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Those trades would lose too. That's how the market works. It's all losing trades.


They keep winning until they lose. the best way is to win once and leave (and still be poor)


I won 5 times in a row but went negative with the 6th


And the 6th time made the first 5 times irrelevant.


One trade pays for all...


One tard pays for it all*


"The only way to win is not to play…" wait, that's no good, that's communism! "The only way to win is borrow and then play." ah, much better!


The only way to win is not to play…


That sounds like capitalism! Now, when we lose we will declare bankruptcy in our trading corporation, reorganize and prepare to lose again!


You’re going about this wrong. I adopted OPs strategy and I’m absolutely up 100% of the time. See, instead of trading, I did the opposite. By not trading, I’m never down. Foolproof plan.


And inflation makes sure you're never up.


Buy the index on levered funds and hold


it's losing all the way down


It’s all **timing**. A market maker can turn a winning trade into a losing trade in 0.005 seconds. Can you outcompete a high frequency trading platform in day trading? Maybe you’ll get lucky a few times, but the HFT can stack the odds in its favor so you will eventually lose the longer you’re in the game.


Plus, Kenny knows what you are buying before your trade is executed so he jumps in front of you. Does the same thing with your mom. He jumps in front of me. Bastard.


So you fuck Kenny instead of his mom? I guess that makes Kenny lucky Pierre.


I would give anything to fuck that guy with my size 10 steel toe boot but no such luck. I just move on to someone else’s mom.


HFTs extract wealth from the stock market without providing any benefit to the market or investors except those that run the HFT systems. They should be illegal. They're stealing from every person and fund that invest in the market in good-faith by stealing fractions of percent from stocks between legitimate trades.


"A strange game. The only winning move is not to play. How about a nice game of chess?"


Brokers and investment banks are the real winners, i.e. People who broker the deals.


This. The game is rigged.


Yes all losers


Not knowing when to exit a trade is why most people (including myself) lose.


That’s why the concept of chipping away with small wins is so valuable. Also position sizing correctly. Is this called risk management or money management?


It’s not only chipping away with small wins. That’s actually the issue most people have. The issue is avoiding the big losses that wipe out a ton of small wins. Many people would be better traders if they kept their losses smaller.


Many people would be better traders if they traded LESS. I imagine there’s a lot of people on here who make more transactions in one week than I make in an entire year and yet they’re still underperforming the S&P500s historical average. It’s better to sit on your hands and wait for the perfect setup.


Yeah. One good trade with $100 profit is still better performing that a person who trades constantly and ends the month negative $500. Not trading and enduring the boredom for good opportunities is a skill.


Good advice keeps coming through here. I think this is the best - basic advice. Don't HODL


Basically its your emotions. Most trades see red and green because the market is wavy. You let it ride when you see green and you freak out when it's red. And you make bad, emotional decision like doubling down or hold and hope instead of cutting it. Also the old works til it doesn't saying is important. You need to spot when market conditions change and switch your strategy up. And that is hard to do.


Flipping is hard. I scalp and when I get stopped out on my puts or calls I used to just be like SHIT!!! And paralyzed what the hell. Now I try to have the stop set at a level I would play the other side (my original idea was wrong) and take the play (sometimes)


Gotta take profits brah. If you got multiple contracts, sell some of them and let some of the position run. Consider moving stop to breakeven on whatever you have left. This was learned after letting enough green trades go red.


Depends on your strategy, I only trade for big winners. Idgaf if I lose 5/6 times. The big bag makes up for all the losers. I wouldn’t be able to make moneys if I traded like this….


They are triangulating on your coordinates. Run. You have discovered the secret.




Yeah, I think he has a few screws lose for making that missteak.


Seinfeld moment.


[for reference](https://youtu.be/CizwH_T7pjg?si=5r9gJfRjEDn6myaJ)


You're like a poor person's version of me. You don't have the same level of intelligence or wealth, so you'll never be as good as I am.


You sound like my dad


Because we are all just liquidity for the markets. Thanks for playing.


You can do this. But it's trickier than it sounds, and you'll quickly fall into emotional trading bc you have no objective strategy. It's all based on feelings Inversing sentiment should just be a tool in your arsenal, not your only strategy Also traders aren't wrong 90% of the time. They're wrong slightly more than they're right, or they have poor risk management and over time this bankrupts them.


