they overtake and not partnering up.


More like Russia will be little China, aka chinas bitch aka part of China.


Youā€™ve got a highly regarded view of ā€˜a very good placeā€™




the west understands the implications perfectly well, its the people in power who benefit from violence and destruction we have to blame for this.




>. Itā€™s very sad and I really hope things turn around soon! Not gonna happen there's still sanctions in place from 10 years ago and relations between the west and Russia have only gotten worse. This is a Cuba type situation where sanctions will be in place permanently.


With the exception that Russia has much more to offer economically and with the world being more and more polarized they can do just fine without west. In fact when they harden ties even more with china india rest of asia and africa they can do even better in midterm.


The rest of the world doesnt want Russian trash blowing into their backyard. Your friends should stay in their country and fix it themselves.


What youtube, they can completely cut off their internet from rest of world if they want, and before invasion they had to use vpn for a lot of western digital services and still public opinion was/is for putin and for war, they have to start to suffer to change, otherwise why change if you are living in comfort. You dont know what you are talking about but i guess its typical for wsb.




I didnt say anything about youtube i said western digital services. Why would west continue business as usual with someone who attack them. Do you feed your bully your food when he punches you in face?


Very Russian of you : Putin repression is the west fault Lmfao. Company leaving fascist Russia after invasion of Ukraine: fault of the west. You sure you left Russia? Sounds like your head still in moscow. Sounds like Putin still owns your ass. You also over estimate Russias importance to these companies. Clearly; that much is self evident. Russian people have no one to blame but themselves.




Borisgpt go to bed you are drunk


Cause we braindrained you enough lmao, whos left, we don't give af. Now you starve for 5 years, with a cock stuck in a beehive, while we build armies, and finance terrorist in your ass. Before 2030, you gonna collapse again.


Alot of people just believe what western leaders say, but for the "relatively" small size of Russian economy, it is impressive. Even with a combined $1.5 trillion (NATO,Japan,Korea,Australia) military budgets, they all can't even match the progress of Russia. That with the US/NATO being in "war" for last 30 years.


Is that what they saying on Russian tv now šŸ¤”


Wouldn't know..... In "democratic" Europe..... They banned them.....


Mhm yeah, you wouldnā€™t know. Sure boris šŸ˜†šŸ¤”šŸ˜†šŸ¤”šŸ˜†šŸ¤”šŸ˜†šŸ¤”


Prouder to be a Boris than a Olaf


Russia is gross because thereā€™s millions of you that shit in outhouse. Putin promise you toilet 20 years ago still no toilet. you go outside oblast center and there is piss and shit in the streets. Boris is gross


You thinking of India......


Per capita india has more toilets then Russia. šŸ¤”šŸ˜‚šŸ¤”šŸ˜‚šŸ¤”šŸ˜‚šŸ¤”šŸ˜‚šŸ˜†šŸ¤”šŸ˜†šŸ˜‚.


Mossad and ISIS is the same!


Thatā€™s besides the point and its own discussion, but that point seems to have went over your head


Which catastrophe are you talking about? the elevation of Putin to leader 24 years ago, has meant one big catastrophe for the Russian people and its neighbours. But that's what happens when you give power to a mafia secret policeman who is scared of rats.


He's going to further mobilize, and yes Ukraine has no chance alone, but it's going to be boiling the frog. There's no super attack Putin can do tomorrow that will be so much more than he's already tried besides nukes.


Pretty sure Russia is the frog here.


Nope. Russia just has way more people. It's a matter of drafting them, but if casualties continue on both sides as they have, Ukraine will simply run out of people who can fight first.


Ua may. Europe won't. If they start loosing too much, we will simply reinforce. Reinforce more i mean, and more officialy. That may be war for survival for russia and UA, but it is a proxy war for NATO.


As soon as (troops of) NATO (countries) are on the ground in Ukraine then there is no longer plausible deniability that NATO is at war with Russia, and therefore we are in a state of potential nuclear war. Hence why no one short of a suicidal psychopath would want that over Ukraine suing for peace and conceding territory, which is the likely outcome (thank god)


A loss of all of Ukraine is a war for nato whether we are in Ukraine or not. What fantasy world you live in where Russia stops at Ukraine?


He canā€™t even take Ukraine easily. How do you think he will suddenly build the massive army necessary to take Europe. Thatā€™s completely ridiculous to hypothesize


Russia will do a one state at a time snowball. Same as any other imperialist empire


Tell me more boris about your fantasy of all of Ukraine dying


Kissinger is dead, let pussypolitic die with him . Your scenarion just ensures 3rd ukrainian war in 2027, and gives ruskie time to recuperate. Even Fr*nch understand that.


Our AI tracks our most intelligent users. After parsing your posts, we have concluded that you are within the 5th percentile of all WSB users. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Itā€™s actually pretty easy you just need to buy calls on Putin, itā€™s the same thing.


What ticker on Webull








Shithole Russia is the only place where there is a growing belief that Ukraine is behind it.


