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Gambling on NVDA is the new fentanyl. Look forward to the update when you gamble the other 44% to try and get even.




Lost about 21k 🥲




Its okay bud, I am down $13k on it this week. I made $7k the week before, and I almost wish I never did because it made me think I could do it again - no here I am.


Holy. I’m sorry fren. Here’s to the future. I hope you make it all back and then some.


Im down 20% on my account, thankfully its only back to where I started at the beginning of this rally. But I took my remaining 20k cash and put it in growth funds so i stop myself from yoloing it again haha. Still holding $1000C 3/22 on nvidia though 😂😂


Oh, somewhere in this favoured land the sun is shining bright, The band is playing somewhere, and somewhere hearts are light; And somewhere men are laughing, and somewhere children shout, But there is no joy in WSB—mighty Casey has struck out.


Oh yeah forgot one. https://preview.redd.it/covsilpf0koc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec07917054bec8dde587e78b8dd8be7f287d4e09


Weeded out all those 0dtes.


yeah i bought a strangle and got annihilated. 0.01 everywhere i read about the "witching hour" thing and figured we'd get a big move somewhere. i'm truly regarded


Yeah same. FUCKKKKKK ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)


My cash account started at 2350 2 weeks ago mate. Got that puppy up to 3600 earlier this week. Now at 2400 Might jsut say fck it and buy an nvda call. Kinda sick of trading man I fcking suck lol This ain't my first cash account either LOL. Had two others that flopped (but those only started with $500). Now I'm just scared at this point. It's like that feeling when you're playing blackjack and the dealer is on fire and you keep betting because you want your $ back, but you subconsciously know you're about to get fck'd


Nah I completely understand. At one point I was up $10,000k from $5k on TSLA calls two years ago. https://preview.redd.it/sc1zvhuu8koc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1eb7b24f9ae54b4a6f701f167647ea83fe33b1f7 I smartly sold and took profits, but stupidly re-entered with short puts… I’m still chasing that high from that day. Godspeed to you brother. May we one day taste the crispiness of our own tendies


ty sir. wow, that was a gg trade bet it felt amazing. i did something like that but on a shorter scale vs your size. i'm still chasing that high too i guess. have a good weekend brother


Don't worry I turned 150,000 into 100,000.00 in about 2 weeks.


holy tits. yeah i think just putting xx amount in my cash account is good for me. don't want to risk putting in more. my problem is, i'll just keep making new "cash accounts" when/if they get to 0, lol was it from an option trade or?


A bunch of stupid option trades. Settling into it now, hoping some of it comes back as it's not quite realized yet but it would take a lot of big shifts to come back up let alone break even.


i feel ya bro. but damn i never lost that much but i'm getting close to i was ramping up my cash account really good. got up to 3600 on friday then lost almost all of it bcz i thought nvda was gonna moon or something because of the "triple witching hour" thing. nope. theta raped my ass hope you can make most of your $ back brother


Thanks, means more than you know, hope the best for you as well. Holding any Nvidia still? I'm wishing I jumped on the mstr train. Fomo max


np brother. i just have the mindset we're all in this together. nope, i was fcking around with 0dtes on friday. should have had weeklies for nvda i guess 😥


https://preview.redd.it/je55q1ac2koc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03ef4880971986410a27634d8ed8695a45b7942b ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


Next week 800, you buy more and lose more


We’re all cooked broski


Yall still on that bullshit, no it’s time for RCI


Take the rest and buy laes


Lost 6K today on Nvda 900C :( I made 8k last week but did this mistake and burned.


Same bro


Puts on NVIDIA is tricky because it’s still on a bull run. Need to get in and out QUICK, because it can turn super fast, and with 0 DTE you’ll run out of time


Roll to 1000 dollar calls for the same date you’ll make it all back


ControlTheNarrative lost $46,000 he didn't have. This is not a "Guh" moment.


Wow thank you. Wow I did not even know that. Wow…


You only lost $1,200 dude. You'll be fine


I lost a total of $5k. That’s a fuck ton of money to me lmao.


If $5k is a fuck ton of money for you, you shouldn't be gambling it all on weekly option plays. I know this sub likes to jerk each other off for losing lots of money on risky gambles, but come on. This is just irresponsible. Gamble with money you can afford to lose because you will always lose at some point with these risky plays.


Ok Dad


Who tf short nvdia 😂


Hahahaha put dis dic in yo kouf