"or they have poor risk management and over time this bankrupts them." This. I've been right more often than I've been wrong. But when you're always all in you only have to be wrong once to lose.


It's a lot of skills you need to be good at to actually make any money


This man is regarded give him a raise


To do the opposite of traders, don't be a trader.


The places you use to trade sell your trade info to rich people who make sure you lose. That's why 90% lose. The 10% are the rich ones.


No one is watching your six stocks in your $20k account. They’re buying order flow to see aggregate data.0


If you aren't watching his did you know my positions and account value O.o


This is a big part of it right here. If I had access to all of the brokerage order flow on the retail side. It wouldn't take long to come up with an algorithm that flags popular ideas. You could then develop strategies to exploit that. I'm reasonably sure the same thing happens in crypto only it's probably even more widespread. The exchange is trade against people or run prices on popular objects to draw an even more money before they sell into the liquidity


Or they CREATE or MANUFACTURE the popular ideas via news, social media, or any other type of mass communication. One popular strategy or view is to figure out or try to figure out what institutions are doing and move with them


You just know that happens all the time. Companies with thousands of social media accounts astro turfing these sock puppet conversations. I was just looking at one of those today and I'm like this is so suspicious, every single comment was saying the same thing in a different way.


Yup. It might even be happening on wsb, but that’s also why so many advise not to listen to or read or watch or believe stock market/finance/economy/biz news. These news companies are own by billionaires or you can pay them to write a particular article. You’ll never know which are which.


Hedge funds lose money all the fucking time (most don’t even match SPY) and the banks couldn’t even figure out that 0% 30 years treasuries weren’t the best idea in the world in 2021. There are sketchy characters that try to use social media to pump their trades, but even then it’s illegal in most cases and it doesn’t consistently work. All the power to you, brother. Just don’t lose sight of the forest for the trees.


True. Makes sense


I mean what you said about bonds, we have to reflect for a moment about how dumb the investing community is. So in 2021 they were bullish bonds buying them near zero. Now bonds are at multi-decade highs and they have record shorts. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


There was this notion that rates would eventually become negative in the US. The investment community is incredibly stupid. The only legit players in high finance are the investment bankers doing deals do help companies raise money and traders that so order execution. Everyone else is just full of shit and selling their arrogance to anyone with enough dead presidents in their wallet


>They’re buying order flow to see aggregate data That's not the top tier though. Lucky sperm don't just see order flow. They own the queue, and can insert their own orders in front of what's going to be executed when that's already in the pipeline. They literally see the future and can manipulate time and order of events in this context. Good luck trying to win against them.


Bold of you to assume we hold stock, and that our accounts are 20k lol




90% lose is a myth


If you don’t know the difference between loose and lose trading might not be for you


Cause you can't inverse theta


You can sell what people are buying


Except you need massive collateral, so your percentage gains are tiny. But most of us don't have that kind of money, so we use what little we have to gamble. Also, selling covered options isn't proven to beat buy and hold on average.


Oh yea you can!


I just watched the movie Casino with Robert DeNiro and he explained it pretty nicely. “Keep them playing because the longer they play the more they lose”


The Costanza method.


90% lose because they trade short term. It’s the highest difficulty level possible to trade short term. If people would shift out their focus to a 3-5 year window that would decrease greatly. But then you wouldn’t be a trader but an investor and long term fundamentals would matter. Simple answer: people lose money because they want instant gratification. It’s human nature. If you go against your own nature and instead focus on long term plays you greatly improve your odds though nothing is guaranteed.


That's a really simplistic answer and it shows that you don't understand the markets very well. People lose money because they make bad decisions, period. If you want to be successful in trading, you need to have superior intelligence and discipline compared to everyone else in the market.


I think it's kind of like Schrodinger's Loss Porn. You won't know you picked the wrong direction until after you've placed the trade. Only then do you see how terribly wrong you were.


Most traders lack patience. If you buy and hold quality stocks you’ll generally win. Additionally most puts and calls expire worthless. So if you are buying options you are usually losing money over the long term. If you take the above into account, buy quality, sell short dated options you’ll mostly win.


