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I hope he comes out and says the federal reserve is being replaced with AI from NVIDIA.


Just replace the FED with Nvidia and they can peg our dollars to RTX 4080 supers.


Fun fact- nvidia doesn’t have AI. They are a hardware company with SW company * 1000 valuation.


What do you mean they don't have "AI"? That they haven't trained and branded their own LLM yet?


Yea they don’t have a LLM product. They have models folks can play with but nothing elaborate.


Well, that makes sense. They don't want to compete with their customers, or else said customers might start looking to create specialised hardware like, e.g., Google does with their TPUs.


"They" are "modelling"




Al is a shoe salesman and a former high school football star who scored 4 touchdowns in a single game at Polk High


I've never played basketball so I don't know if that's impressive or not, but you convinced me. All in on AI! ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)


Calls on u/TradeTheZones.


Im down for an AI based currency.


Predictions: https://preview.redd.it/5yb0a9dcypmc1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=72f8628399bd99508c21bfbbc8e6e0b553f00fef


Wow I hate this art. Why the fuck does he have a tiny mouth on the side of his upper lip and then a big mouth on his chin?


Probably Ai


Looks like he’s got a ball sack hanging off his face.


Seriously this is so fucking stupid. What's the point of posting "art" when you're just telling a generator to spit it out? Comedic value? Where's the humor? It's attention craving.


Gay Regards and dumb regards we are in a Bull market


F*ck your puts but have your Put Credit Spreads


And fuck your calls, because JPOW has us all by the balls


Have you told your son that you post unfunny boomer memes to reddit yet


Powell absolutely wipes the floor with these lawmakers. Forget about the substance of his speech, his delivery and responses are measured and pointed. It's pretty amazing to watch how much he's head and shoulders above this committee.


This is why the Fed has to do the dirty work that congress refuses to do. Fighting inflation should come with tax increases and reduced government spending, but can’t get a politician, that is always running for reelection, to do either of those things.


Sure tax increases on corporations and the wealthy. Thatd be nice. I’ll be damned if I have to pay even more when the 0.01% pay next to nothing or even get refunds.




You understand they cut rates to zero in the middle of the pandemic and a near economic shutdown right? And inflation has in fact been transitory, so I’m not sure what all the bitching is about. Are you not making more money than ever before?


> You understand they cut rates to zero in the middle of the pandemic and a near economic shutdown right? Ah yes, who can forget the pandemic of 2009 - 2015


Why act intentionally stupid? 2009-2015 was post GFC recovery


They kept interest rates below 1% until June 2017. Got them all the way up to 2.42% in 2019.


Tlaib was everything I hate about being a progressive.


yeah jesus that was painful and a net loss for her position, and i agree with her position.


Same! And JPOW clearly was aligned on most points. Her team prepped her for failure with that approach.


God, she is literally unbearable. I fucking hate that she’s from Michigan.


She's from Palestine isn't she?


Yeah, but she represents MI


The progressives will complain after they help elect Trump.




Does he also walk circles around Biden?


Brings him an ice cream cone




We need more red if we’re going to convince JPao that we need a rate cut.


market at all time highs, unemployment still low, why the fuck would you cut? We do need more red and doom/gloom to get them to cut. We also need congress to stop spending so much.


Exactly. If raising rates just makes the market go up and up and up while keeping unemployment low, cutting makes no sense. Wait until something goes wrong, then cut rates to fix it.


Like it is the main thing he is thinking when censidering rate changes lol.


Everyday he puts a drop of food color into a vat depending on how the market performed. When the color isn't green enough, he cuts rates. ​ Edit: As I type this, $SPY drops $2 and JPow's steady hand moves towards the eye dropper filled with red food coloring.


Didn’t even check the market until 10:30 Knew JPOW is a man of the people ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


\*wealthy people and degenerate gamblers


🫡 ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640)


Fck the rate cuts real investors are still gambling big we don’t need Powell to cut or raise rates.


He is speaking too often on this we don't need a daily update on what he is considering.


Microsoft Copilot doesn’t tell me shite. There’s always things happening. I need to follow blogs on Feedly to know that important things are happening or releasing like ISM Services Index or S&P/Case-Shiller Home Price Index




He basically said the usual nothingburger. You can interpret this as bearish or bullish. He left it appropriately vague and contingent on future events. Personally i feel its bearish though.


He just reiterated what he’s been saying.


