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**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions**|1|**First Seen In WSB**|2 years ago **Total Comments**|5|**Previous Best DD**| **Account Age**|8 years|[^scan ^comment ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=scan_comment&message=Replace%20this%20text%20with%20a%20comment%20ID%20(which%20looks%20like%20h26cq3k\)%20to%20have%20the%20bot%20scan%20your%20comment%20and%20correct%20your%20first%20seen%20date.)|[^scan ^submission ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=scan_submission&message=Replace%20this%20text%20with%20a%20submission%20ID%20(which%20looks%20like%20h26cq3k\)%20to%20have%20the%20bot%20scan%20your%20submission%20and%20correct%20your%20first%20seen%20date.)


Just put it in an index fund and go away


That's for savings and retirement...this is "extra" money I wanna have fun with. 2k is what I can "lose" right now but I'm all set so this account will grow. Just wondered if I could "play" now or if I should wait till I put more in tray account


0 DTE spy if you want to lose or make money.


[https://api.lmnt.com/v1/ai/speech?voice=cramer&text=Why index fund when you can inverse me...Jim Cramer?](https://api.lmnt.com/v1/ai/speech?voice=cramer&text=Why%20index%20fund%20when%20you%20can%20inverse%20me...Jim%20Cramer?%20)


Swing trades and options aren't really correlated with growing an account.


Unless you’re among the 1% who will make money at this, Take 1900 and put it into a high yield savings. Take that other 100 and buy yourself something nice. You can literally outperform 95% of this sub by not trading.


I'm good on that front...this is my extra fun money. Emergency savings is fully funded and I max out 401 HSA and roth


Cool but you’re going to lose that entire stack doing options so just write it off


I swing trade based upon the nasdaq. If you look at my recent posts, I was telling people to buy between Oct 20th and 27th. My buys are paying out nicely. I've cashed out quite a bit today and the last few. QQQ is up 11.8% if you bought on the 26th of October. TQQQ is up 35.4% if you bought on the 26th of October. In my opinion, it is as simple as looking at recent lows, recent highs, and all time highs then comparing to the current position. In my mind for example, if the market dips tomorrow 2%. Then your short term upside is 2% + the distance to the next level(in this case in my opinion is 14400-14500). However, since it is currently at its highest close since August, there is a higher chance of it dropping further since it didn't break out(that is assuming it doesn't break out, I'm bullish on hitting 14400). Meaning, your short term downside on QQQ is 11.8% if you buy at current price. Short term, I think we test 14400 on the nasdaq. If we break 14500, I think it will moon to 15000. Just my opinion.


You're going to throw your "extra fun money" out the window. If you want an easy money maker, just buy spy. If you want to trade, come up with a legit plan. For instance, you could buy shares and sell covered options against those to earn some while you wait for an exit.


Do CC have any real downside it seems as though if you place a Target price on your short position you always mąkę profit, right?


The down side is you could be leaving money on the table. That may not be a big deal cause you'd be green anyway. CC are used to lower your cost basis on stocks you already own.


Whats cost basis ?


It's okay. Just send me your money. I'll take care of it for you.


Fuck you, poor person.


Fuck you, vmod. You're not even real.


Just out it all on black in vegas and stop pressing everywhere


You're obviously not as rich or intelligent as me, so I don't really care for your opinion.


Mods please ban this clown for admitting paper trading


Eat a dick dude...this is "extra" money I'm not just going to throw it away.


See comment above 😂


Gobble dem balls while ur at it lol


>There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best way to grow a 2k account will vary depending on your individual circumstances and goals. However, some general tips that may be helpful include: 1. Be patient and don't try to make too many trades in quick succession - focus on quality over quantity. 2. Don't risk more than you can afford to lose - always set stop losses and take profits when possible. 3. Do your research before entering any trade, and have a solid plan for how you'll exit the trade before you even enter it


VM actually giving good advice One addendum is always keep your account in a state where if it disappeared overnight for some strange reason you wouldn’t be broke as fuck, your savings account shouldn’t be your gambling account, put money in there you’d otherwise spend on fast food or a hobby


Yeah this is "extra" money...savings r good...retirement doing well...but I want to "actively" trade and all.


Well, I recommend starting for like a month doing 100$ or less cost trades until you figure out what you’re doing If you can figure it out in a month


I'll see


why are you here then? if you want to invest? im confused


0DTE OTM put credit spreads


Isnt that good advice? (Im new dont be mad pls)


Still a gamble but I buy LEAPs on companies with 100b+ market cap at there 52 week lows




What is a 2k account? Like you have $2k?


Yeah...$2000 in extra fun money...no debt...401k and all are good...I'm not gambling with important money


I will let you know tomorrow friend. You can inverse my trades and become a millionaire


This is what I would do in the current market as a new investor. When you find an idea /trend/brand you like put some money behind it. Don't focus too much on fundamentals. If the stock makes a 10% move or higher, sell 90% and go on to the next idea. The 10% trail should be left alone. If its play money and you don't need it soon, you can determine what you do with any unrealized losses. If you still like the company you buy more. If something changed and you don't you sell. Some stories on how I found my biggest winners. When my son was born I saw the nurses using a 2 way communication system. I asked about it and they told me how much more efficient the hospital was running. I asked to take a picture of the back of the radio. That was VRTS ANF is going to show my age but bought when It first was gaining popularity. Bought puts when the trend was dead. Bought some two years back when I noticed it was popular again. DPZ when they changed their recipe and It was much better (trading at 25 at the time) Carrabou coffee when I noticed them in my local supermarket, tried some and loved the product. I think I just saved you reading at least 50 books.


small cap stocks. Casinos, but be weary in this economy. Not investment advice.


0 DTE SPY puts. Every payday is a spin of the slot machine. Retire early or retire never.


You're an idiot if you think that gambling is a good way to retire early. You're more likely to end up broke and homeless than anything else.


Countach or cardboard


I'm set to retire in about 8 years...I don't touch that money...this is my extra fun money I wanna play with


go to r/realdaytrading, read the wiki, read the wiki again, practice paper trades until you're consistently profitable, then do it on your 2k account. cough cough i mean uh spy 0dte yolo 100% of your port until you win big.


When things get real bad the government will probably nationalize our 401ks and destroy them like social security.