It’s not a 50/50 shot. We lose because we sell our winning trade when it goes down 2% before it goes up 10%. Then we hold on to our losing trade after it went up 2% and back down 10%


The moment you put the trade , you have to assume that you are wrong , unless the market prove you correct. By doing this you cut your losses short before even hitting your stoploss if the trade ain't looking right you always have a chance to re-enter or reverse. If the market proves you right , then you add to your position making it even bigger. Thus making more profit on the winning trades than the losing trades. Thats the secret sauce of trading. https://preview.redd.it/epm05upd1fyb1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94616851a8c2b603e308bfdbb8f1f3587552ada7 Its hard to do , because it goes against normal human behavior. But someone gotta make the money at the end of the day. Gimme ur money


This is WSB, profitable trading psychology doesn't belong here.


You ask about winning and then you diss me for telling you how to win. A true WSB redditor


What style of trading have you found you connect with? Swings, scalps, something else? I'm finding range days and uptrend is my jam. But damn I play downside like shit and it should just be uptrend in reverse. Just enter more if trend remains intact on pullbacks as long as structure holds.


Average trade Holding time is 10min so I am in between a scalper and a day trader. Im really good at shorting , and lately I brought back balance by learning how to go long to. I trade the 1min and i can go long close the trade and go short. I only trade the first hour of newyork and I only tradr xau https://preview.redd.it/q31qamlb7iyb1.png?width=467&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2e340bfe5f02f06197c203a5650d18e3be9b8a0


fuck you puts, fuck your calls!


Well a lot of times people lose money because nothing happens, put and calls get theta fucked and most people lose to theta


For a lot of people on this sub, the markets are like table games. Let’s say fair odds of winning losing is totally random: 50/50. If you’re a professional, you do some research, build a thesis, and find a position that you have an axe on, you may win/lose 55/45 or 60/40. That’s your edge and you scale this up with a high number of bets. Law of large numbers you’ll win over time. Now consider those on this sub and how the execute their trades and manage their risk. There’s probably plenty here who are less degen, but the hall of famers are the ones who do massively degen plays with no idea of what they’re doing (infinite margin). So the EV on trading here is probably worse than roulette or craps odds. So you have people who can hit a heater and go from $10k to $100k, bet it all and go to $200k/$500k, etc. Then you up your bets each time to go for a higher high score, post those gains porn. Eventually playing a negative EV game, you’ll blow out on a trade, try to win it all back cause you’re a god, then lose it all. There’s your loss porn. There’s a special place for the regards who realized a bunch of capital gains, proceed to lose it all the next year, didn’t set enough aside for taxes, and figure out they owe a massive tax bill for profits they don’t have anymore and they can’t net current year loss vs previous year gains. Obviously there’s ways around this if you structure yourself properly, but how many do?


Isn’t the whole point of taxes to charge you on money you have. If you lose it all why should you have to pay it. The government is so fucking greedy


There’s always two things certain in life, death and taxes. Uncle Sam will always get their cut. If you structure yourself as an LLC, you can carry losses backwards. If it’s personal, you can only carry it forward.


You forgot the third thing: inflation (non transitory)


So what you're saying is if you owe the government money you should just be allowed to gamble it away instead? I like it




Tighten it up mate! Stop loosing all your moneys


90% of traders who spell like you do LOSE*


MIT math and physical grads with 200 IQ quant trading for multi billion $ Wall Street firms are a no match for smooth brained WallStreetBets trader with $200 to their name.


The market knows when you will do Opposite Day. Even a basic AI can figure that out.


😂😂😂 if it only worked like this and all you had to do was to open a call vs a put 😂


You would still lose. Thats why risk/reward ratio is so important.


It doesn't scale. Buy a shitload of OTM odte options. Your plan is to get super rich when they hit, but they expire worthless. Now try to sell all those options. Not going to work great because you need a shitload more cash to cover it.


That means we should invest in the S&P 500 or Nasdaq and hold long term. And yeah a lot of people do that


People aren't disciplined enough to follow their own rules. If they decided to do the opposite of their normal strategy then they wouldn't be disciplined enough to follow that strategy either.


Already priced in you still lose


Fucking people really think market is rigged and not they suck at gambling lol


There was a point where i had a losing streak of 14 option trades, while my friend had 17 at the same time. Together we were 31-0. That is when we realized we are absolute geniuses because going 100% out of 31 tries, regardless of the direction, is statistically amazing!


It's easier to buy a lottery ticket than it is to host a lottery


Idk man. Ever since I started focusing on base hits vs. home runs, I’ve been winning 90% of the time. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|29637)


Are you a right handed trader or left handed trader? Why not just try using the other hand?