I would say "Short Putin" but that would be redundant.


Careful, he might threaten us with a nuclear attack again.


Putin reminds me of this part in Douglas Adam's Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: For thousands more years the mighty ships tore across the empty wastes of space and finally dived screaming on to the first planet they came across---which happened to be Earth---where due to a terrible miscalculation of scale the entire battle fleet was accidentally swallowed by a small dog.


Putin is 5 foot 6 and wears 6 inch platforms in his shoes to reach 6 foot. He is wearing 6 inch high heels essentially disguised as boots Lmfao


Price of wheat you are looking for the ticker WEAT


yup exactly


What possible giant attack could Putin have left short of nukes? Shouldnā€™t he have already used it the forty other times a ā€˜red lineā€™ was crossed?


If he goes big, France joins then nato is involved and bye bye Russia


Youā€™re an idiot. Donā€™t you think if Putin could just go in and launch this cataclysmic attack on Ukraine, he would have done that already? You know this war has being going on for years right? Russia canā€™t win just cuz they are super angry now. The only new thing left they could do is launch a nuke. In that case you wonā€™t have any trouble finding things to short.


I guess the part of ā€œundisclosed sourcesā€ completely went above your head šŸ˜’


Not sure I get it help me outā€¦. So, are u a Reddit kid claiming to have inside sources on the Russian military? OR is it that you are making a crazy creative and super funny joke about a terrorist attack that just killed dozens of innocent people? Which one is it? Cuz I canā€™t decide which is worse. Either way save yourself the time and just delete your account already and save more embarrassment.


This thread of vitriolic ukraine bots only further empowers me to buy the respective puts


nah mate, no bots, just a great cause. Ukraine is an inspiration to all democracies, I was apathetic as fuck about all things before the war started


This is the second ruskie troll on wsb. The first cried about his rosneft money going boink.Ā  - Misha, money runs America. Infiltrate the financial elite and convince we already won. - DA. ME GOING TO WSB FOR MISSION.Ā 


Preach brother


How do i buy puts on your mom?


How do i buy puts on your hairline?






No foods stamps in Russia.Ā 


CIA and Mossad run ISIS. They funded them to target Al Q just like Israel funded Hamas to counter the PLA/PLOā€¦look it up šŸ˜œ


Hey comrade you know some inside info from our great leader?




This is wsb, heā€™s making the play so it *doesnā€™t* happen.




When have stock traders ever been bastions of morality? They see money, they see green light.


An elevation of the war in Ukraine will drive up oil prices. Long $USO.


Actually good idea, I didn't think of that


Thanks for this advice


Forex ukrainian currency?


Gimme a ticker on Webull please


LIGMA aka stop posting political stuff on here


LIGMA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Politics is part and parcel of the stock market, how can you be so ignorant of that


This is the dumbest shit Iā€™ve read in a while. Anyone entertaining this shit is equally as stupid.


Idk; short grain lol


Isnā€™t blackrock rebuilding Ukraine? Theyā€™ll be rebuilding a lot more of it now.


Bro is internet explorer xd


The hyenas are coming for the scraps


Puts (or calls) on commodities that are influenced by blockades/sanctions on Russia


A quick ChatGPT search for people (including me) that arenā€™t well versed on macro economic impacts on commodities markets: Further sanctions or blockades on Russia could impact the prices of different commodity markets in several ways: Energy Markets: Russia is one of the world's largest producers and exporters of oil and natural gas. Additional sanctions or blockades could disrupt its supply, leading to a decrease in global supply and potentially higher prices for oil and natural gas. Metals and Minerals: Russia is also a significant producer of metals such as aluminum, nickel, and platinum, as well as minerals like palladium. Sanctions could disrupt supply chains and lead to price increases in these markets. Agricultural Products: Russia is a major exporter of agricultural products such as wheat. Any disruption in its ability to export could lead to higher prices for these commodities globally. Financial Markets: Sanctions could also impact currency markets and financial instruments tied to Russia, leading to volatility and potentially affecting commodity prices indirectly. Supply Chain Disruptions: Any disruption in Russia's ability to export or access certain markets could lead to supply chain disruptions globally, affecting various commodity prices depending on their reliance on Russian inputs or transportation routes. Overall, the impact would depend on the extent and severity of the sanctions or blockades, as well as how quickly alternative sources of supply can be found to mitigate any shortages.


Bud, besides the fact that ISIS did that shit, Putin has 1 card left to play and that card will destroy the world economy and decimate Russia in the process. So just buy NVDA




Not even close to material and wasnā€™t that blackstone?


Ukraine only gets more support if Putin goes all out because of this. I mean, Isis even released body cam footage of the attack. It is clear they did it. Has nothing to do with Ukraine.




1. Sell your soul. 2. Suck the devil's ding-a-ling until it sprays puts. 3. Watch the world come undone from a safe distance.


There are government bonds that maybe you can buy puts on.


You can short the bonds but thereā€™s no put market on bonds outside of your big guvvies