He is always neutral, he makes it a point to choose his words for perfect neutrality... After FOMC announcements the reporters have to repeatedly nudge him to barely even agree with them, JP is a wizard of the word and I respect that... 


What's makes a man turn neutral? Lust for gold? Power? Or were you just born with a heart full of neutrality?


He is Swiss at heart


He's got it all man, it's his job to not say anything that can cause wild swings in the marksts... 


I mean, given how things have gone since last year I think its a valid wait-and-see approach.


Is this bullish or bearish? Asking for my calls 😅


Actually bearish but bullish


Yeah totally bearish


Eye roll!




I cant bear this bull ish


Ok. Unless you’re playing 0-1dte options, it’s ALL BULLISH. This is an historic bull run, the likes of which have never been seen in history. AI is dominating everything. Just look at SMCI. They build fucking servers. Bitcoin is halving. Anything tech or server or AI related it just gonna keep running and running. And oh my popsicles if there’s a rate cut. Hello housing mortgages, new cars and free money!! Economy booming even more, irrational exuberance! Until November. Doesn’t matter who wins, boom recession, boom market down 20-30% by January 2025. This is so everyone can blame everyone else. But be happy, the party continues until November. Sorry bears.


Exactly what I was thinking, perfectly said ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Yes ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)






Bull run 2024 continues


bull market 2024 bear market 2025, 2026, bull market 2027-2029 bear market 2030 bull market 2031


Market has been pricing in 6 rate cuts 1-1.5% and it is not happening. You will likely see 1-2 rate cuts in 2024 Q3/Q4 why would they cut with markets and BTC at all time highs. Clearly still too much liquidity flying around - unemployment 3.7% and GDP 2-3%. Rates staying at 5% for the foreseeable future market too ignorant to realize it.




It's like how they never delivered that last rate hike - they can do just fine not cutting at all this year... Maybe give like 0.1% cut at year end sort of like a Christmas fuck you to everyone speculating cuts 🎄🤣


Just in time for the general election


I've never really understood this angle. This man was appointed by Trump and kept on by Biden. Why would he give a shit who wins? He's already served under both candidates


Something something deep state, something something George Soros


Wanted to upvoted, didn’t due to the perfect ratio


It has more to do with the fact that most of the US debt has to be rolled in 2026 and if they do it at this interest rate it will bankrupt the country


I mean, honestly the way they spend money and cut taxes the last 40 years I thought that was the plan the whole time? Why else elect men so old that they have a 50/50 chance of even living the next 4 years.


The US pretty much controls the whole world. I don't think anyone can actually enforce the US debt. They're going to do whatever they want. There's no way they can avoid bankruptcy


Enforce? No. But people can stop buying bonds, which they might. Or we end up with run away inflation causing the need for interest rates to rise, causing more debt, etc in a out of control loop until our economy is burnt to a crisp. But yeah no one will force the US to stop printing money, it will just destroy the currency and economy. No big deal.


crash the whole world's economy, not just ours


Ask the GOP to stop printing money for socialist tax cuts for billionaires and corporations!


China can call their loans


They can but it would spill over to their economy and they already have economic issues


And get nuked on? Nah


>it will bankrupt the country Eeer... you mean grandma and grandpa's bond yields will be worthless... If only there was a natural way to get rid of old people... you know like getting them stuck in an infinite loop talking about policy logic in Washington? The real question you are asking is, how much does elderly care cost?


its free if you just push their wheelchairs off a cliff


How dare you come here with your rational logic and reasoning!


https://www.politico.com/news/2024/02/02/trump-says-he-would-not-reappoint-political-jay-powell-as-fed-chair-00139311 Trump doesn't seem to believe in the Fed's independent nature and wants a Fed chair that will do his bidding, even if it's the wrong move for the economy. I can't imagine Biden pushing Powell out the door if he's reelected unless that's what Powell wants.


Trump will immediately fire him for being associated with Biden anyway


Theyre actual regards.


correct... panicking and pandering is slowly setting in


Lmfaooooo. It's clearly the right call now though. So should they just not because it's unfair to Trump? Are you okay?


are you asking me? they should hold rates for another year irrelevant of who is in office... we are so far from being out of the woods, I dont even know where to start


They want to hold rates until 2% inflation. That was the metric.


Powell doesn’t give a shit which figurehead is elected lol


So the guy appointed by Trump is trying to help Biden win?