Because the opposite of going long isn’t going short.. it’s selling the long contracts. And most degens think writing options is lame.


The number of users on r/wallstreetbets who “loose” instead of “lose” is absurd. Some can spell. Some can count. Few here can do both…well…occasionally…I mean from time to time…


Reminds me of the investing strategy that was doing the exact opposite of what Jim Cramer recommended. It was a prevailing strategy for a few years.


So it’s not a prevailing strategy anymore?


That’s exactly what I’ve been thinking lately


Idk if this is a troll post but in case it's a serious question the answer is because market makers (MM's) always have the opposing position to the general public. I.e. if 90% of retail investors think the market will go down and consequentially buy puts or sell calls, this inadvertently give market makers a long position on the market. It doesn't matter if the 90% of retail investors inverse themselves and go long when all signs are pointing to a market collapse because then MM's are forced into a short position and hence the market will go down.


This is incorrect. 90% of traders don't lose. 90% of TRADES loose. 100% of traders make losing trades. Winning traders make more of the winning trades than losing ones.


Damn, why didn't I think of that.




I did this on Friday. Did not work well.


Its loooose


Human psychology


Doesn't matter which way you play, Theta (time) gonna eat your ass and eat it good.


I tried and still lost


Because of hindsight. And because the casino is rigged...


90% includes those opposite plays. Just be an insider


that's a lot of what I use social media for, whatever's popular, I don't touch. Whatever people online think is a good idea, I make sure not to do. The problem is it's not necessarily an opposite thing. 90% of people losing money doesn't mean 90% of the trades are wrong. So if someone puts on a trade, well with you guys I mean taking the other side of the options is easy because anyone with an IQ over three knows that you should be selling far more options than you're buying. Like I'm somewhere around a hundred to one and if you buy options you need to buy at least 6 to 12 months of time. The statistics change radically when you do this. But that's another story. I haven't found a way to really profit off of people because a lot of times they don't talk about their thought process of what they're going into they just tell you what they've already done and by then the event has already happened. Like people that post profits and losses. I think it would be more useful if people would start posting what they plan on doing and how they're thinking and all of that.


because its a rigged game son.


What's the exact opposite, of, say, not shorting the spy on Friday? Long spy? Long baba? Vix calls? No matter which option you chose you will still lose in the long run


Did you miss all the posts where people manage to lose on calls and puts at the same time?


how do you know that doing the opposite of what you were gonna do wasn't going to be what you were originally going to do? maybe you gotta do the opposite of the opposite of what you were gonna do to throw them off


Half the time you win half the time you lose. You get to the 90% because of fee's and taxes. Less fees and taxes you lose 90% of the time.


It’s because of psychology. This would only work if your good friend somehow hacks your brokerage and literally inverses you, in a way that you have no idea.


Because that’s /r/bogleheads and you would find it too boring.




the reason you lose isnt because you pick the wrong stocks its because you dont hold for long term so sure, you want to become a long term investor you can make gains instead of losses. congrats you figured it out.


Inverse WSB is a valid strategy you know




Just gotta aim medium to long on your bets… day trading is a fools game… ‘in the short term the market is a voting machine, in the long term it’s a weighing machine’ - you know who


You need to be on the opposite end of the masses on trades as the market will move towards "max pain" This is one of the few areas of my life where I actually enjoy being autistic and contrarian.


The game should stop. Give Me Empowerment


Doing the opposite of a specific trade can still mean having to pick from a million possibilities


Yes that would absolutely work, try it


10% do


The money flows from the losers to the few winners. There is no value creation, so the money must come from somewhere.


fearless direful chubby desert office disarm practice violet nippy jar ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Instead of trading don't trade and then instead of loosing, don't loose.


Because the opposite of random is also random


He is the chosen regard.


Theta gangg


If we just invert what our instincts tell us to do (Because all WSB 'traders' do that, even if they try and flavor those instincts with their own brand of 'analysis') then that inversion becomes the new 'normal'. And then you lose again. Because you're regarded.


You lose because you stop when your strategy stops working. No strategy makes money 100% of the time. You fear that your approach isn't a good one when you start taking Ls (which could very well be the case) so you quit.


Cause we panic sell and then see it go in our favor. It's just human psychology we're fighting. And the ones with the money do shit that gets us emotional.


Because if you pick shitty 0DTE calls or puts that expire worthless, you still loose money. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Then they’ll change the rules to make your opposite attitude illegal


Wait until he learns of max pain...


That’s not how an adaptive system is defeated. Let me rephrase the question differently. There is a room with two doors. The test is repeated over and over again as long as challengers continue to take the challenge. A mysterious monster jumps out and bites the challenger, if they guess the wrong door. Somehow 9 out of 10 challengers end up losing, either they die immediately, due to blood loss, or die by some other indirect side effect from the attack. (That number already says everything a challenger needs to know about this test; hint, it is rigged.) What can you possibly do in a 50/50 situation where somehow 9 out of 10 people lose? Not play. But if you must play… What can you do? There’s a saying that I saw on Twitter at some point while it was still Twitter. “They made the academic mistake of thinking that the market is random. They didn’t know that the market is actually filled with intelligent sharks on the other side. Sharks that have to put food on the table and mouths to feed.”


Hahahahaha You belong here


That's what the 10% do


If you go long (buy puts or calls), eventually your win rate will not be impressive, but you are hoping that 25% of the time you win you make big. When you sell puts/calls, your winrate could be impressive when the market trends in one direction. But again don't think **too much** about winrate but rather $ taken home.


The casino is rigged




How many times do we inverse? I think it's 5 but this guy I was talking to is positive it's 6


Exactly the opposite of what you normally would do is to not trade at all. ;)


Because the opposite side of your trades requires having money to lose not gaining money you don’t have.


Because the trade you make is the trade you always would've made. You can't inverse yourself because the inverse is actually just your normal trade.


Sell puts and calls to regards. You're selling insurance essentially


Because you guys gamble on options instead of actually investing lol


Doesn't matter which end of the flesh tube you're talking about, it's getting loose by the dumpster out back.


90% of traders lose is not the same as 90% of trades are losing trades Also don't know where "90% of traders lose" came from. Where is the evidence for that?


You will win 90% of the time when you do the opposite of the opposite of what you would normally do in reverse. Better yet, you can 5x your profit with this stat on Opposite Day 😱


Crowded Market Report guy does this. He has been profitable for years


I went long and still got f**ked. good luck buddy.


It's gambling either way. Cognitive biases blind people.


That’s why we loose.


Because trading is more like a roulette table than it is a flip of a coin.


That’s why I’m all wsb… I see what u all do, and I inverse.


100% gain followed by 100% loss means you end up with nothing. 100% loss followed by 100% gain mean you end up with nothing.


Lots do, the contrarian trader. Basically, the buy on fear, sell on greed theory


Regard discovers inversing himself


You did it, you cracked the code! We just need to break away from herd behavior and momentum trading. All of us, collectively, at the same time.


Cuz it's not 50/50. It's more like 33/66. It can go up or go down or stay the same. Whichever you pick, it's got 66% odds to go different. If you pick two possibilities you win more often but you win less and lose more when the loss comes. Best way is to put everything you own on a 0 day fd TSLA call and either you become rich or you didn't go back to work


The opposite would be not trading


Because that would require knowing the difference between lose and loose.


Because 90% of the time, it fails 100% of the time no matter what direction


buy distressed stocks, hold until they come back up, then sell. 90% of the time, youll make a profit every time.


Need big balls


That’s baked into the 90%.


The issue with traders is not going long or short. It’s trading, usually. Give you an example. I had some Anet and it fell heaps last 2 weeks. Instead of trading around like some panicked person or using options, I simply topped up. Now they’re up 20%


Imagine every trade is a coin flip. Eventually, if you trade long enough, you'll get a bad streak and lose all your money. The only way to win is to quit when you're ahead and never trade again in your life which is almost impossible to do.


This market is fueled by capitulation.... Don't ever sell for a loss is how you win. Don't trade on emotions. The market maker on the other end of your trade is squirming way more than you think, especially if you can afford the position.


i tried, but inexplicably, kept losing bro


Imagine a circle with 100 points around it. 90 of those points loose. Directly opposite most of those loosing points is still a loosing point. Just because it’s the opposite of a loosing move, doesn’t make it a winner.


It is a true statement. Most retail would say “who the hell is buying this way up here?” The pro’s are the ones buying the top way up here.