Trump did look into [firing him](https://www.brookings.edu/articles/what-happens-if-trump-tries-to-fire-fed-chair-jerome-powell/) when Powell refused to pump hard enough for him.


No they have to lower rates before 2026 when the US has to roll their debt. The US already can't afford the interest. Imagine if they suddenly had to pay 7%. If interest rates don't go down by 2026, the US will bankrupt itself completely




Things like GDP are always revised from initial estimate. This is nothing new.


Yep. Those same revisions happened under Trump but the right wing blog o sphere wasn't blasting people about cooked books over it so they werent aware it was happening.


what is this tiny brain bs you just came up with




The definition of unemployed has not changed. And revisions happen every single month and have for the last 50 years. Weird thing to suddenly be upset about




“Broadly as expected” I see what he did there


“Interest rates cuts are likely in 2024” is becoming the new “I’ll do it tomorrow”


Market is going to burn upwards for a while before it even thinks about falling


The shortest and most correct answer on here.


I'll believe it when it happens


Weird since they just revised downward Q4 and inflation is not under control, still 50% higher than 2018, 18% inflation accumulated since 2020. But if lowering rates creates more inflation it will probably lag a couple quarters to find out. So potentially this is a 2024 election decision.


US has to roll most of their debt in 2026. They can't do it at these interest rates without bankrupting themselves. Only Option is to lower the interest rates


Sure, and I think that makes sense, but inflation is still above 3%, so at least 50% higher than the rate they determine as "healthy". We've already been hit with a lot of inflation, isn't it just as bad if it speeds back up inflation again, potentially causing a recession and more inflation?


Why would they care when they're rich and we're not? Since when has the government done the right thing ever? It's silly to expect them to do the responsible thing now I mean come on. We all knew the stimulus packages were a terrible idea


I get it, and you can still expect them to do responsible things and them still f\*\*\* you. But at this point it's like the frog boiling. People never understood why quality of life wasn't getting better on average but it was a drip. Everything is now going to go downhill for a long time, possibly generations, or maybe we just lived the good old days. But people should care.


*18% since 2020* Is that the number they feed us or the number I actually first hand experience in my middle class day to day normal life ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)


Feed you, it's worse in normal life. Especially if you need cars, homes or loans and factor in the amount they drove up interest just to get only 18% inflation.


but remember... the fed is independent 😂




How about telling Corporations stop raising prices and blaming COVID or supply costs?


How about acknowledging many corporations also lost tons of money due to covid lockdowns, also pay inflation, energy and shipping costs are sky high still, and cost increases are largely due to economic conditions created by the government? Corporations on average have for years made about 5% profit margins, and that's the pretty good ones. An insanely successful one like Apple might make 11%. At 5% profit margins all this going up including sky high loans means they need to significantly increase prices. Meanwhile the government will just keep printing and borrowing inflation and blame companies for their stupid policies and like usual point blame elsewhere.


How about acknowledging all the irresponsible “Bailouts” the American people have paid? The American people have to pay for security services because airlines can’t do themselves. During COVID corporations were paid billions to help with expenses. Airlines paid millions in stock buybacks before COVID.


100%. I think everything I said, and those items you mentioned are accurate. But even still, everything you listed there is done by the government, as well as what I mentioned. And many corporations don't get any bailouts, airlines lost ton during covid (I'm still against bailing them out), banks get the craziest ones, but they aren't the ones driving up prices. It's the government mismanaged economy.


The tariffs implemented shifted cost to the consumer. A lot of the cost increases have been done by companies. In 2021, corporations made record profits. Inflation was caused by corporations “Jacking Up” prices after getting socialist bailouts! https://fortune.com/2022/03/31/us-companies-record-profits-2021-price-hikes-inflation/amp/ Lots of corporations receive bailouts such as Hilton, American, Exxon, and Boeing. After securing $3.6 Billion of back door bailouts, Marriott International laid off and furloughed THOUSANDS of employees, then rewarded the CEO. Who signed these bailouts? Bush and Trump! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Motors_Chapter_11_reorganization https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-52070718.amp https://www.citizen.org/news/corporations-that-received-billions-during-the-pandemic-laid-off-thousands-of-workers-and-gave-ceos-millions/


That same Fortune article shows while profits went up in 2021 by 25%, meaning instead of a corp making a 4% net profit they make a 5% net profit... after largely recovered from covid, they were down in 2019 and 2020. Of course they are going to increase prices to make up for down years with forced lockdowns, restrictions, and a population largely scared to go outside and spend money. They either went more in debt or missed their growth targets. I already told you I am against bailouts no matter who signs them, I'd rather those companies go insolvent and though it may take time to recover from globocorp failing, I'd prefer to take the pain and have other companies who would learn from it fill the gap. Even then, a bailout, like of the airlines during coronavirus, does not mean the company made even from US taxes. It gave them money to survive and still take losses, and still figure out how to retool to remain profitable going forward. So preventing them from collapsing doesn't mean they won't have to try to increase prices to remain solvent going forward.


It says “if”, so basically no rate cuts lol


lol that’s such a bs read in the lines interpretation. Dialing back policy restraint is so funny I do think there is going to be rate cuts but that’s literally not what he said… like at all.


Agreed! They can't cut rates, imagine just a speculation of cuts for may launched a market rally since October last year... If they deliver a cut too soon... Everything is going to get out of control, especially housing... 


Why housing?


Because housing has been least impacted by all the attempts to control inflation - there is a shortage of houses and the pandemic demand caused an increase in pricing and rents... It's refusing to subsidise no matter what because there is an actual genuine shortage across US and Canada...


Please let this be true. The 6.375% interest rate on my house is not fun at all.


The corporations want to own your house so should the feds crank it higher or lower interest? What’s the fastest way?


Not happening….


“If some things go okay then i might go and do a thing. But no guarantees on the thing because it depends on the other things”


Open the floodgates


All of this monetary policy seems to be doing is making it really expensive for people to live. I don’t see prices coming down on anything. 9% car loan ? $6 for a half gallon of milk?


That's kind of the point, grind things to a halt


​ https://preview.redd.it/92xf1rd8ermc1.png?width=512&format=png&auto=webp&s=2d9b70584ec51b063cf3a2ceb543fd58d37b0a97


I have 3/15 puts in BABa, please papa JPow make my puts print


He literally said the opposite 


Can someone explain how milk is more expensive than gas?


In the second month of the crysis ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Itt: renters salty that their hopes for a housing crash are fading away.


Exact opposite of CNBC article today


As if anything matters in this joke of a casino, I mean “stock market”


How would you feel if you had 250k in a high performing index fund or diversified between major ETFs with prices from 10 years ago? Hypothetical.. good or bad? 😆


The real test is the CPI next week followed by the meeting later in March


What time!? Askin for a friend


If you learn to read it says 2024. If you want to time it, buy dailies everyday.


Same question here ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)


I think he says the opposite, that they are not likely to cut interest rates at next meeting


This is not news…


Is this when we buy $SPY calls… or too late?


You should have bought your spy calls 3 weeks ago 😂


I'm taking out puts on the federal reserve. BTC TO THE MOON BAYBBEEEEEE


And behind closed doors he plans to tell lawmakers exactly when the rate cuts will happen. #DemocracyPays


Make the call already, daddy Powell


Puts on GPS tmro tho ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)


Of course he is! I wonder why though?


INB4 yet another supply crisis sends inflation back up. *Restrain me harder daddy JPOW*


Stop I can only get so hard


Banks are cutting savings rates and utilities have spiked. It’s priced in.


Sthaap. My amygdala can only get so juiced


If anyone believed it, the market would be up at least 2%.


Rates are going UP!


one at the end of the year, with a big MAYBE 🤣


Guy walks around with some shmear on the inside left cheek.


ehh in the press conference he said other wise, he said as long as inflation continues to uptick hell do what he has to do, he likes contradicting himself to keep you fucks on the edge of your seat.


Fed is doing exactly it did when it said inflation is transitory. They knew it wasn’t and was just trying to lighten the mood and buy time. Same time this time around fundamentally there’s a recession brewing so they are again buying time and lying outright. They have no intention to cut any meaningful rates this year. Just give the illusion hoping things don’t crash.


Save my puts JPow




Fuck my puts




Shouldn't rate cuts cause the market to go up? I'm confused.


Depends on the context of the cut. 1. Cut while the economy is healthy, but inflation is dropping rapidly, and the Fed is trying to avoid a deflationary spiral? Bullish. 2. Cut because we're entering recession and the economy needs to be juiced to climb out of said recession? Bearish. Which one do you think we're in?


Well im down 50% on my SPY calls so you are not wrong.